

  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    Well most of my post was dropped yesterday not sure why so I will try again.

    Heather- Sorry your DH is under the weather, hope all is fine now. I'm sure the noise from the construction is an ordeal. The picture of Bea is adorable. Tell the Queen happy birthday from Md.

    Penny- love the pictures- can't imagine living there though. I couldn't wait for the 26" of snow that we got to melt!!

    Karen- Size 8 - That is great!! (Sorry about the rhyme!!)

    Patsy- The colors on the loom are great. Sorry about the bad news from the Dr.

    Joan- Welcome, I started WW also, but when I found MFP I found it much easier to post. Ww kept having problems wih their website. I am new to this thread but love learning of everyone's life and the encouragement.
    Becca- love the story so far, will have to scroll back tomorrow to make sure I didn't miss anything.
    Have been doing good staying under the calories, just need to cut back on the salt!!! It is my weakness, then the fluid builds up, with the fluid the breathing gets labored. Since I have Asthma you would think I would learn, but it really doesn't take much salt at all. That will be one of my goals for May. Have a good evening or afternoon or whatever time of day it is where ever you are.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    DrKatiebug! ... Congratulations on getting to onederland!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    lawmiller1 wrote: »
    Have been doing good staying under the calories, just need to cut back on the salt!!! It is my weakness, then the fluid builds up, with the fluid the breathing gets labored. Since I have Asthma you would think I would learn, but it really doesn't take much salt at all. That will be one of my goals for May. .

    :) Best wishes to you cutting back on sodium. My husband has congestive heart failure and knows that fluid retention is dangerous for him and continues to work at cutting back on sodium, but he loves cheese and bread and mustard and ketchup and hot sauce and many other big sodium items and has to keep monitoring himself.

    <3 Barbie

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Oh my...step away for a few days and come back to pages and pages of posts. There's no lack of activity on this board.
    I just signed up for a May 1st MFP Biggest Loser Challenge. Looks like there are two going on right now. I need some kind of structure as I still haven't broken through that 200 barrier. Today I don't feel like I care much which means I can't be left being totally unaccountable or I'll just chomp away the evenings.

    I've also been doing the 8 Day Detox Yoga Challenge with Brett Larkin. She's fantastic. I've been doing her yoga routines on and off for the past year. She has some back specific routines that helped me when I hurt my back in August. She has sessions for just about everything that you could ask for in all different time configurations.
    If you like yoga or want to try it out or just want a short routine or a long one, beginner or advanced... check it out. She's on YouTube but here's her facebook page also. https://facebook.com/LarkinYoga

    So that's my thoughts on yoga for today!

    Kimses in MA

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I’m remembering being 20 years old, in the Los Angeles Coliseum, waiting for the Rolling Stones to take the stage, and the opening act was Prince. He was fantastic, and I became a longtime fan. Gone too soon. :'(

    Katiebug: WTG!!!!

    Katla: I hope you get your energy back soon. You probably just needed a rest day after all the running around and boat work.

    Kimses: Thanks for the yoga link. I will check it out, since I just cant seem to find a class that works with my schedule.

    DJ: Happy Birthday this Sunday. You deserve a whole week of fun!

    Tonight I wanted to use up some leftover silken tofu, so I made black bean patties for the first time. Learned that they really need to ‘finish’ in a warm oven after coming out of the skillet, otherwise they break apart. I have a Mexican spice blend which allowed me to make these entirely salt free. Delish with a green salad on the side.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    APRIL Resolutions:
    Eat mindfully.
    Strength train 2x/week
    Beat March step total
    Purchase appliances for Hawaii condo and schedule other work
    Weigh less at the end of the month
    Maintain Gratitude Journal (on free app by the same name)
    My word for 2016: Optimism

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.02min, 12.9amph, 136mhr, 3mi = 101c
    OTHER- PHYSICAL THERAPY @ gym- 40min, 111mhr, 8 stretches, 2sets of 15 w/5lb weights, 8set/100 = 130c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.23min, 13.4amph, 146mhr 1.4mi = 80c
    ride wk 2 hm- 154.44mi, 11.1amph, 154mhr, 10mi = 510c
    total cal 821
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Took the afternoon off of work and spent the day with my future daughter inlaw. Had a nice afternoon. Then went to dinner with her and my daughter. Made good dinner choices except for the sweet tea. That is my spring and summer drink weakness.

    Karen great news on the size 8.

    Patsy I have always wanted to try that. Seems so creative and I assume relaxing and you end up with something beautiful.

    Carol glad your starting to feel better.

    Drkatiebug nice picture of your house.

    This weekend I need to start working on my yard. Have been finding excuses not to for the last two weekends. Need to guit feeling sorry for myself and get myself together. Head says get moving you idiot my heart says it's ok to keep wallowing in pity. I was a single parent for years always made it no matter what. As a 51 year old woman I should be stronger. I have a good job own my own home and need no one to pay my bills but yet still feel like I should be stronger or more self confident. More grateful for what I do have.

    Thanks for letting me rant there for a minute. Frustrated and lonely tonight.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    A little history about my story. I started writing this before my husband got really sick, before alot of things, and I sometimes had that feeling of just "fleeing" my own life. In California, my husband had chosen to not pursue getting a liver transplant, and he had the right to be in charge of his own life, but it still made me angry. I figured this was the next best thing to just write it down. So this gal in the story is named Becca, and is fleeing the ex-husband, her past, and is kind of a gypsy wanderer. That is like me, in the sense that I was fleeing the truth of my husbands condition. I never applied for a drivers license down in California because I used to joke about the feeling of getting in a car, and finding myself 3 states over... Oops, forgot to take the exit there....

    Today I volunteered at the Senior luncheon, helping serve, and I sang a bit too. My one sweet lady friend asked me to sing opera, and so I did, and she cried. So sweet. So my volunteering has become my moment to "live outside the box" to definitely put myself out there. It was fun, but scary too. When I sing, they stop eating, and the whole place got quiet, and I concentrate so hard so I don't forget my Italian!! Eeeek!

    OK I have left Becca at the quaint inn.......

    I quickly unpack my stuff, if you can really call it unpacking. Out of a paisley-colored cloth shoulder bag, I make a pile of items. Re-buttoning the large pearl button, I think to the ribbon I received making that bag.

    I was in 4-H and this was my Oregon State Fair entry. I was 10, the material so loud compared to my friend Melissa's. Melissa had chosen a green corduroy. I was into paisley prints, and had a couple of shirts to prove it. The large pearl button was the best part, and was given to me by my Grandma Mimi. I remembered pleading with my brother Matthew, to give me some of his leather shoelaces to make a loop to sew on my project. So it had all worked out, and I had earned a blue ribbon for that. I didn't do much sewing after I graduated high school. It seemed I was never in the mood, always restless. Married life only compounded the stresses, thimbles and thread never mended a damn thing.

    On the bed lies my toothbrush rolled in a paper towel, a large bottle of Dr. Bonner's Peppermint Soap, a nice quality white wash cloth I had saved from a stay at a Hilton some years ago, a bottle of almond oil and a jar of coconut oil. I smile at my stuff, knowing that Leroy would have freaked out. The stress of throwing stuff away, or letting anything go, always put him into a glorious panic attack. Yes, I had scaled back, always fearful, knowing what a true hoarder looks like, and smells like. I shake my head at the memory, trying to bring myself into the present.

    I take off my traveling clothes. I had weathered the storm of winter with family, but now I was facing headfirst into the thick of summer. My traveling clothes consisted of a tie-dyed tee-shirt, and cut-off jeans. I look at them pathetically. I really need to visit a Goodwill Store soon. Hanging up my simple grey sweatshirt that was wadded in my shoulder bag, I pad into the bathroom. Taking my Dr. Bonners Peppermint Soap, I make a sink full of bubbles and gently wash my white undershirt and cotton panties, hanging them about the bathroom. Before letting out the soapy water, I dunk my flip flops in, scrubbing them. I then place them by the door.

    It's then that I look in the mirror. What stares back at me is no less than a transformation. When I was with Leroy, I was not only cocooned in our home but within myself. Being with a hoarder had its stresses, and I wore it not only within me, but all around me. During this "Year of Separating" myself from him and my family, one very important thing happened. I found myself. I had been hiding deep in a secret place, and during this year I had mourned my old self. My skin was still getting used to my slimmer self. Pinching the tan skin about my waist, I jut out my chin, looking at myself in a new light. A flush of pride on my cheeks, I stand straighter. Giggling, I strike a pose like a bodybuilder, then slowly hug myself.

    I decide on a hot bath, knowing that it will revive my senses. After putting a cap full of almond oil into the filling tub, I slowly sink into the aromatic water. Settling in, my ears fill with warm water, muffling the sound of the music from the other room. I use the plastic cup that is by the sink and fill it halfway with my peppermint soap, then fill the rest with bath water. Swirling it with my finger, I pour it gently over my hair, quickly working it into bubbles resembling mouse'. Refilling the cup with soap and bath water, I dip a washcloth in it, and scrub away the last two days of travel. As the peppermint gets into my pores, I am tingly and ultra-sensitive. Especially, there.... "Damn!", I yell, as some of the soap drips into my eyes from my mousse' hair. Dunking my body under the water, I quickly rinse hair, and body. Turning on the tap with my toes, I gently rinse my eye. This is great soap, but if you get it in your eye, wow, it smarts!

    Its silent but for the sound of the bubbles dissipating, and the country music winding its way around the small closet to the bathroom. I could never do this at home, in my house of horrors, I painfully recall. I slip deeper into the tub, and listen to the sound of my heartbeat.

    My eyelids open with a panic. The sound of jazz music, makes me sit up in the now tepid water. Wow, I didn't realize how tired I was... Pulling the plug with my toes, I climb out of the tub. Putting my wet hair in a towel, I use the other towel to wrap around my body. Remembering that there was a little kitchenette, I decide on a nice strong cup of tea. As I step from the bathroom, rounding the corner, I am met with a sight that stops me dead in my tracks...

    oooooh I will leave you suspended with anticipation......bwahahahahahaha..

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 55 minutes of a Flex TRX Inspired Workout. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jari Love Get Extremely Ripped Boot Camp DVD

    mrscarneval - welcome and welcome to anyone new that I may have missed.

    Joyce - many times I take my own food. and, honestly, I usually wind up having more than others plus it's better tasting. You'll do the right thing. I don't think I'd want to skip something if I can help it

    CJ - when a cousin of mine bought her house, the entire backyard (and I think the front yard too) had stones put down instead of grass. Vince thought that was wonderful. I don't think I would have liked that. I'm always amazed how "yukky" I feel when I have a food that's not good for me

    For all of you gardeners out there: I'm not at all plant-knowledgable. What would you suggest? Here are some things about what type of plant I need. It will go under our garage window so I'd like something that doesn't grow real high. Now this is VERY important: I want something that blooms (flowers) EARLY in the season. Like the first day of spring. I want the bush to stay green during the winter, I'm thinking that I'd like it to bloom with white flowers.

    janetr - when you talk about tornadoes, I just can help thinking about "Wizard of Oz". Scary!

    Lisa - I just got a tablet, I'm sorry, what again were the titles of your books?

    Volunteered at the Green Room, then Vince and I did some practice bowling, then I went to the MD because it seems that I'm having a bit of a hard time hearing. I thought it might be ear wax since that's been a problem for me before. But he said that the ear wax in my ears is fine and he did a simplified hearing test in his office. Seems I have diminished hearing in my left ear so he's going to schedule an appt with an audiologist for me. Before that happens, I do want to check that this practice is in network for our insurance. Don't ask me about this, but I seem to remember reading somewhere (and I don't remember where) that certain anti-seizure meds can produce hearing loss. I haven't seen anything on the Internet about this, tho. I will ask the neurologist, tho. Came home, had dinner, then went to WalMart. Some things are just so sad. this one girl working the customer service desk really did not have all her crayons. I told her I was returning the cheese but that I would be buying more food. She went on to say how they can only return food without a receipt for another food item. I just said "that's exactly why I told you I was buying more food items". I was going to get some eggs and have her price match them, well, she didn't think she could do that on a return. Why not? Food is food. They always have before. Seems if I was buying another cheese and price matching that, that she could do. But not something else. Weird. I just gave her something else to make up the money. What I owed came to $1.29 so I gave her two 1's and 4 pennies. Do you know she had to get out a calculator to figure out that I should have gotten 75 cents back???

    Patsy - I have a cookbook called "Kidney Friendly Comfort Foods"

    All this talk of tattoos made me think about how at Vince's company, you had to have your tattoo covered. Some people had to wear long sleeved shirts all day long (even in summer). That was just the company policy.

    miriam - when Vince puts Ben Gay on his foot/arm/wherever, one of our cats likes to lick it off!

    Karen - I like my pants a little (just a little) on the tight side. This helps remind me to be sure to eat well. But as for shirts, I really don't like anything really clingy

    About replacements in recipes, this one recipe calls for 1tsp of rum extract. I don't have any and really don't feel like buying a whole bottle just for 1tsp. Is there a substitute or maybe I should just eliminate that one item?

    Stopped at Sam's. I was going to get carrots for the dogs on Monday. But all they had were organic carrots and there is no way I'm paying $4 for organic carrots for a dog!!!

    Vince made hotels reservations for us for the wedding. The Tues, Wed. Thurs before we need to go up so that I can bring the cake and Jess can decorate it. We're going to be staying at a different hotel (less expensive) than what we usually stay at. It's about a mile from the one we usually stay at. Unfortunately, that means I won't be able to walk to the Y to use it. Then Fri Sat and Sun we'll be staying at the Dulles Mariott where the wedding will be. They got a really really good group rate.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Karen from NY – DH was a pretty bad patient himself. But, when I went with him to the MD and the MD gave him a choice between trying (yet) another medication or going further by having a procedure; he looked at me and told DH, he thought it was time to go for the procedure. It has worked out a little better for him. Still has a bit of an issue; but, not nearly as bad as before.
    We’re supposed to get rain tomorrow here as well. Looked like we’d get some today; but, didn’t.

    Katla – DH ‘loved’ my hair cut. Feels so much better, too. Feet are in Heaven!

    The only thing I ‘salt’ are tomatoes. I figure most foods have enough sodium in them to ‘kill a small herd’ or just about anything. I do, however, use a lot of pepper.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member

    All this talk of tattoos made me think about how at Vince's company, you had to have your tattoo covered. Some people had to wear long sleeved shirts all day long (even in summer). That was just the company policy.

    Michele in NC[/quote]

    There is no policy at my company but all of my tattoos are on my back and covered by whatever I wear. I picked my back for that reason. I work in an office environment. The guys out in the shop don't have to cover any of them. In most offices it is still considered unprofessional or taboo.

    Anne in Wisconsin
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    A little history about my story. I started writing this before my husband got really sick, before alot of things, and I sometimes had that feeling of just "fleeing" my own life. In California, my husband had chosen to not pursue getting a liver transplant, and he had the right to be in charge of his own life, but it still made me angry. I figured this was the next best thing to just write it down. So this gal in the story is named Becca, and is fleeing the ex-husband, her past, and is kind of a gypsy wanderer. That is like me, in the sense that I was fleeing the truth of my husbands condition. I never applied for a drivers license down in California because I used to joke about the feeling of getting in a car, and finding myself 3 states over... Oops, forgot to take the exit there....

    Today I volunteered at the Senior luncheon, helping serve, and I sang a bit too. My one sweet lady friend asked me to sing opera, and so I did, and she cried. So sweet. So my volunteering has become my moment to "live outside the box" to definitely put myself out there. It was fun, but scary too. When I sing, they stop eating, and the whole place got quiet, and I concentrate so hard so I don't forget my Italian!! Eeeek!

    OK I have left Becca at the quaint inn.......

    I quickly unpack my stuff, if you can really call it unpacking. Out of a paisley-colored cloth shoulder bag, I make a pile of items. Re-buttoning the large pearl button, I think to the ribbon I received making that bag.

    I was in 4-H and this was my Oregon State Fair entry. I was 10, the material so loud compared to my friend Melissa's. Melissa had chosen a green corduroy. I was into paisley prints, and had a couple of shirts to prove it. The large pearl button was the best part, and was given to me by my Grandma Mimi. I remembered pleading with my brother Matthew, to give me some of his leather shoelaces to make a loop to sew on my project. So it had all worked out, and I had earned a blue ribbon for that. I didn't do much sewing after I graduated high school. It seemed I was never in the mood, always restless. Married life only compounded the stresses, thimbles and thread never mended a damn thing.

    On the bed lies my toothbrush rolled in a paper towel, a large bottle of Dr. Bonner's Peppermint Soap, a nice quality white wash cloth I had saved from a stay at a Hilton some years ago, a bottle of almond oil and a jar of coconut oil. I smile at my stuff, knowing that Leroy would have freaked out. The stress of throwing stuff away, or letting anything go, always put him into a glorious panic attack. Yes, I had scaled back, always fearful, knowing what a true hoarder looks like, and smells like. I shake my head at the memory, trying to bring myself into the present.

    I take off my traveling clothes. I had weathered the storm of winter with family, but now I was facing headfirst into the thick of summer. My traveling clothes consisted of a tie-dyed tee-shirt, and cut-off jeans. I look at them pathetically. I really need to visit a Goodwill Store soon. Hanging up my simple grey sweatshirt that was wadded in my shoulder bag, I pad into the bathroom. Taking my Dr. Bonners Peppermint Soap, I make a sink full of bubbles and gently wash my white undershirt and cotton panties, hanging them about the bathroom. Before letting out the soapy water, I dunk my flip flops in, scrubbing them. I then place them by the door.

    It's then that I look in the mirror. What stares back at me is no less than a transformation. When I was with Leroy, I was not only cocooned in our home but within myself. Being with a hoarder had its stresses, and I wore it not only within me, but all around me. During this "Year of Separating" myself from him and my family, one very important thing happened. I found myself. I had been hiding deep in a secret place, and during this year I had mourned my old self. My skin was still getting used to my slimmer self. Pinching the tan skin about my waist, I jut out my chin, looking at myself in a new light. A flush of pride on my cheeks, I stand straighter. Giggling, I strike a pose like a bodybuilder, then slowly hug myself.

    I decide on a hot bath, knowing that it will revive my senses. After putting a cap full of almond oil into the filling tub, I slowly sink into the aromatic water. Settling in, my ears fill with warm water, muffling the sound of the music from the other room. I use the plastic cup that is by the sink and fill it halfway with my peppermint soap, then fill the rest with bath water. Swirling it with my finger, I pour it gently over my hair, quickly working it into bubbles resembling mouse'. Refilling the cup with soap and bath water, I dip a washcloth in it, and scrub away the last two days of travel. As the peppermint gets into my pores, I am tingly and ultra-sensitive. Especially, there.... "Damn!", I yell, as some of the soap drips into my eyes from my mousse' hair. Dunking my body under the water, I quickly rinse hair, and body. Turning on the tap with my toes, I gently rinse my eye. This is great soap, but if you get it in your eye, wow, it smarts!

    Its silent but for the sound of the bubbles dissipating, and the country music winding its way around the small closet to the bathroom. I could never do this at home, in my house of horrors, I painfully recall. I slip deeper into the tub, and listen to the sound of my heartbeat.

    My eyelids open with a panic. The sound of jazz music, makes me sit up in the now tepid water. Wow, I didn't realize how tired I was... Pulling the plug with my toes, I climb out of the tub. Putting my wet hair in a towel, I use the other towel to wrap around my body. Remembering that there was a little kitchenette, I decide on a nice strong cup of tea. As I step from the bathroom, rounding the corner, I am met with a sight that stops me dead in my tracks...

    oooooh I will leave you suspended with anticipation......bwahahahahahaha..


    Awesome! I love this story & look forward to the next "installment."

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    Becca - you are so rotten to leave us hanging like this. :) Love you girl friend!!

    Michele wrote "janetr - when you talk about tornadoes, I just can help thinking about "Wizard of Oz". Scary!"

    Yes, it is scary and if hits your house it doesn't pick it up and sit it down nicely in the middle of a colorful field of flowers with a yellow brick road lol

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, I don't have a good sense of direction and one year, oh about 10 years ago, we had a real bad tornado in November. As usual it jumps around. I saw on the news it hit this one trailer court. But what didn't catch in my mind is that my daughter's apartment was close to their. In my mind I am seeing trailer court in one area and my daughter lived on Green River Road so she was fine. Well she will never let us live it down that she was not fine. She heard that thundrous train go over. It was across the highway from her. That thing destroyed that trailer court and then hoped over a couple of miles and took a church and then a really nice subdivision. I have never seen one or been close to one other than the fact that it was about 5 miles from us.

    I had a day from down deep in the douldrums today. Or is that yesterday now??? Did not sleep but about 2 hours. Did read a book. So felt draggy all day. Ate terrible. Didn't eat anything until supper and by that time I needed comfort food. Got a large pizza. Ate what I would consider somewhere between an individual size and a small.

    Found out that the Kimmel Bed & Breakfast is to open again by special request. Because of my sister's surgery, she wasn't able to go down on easter to her daughter's house. Her dauhgter agreed that they would come up for Mother's Day instead. So then my brother from Alabama that only comes for Christmas calls her and says they are taking a short vacation and going to Tennessee and wanted to come to Evansville for a couple of days and would be here for Mother's day. So she tells him it would be so wonderful if the brother that was here last week could be here also. So John calls Paul and says that Norma would like him to come up. So he and his son are coming and requested to stay here. Her grandson will be done with his freshman year of college and will be home so we will have everyone except my my oldest and her family. But that's OK. Norma needs the family right now. They went to a dinner/seminar on the treatment for malignant melanoma tonight. Her husband is really wanting her to have this treatment which lasts 3 years. Norma does not. I am hoping all the family members will support her decision of saying no. She has so many other problems that she has to deal with daily, with fibromyalgia and all of it's baggage that it brings along being the biggest thing. and then there are all of her severe spinal problems causing deformity and PAIN. So she is just tired and doesn't want it. Of course her drain just came out yesterday and she can't get back in the pool at the Y for 2 weeks. So she is not saying no yet.

    Nite nite girls. Joyce INdiana where we are now soaked!!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    Joyce – good choice to join in for dinner..and bringing your own food seems fine to me.

    Cj – back in the saddle! Good for you.

    Tornados – Yuck I’ll take my earthquakes thank you!

    Tammy – welcome

    Penny – it is interesting to hear about countries with a monarch I spent this evening with a couple of British friends and they were talking about the queen… I can not think of anything more mind numbing then sitting through endless state dinners

    Patsy – you live in Flintstone? I know this is silly but I loved the Flintstones comics on TV

    RIP Prince…. So young (we were born the same year) so sad…

    Happy early b-day DJ
    Becca – Oh no what is next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michele – what’s the growing zone of your location, if you don’t know that city and state…. Replacement for Rum extract… could be vanilla or almond or lemon..depending on your tastes and what the item is

    Joyce – sending good thoughts to you and your family.

    Kim from N. California