Your biggest binge EVER?



  • heatherbrosigyaskow
    heatherbrosigyaskow Posts: 28 Member
    Some people are misunderstanding the term "binge". Binging is medical disorder. One I suffer with. It is the mark of an ED. Having an outrageously large meal or simply feeling "guilty" for going over calories does not constitute a binge, just lack of good judgement. Their are neurological problems associated with an ED.

    Just thought I'd say this. I see this a lot, and being someone with an ED, it can be a tad tiresome. I'm not mad or offended, but just saying because I do have some friends on here that understand what a true 'binge' is like. It is far more awful that just feeling bad that you over ate.

    THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. I've been on a few year long struggle with anorexia and when I got really bad I wouldn't eat for days at a time and then polish of 5 bags of cookies in one sitting.
    Another thing is when people call things "trigger foods" its not a trigger food unless you have an eating disorder.

    What binge really means: spree: a short period of time when something is done in an unrestrained way
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    If I'm healthy, I binge everyday...
  • Fatlorenzo
    Fatlorenzo Posts: 101 Member
    6 plates of chinese food in a buffet. Heaped
  • jadermary
    jadermary Posts: 105 Member
    Some people are misunderstanding the term "binge". Binging is medical disorder. One I suffer with. It is the mark of an ED. Having an outrageously large meal or simply feeling "guilty" for going over calories does not constitute a binge, just lack of good judgement. Their are neurological problems associated with an ED.

    Just thought I'd say this. I see this a lot, and being someone with an ED, it can be a tad tiresome. I'm not mad or offended, but just saying because I do have some friends on here that understand what a true 'binge' is like. It is far more awful that just feeling bad that you over ate.

    seriously not trying to sound rude, but people with eating disorders do not own the word "binge".

    Definition of BINGE

    a : a drunken revel : spree
    b : an unrestrained and often excessive indulgence <a buying binge>
    c : an act of excessive or compulsive consumption (as of food)

    Anyone can does not have to be part of an eating disorder...I do sympathize with those with that issue though.

    ETA: Just saw the other dictionary posts...sorry for the repeat lol.
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Some people are misunderstanding the term "binge". Binging is medical disorder. One I suffer with. It is the mark of an ED. Having an outrageously large meal or simply feeling "guilty" for going over calories does not constitute a binge, just lack of good judgement. Their are neurological problems associated with an ED.

    Just thought I'd say this. I see this a lot, and being someone with an ED, it can be a tad tiresome. I'm not mad or offended, but just saying because I do have some friends on here that understand what a true 'binge' is like. It is far more awful that just feeling bad that you over ate.

    Lack of good judgment? Aha, ahahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh this is a funny we got here guys!
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Folks... I think OP was refering the word binge for this thread as "your biggest cheat meal"

    Not binging in terms of a an eating disorder...
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    im about to go get some white castle burgers.

  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    this week I binged on homemade ice cream, and I binge on pop tarts sometimes.

    this is no i wish my binges were this
  • carolinetayloruk
    carolinetayloruk Posts: 73 Member

    1.5 9" pizza's
    1 12 " garlic bread pizza
    3 chicken wings
    portion of wedges
    large bag of peanut m&m's
    1 tub of ben and jerrys.

    All washed down with a litre of pepsi max. I couldn't move afterwards
  • FalloutAngel
    Well I've definitely gone over 4,000 at some point..
    On the way back from a track meet I ate an entire tub of Ben & Jerry's .
    And I think I ate half a pizza at some point
    I try to block that out.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Sorry but some of the replays to this thread are nothing more than an extra large meal - not a binge. Binge eating with or without vomitting is an eating disorder. An overwhelming urge to eat everything you can get your hands on is a binge. Thing "oh what the heck" is overeating.

    Example of my bulimia bingeing days (not done in over 6m)

    8 danishes
    6 croissants
    4 ham, cheese and pickle sandwiches, lots of butter
    1 tube Pringles or large bag of kettle chips
    4 chocolate bars (snickers, mars bar)
    6 crispy cheese and pickle pork pies
    Whole carrot cake (8 slices)
    1 big Mac meal w/chocolate milkshake, 8 chicken nuggets, 1 99p chicken sandwich
    52 mini sausage rolls baked fresh
    1 packet chocolate digestives or hobnobs
    1 box Ritz crackers w/ butter and cheddar cheese
    6 BBQ chicken wings
    4 slices garlic bread w/cheese
    2 melt in the middle chocolate puddings w/cream
    Big hot chocolate in bed (to soothe stomach)
    Half extra large pizza
  • brandield1
    Gah! After reading through these posts, I realize I've never truly had a binge. A big meal for me is 3 slices of pizza or a whole 2-entre dinner from Panda Express. If I finish either of those in one sitting, everyone's staring at me like " must've been hungry today" even though I likely wasn't and ate only because I have to.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    One of my huge meals ever might have been:

    3 entree, 1 side from Panda Express
    1 large tray of premade japchae
    10 medium vegetable mandoo
    2 sesame daifuku
    2 melon pan
    1 yakisoba pan
    1 korokke pan
    1 anpan
    1 beef curry pan
    1 small Mont Blanc cake
    1 small princess cake
    1 small raspberry cheesecake
    1 pistachio mousse
    3 creme-filled mochi, different flavors
    1 Belgian waffle
    1 raspberry creme French tart
    1 sweet potato croquette
    1 sesame tapioca bread
    2 glazed donuts
    1 eclair
    Potato wedges
    Onion rings
    1 pint green tea ice cream
    12 ounces frozen yogurt
    1 okonomiyaki
    1 Japanese custard pudding
    1 California roll
    1 Oishi roll
    1 Berkeley roll
    1 crazy horse roll
    6 takoyaki
    2 onigiri
    4 French macarons
    2 large green tea and red velvet Rice Krispie treats
    4 lychee, green tea, and pistachio mochi ice cream
    2 yomogi
    3 bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with milk
    1 hamburger animal-style from In n' Out
    Fries animal-style

    My stomach was swollen for days =<

    Edit: forgot to put in the snacks, I just put in the main stuff. I also had 2 or 3 boxes of Pocky and a couple of boxes of Hello Panda with a few packets of senbei and some candy XP.
  • AcePumpkin22
    I haven't binged since, I started losing weight. But, when I didn't care what I ate this is what I eat when I binge. I always get the same thing when I binge, creature of habit. =P

    1 bag of ruffles
    1 jar of Queso Tostitos Cheese Dip
    1 regular sized ice-cream (carton) usually chocolate or coffee or strawberry shortcake
    1 box of Hostess mini donuts
    1 bar of Hershey chocolate with almonds
    1 carton of 2% milk Darigold

    I would eat as much as I could in one night but, then I usually leave the rest... for the next 2 days.
  • tstarrstamper
    tstarrstamper Posts: 24 Member
    My first binge in the month I have been on this diet was yesterday.

    It was my Dad's Birthday and I had:

    -a small peice of marble (white and chocolate mixed) cake
    -a small scoop of icecream
    -one mini cupcake
    -one and a half mini banana muffin
    -about 20 tortilla bite sized chips
    -about 3 ounces of cheddar cheese (over and above allowed of 2 ounces)
  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    I guess being a poor college student has it's benefits...I don't have enough food around to binge like that!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My biggest would have to be about 6 or 7 years ago after I had been craving dominos all day, so I went home and ordered and then ate:

    1 Large pizza (full house if I remember right)
    1 Garlic bread
    1 Portion of potato wedges
    1 Portion of the chicken dipper/stripper things
    1 Tub of B&J ice cream

    Yes I ate it all and I was in PAIN afterwards!! Never repeated it! :laugh: Dread to think of the calories and even though I am a good 50-60lbs heavier now I couldnt eat all that now.

    1 Large pizza (full house if I remember right) - 3500
    1 Garlic bread - 880 for 8 slice portion.
    1 Portion of potato wedges - 300
    1 Portion of the chicken dipper/stripper things - 264
    1 Tub of B&J ice cream - 1000-1300

    Total - around 6000 calories.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Sorry but some of the replays to this thread are nothing more than an extra large meal - not a binge. Binge eating with or without vomitting is an eating disorder. An overwhelming urge to eat everything you can get your hands on is a binge. Thing "oh what the heck" is overeating.

    Example of my bulimia bingeing days (not done in over 6m)

    8 danishes
    6 croissants
    4 ham, cheese and pickle sandwiches, lots of butter
    1 tube Pringles or large bag of kettle chips
    4 chocolate bars (snickers, mars bar)
    6 crispy cheese and pickle pork pies
    Whole carrot cake (8 slices)
    1 big Mac meal w/chocolate milkshake, 8 chicken nuggets, 1 99p chicken sandwich
    52 mini sausage rolls baked fresh
    1 packet chocolate digestives or hobnobs
    1 box Ritz crackers w/ butter and cheddar cheese
    6 BBQ chicken wings
    4 slices garlic bread w/cheese
    2 melt in the middle chocolate puddings w/cream
    Big hot chocolate in bed (to soothe stomach)
    Half extra large pizza

    This I can relate to, most of my binges have been related to bulimic episodes and leave you feeling so terrible, both mentally and physically, but even though many examples here are not as extreme, that does not mean they are not a binge. Binging occurs in many different contexts, and not just in those of us with ED issues.

    My worst binges involved bags full of brownies, chocolate, doughnuts, pints of ice cream, cookies, cream cakes, cheesecake, Danish pastries, popcorn, shortbread and anything else sweet and doughy I could get my hands on. I am trying to break away from that behaviour and it never happens to that extreme for me anymore. My binges tend to mostly occur in the 4 days leading up to my TOM now, and are pretty unpleasant, but I am learning ways to diminish them, like allowing myself a good meal out with dessert, with someone else with me, which at least is a pleasant and controlled way of indulging.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My first binge in the month I have been on this diet was yesterday.

    It was my Dad's Birthday and I had:

    -a small peice of marble (white and chocolate mixed) cake
    -a small scoop of icecream
    -one mini cupcake
    -one and a half mini banana muffin
    -about 20 tortilla bite sized chips
    -about 3 ounces of cheddar cheese (over and above allowed of 2 ounces)

    I fail to see how that is a binge.
    That is simply having a few naughty items at a birthday celebration.
    It might be a binge to someone who is seriously restricting themselves but outside of that, this is not a binge in any understanding of the word that I know of.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    One of my huge meals ever might have been:

    3 entree, 1 side from Panda Express
    1 large tray of premade japchae
    10 medium vegetable mandoo
    2 sesame daifuku
    2 melon pan
    1 yakisoba pan
    1 korokke pan
    1 anpan
    1 beef curry pan
    1 small Mont Blanc cake
    1 small princess cake
    1 small raspberry cheesecake
    1 pistachio mousse
    3 creme-filled mochi, different flavors
    1 Belgian waffle
    1 raspberry creme French tart
    1 sweet potato croquette
    1 sesame tapioca bread
    2 glazed donuts
    1 eclair
    Potato wedges
    Onion rings
    1 pint green tea ice cream
    12 ounces frozen yogurt
    1 okonomiyaki
    1 Japanese custard pudding
    1 California roll
    1 Oishi roll
    1 Berkeley roll
    1 crazy horse roll
    6 takoyaki
    2 onigiri
    4 French macarons
    2 large green tea and red velvet Rice Krispie treats
    4 lychee, green tea, and pistachio mochi ice cream
    2 yomogi
    3 bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with milk
    1 hamburger animal-style from In n' Out
    Fries animal-style

    My stomach was swollen for days =<

    Edit: forgot to put in the snacks, I just put in the main stuff. I also had 2 or 3 boxes of Pocky and a couple of boxes of Hello Panda with a few packets of senbei and some candy XP.

    Wowsers, that outdoes my worst binges when in the throes of my bulimia.
    Sounds tasty, though.