

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Ladies, I'm awake in the night, tossing and turning over DH's family news. I've come into the spare room.
    CSSJ09 - Good words and I agree. A lot of processing required for the family. I am hoping that DH doesn't have a relapse over this. He is very vulnerable and sensitive.
    Thank you to everyone for your support. It is such a blessing. <3

    Maryam Elizabeth - Sending ((((HUGS)))) for you and your son. :flowerforyou:

    So many of us feeling the strain and pain at the moment. I think of you all often. May we all find the inner strength we need to grow through our troubles. <3<3<3

    Going to read an improving book now. :)

    Love Heather in the night in Hampshire UK
  • linnellal
    linnellal Posts: 49 Member
    Pip- I just love your dog! I have cats at home but now and again I just need a dog fix. Yours looks so friendly and cuddly. I can tell he's very bonded with you.

    Well, tomorrow is the big day with the orthopedist. I am going to direct a conversation before they just deside to strap me down and shoot me full of steroids. I'm going to try to talk them into doing surgery instead. An injection is only going to mask any pain that I would have while doing further damage to the knee.... that is if it works. If it doesn't, then I have to wait an automatic 3 months before they would, or anyone would, do surgery. Let's hope I can do some fast talking.

    Have a great night everyone!
    Anna from the beautiful bluffs of Northeast Iowa.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Tomorrow is my last day with the grandkids. Two of them head back to school in the morning and then the other four's parents return in the evening. A grand day for sure. It's been hectic. Tiring. Fun. Slightly irritating (not used to mess and spilled milk anymore). Enlightening. Exciting. And ..... Exhausting. The four older ones were not a problem but sheesh, the 2 and 1 year old never stop moving!

    I told my husband he never better become incontinent because I'm done changing diapers! :wink:

    Life will go back to normal Tuesday. I'm going for a massage first thing Tuesday morning and then undoing all the relaxing from it with a session with my trainer that afternoon. lol

    Too many posts to reply to but welcome to everyone new. Hello to everyone "old." and a howdy to the folks scratching their heads wondering who the heck I am.

    Surviving in Houston,
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    reading the posts I think we all need hugs!! Group hugs!!

    Saw mom today, she hates this rehab facility! Meeting with the doc on Tuesday to discuss her living arrangement. Had tears today thinking she may never live in her home again. Have to look at n for the positive, she's one strong lady. Very strong minded, I always tease her saying it's the British in her. Look at WW2 , thank god for strong will!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ugh much stress and loss in the group right now. My heart goes out to everyone affected. :cry: I'll be sending good thoughts to you all, tonight.
    Yes, group hugs.
    Love from Seattle,
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Ah Dammit ... I just tried to do a 'cut and paste' and lost everything. I guess I needed to keep my thoughts to myself. LOL! I know what happened ... I did not 'disable' my touchpad when I turned my laptop on. Y'all didn't want to hear me anyway. Gave you a break.

    Heather - I guess I missed what was going on with your husband and his family. I had about 80 postings to read through and did not see it; just others posting about it. I guess that I ought to go back further than my last post so I won't miss anything.

    Walked with DH through our woods out back for 90 minutes at a 'slow pace'. He was looking for sheds and I was looking for 'where he last stepped' and where Cracker was going. She was having the 'time of her life'. Now she is beginning to favor her front paw - I guess the stress fracture when she was just a puppy was bothering her. I was so lost it was unreal. Now I know why he once 'locked me in the house' after a particular bad 'manic' episode. When I realized what he had done ... I called and curse him like a drunken sailor. If there had been a 'fire' - I'd have be a 'krispy kritter'. Did not have the strength to even try breaking any of our double paned windows. All I wanted to do was go out and sit in the sun. He came home and let me out. I don't think I have ever been so mad with him - before or since.

    Please keep our DYS and DDnL#2 in your prayers as they 'try to have a baby' together. She's going to a 'specialist'; he put her on a low dosage of thyroid medication and told them to try that for a couple of months before they start with the 'expensive' in vitro fertilization routine. He also told her that she had 2 eggs that were ready to make their trip down to her uterus. I guess that he must have had to have done a 'sonogram' on her to know this. Maybe those 'twins' that I've been dreaming about is not out of the question. She's having to travel to Jackson, MS from where they live (near Natchez, MS) every week to 10 days. I've read before that putting a woman on a low dosage of thyroid medication does help with 'fertility'. She tried the medication; but, gave it up after a few weeks because it was making her hair break off and fall out. She's a cosmetologist and said that it would not be good for business for her hair to not look good all the time. Thanks!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2016
    DJ: Your comment about dishwashers brought to mind the gift of a dishwasher from my parents. We were college kids living in a crappy duplex that probably started out as a chicken coop and was upgraded. Monthly rent was $70 with utilities. Mom wanted us to have a dishwasher--"to save our marriage." It must have worked because we're still together. It was a portable and we moved it to our first real house. We both appreciated it. :bigsmile:

    Elizabeth Maryam: Good wishes to you during this tough time. (((HUGS))) I will keep Andrew in my prayers. :heart:

    Sylvia: You are a generous and wonderful mom and grandmother. I can't imagine what your son and grandchildren would do without you in their lives. I hope you will be good to yourself and get the rest you need. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Heather: Sending good wishes for your DH & his family. (((Hugs))) for you, too. :heart:

    Anna from NE IA: Good luck dealing with your doctor tomorrow. I hope for the best possible outcome for you. :flowerforyou:

    DH is in bed. DS and DDIL are working on the boat at the storage unit and it is 9:47 PM. I hope they aren't so tired that someone gets hurt. We had DS's best friend from grade school and his family over for dinner this evening. It was great to see them. I've always liked J & also adore his wife.

    Meanwhile, DD is in a muddle with her DH, and D hasn't been short for "dear" lately. He's agreed to get help and she will try hard to work things through with him. She is hoping to come for a visit here a little later on, perhaps in a couple of weeks or so. She wants some down time for herself, and some grandma time for the DGK and me. They are all currently living with the other grandma who can probably use a rest from family drama, herself.

    Life is busy these days, but I'm enjoying what I can & dealing with the rest.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Katla - Ooooh dear, DD giving you another worry. <3 Still, if it means you get a visit, then there's an upside. I'll hug you back. ((((HUGS))))

    Love Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning all~
    slept until 5, and I didn't go to the gym this morning, as Tom took my car and I dont feel comfortable taking his precious baby out in the snow and across the bridge to the gym.. will go in the morning..
    Tom was being his poopy self yesterday.. constantly complaining, what I am not doing, or doing right.. all that he does blah blah blah.. I will be staying overnight with Faith tuesday and weds,going to the Cape thursday,friday and Saterday,come home and stay overnight and go back up to Faith for Sunday,Monday,Tues, Weds and then Jean will be back thursday afternoon.the freezer is set with food ..easy for his nibs to heat up , will be here in the mornings to walk the dogs,make lunches etc... and maybe a load of laundry .
    we will get about 6 inches of snow the second day of spring..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    I'm off to see my friend this afternoon for window shopping and a free afternoon tea. I will ask DH if it's ok to discuss his family drama with her. I hope he says yes, as I am such a "sharer". :ohwell:

    Grits - I don't feel DH would like me spreading his family problem over the internet. Suffice it to say, we both had a pretty sleepless night, but he seems more composed this morning. Thanks for asking. :flowerforyou:

    My yoga friend who had a cyst removed from her leg is still having trouble, so she will probably not make it to yoga tomorrow. I hope she can come along to our end of term pub outing (just coffee!!). My other yoga friend is off soon after Easter on her 60th birthday walk to Santiago de Compostela. From the French border, all the way across northern Spain to the the great pilgrim cathedral city. She has 37 hotel rooms booked. The longest day is 25 miles or so. She has been training for months and is very fit. She's also been learning Spanish. :D A small group of women is going together. It's not a religious trip, but rather a "rite of passage".
    I have visited Santiago a few times - it's one of my favourite places. I went on my own the first time for my 50th birthday, but I didn't walk there!

    Got to wash my hair now and make myself presentable. ;)

    Love Heather. UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    morning peeps.-
    kirby can only have black coffee... gotta do one more workout before going to the hospital.

    later peeps
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! Celebrating spring today with a Spring into Spring party! Kids come dressed as a sign of spring. I have had baseball players, birds, flowers, a spring chicken, and even a couple of rocks. I dress as mother nature. Should be fun.
    I over did it this weekend. I blame the sunshine. It was just too beautiful outside NOT to take two long walks. Plantar fasciitis flare up. I find after I am up and walking a bit the shooting pain subsides; so I guess it is a good thing that I have a job where I am moving all day. I will be hitting the pool more often and perhaps trying to rein in my enthusiasm for spring. On my walk yesterday I found so many signs of spring. The crocus are blooming, tulips are beginning to bud, saw a few green acorns and many, many of the teeny, tiny baby pinecones from the fir trees. I also saw about four nests blown out of trees. And a very pregnant woman jogging with two toddlers in her jogging stroller. Wowsa! That's dedication!

    Lisa- So sorry to hear of these losses! And the poor widow of the assistant range manager; to lose her dh and also her home... :( Praying that you are seeing the end of this.

    - Love and hugs to you and your dh. As always your meal sounds divine. I would be in the same boat when meeting a friend for tea before she leaves for a trip. Friend time beats menu items every time! Sounds like she is in for an exciting trip.
    Pip- Your less than 8 miles is still awesome! You inspire with your energy and good vibes!
    Kim and other ladies- My name is Kelly; but KJ is also okay to call me as it is how I am referred to by my sibs and aunts/uncles. I am also known by "mom", "Miss Kel", "Mrs. LaMore" (which still makes me look around for my MIL), "cabbage" (another endearment from my childhood), and assorted other names which I shall not mention here due to the fact that I don't like to swear. Call me what you like, because I am sure I have been called worse, at one point or another! ;)
    Maryam- So sorry for the recent loss of your mother! I lost my mother to cancer 23 years ago. It gets easier to bear, but is never easy to bear the loss. I will be keeping you and your son, Andrew in my prayers! How old is he?
    Allie- Tell me again, where (state) you live? Snow?! I hope it's not coming my way! So sick of winter. Is Tom cranky bc you are leaving him to fend for himself? My dh would always throw little hissy fits whenever my schedule got busy to the point where he had to "do" for himself a couple days. He still wakes up grumpy and seems to grumble about things an awful lot. I swear he is going to be the neighborhood "old man" that chases kids off his grass. When he gets like this at Christmas, I call him Ebenezer or Scrooge. I wait for him to burst into the song "I Hate People" from the musical Scrooge.
    Sylvia-My heart breaks for what you are dealing with in regards to your son's ex and your son. Hope you get some help in dealing with her.
    Katla- Your dishwasher story reminds me of those old top loading dishwashers! My grandmother had one. I have noticed that a few brands are making top loaders again.

    Kids arriving! Gotta fly. Love and hugs to all!
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thank you cityjaneLondon, Katla, and KJLaMore and everyone else with kind wishes and prayers and hugs :). I will have to learn to write things down as it's hard to keep track of so many of you. Love and prayers for you all.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Yesterday I got caught up with my bff on the phone, first time i think in 18 years that we've let a month go by without touching base....dont like that feeling. Her son is going through the college waiting game as a music major as well --beth still waiting for college in nashville to let your son know?

    I am aiming for a day upright, not coughing too much and eating right, heres to a productive and healing week for all.

    Karen from ny
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member

    A beautiful Spring morning in Westchester, NY!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    KJ- I am in Connecticut... Tom is just cranky because he isn't happy.. Not Happy because he doesn't love me and would to have me out of his life, but doesnt want to lose someone who can cook, do laundry , mow the lawn and do all the running around and feeding his dad.. unhappy because he knows he would lose more if we split than stay together.. when we got married it was for better or worse, well this is the worse ,and there is no way in Gods green earth that I will throw away 20 yrs of building a life for him.. I still love him, and the pups and he will have to deal.. If he wants a divorce than he has to be the one to file ..and he wont because he will lose to much..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited March 2016
    Heather prayers for your family.

    Lisa sorry to hear two such recent deaths.

    Sylvia ((Hugs)). You might think about an Order of Protection. With that in place she can be arrested if she tries to have any contact with you. From what you have said her threat needs to be taken seriously. I know it gets complicated because of the children.

    Katla hope things improve for DD.

    Elizabeth Maryann sorry for the loss of your mother.

    Heather thank you for bringing up the issue of being careful what you post. This is a public forum open to anyone. Like you that is why I haven't shared too many details about DS. Occasionally it I think it helpful I will privately e-mail someone to discuss more private matters.

    :heart: Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Anna,best wishes for a successful visit with the orthopedist....try using the the "broken record technique (like a broken record that repeats the same short phrase over and over)--just quietly and firmly and repeatedly say exactly the same thing over and over in response to whatever the doctor says.

    :'(<3Sylvia,sending hugs to you at this trying time

    <3Heather, sending hugs to you and your DH as he struggles with his family troubles.

    :)<3Alison, I know you won't change, but it seems to me that if Tom complains about everything you do, you should stop doing so much...let him fix his own meals and do his own household chores for awhile and use the extra time for you.

    :)Pip, hugs to you and Kirby and those darling dogs

    :) I'd write more, but my breakfast is finished and Brandy is staring at me to go walking.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the moon was shining in a clear sky when I took the dogs out for the first time at 4:30
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thank you margaretturk :)

    grandmallie, is your husband open to trying to make things work? If so, maybe you guys can plan several date nights where you romance each other (like you did when you first met). If not, maybe you can do the romancing from your side and hope and pray that it will touch his soul.

    Schools are closed here today due to our snowstorm taking place now.

    Have a wonderful day everyone :)

    Elizabeth Maryam
    Riverview, NB, Canada