

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherean33 wrote: »
    ... From what I've read, diets really only succeed for a while, then you gain the weight back and more. That's been my experience, too.

    If you go on a diet, lose the weight, and then go back to your regular life, you will probably regain every pound, and maybe more. I did that once, and those were the results I got. I went back to my old habits and got my old results. The weight came back and brought even more with it. Thanks to MFP and this wonderful group, I have learned that to stay slim I have to permanently change my eating and exercising habits. I reached my goal weight long ago, and I'm still here because I still need the support. I have to log every bite and swallow, every day, and record my exercise so that I can maintain my new weight. I feel better, I'm happier, and I love this group of women. I hope you'll join us.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sherean33 – I’ve know people who have had bariatic surgery; and, lap band surgery. I don’t know anybody (personally) who have had good results with it. It either made them deathly ill; one gained back her weight and then some. So she isn’t a candidate for any other surgeries. The one that I know with the lap band … made her sick, she kept going in to have it expands so she could eat more. I’m not sure I would do it; but, others on this site have had it done with little, or no issues.

    When you exercise is limited … you’ll probably have to lower your caloric intake. Personally, I think that ought to be under a MD’s care. For me to lose weight since I take so much medication that ‘weight gain’ is a side effect; he put me on a restrictive diet; and, I’ve lost 40lbs total. Keeping weight off means you have to look at this weight loss as a ‘life-style’ change and NOT a diet. Dealing with hunger, drink more water – you’ll pee like a race horse in the beginning; but, it will soon be something you want. Suggestion is drink water 30 minutes before you eat; or work up to 4 8-ounce glasses during your meal. Thirty minutes later drink another cup of water. Cut out all colas! That is one reason that a lot of people cannot lose weight; they aren’t willing to lose the daily coke or two from their ‘life-style’. Eat a banana or a boiled egg; both will knock out the hunger and are full of protein. Most important thing is to have a good set of measuring cups and spoons and a food weight; and, track EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth, including those ‘bites’ that sometimes all of us take while eating. Good luck! Tell us what name you prefer to be called by, location (general or specific), family, and hobbies, let us get to know you.

    We will talk about ANYTHING because there are no ‘men’ that we know of on this site. It’s like one big happy family. Very encouraging. Barbiecat will post a link to follow on the last day of the month. Make sure you bookmark the page by clicking on the outline of the star which will turn yellow; after that, when you come to the community, hit the gray stare between the bell and gear. A pop-up screen will appear.

    A lot of us open up a word processing page and put it side-by-side with MFP. That way we can respond to anybody we want to. You cannot go back a page unless you post what you’ve typed up to that point, you will lose it. Make sure that when you do post, that you are on the very last page. Page numbers show up at the upper and lower right-hand side of the page. You can ‘edit’ your post by hitting the black gear that will show up when you move your cursor over to the upper right-hand corner of you post. We all have our days when we mess up; just pick yourself up by your boot straps and we will encourage you in any way we can.

    The community will go back to your last post (that helps); but, if you see there are posts in the previous month it is because we are all posting at different times. Some of us put a “.” or a ‘smiley face’ to help us get back to our last post (also helps to find your place, if you get lost).

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hi all! I checked in this morning and read new posts and began to type my reply; then my daughter called. Nothing important, just to talk. So...I am checking back in and reading the 20 new posts since this morning! I notice the word *kitten* popping up in a couple posts! :D I wish they would use different "pet" words for different censored words! Some times you just want to use those swear words masterbate, hell, *kitten*, sex, damn (I just wrote a bunch to see which they consider censorable)
    Nikki- Thanks for the PEO advice. I am still checking out colleges and figuring out my plan of action, but I will let you know and would be glad of any help.
    Pip- I feel like lately, I would fall under the "boring peep" label; but most of these ladies would not! ;) I am sure that was autocorrect over stepping it's boundaries.
    Becca- Loving the book so far; but if you keep posting it here, we won't have to go out and buy the published work!
    Newgirls, Sherean33 and Alco- I have also been suffering from foot and ankle injuries and I think the best exercise I have found for cardio and strength is swimming. Once you are in the water you can move your feet/ankles as much or as little as comfortable, but the simple resistance of the water and your muscles reaction to the water movement helps to strengthen the areas that are weakest. Is a pool a possibility for you? I have about 80 pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight, but I am happy with any loss. As far as food goes, I eat high protein meals (low fat and carb) and like Lenora says "water, water, water". Don't think of it as dieting, think of it as a lifestyle choice. You are making the choices you WANT to make to live a stronger, healthier life. Yes, log on and enter your food here! It really helps to keep you on track and I can not say enough about these women! Love them! They have become a "light" in my day!
    Sylvia You look fantastic and your gallery looks wonderful.
    Kim- Amazing how your dream might be realized through another friend's dream! Hope it works out for you!
    Gotta get busy and get dinner started! Chicken fajitas with extra veggies and rice! ttyl
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Wow! They only censored one of them! Impressive. (Sorry about the bad language ladies, just an experiment)
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Okay Ladies, I'm feeling a little shy about this, but decided to share it anyway:
    Here's the testimonial I wrote for the transformation challenge at my gym.
    Thanks for "listening". :love: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    **** **** ****

    When I first joined Gold's Gym, I was mostly recovered from four orthopedic surgeries involving both legs, I was forty pounds overweight, had lost at least 15 pounds of muscle from lack of exercise since the surgeries, and had turned 50 that year. Over the last two and a half years of training here, I have weathered two more surgeries, the last of which didn't go well, and left me with a permanent limp...But I have also built back all the lost muscle, and more recently, lost roughly half the extra weight.

    That sounds good, right? It doesn't begin to express what Gold's Gym has meant to me. During weeks and months of recovery, frustration, inactivity-induced depression and finally learning that I would limp for the rest of my life, training at Gold's became my lifeline, and often, the highlight of my week. I came in on crutches, on a scooter, on a walker, and trained first with Evan and later with Jeff, who never turned me away...they kept me safe to train as hard as I could withstand without overtraining; they helped me target my training, first for safety, and later to maximize my recovery gains. And they didn't just provide training expertise: they stood by me when I cried in frustration, cheered me when I made progress--or simply, showed determination; they've never ridiculed my starry-eyed dreams of sprinting again, doing pull-ups, maybe a cartwheel. Whatever else went right or wrong in a week, I knew I could come to Gold's and express my physicality, feel joy in movement, feel strong, get stronger, and keep going. Eventually, my optimism returned, and I can see that dancing with a limp is still dancing, skiing with a limp is still skiing…

    As I continue to recover, and see progress in both how I look and what I can do, I also see what I've come through, and the people who invested of themselves in helping me get this far, and whom I can trust to help me get all the way back to where I belong...my allies at Gold's Gym. You didn't just help me recover; you helped me hang on to what makes me, me. There isn't a word for this kind of gratitude…my first post-surgery cartwheel will be for you.

    Larisa Brown
    Seattle, WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
    lmao!!!!! boring peeps ! that was auto correct fo sho!!! funny!

    kirby is getting better with running but he is finding the longer he runs the more feeling of numbness goes throughout his right arm and shoulder. did 90 min. of running, 9.40miles, came out to 9.33min. mi. something he's going to have to deal with the longer he runs. he also says the swinging motion of running is painful after the run is over. we are getting him a shoulder compression sleeve to see if that helps
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi gals,

    Joyce – glad Charlie is a little bit better – I get what you mean about Indiana not being in play and now is CA does their primary in June, and we are already beginning to get ads and “recyclables” in the mail box.

    Heather – could it be the family troubles, us gals – maybe because we share, get support from lots of places, the guys seem to bottle thing up, tell no one and get grumpy

    Sylvia – you look good and I’m so thankful you are back to 99.9% !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad the opening went well.

    Cheri – so glad an offer is close to pending… hope makes everything easier.

    Katla – sending good thoughts for fun riding and a quick easy sale…

    Nikki – sending good thoughts on the perfect job!

    Sherean – I would start logging your food, I do believe that lifestyle changes work, and that can be by just starting to take control of the amount of food and activity you get or by starting with surgery; but either way to make this work for the rest of your live you have to make the life style change. By logging your food – without guilt or judgement, you will be able to see what items you pick that have low nutrition and high calories, and most of the time I know what I can have that will be filling and low calorie, I do not always make the choice but after 2 years here I do know what a good option would be and I rarely feel hungry except at meal time.

    Larisa - wow – I got teary!

    Pip – It is so amazing that he is running so well! Bummer about the numbness… I have a bit of carpel tunnel in my shoulder there is a place in the shoulder area where nerves can get compressed like in your wrist and that’s what happens to me, cold compresses, massage on the area seem to help me.

    Well just have to smile, here I am getting excited about a new thing and there is more embroidery business coming my way in the last 3 days than the last month all together. But that’s fine as even if I get the garden job I’ll still run the embroidery business, I need to generate enough to pay current bills and to pay back outstanding from losing my job, and build up my retirement nest egg… Always something! And a single income makes it a bit more challenging. But extra work is helping me sleep and feel more at peace. So enough socializing and back to work I go!

    Kim from N. California
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello ladies: DD made it out this morning on the first flight so didn't have to sit around the airport. She flies standby because she flies for free.Having a slow day here. Just about the time I decide to go outside and do something it starts raining. I really need to get more steps in. I will have to walk around the living room I guess. Food good so far.

    Joyce - I started taking individual vitamins since I cannot take vitamin D and could not find a multi without it. I have found the B complex vitamins help when I am going down on the prednisone. I am not so achy on those days until I adjust to the new dosage. If the prednisone is helping and he can taper down to a low dose and still be okay can he stay on that longterm?

    Sylvia - Great picture. Looks like a nice space and you are looking good too.

    Nikki - Thinking good thoughts that your job search goes well.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
    godmomkim - his issue is because of his central cord syndrome, it's just something that will or won't get better with time..
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! Not much going on but just checking in. Day 6 of the 8 day Yoga challenge and I'm very stiff. But I always need some kind of challenge to get involved in to motivate me. Mulch was delivered today so tomorrow will be spent spreading it.

    Kimses in MA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sylvia, good to see your face!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) I've been to three acupuncture sessions. It is a very pleasant and relaxing process and I've enjoyed being there but I've seen no change in the numbness and tingling and nerve pain in my legs. I agreed (thanks to the wise counsel of others) to try six sessions and I want very much for it to work. I know that I am much better off than many people I know. I take my dogs for long walks, dance three days a week and do a weight training session three times a week, but standing is painful and I can't do it for long and I have a fair amount of pain that can be moderated with ibuprofen but I don't want to take too much.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    13,000 steps
    150 minutes of dog walking
    seated weight training with 5, 10, and 15 pound weights

    The weather was not sufficiently inviting to want to work in the yard, so we took the dogs for a ride to the Chinese restaurant where I have a gift certificate and got take out. At home we spent part of the afternoon going through photos using marie kondo's suggestion to "discard anything that doesn't spark joy". We barely made a dent in the pictures but the longest journey starts with a single step and we were able to throw a lot of stuff in the trash can.

    :)Larisa, I love what you wrote about your gym.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 40 minutes of Walk Your Belly Flat DVD and then 30 inutes of Prevention's Belly Butt and Thigh DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Prevention's Strong Slim and Firm DVD

    Kim - don't know why I missed this before, but I just found out that we're in zone 7 for growing. I like the look of the Loropetalum Carolina Moonlight, Snow Muffin or Emeral Snow and the creeping Gardenia that CarolGA suggested. From the reading I've done, the azalea is a decidious bush so it'll lose its leaves in the winter. I want something that will stay a bush. The other ones seem to meet most of my needs, doesn't grow real high, blooms early (like the first day of spring), stays a bush in winter, even if the bush is just green that's OK for wintertime.

    I saw this ad in the Charlotte Observer about this paint that lasts like 25 years (exterior paint) only a minimum job would be $2500. We only have small places that need to be painted so I called the place to see if I could buy a gallon of white and a gallon of brown. they are willing to sell it to me but I wouldn't have the warranty. I'd also need a gallon of the primer. The thing is, I haven't received it. I'm going to give them a call when I remember again to see if they needed payment before they'd ship it. I was expecting that they'd ship it and include a bill. Maybe not. Well, this isn't something that I have to have asap. It's just that we have so little that needs to be painted and if something will last 25 years, that I can live with. Even if it is more expensive initially, I'll be spending more over the course of 25 years.

    Sue - If the septic had been leaking for 9 years, I'm very surprised that it didn't show up in the inspection that there was a problem

    Oh darn...I just realized that I need yogurt for Vince's chocolate zucchini cupcakes (shh...we don't tell him there's zucchini in them). I'm thinking that I'll ride my bike to the end of our development, walk to Food Lion, then ride back to the house. That is...IF I can find the cable and lock for the bike.

    Joyce - no, Bryan's wife is never around for these Skype sessions. In a way, that kind-of surpries me. It's not like we know her practically at all and she doesn't know us. I would think that she'd at least want to be part of this. After all this is his family too. She didn't marry just Bryan but his family also. But for now, I'm just content with how things are going. When we end, I always say "I love you, give our love to Diana"

    Sylvia - I have a ceramics question for you. Do they make a lighthouse that is about 5 feet tall? I realize that something that big would most likely be too big for a kiln. But if it were in sections, those sections could be fired and then Vince can use gorilla glue on them. Do they make something like this? You're looking real good in that pic You sure don't look like you've gained 30 pounds. As a matter of fact, you look like you've lost. So good to hear that you're feeling better. It'll only get better and better.

    pickleheadgirl - welcome! What an interesting name. There must be a story behind it, care to share?

    cheri - happy Passover and the same to anyone who celebrates. One year I gave up white flour for Lent and right now I don't want bread products. Not that I don't have them, but whenever I go to a restaurant, I usually ask for whatever I'm getting not to have the bun.

    Went outside and put down some more grass seed and the rest of the hay. Tomorrow we're supposed to Skype with Denise and Pete, so afterwards we'll probably go to Lowe's Hardware to get more straw and put down more seed. YEA!!!

    I made the salmon this morning that I had marinating over night. Then I made pineapple zucchini muffins to take to the home of the gal where we play mahjongg. she's having a "potty party" You read right, no, that wasn't a typo. See, she just renovated her bathroom and she's giving this party to celebrate the new bathroom. Guess she's wanted it done for a long time, not sure exactly why she's having a party about it. I know her hubby did a lot of the work but they (of course) needed some professionals.

    then I made a cake for the lady who does the sewing. Yes, it was her son who royally screwed up the landscaping. But she's still a very nice person. I'm just going to tell her (and this is the truth) that Jess was so thrilled with the dress she made that she said it was worth more than the $20 the lady charged. I'll probably give her another $20.

    Tried this new recipe for chocolate zucchini cupcakes. I put the zucchini in the food processor extra long so it was really like mush. Vince won't see the zucchini and I'm not going to tell him it's in there. The recipe did call for 1/2 cup plain yogurt. Well, I wasn't going to buy a big container of plain yogurt just for 1/2 cup so I used Greek yogurt. The batter was thick but the cupcakes look good.

    Vince just said that he'd drive me to Food Lion. I feel bad asking him to drive me all over the place, so I told him first I'll look for the cable that I'm thinking of and see if we have a lock. I don't mind walking, I just don't want to ride my bike on the main road. pip - it's just that I'm not used to riding. I don't have a problem riding to the end of our development. He asked me "what are you going to do with the things you buy". I just told him "it's only one thing". Actually, I think I have a backpack so I can empty that and use it. Update: he felt that the tires on my bike didn't have enough air in them so he drove me. Personally, I thought the tires had enough air. Now that I think of it, what I probably could have done was used vanilla yogurt instead of the Greek. Oh well...next time

    Got the umbrellas out by the pool and Vince put up the speakers then he connected the receiver, etc. We're all set....just waiting on the pump. He's hesitant to take off the cover since by doing so any chlorine that's in the water will be burned up.

    Nikki - hope things go well for you with those interviews and you get a positive call

    shrerean - can you do water aerobics? Can you take the boot off long enough to be in the water? I would think you could since water aerobics doesn't put any stress at all on your feet. that is...if you exercise in the deep end. What about upper body exercises while seated? Personally, I don't think WLS is really called for in a lot of cases. In the end, what it forces you to do is have portion control and diet (like added protein). I have a friend, we went out to dinner before her WLS. You should have seen what she ordered! A tuna melt (all that cheese and mayo!) and most of the french fries. After the WLS we went out again and she said to me "I have to get my protein, so I'll have the salmon" And you should have seen all the suppliments she had to take since her stomach wasn't large enough to absorb the nutrients from food (she couldn't eat that much). Wonder how clients feel when she goes out to eat with them and then she doesn't eat? Then again, I agree with it for people who need to lose hundreds of pounds. As to dealing with hunger....I don't deprive myself. What I do when I'm hungry is have some low-cal snacks handy (like baby carrots or raisins). I agree wholehartedly with what Katla said to you. This is an awesome place to be. We talk about (as I'm sure you've found out) everything and anything, not just weight loss. Our lives really do affect our eating. Some eat when stressed, some don't eat, I eat when I'm bored. whatever your reason, come in and tell us what's going on in your life. If anything, your hands will be busy so you can't eat :)

    Larisa - did you send a copy of that testimonial to the gym? That's a great testimonial to them and I'm sure they'd love to have it

    barbie - I'm so sorry the acupuncture isn't working. Let's really hope that the word "yet" goes at the end of that sentance.

    Michele in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Becca, will we get chapter 2 tomorrow or do we have to wait? I was kind of confused about the dream insert, didn't know if it had anything to do about the original story. Still wondering. Insert scratching my head.

    Michele, sounds like things are a bit better with your son. Is his wife around when you have this skype session? Good luck with it.

    Charlie was able to go out to Karaoke again tonight!!!! I dread it when his dose of Prednisone stops. I am hoping that it kick started a healing but not holding my breath. That was her (the nurse practitioner) intention when she ordered it. But this is his 3rd round of it since diagnosis and it has always gradually went back to it's original ugly self after the 4 weeks of 40 mg are over. He is now on 30 mg so he is on his way down and is doing better on now than he was a week ago. He has his appointment on the 2nd. Fingers crossed.

    Take this just as a statement and nothing else. The Indiana primary is coming up soon. Usually we are late enough in the proccess that we don't make any difference. But this time we do. So now we are getting hit with all the adds. Sigh.

    Joyce, Indiana

    I was trying to put another layer of detail about the Becca character, using these "dream chapters" to make sense, or confuse her..or you... lol
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Larisa - did you send a copy of that testimonial to the gym? That's a great testimonial to them and I'm sure they'd love to have it
    Michele in NC

    I'm turning it in on Monday when they weigh me and measure me for the challenge. :smile:

    Thank you all for the encouragement!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Larisa, that was an inspirational testimonial for sure. Wonderful!