

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Vicki - Best wishes for tomorrow. :love:

    Joyce - Get that diaper on him! So sorry for what you both are going through. :'(<3

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2016
    Vicki: Thanks for your good wishes for good neighbors. I'm looking forward to some new faces. One of the movers has found a nice rental with a river view in the next town over. The other has supposedly bought a house in a residential neighborhood a mile or two away. I'm hoping the new people turn out to be easy to get along with. :star:

    Becca: You are a treasure! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Stroking both my babies' noses worked wonders and sent them right to sleep. Now one is forty and the other is not far behind. :noway: How did THAT happen? :huh:

    Pip: You are about the farthest person from a wimp I've ever even heard about. Cut youself a little slack. :star:

    Dr. Katie: Congrats on your "preaching suit" getting too loose. This is proof of progress. WTG! :star::star::star:

    Heather: I'm sending healing thoughts to your DH while he is facing this difficult time. :flowerforyou:

    My family is out at the storage unit working on DS' boat. I am home alone for a few blessed minutes and appreciating the chance to gather my thoughts and rest a little bit. I think I'm going to use some girl time to get cleaned up while they're gone.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening, Ladies,

    Joyce, I know what you mean about texting. If it’s a one sentence explanation of something that is fine but I don’t want to carry on a conversation via text. Phones were originally meant for phone calls.

    Rori, your travels always sound so exciting but I’m sure it gets a bit old at times. Enjoy your time at home for a while.

    Kim, I agree that $5 a visit to swim gets a little pricy.

    Allie, so you’ve been sliding backwards? Then just stop that!!! Look forward and plan and get back on the wagon. You were doing so great with your exercising and can do it again. ((((Hugs))))

    Karen, congrats on the successful food drive. When I am in charge of functions I’m really good at delegating. There is no reason for one person to do most of the work.

    Maryam, welcome. We welcome everyone that is making this journey. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us about yourself and sign each post with your name and a location, general or specific.

    Barbie, isn’t it the truth that we should be grateful for our own washer and dryer. I also remember days before a dishwasher and I am so very grateful for that as well as much of what I have.

    Sylvia, I know what you mean about getting old and pains but I sure don’t like the sound of your abdomen pain. I trust you will call the doctor tomorrow if it is still there?

    Lisa, I love food and am not ashamed to admit it. That is one reason this journey is so hard because we not only need food but like it too. Today I chose to have a slice of pizza for lunch. I feel like it is the single highest calorie thing I can eat, but boy did I savor every bite!!! I’ll be within my calorie limit for the day.[later] So sorry to hear about the deaths in your circle. So sad for the families.

    Heather, I can’t imagine you posting about your trips and things that anyone would be upset. Even when it’s things that I can’t afford, I’m happy for my friends that get to do and have fun things. My DH and I have lived on a budget all our lives and mostly thanks to him. Because of it we are able to do the things that we can now that we are retired. We were just talking this morning about how lucky we’ve been that we have never had to worry about where our next meal would come from or money for the house payment or rent. I have never forgotten that “There but by the Grace of God, go I”. I for one, love to hear of your adventures. I’m wishing the best to your DH’s family and whatever the news he heard. ((((Hugs))))

    Maryamm. Sorry for the loss of your Mom. That is one that hits us hard.

    Linda, welcome. This time when you reach your goal you might want to stick with us and MFP to keep it off. This is a great place for support so come often.

    Katla, glad you are enjoying the kids while they are with you. This is an exciting time for them with such a big move and I hope they enjoy the adventure of it.

    Pip petered out! Don’t tell anybody. Hell I wouldn’t make one mile much less 8. We are proud of you, Pip.

    Allie, that is the kind of thing I’d love to try a sample of. I’m not big on the “shake” type drinks but have heard lots of good things about that brand. I hope it helps you.

    Joyce, I don’t know why but we have always gone by the rule of don’t buy it if you can’t afford it. We charge everything but pay it off at the end of the month. We just don’t pay interest to banks and credit card companies. I’ve waited a few months to get something I wanted/needed until I had the money for it. We have tried to teach our DD this rule but I’m sure there have been times in her life that she charged things she couldn’t pay off. I can’t believe you don’t already have a waterproof pad or cover for Charlie’s bed. Poor guy with those problems. We all need to be thankful that we don’t suffer like he does.

    Kay, congrats on your preaching suit getting too big!!! Or is it that you are getting too little???? Keep it up, my friend.

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    DH and I went to run errands this morning after my shower. I needed new allergy eye drops as I was running low. We went to Costco and ate lunch there and then to Home Depot. Our outside dog, Maggie has recently been up and barking in the middle of the night. Of course the neighbors don’t care for that even though she is barking at a coyote just outside our fence. We get up and lock her in the garage but once it gets hot we can’t do that. Soooo, we have decided to get a Security Door from the garage to the back yard. It will allow air flow and keep her in. We looked at doors and talked to the door expert at Home Depot and have decided which one to order. We have a few other things around the house that we need done, including install a new faucet at the kitchen sink, so will hire a Handy Man that can do all of it. Time to go fix dinner, so I’ll say good night to you my friends.

    Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2016
    DamitJanit, thank you. It hasn't been easy losing Mum as we were not expecting her to pass away. That's my mum with me in my profile pic. I will write something up soon and share with everyone. My son has been suicidal, and especially so since Nan passed away. Lots of bad things going on but I'm glad to be here. I'm not looking forward to our snowstorm tomorrow ... Take care,

    Elizabeth Maryam
    Riverview, NewBrunswick, Canada
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Elizabeth Maryam, I'm so sorry about your mom. I miss mine still, 17 years later... I hope your son comes out of that impulse safely.... tough days for you indeed.

  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    lhannon, thank you and I'm sorry you lost your Mum too. I still cannot get used to the fact that she is gone... I think losing a mother is something we never get over ... My son basically just had my Mum and I ... his stepdad is still in the process of immigrating here, and I haven't been well, so my son fears he will lose me too ... His name is Andrew if you happen to think/pray for him. Thanks,

    Elizabeth Maryam
    Riverview, NewBrunswick, Canada
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Lenora It was I who requested the list of savings. Thanks so much. I already sent it on to some friends.
    More savings.
    For ladies with mastectomies, breast reconstructions and lumpectomies Bra buying during and after recovery does not have to be an excruciating and very expensive experience. Nordstrom provides FREE pocketing/ alterations on their entire offerings of bras. Get a fitting, pick out the ones you like, and the store will alter them FOR FREE . Of course, they also have regular mastectomy bras, but this service allows you to pick out any bra off the rack and have it altered to meet your needs. For any woman who really craves pretty underthings, this is a godsend. http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/breast-prosthesis-program

    DJ The girls at the tea were as fabulous as the food was horrible. So I guess that I will return since I have been asked back. I will just be sure to eat ahead of time.

    Flying Oh I wish that I could hop in a plane and visit all of you located near airports. Perhaps one of these days when I retire I will rent an RV and take a big trip around the country. A friend of mine has sold everything she owns, rented her house, and now lives on the road, working from her laptop. The perfect life as far as I am concerned.

    Maryam Elizabeth Welcome. This has to be an especially hard time for you with your mother’s death. It takes courage to start something new while grieving. I do hope that your son gets the help and wisdom to deal with severe depression. It is such a complex disease. A friend’s daughter has the same spelling as your name. Someone I know has your same first and middle name but spelled differently. And Miriam, the older I get, the more Miriams I know.

    Sylvia It seems that Bruno has the right idea. Cuddling with him may be just medicine you need to help with any physical or emotional pain and all the turmoil you are having. I hope you feel better soon.

    Lisa Two deaths at once. How awful for everyone in your community. I got on Amazon to read about the book. Your friend, the author, sounds like she lived life to the fullest, including serving others through her writing. As for the wife of the young ranger, how horrible that she now loses her home as well as her husband.

    Heather Warm {{{{hugs}}}} across the ocean for your DH, his family and you. My departed mother-in-law once described life as a pebble skittered across a pond. The circles extend out and out and then, at the end, shrink down and down. The ripples from each stone cross and come together.

    <3 Just as devastating news has the capacity to destroy relationships, love has even more ability to heal the hurt we feel. <3

    Linda Lindess Welcome back. We have all been in the same boat.

    Rori Best of luck on your condo sale. I hope it settles very quickly.

    Janetr Your GD is certainly lovely. I hope that she is able to think of a way to combine her interest in cosmetics with academia. Perhaps formulating non-toxic, environmentally and animal (no testing) friendly beauty products?

    Dr. Katie Congratulations on the incredible shrinking preaching suit.

    I am beginning to think the world is being held hostage by computers. With apologies to all who provide the hardware, software, and peripherals that make modern life possible. It is actually related to my posting yesterday.

    After announcing to the world that I would do 10 miles yesterday, guess who got a phone call from a colleague with an emergency electronics situation that had to be fixed immediately? Printer, computer, fax and phone all stopped working together. I would have let it slide but the trip is coming up soon and there is lots of work to be completed. I ran over and spent hours and hours on troubleshooting, firstly trying to reproduce the exact problem and then supplying some end-runs. Also talked into the wee hours with the server provider. THAT turned out to be useless. I had tried everything that each tech suggested and then would get bumped to a higher level, only to have the next person suggest the same thing. This morning, I had the fax, phone, computer and printer working together, more or less. At least, they all worked individually and as long as I did not try to print out a multipage email, the printer worked fine. It did print out full articles from web pages. So the ability of the printer to print whatever was being sent by the computer was just fine. HOWEVER, The printer seemed to refuse to recognize more than one page in an email, regardless of the browser, computer reset, cookies deletion, etc. A last ditch effort with still another tech resulted in the information that the email service itself was having glitches. Why someone couldn’t have said anything 12 hours before was beyond me. GRRRRR. >:)

    I finally left and as the weather was anything but springy, I went to the mall to walk my 10 miles. I got through the first 8 miles in exactly 81 minutes. At almost 9 miles – pain in my toes. I was determined to keep up and then thought – this is really dumb. So I made it to 10 miles, but did not push myself at all to get there at the end. Not wanting to face the pile of paper next to my own computer, I got a haircut and the gray taken care of. I'm not really that vain (who am I kidding, even though I rarely wear make-up) but it is hard to compete with those young engineers all the time.

    Pip Just stop this. !!!!!!!!! You are not a wimp. You do more strenuous exercise in one hour than I do in a week.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi gals,

    Welcome home Rori – I have a friend who has lived all over the world follow a DH whose job had him moving every 2 years (IBM) and they bought and sold a home every 2 years, she always says the hardest place to buy and sell is in the states as each state and sometimes each area has their own rules, so her rule of thumb is to hire a top real estate agent from a big firm - she says it is worth the bit more that you pay.

    Allie – hope you find what works, but I do believe that lowering stress will help!

    Karen in NY – I’ll love to go to Hawaii too….

    Anne – do you pot blubs in the ground or in a container? If in a container – plant them , cover them with dirt, then put a piece of small holed chicken wire – tuck the wire into the sides of the pot, then cover it all with a small layer of dirt… this means the chicken wire is not ugly – animals can’t get in but the plants will pop up through the holes.

    KJL – I have a question, do you mind being “refered” to a KJL? I know you told us your name, but I never can remember ???Kristian???? and I feel like a dope not remembering and just calling you KJL… I read farther and your comment about names, Kelly!!! I sure did not remember right!

    So the friends with pools are in condos and I would have to go with them, I live in a lower middle class area and there are not a lot of pools… our city is putting in a pool it will be open fall of 2017 so maybe then…

    Janet – the protein thing is a challenge for me too, Becca suggested and I’m doing it and it works is lunch meat (I’m buying a higher end one with less “junk”) wrapped around spinach leaves/cheese – I’ve been wrapping it around a mini pickle – as l like the crunch….

    Heather - I am NEVER jealous of your adventures or opportunities I think of it as my own personal travel show, where I can ask questions and get the inside scoop -- You also write in a very down to earth fashion and not “better than” so it always feels like I could sit down for a cuppa with you and not feel out of place --- Please keep telling us! Sending good thoughts for peace and comfort to DH and all who love him and who he loves.

    Lisa – OH my goodness – what a horrible few days, my thoughts are with you and the families of those with losses. Later – to have the wife and kids lose their home too… so sad…

    Maryam - (((hugs))) lose is tough! I am especially sad to hear your son is suicidal – please reach out for professional help - even if he is not interested the suicide hot lines can help you know what and how to say the right things. Sending good thoughts your and Andrews way.

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Thanks for making me feel better everyone
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Anne, the best way to keep animals out of your bulbs is to make a wire box out of chicken wire and put it in to the hole, then add some dirt and the bulbs and more dirt, and cover the box with a lid of chicken wire. That will keep them from eating the bulb part. That won't, however, keep rabbits from "tasting" each flower stalk as they come to it. They don't like the taste of tulips, but will try them anyway. I haven't had the same problem with other bulbs. But now that I have four indoor/ outdoor kitties, I haven't had a problem with rabbits. Allium bulbs are resistant to most animals. They have an onion odor.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Pilates for the abs DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some yoga, hold my plank, and then take the extemepump class.

    pip - you're amazing with your exercise! I'm impressed. You are NOT a wimp by any stretch of the imagination

    Sylvia - it got chilly here, too. Actually, I have on a sweatshirt today. Yesterday I had short sleeves on. Wish Mother Nature would get her meds adjusted! Why in the world can't you get wife #1's son a bike???

    Been working on the beaded banner. Waiting for the glue to dry on the knot for the next piece of string, so I'm here in the meantime.

    Lenora - thanks so much for telling me about the discounts. Many times we go to Denny's when we're down in FL (there aren't any around here), I didn't know that we could get 20% off. I did know about the 10%. Now that I can't drive, many mornings Vince goes to IHOP when I go to the extremepump class. Now he knows that he can get 10% off. Didn't now about the Krispy Kreme, either or Subway. What does the Salvation Army do? Didn't know about Food Lion or Publix. Guess it's just best to ask. The worst they can say is "no, we don't give seniors a discount". I know that at Beal's outlet I have a card where I get 15% off on Fridays since I'm over 55, but I use Jessica's birthday and get 15% off on Mondays.

    Joyce - didn't know about Payless, thanks for telling me. The only time I ever go to a Payless is when we're in FL. Jessica is the same way with texting. I very seldom text

    Rori - great that you sot some swimming in. So sorry about your friend. That must have been a real shocker for you. Hope the sale of the condo goes thru quickly

    Maryann - welcome to a great group

    kj, Becca and everone else with money problems -- I remember when I got my first apartment (actually, it was just one room with the kitchen shared and the bathroom). I couldn't afford to buy garland for my Christmas tree so I got a bag of popcorn and strung that. I thought it looked so neat that I still string the popcorn today even tho I can afford garland.

    Heather - (((HUGS)))) Have fun with your friend

    Alison - most stores around here if you take your receipt back along with your coupons, they honor the coupons

    Lisa - so very sorry about those deaths

    Linda - welcome to you, too

    Hard boiled some eggs to have in my salad. The other reason is because the store has them on sale for 99 cents a dozen so I'll be stocking up! Trying to make more room in my refrig

    Katie - Yea, that suit is loose

    CJ - what wonderful words you said to heather. Thank you, I'll remember them

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    laundry finished
    165 minutes of dog walking
    18 minutes puttering in the yard

    :) another wonderful day in beautiful NW Washington
    <3 Barbie
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    I have only planted the bulbs directly in the ground nothing like chicken wire to protect them. Will give it a try. Thanks for all the advice.

    My thoughts are with many of you tonight. Virtual hugs are being sent your way.

    Welcome to all the new members.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    The funny thing is, it's the first day in many, many weeks that I've counted my calories and stayed under. In the midst of all this death, life does go on. To bed, my chickens... hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    For the artists n people that love art Netflix "raiders of the lost art" very good!
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    Thank you CSSJ09, GodMomKim, exermom and Anne. *hugs

    Elizabeth Maryam
    Riverview, NB, Canada
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thank you all for the great protein snack suggestions. A lot of them I already use, but there were some I would not have thot about, thanks. Thank you too for the kind words about my granddaughter.

    Tomorrow Jack gets all of his upper teeth pulled and an uppper denture. They will pull one lower tooth and add a new tooth to his bottom partial plate he already has then he will go back and get it on Tuesday. I sure hope he's not too miserable for long.

    Hugs and prayers Lisa, Heather and DH, Maryam and anyone I missed in need of them.

    I sure have been missing Terri and all her fun stories, but most of all her tiara and all her big (((hugs))).

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member

    Nite peeps
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Got another ugly email from the wicked stepmother. It has escalated into threats of violence to both my son and to me. Why she is dragging me into this, I can't figure out. I'm going to take them to the police station tomorrow and see what they suggest. I'd love to see her sorry butt thrown in jail. Also, I have to go get his oxygen bottles refilled, go pay his cable bill, and go to his bank to put money in to cover overdrafts. He says she caused that, but I'm not sure how. Of course, I dont believe everything he says either. I know him too well.

    I spent two hours at their apartment today cleaning. Thats all I could do.

    Came home, called my sister, then watched our new smart tv for a while.

    Good night!
