

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    edited April 2016
    Lisa - I was wondering when you were going to have time to get going on your sequel. You have so much on your plate. I'm finding it hard even when I have little to distract me, though I have managed two work sessions this week. :) Painfully slow though.

    Heather UK
  • Clairblue2
    Clairblue2 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all.

    Chris, so very sorry to hear of your heartbreak. Hope you will be feeling well soon. It's not easy.

    Well done, Dr. Katie. Quite an accomplishment! Doesn't it feel good?

    A quiet day here in Lake Wobegon. Took DH for his 5-year colonoscopy this morning. He was like a giant drunken toddler after the procedure. I fed him & put him down for his nap, so now have some time to myself.

    Grabbed a coffee & a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter schmear for breakfast. Stopped at Panera on the way home from the clinic & bought a small Thai salad for lunch. Need to log the food & see where I stand for the day. Would like to go for a walk, but kind of afraid to leave DH alone for long. Had to tell him 4X what I'd done while he was undergoing the procedure & he told me 4+ times how NICE everyone was to him. That anesthesia really does a number on the memory! LOL!

    Think I'll head out onto the porch to read & survey the kingdom. Have a swell day, all.

    Sue, Wisconsin Gardener
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelynh - Someone told me that there are 2 dams in the Houston area that they are afraid will break; how would that affect you? I know when there was a stalled Hurricane over this are (tropical storm) the damn broke and it flooded a whole lot (in the middle of the night). We got a 2nd week of vacation because there was no way to cross the bridge that came through town; even 'if' we had gone up or down to find a place ... roads washed out in towns around us. Boss got a ride in a helicopter to view it from overhead - he said it was incredible seeing it from that vantage. People were hanging onto trees screaming for anybody that could hear them to come save them. Worst flooding in the are since they had started keeping records. On one of the creeks, Muckalee or Kichifoonee someone nailed up a sign when the water started receding; about 60ft from where the creek normally flowed. DOS and I went to 3rd granddaughter's Field Trip today, got rained out after the first hour. Man, friend of son's told him about someone he is kin to went through a tornado; both the mother and grown daughter were injured. Daughter out of the hospital; broken ribs on both sides. The mother has much more substantial injuries. They were surprised that she had lived through it. Winds came and lifted up the roof; and, they were holding on to one another and a pet when the floor looked like it was disintegrating under them. Actually the trailer was lifted off the ground and they went several hundred feet before they came down. DOS told him that is why when they storm radio goes off, they come down to our house ... not that it would not be destroyed if it hit their house; but, they were houses just across the road with no damage.

    Stay safe!

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Kim, crossing my fingers for you.

    Lisa, I love the hair! Looks darling! And is that your brother or brother in law? I gotta say, he is a hunk! Made me need a cold shower!

    I went to the Social Security office this morning for an appointment to get my girls on my SSDI. I had been told that I would get 50-80% more than what I currently get. Not so. I will get 30% more. Very disheartening. Money will be tight, although it will be coming from my SSDI and not my sister so I won't have to worry about it getting cut off when her husband is an a**. Still, I don't know how I will make end meet as the girls get older and their needs get more expensive. So I am feeling very unhappy right now.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Miriam - LOL I was thinking the same thing about Lisa's brother, (or BIL) !!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Miriam - I finished reading your post, can you work at all? I know there are a number of health issues, and ssdi has some financial limits, but you are so knowledgeable, it seems that you could write a mental health blog? column? help a non-profit write grants.... I don't know I was thinking something you could do from home and at odd hours or in chunks to work around when you are not feeling your best.

    I do know you and I both have the gardening skills to help feed ourselves, I certainly have got my garden started and have found a free kumquat tree, that I'll be picking up this week to add to my garden... here a buck there a buck... If this dream job actually works out, things will be easier come august, but I can't put all my eggs in that basket until it becomes real.

    Money is such a stressor sending you ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Kim~ no the bonehead did plug it back in, but by then I was awake, but did decide to go back to bed for an hour and a half...
    worked today.. and it was quiet which was fine.. and came home and Tom had mowed the lawn... well I was gonna help him, but that's ok..
    He has decided to leave Weds instead of thursday and give himself a little more time to get down to Florida.. which makes me feel a bit better.. he is working tomorrow and I am not ,so I will go feed DFIL ,today he was a hoot... tonight is a full moon, always crazy at nursing homes on a full moon..
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Marcelynh - Someone told me that there are 2 dams in the Houston area that they are afraid will break; how would that affect you?


    The dams they were concerned about are dams that hold back huge reservoirs that are usually dry and only fill up when it floods. They are part of the flood control system. For most of the year they are large city parks. I really doubt they will break because things are drying out rapidly and as the levels in the bayous drop they release water from the reservoirs. I would guess in a week even these reservoirs will be mostly dry. The danger of the dam failing is always there as the structural integrity of the Addicks Reservoir Dam has been noted as being extremely bad for several years but the drying out has lessened that to some degree. Only a few neighborhoods have standing water but mostly now what you see is piles and piles of carpet and flooring and belongings piled by the streets. Quite sad. That and thousands of cars that had been flooded and abandoned.

    The saddest death to me was the young woman who drove around the barriers and drove into 17 ft. of water. They actually have shown the video (traffic cam) that shows her last moments, hitting the water and then you see a flashlight in the back of her car as she tries to get out. She doesn't. So so sad. and senseless. WHY would anyone drive around the a barriers (plus she went around a state truck that was there). I know people think SUV's mean Super Vehicles but they aren't, they don't float. All 8 deaths from this storm were people in their cars. Being in a car in a flood is the worst place to be. So ya'll take heed, if you see water and you don't know how deep it is and especially if it is moving don't go in it! (even 6 inches of fast moving water can move a car off the road)
  • alco1966
    alco1966 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi there. Love to join this group. I turned 50 in January. Been off my feet since beginning of March due to an operation on my foot. Any suggestions for exercise would be great. I can't even go for a walk as after 6 weeks in plaster I now have a boot plus foot still very painful. . X
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: Good luck with the gardening project. It sounds perfect for you. :flowerforyou:

    Some people are coming to look at our son's sailboat this weekend. I hope they fall in love with it and make him a good offer. Send good thoughts this direction, please. We've been paying to store the boat for several years while he's been working on it. He did an excellent job. It is beautiful and should be in use by someone who loves to sail.

    Have a good weekend.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Alco, there are DVDs of exercises you can do from a sitting position. Your local library may have one. If you are disabled, permanently or temporarily, most will deliver to your home. Or order from online.

    Kim, on SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance- what you pay in to on your paycheck) you basically lose a dollar for every two that you earn elsewhere unless you are willing to cheat and get paid in cash under the table. I am not willing to cheat- I have a STRONG sense of morality/ ethics. So any little bit I can earn is cut in half automatically. So far I haven't felt the effort was worth it.

    There are so many disincentives to getting off of disability! If I got housing assistance or food stamps, earning even a little could kick me off those programs- losing more than a person could earn part time. Luckily, my house was paid for before I became disabled, and I do get enough not to be eligible for food stamps. You can also lose your Medicare or Medicaid if you earn too much. That is why people so rarely even attempt to get off disability. The risks are too great. If the system were better designed (by people knowledgeable about disabilities instead of by politicians) it would be more flexible and have better supports for people who are disabled, trying to work, but not making a living wage. For people with some disabilities (MS that is remitting rather than progressive, people with mood disorders, other illnesses that flare up and then subside) it should permit them to work when they can and not be penalized for it or risk loosing it.

    For those that think that if the system were more flexible and easy to access, there would be lots of people abusing it, I would recommend going in to a new social situation, and when the first person asks you, "what do you do", say you are disabled. You instantly become a non-person. They don't now what to say to you, where to fit you in to their frame of reference. You will quickly learn that being disabled is not something the majority of people would want. Yes, there are always going to be a few people who abuse ANY system, but this is not something that the masses are waiting to do.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    alco1966 wrote: »
    Hi there. Love to join this group. I turned 50 in January. Been off my feet since beginning of March due to an operation on my foot. Any suggestions for exercise would be great. I can't even go for a walk as after 6 weeks in plaster I now have a boot plus foot still very painful. . X

    You could do some upper body stuff from a seated position. Bicep curls, lateral raises, overhead presses. You could do some butt work from your bed without putting weight on your feet. Like hold your legs up in a bent position and press them up into the air. I'll bet if you google it you can find lots of stuff. The important thing is to move and stretch what you can.

    Oh, and welcome! This is a great group. My cousin just had an operation on her foot at the beginning of March, too. When I read that I thought "what if this is Susan?" But then you said you are turning 50. She is turning 60 in December. So there went that theory, LOL.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Chris ... Aww...so sorry...

    Kim ... The garden work sounds great...crossing my fingers!

    Lisa ... Add me to the list of readers waiting on your sequel!

    Allie ...smh...

    Ditto on all this...hugs to Chris...keeping my fingers crossed for someone else to come along when the time is right.
    Miriam, you have the knack for writing skillfully and clearly and with real integrity!!!
    Not much going on here...tired and stressed and need to recharge this weekend.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Chris, I am so sorry. I will also miss you talking about your dates. Take care my friend. The right one will come along. This experience taught you that there are good guys out there and not to settle.

    Miriam, I agree. SSD did let me know about the back to work program but I had heard from to many people that if I did try to work then I would be taken off my lifetime SSD. Lifetime isn't the right word but I can't think of what it is. 5 years after I got my SSD, I got a very small checklist I had to fill out asking me if I could do certain things. I have no idea if my doctors got anything to fill out or not but after sending that in, I have never got anything to document anything further about my MS and it's symptoms. For those of you who don't know about SSD, It's not the disease diagnosis that gives you the SSD but the symptoms and how they restrict you from working. Like cognitive is my worst problems, all the times when I can't think of what I am trying to think of or remember to do something. Frequent fatigue was also cited.

    Katla, hopefully someone else will take one look at your son's boat and fall in love with it.

    Lisa, I agree with the others, your bushy look is nice. I know some people can get really frizzy with humidity. you and your siblings are very nice looking.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hi ladies: Welcome to the newbies, just keep coming back. Cloudy and a little rainy. They finished the septic today, YEAY!!!!!! Now we just have to have the white water tank pumped out probably next week and we will be good to go for 3-5 years. Turns out when they built the system they dropped a boulder bigger than a beachball on one of the pipes so it has been unattached and leaking for 9 years. There is a layer of biomaterial in the yard about 10-12 inches deep. Yuck. No wonder the grass grows really high there.

    Chris - So sorry about PB. Hope someone else comes your way soon.

    Kim - Thinking good thoughts about you and your dream job. You go girl!!

    Miriam - I hear you about the SSDI. You would think they would want to encourage people to work as much as they can but that is not what happens. I worked in rehab and there are a few stinkers playing the system but way too many who can't get services they need.

    Lisa - Good looking group.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Miriam: When people ask you what you "do" tell them you are raising two daughters, you have a big garden, and so on. It is none of their business where your money comes from. I have a great deal of respect for your accomplishments, and your educational background. My understanding about the difficulties of a person with disabilities is getting more educated as my husband deals with his list of autoimmune diseases and tries to have a life. Because of his situation I also have more understanding about living with disabilities, and the courage and persistence it takes. :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Kim, I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your possible dream job

    :) Last night I was reading a book in a favorite mystery series and one of the clues had to do with nine ones squared and all the brainy people hearing took much longer to figure it out than I did....I love arithmetic puzzles

    :) today was another acupuncture visit....I'm still not ready to draw any conclusions but being there is a very pleasant experience.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington where my plants really need the water
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Miriam - DARN, as your explanation of the situation was so clear and straight forward that you should be allowed to supplement your ssdi when you are able... the "system" drives me nuts... oh well you are our mental health educator and you are very valued for that! I agree with Katla, don't tell the dumb a$$es who think you have to have a job to be of value where your cash flow comes from, none of their business.

    smiles Kim in N. Cal
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    So sad about all the flooding in Texas and other areas. I kind of wish we would get a little rain here to wash out some of the pollen. They say the pollen count is higher than it has been in 25 years. Not good. I know what I said about the sodium, but we had Maryland steamed crabs for dinner for Tim's (son) birthday. I'll pay for it tomorrow with all the sodium but it was worth it. Still under calorie count do that something anyway.