Your biggest binge EVER?



  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    Since I started on MFP, my biggest binge was on Father's Day. I had three baby back ribs, four bacon wrapped and cream cheese stuffed jalapenos, a large side of orange infused green beans, a mason jar of Simply Lemonade (this stuff is soooooo gooood), and three slices of homemade lemon meringue pie (750 cal in pie alone). That was dinner. For breakfast I had two blueberry muffins and a glass of oj. Lunch was a grilled cheese and tomato soup. I finished the day at around 2600 calories.

    My biggest binge ever probably has to have been at a Brazilian all you can eat steakhouse. Brazilian lemonade coupled with all you can eat prime cuts of meat, a killer salad bar, and flan for dessert is a recipe for binging for me.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    My most resent memorable bing was several months ago. I ordered a double burger, chicken sandwich, 2 extra large fries, 2 extra large sodas, a kids chicken nugget meal, and medium ice cream shake. It's been 5 months but a few days ago I had one and a half king sized candy bars and I don't know why. Anyone have a good book or web page to recommend about eating disorders?

    Try looking up "Overeaters Anonymous" in the iTunes store. They have great free podcasts, as well as a website that is quite helpful. I'm a huge fan of the podcasts actually! There are also group meetings in most major cities, which they post on their website.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    One day I had three packs of biscuits, lots of milo, cereal, milk and two cans of spaghetti. I think that was my biggest binge...
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    I will post this every time I see a thread like this...

    Breakfast like 3 Weeks ago...


    I can't begin to tell you how hungry that is making me.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,531 Member
    I will post this every time I see a thread like this...

    Breakfast like 3 Weeks ago...


    I would really like to come round to yours for breakfast one day!

    Is that meat on a stick?? We just dont get meat on a stick in the UK lol.

    On the topic of serious binges, I have no idea as my mind has blocked them out... No seriously it was just mindless eating, dont think I ever even tasted anything!

    That, my British friend, is a corn dog. A corn dog is a frankfurter dipped in a cornmeal based batter, and deep fried. Most people hear about this and think it's pretty disgusting, but let me tell you, corn dogs are INCREDIBLE. They're also incredibly bad for you. But today is our Independence Day, and so I think I might have one. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

    I truly see you doing a fist pump or a chest pump....whichever.

    Just have to say I A-D-O-R-E corndogs. My love for corn dogs started innocently enough at a tender age of 15-1/2 during summer driver's ed school. My GF and I would walk from school during lunch break to the 7-11 for lunch. I looked forward to that corn dog every single day. *sighs* those were the good old days.

    Now I only eat one in a blue moon because the excessive sodium (970mg in just one) makes me ill. :ohwell:
  • ElBence
    ElBence Posts: 291 Member
    I will post this every time I see a thread like this...

    Breakfast like 3 Weeks ago...


    I would really like to come round to yours for breakfast one day!

    Is that meat on a stick?? We just dont get meat on a stick in the UK lol.

    On the topic of serious binges, I have no idea as my mind has blocked them out... No seriously it was just mindless eating, dont think I ever even tasted anything!

    That, my British friend, is a corn dog. A corn dog is a frankfurter dipped in a cornmeal based batter, and deep fried. Most people hear about this and think it's pretty disgusting, but let me tell you, corn dogs are INCREDIBLE. They're also incredibly bad for you. But today is our Independence Day, and so I think I might have one. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

    I truly see you doing a fist pump or a chest pump....whichever.

    Just have to say I A-D-O-R-E corndogs. My love for corn dogs started innocently enough at a tender age of 15-1/2 during summer driver's ed school. My GF and I would walk from school during lunch break to the 7-11 for lunch. I looked forward to that corn dog every single day. *sighs* those were the good old days.

    Now I only eat one in a blue moon because the excessive sodium (970mg in just one) makes me ill. :ohwell:

    Corndogs are awesome. My love of corndogs started at a much younger age. My next door neighbor would make them from scratch on Halloween and give them as an option for trick-or-treaters. I grew up in the Mountain West, and so sometimes Halloween nights were cold. It was nice to finish my night on my street and get a hot corndog before heading in to enjoy the spoils of the night.
  • jennagoogles13
    "Okay yes. This is my poor choice of wording. What I was trying to say is that people over exaggerate. "I binged on a bag of Doritos". No, that is just giving in. A binge is more uncontrolled. I have had people on my friends list say things like "I'm going to enjoy myself at [inset family event] and not care" then in their diary say the one high calorie slice of cheesecake is a binge. What??? That is more what I was getting at. People just automatically assume eating high calories or a "no-no food" is a binge, when it is more psychological than that."
    Well if you read my original post, you'll notice that I BEGAN a binge with Doritos, which definitely wold have escalated within the coming hours, but I stopped it....

    Edit: Can't get quotes to work..
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Cant remember ever, but my most recent and last one was after the Edinburgh Half Marathon when I'd completed it, over a period of about 4 hours I consumed 1 share pack of jelly tots, 1 share packet of jelly babies, 1 eat natural bar, a hand full of pistachio nuts, a coffee, then when I got home we got an indian curry, mine was a special chicken tikka korma (creamy) with basmati rice, naan, popadoms.

    Yeah, my excuse was I'd just ran 13.1 miles and deserved it haha! Havent had one since though!
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Would love to binge on jusy corn dogs... Should plan that for a refeed day ha!
  • _chrysanthe_
    I can't remember exactly what I've eaten in a day but I know that I have brought myself up to a 4000 calorie count on more than one occasion (more like once or twice a week). I thought I was the only one! Well, I know that's not true. But it is a relief to see such honesty.
  • TheLadyRaw
    TheLadyRaw Posts: 17
    3/4 jar of peanut butter with 5 apples, bag of celery, 1 pound bag of M&Ms, box of Clif Bars (5), and I almost had a bowl of white rice afterwards (really?).

    SMH no wonder I'm on this site.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member

    "Okay yes. This is my poor choice of wording. What I was trying to say is that people over exaggerate. "I binged on a bag of Doritos". No, that is just giving in. A binge is more uncontrolled. I have had people on my friends list say things like "I'm going to enjoy myself at [inset family event] and not care" then in their diary say the one high calorie slice of cheesecake is a binge. What??? That is more what I was getting at. People just automatically assume eating high calories or a "no-no food" is a binge, when it is more psychological than that."
    Well if you read my original post, you'll notice that I BEGAN a binge with Doritos, which definitely wold have escalated within the coming hours, but I stopped it....

    Edit: Can't get quotes to work..

    The Doritos example was not aimed at quoting you.

    I believe there is a fine line between binging and simple over eating. Over eating is more of just low will power. Binging I find more neurological or out of body. It's almost crippling. One can be completely aware of what's happening with out being able to gain control.

    My best analogy:
    OVER EATING- car heading straight for the edge of a cliff. Driver may be too terrified and doesn't hit the brakes.
    BINGING- same car scenario, but driver hits the breaks, but turns out the wires are cut and the car doesn't stop.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    In one whole day my fat *kitten* managed to stop at three different fast food joints;

    First stop Subway; footlong chicken roasted sub with three chocolate cookies

    Second stop Burger King; a large whopper with small french fries, and a vanilla ice cream cone.

    Third stop Taco Bell; two beef tacos, a chicken enchilada (huge), loaded potato griller AND a few churros.

    ^ I get like this right before my TOM, it's ****ing wild.

    Sadly for many Americans this is just the usual "three squares" a day, and not including snacks.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    A whole entenmann's cake or box of little debbie swiss rolls paired with a half gallon of ice cream.

    Thankfully I rarely pig out so when I do there is almost never any guilt or impact on my weight. It takes multiple pig outs, stretched over weeks, and months, before the weight gain is significant.

    Edit: Actually now that I think of it once, when I was 20 years old I had a celebration dinner with my four male cast members, the director, and her family at Green Field, an all you can eat churrascaria restaurant that use to be in Queens. This is the kind of place that has all you can eat sides, desserts, salad, and a never ending stream of various meats delivered to your table. For some odd reason that I still don't get, another slightly older cast mate and I decided to have an unspoken "food off". We both just decided to eat and eat...and eat; as long as he was getting up for a plate, or having more meat delivered, so was I and vice versa. It became a legendary pig out. Everyone at our table was amazed, and my director talked about it for YEARS to come. I totally lost track after the 7th plate. We were both young and slim enough (I had only been normal weight for about a year), but he was much more muscular than me and might have been more accustomed to eating that way. I was not. I have never, even when I was a fattie, eaten anything approaching that volume of food before or since.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Some people are misunderstanding the term "binge". Binging is medical disorder. One I suffer with. It is the mark of an ED. Having an outrageously large meal or simply feeling "guilty" for going over calories does not constitute a binge, just lack of good judgement. Their are neurological problems associated with an ED.

    Just thought I'd say this. I see this a lot, and being someone with an ED, it can be a tad tiresome. I'm not mad or offended, but just saying because I do have some friends on here that understand what a true 'binge' is like. It is far more awful that just feeling bad that you over ate.

    Sorry about your ED.
    However, the term "binge" is NOT just a medical term at all.

    noun \ˈbinj\
    Definition of BINGE
    a : a drunken revel : spree
    b : an unrestrained and often excessive indulgence <a buying binge>
    c : an act of excessive or compulsive consumption (as of food)
    : a social gathering : party
    See binge defined for English-language learners »
    See binge defined for kids »
    Examples of BINGE

    <weekend binges are a serious problem at many colleges and universities>
    <a shopping binge at the mall>

    Origin of BINGE
    English dialect binge (to drink heavily)
    First Known Use: 1854
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member

    The Doritos example was not aimed at quoting you.

    I believe there is a fine line between binging and simple over eating. Over eating is more of just low will power. Binging I find more neurological or out of body. It's almost crippling. One can be completely aware of what's happening with out being able to gain control.

    My best analogy:
    OVER EATING- car heading straight for the edge of a cliff. Driver may be too terrified and doesn't hit the brakes.
    BINGING- same car scenario, but driver hits the breaks, but turns out the wires are cut and the car doesn't stop.

    Those with eating disorders don't have the corner market on binging anymore than alcoholics have the corner market on getting drunk.

    Your description of binging applies to you, a former sufferer of an eating disorder. However you have no right to define what "binging" is for anybody else. I'm a man who barely drinks and will get wasted off a few beers; that's all it takes for me to consider myself "binged" off alcohol. An alcoholic, or even just a regular drinker, might find the idea of me considering four beers a "binge" to be absurd. But that doesn't change my reality.

    Volume of food is irrelevant since we all have different views on food, and it affects our bodies in different ways. Each person gets to define what they consider a "binge", if that's what it feels like to them.
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    Some people are misunderstanding the term "binge". Binging is medical disorder. One I suffer with. It is the mark of an ED. Having an outrageously large meal or simply feeling "guilty" for going over calories does not constitute a binge, just lack of good judgement. Their are neurological problems associated with an ED.

    Just thought I'd say this. I see this a lot, and being someone with an ED, it can be a tad tiresome. I'm not mad or offended, but just saying because I do have some friends on here that understand what a true 'binge' is like. It is far more awful that just feeling bad that you over ate.

    Actually bingeing is a SYMPTOM of the disorder, not the actual disorder. Many in this thread are using the term correctly.

    Okay yes. This is my poor choice of wording. What I was trying to say is that people over exaggerate. "I binged on a bag of Doritos". No, that is just giving in. A binge is more uncontrolled. I have had people on my friends list say things like "I'm going to enjoy myself at [inset family event] and not care" then in their diary say the one high calorie slice of cheesecake is a binge. What??? That is more what I was getting at. People just automatically assume eating high calories or a "no-no food" is a binge, when it is more psychological than that.

    Bing Dictionary Definition:

    1. heavy drinking or eating session: a short period when somebody drinks or eats too much, especially a period of uncontrolled drinking or eating caused by a disorder such as alcoholism or bulimia
    2. spree: a short period of time when something is done in an unrestrained way
    3. eat too much: to eat far too much food very quickly, sometimes as a symptom of an eating disorder such as bulimia

    I agree with you somewhat. I know I have a really big peeve when someone was like 'I totally binged' and literally ate like 3 cookies. But at the same time, I think a binge is defined by the person partaking. The only thing coming to mind for me is for some reason when I crave chocolate (which I don't keep in the apartment) I go for my Krave cereal. And I literally just shovel the stuff into my mouth and I don't even realize it until I've eaten almost half of the box when I wasn't even hungry (already had all my meals, just wanted to appease my sweet tooth). But also, I understand how you are defining binge to an eating disorder, and most of the posts don't really measure up. Like some forms of bulimia, the person literally eats and eats to the point where it is easy enough to purge- which people really aren't talking about in here. But, overall, "binge" is a term best defined by the individual, and I think a lot of people in here are using it correctly under their own terms.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Back when I was still playing football, the team went to Cici's Pizza after the last day of two-a-days. We proceeded to have a pizza eating contest. I don't mean slices; entire pizzas. I ended up having 13 (the winner had 18), over a dozen breadsticks, several sodas and dessert pizza. When I got home, I concluded my meal with an entire box of cheez its, a bag of skittles, a large bowl of ice cream and some leftover cinnamon rolls. And I wondered why I was fat.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Ever? Has to be in college. My best friend and I went to Little Caesars and got two large pizzas. We each ate one. Then I killed most of a box of oreos by myself, tub of dip, bag of chips, and a bunch of soda.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I don't binge