The Sad Story of Ricky Naputi....Who was to blame?



  • Keynsham
    Keynsham Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yes I agree he was addicted "an addict" if your child had a heroin addiction would you go and find them more drugs?? No you wouldn't you would seek help and not take NO for an answer! Why because you love and care for them and would not want them to die!
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    I think we should all be treating this for what it is: an addiction. Addiction is certainly not limited to drugs and alcohol. One can be addicted to anything as its a disease and where there's addiction there's almost almost a co disease aka co dependency. I can't begin to explain how psychologically strong those dieases are. Bottom line - he and his wife were both very, very Ill.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Don't see it as an either/or.

    They're both responsible.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Social workers should have removed her from the home.
  • Ladydociii
    Ladydociii Posts: 1 Member

    bbolesta70 wrote: »
    Oh, and furthermore, technically, she wasn't really his wife, so I doubt she would have been charged with neglect. By their own admission they'd never consummated their marriage. This is necessary to be legally a married unit. Yes, there is a marriage license and all, but you must consummate the marriage. He had a caring family, so had she wanted to leave she could have just told them and then no worries if neglect, but hell, doesn't seem to me that anyone would've given a damn anyway! They'd just have ruled it that he are himself to death anyway. I think the wife drugged him. She straight up more than once started saying she didn't care anymore. Then the 911 call was lame. She as much as said "I didn't do anything, I was just laying here. " You could tell the guilt had set in. She didn't give him CORRECT and didn't attend the funeral. Come on, she got away with murder! Yes, he ate too much, begged her for more and lacked accountability, but he was mobile when she came into his life. She fed him and shopped for the groceries. If she could boldly tell America on National Television that she didn't care anymore, then damn it, she could've told Ricky no on more food or poor quality, fattening food!

    This is entirely ridiculous. A marriage is a legally binding marriage, regardless of consumation. No one other than Cheryl or Ricky could have pursued annulment. In Guam he would have had to claim she REFUSED to ever (past, present, future), under any circumstances, have sex with him/bear his child. Cheryl clearly stated she wanted children. OR SHE would have to have proven that HE was incurably impotent. Family Law is extremely strict in the Philippines. Divorce is illegal. Neither one said anything like that about the other. His enormous folds of fat tissue made intimacy impossible.
    I am 5 feet tall and have come down from 280 to 125, twice. I've now maintained for several years at 52 years old. My HUSBAND does all of the shopping/cooking. My weight wasn't HIS issue/problem/responsibility! It was mine. Now I'm the caretaker for an immobile obese person. It is frustrating and frankly disgusting to watch an adult, who cannot walk to the bathroom, kick, scream and yell about "I want what I want when I want it! It makes me feel good!" like a 3 year-old! And if she DOES binge, she vomits everywhere, and lays there in a pit of self-hatred. It's a terrible way to live, but could be changed fairly quickly. A person has to tell him or herself NO, and accept it from others. None of us gets gratification whenever we want it. Whether it's putting food in your mouth, a needle in your arm, having random unprotected sex, etc-- failing to rein in your impulses-- your OWN failure will kill you!