Craving sugar constantly, fruits not cutting it!



  • Fernando618G
    Fernando618G Posts: 380 Member
    Suggestions? Recipe?

    when i cant take it anymore ill take a tbs of PB and 4 squares of dark chocolate and coat them. it always satisfies me
  • flowerbob
    flowerbob Posts: 11 Member
    Hi EVCbeth1978,

    As several people have said, it's a very personal thing, but I also cut out refined sugar when I have a pound or two to lose. I describe myself as having a sweet tooth, and for the first 5-7 days I find it a struggle, but after that it gets better and I find other things taste really sweet. For example, if I put dried apricots in a curry, or if I eat a fruit like an orange, they seem to taste much sweeter.
    You don't say (unless I missed it, sorry) how long you've been going without refined sugar for, but have you noticed this sort of change?

    I actually don't miss it much after a while (couple of weeks) but if I have a small amount - one biscuit or square of chocolate - then I really really want more, so for me the best strategy is to cut it out altogether. I really admire people who can eat just one of anything sweet, but it's not something that works for me, once the packet is open I cannot stop myself until they are all gone. (Biscuits, sweeties, chocolate..... Perhaps it's purely psychological but anything with refined sugar and fat in combination is a bit of a problem for me.)
    I understand there is more sugar in dried fruit, so if fresh isn't doing it for you then you could try raisins or apricots, or you can buy dried mango and coconut which has a different texture?

    When I am craving something sweet, I think it's often habitual - after dinner is peak craving time for me, or when I've had a bad day and feel I need a treat - rather than physical, and distraction is often quite effective. If I can find something interesting and absorbing to do I often forget about it altogether (exercise works well), if I feel I can't fight it then I try to eat or drink but something with no sugar. Hot water works for me sometimes, though if you like them I think fruit or herbal teas are better for a lot of people. Failing that, a handful of nuts or a savory oat biscuit make me feel as if I've had something to eat and fill me up without giving in to that sugar craving, which for me would inevitably mean the whole packet. (And I can just eat 1 oat biscuit, odd when you come to think about it)

    Good luck!
  • kaiewatson
    kaiewatson Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem too. My father was a baker and every morning I'd be eating sweets. Now that I'm trying to cut back on my sugar intake, I'm drinking water and apple cider vinegar, lemon water, or spice teas (Celestial Bengal for example) to curb my cravings. Best of luck!
  • MichaelaSenft
    MichaelaSenft Posts: 24 Member
    Get key lime chobani 100 and put 1/4 of a cup of Kind granola in it. It tastes like key lime pie and it's very high in protein. Or I use Elli Quark yogurt instead of chobani :). Yogurt always satisfies my sweet tooth and with the granola it keeps me full for hours.
  • DietingMommy2008
    DietingMommy2008 Posts: 107 Member
    I take a big apple cinnamon rice cake, top it with peanut butter, and sprinkle a few mini chocolate chips on there. It fixes my sweettooth and gives me the satisfying "crunch".

    Sounds amazing!