

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member

    Janetr (the other Janet)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    DJ, Happy Birthday!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Happy B-day DJ!!!

    Sue in WA
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    DJ. I want to add my happy birthday wishes. It sounds like you are having a great day.

    Miriam- What fun at the nursery. They are dangerous to my pocketbook.

    Katla- How is your DD family? Did I miss news about a boat sale?

    Sylvia- you and the studio and your pottery all look wonderful.

    Carol- you are off to a great start to the week.

    Kim- I really hope you get the garden job. What a perfect fit.

    Chris- I so hoped you would graduate to a BFF from PB. Perhaps he will see the light.

    Lisa- 2,000 miles in a week and I don't believe you even left Texas. It gives one quite a different perspective on the differing states. Both trips sounded fulfilling. Congratulations on your chair sale and the new business with your family. Another perfect match.

    JOkc- a heron. How lucky to see one so close. They are such magnificent, majestic creatures.

    Karen, the walk sounds like it is just what you needed to prime yourself for getting back on track.

    Heather- the fuscia color is gorgeous on you. You look so happy with your friend. I hope that DH is able to share his burden with you
    It will help you both. It sounds like you are ready for Mexico.

    Allie- at least you will have some well-deserved time by yourself.

    Michele- in addition to the hydrangea idea, you might try winterberry bushes.. These wonderful brushes get red berries in the fall that last all through winter. You don't even miss the dropped leaves because the profuse berries against the bare branches looks like a Christmas card scene. Added bonus- they attract birds and are native to the east coast. Another possibility is rhododendron. Lovely flowers and evergreen.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Happy Birthday to DJ!!!
    Michele, glad the Skypes seem to be going okay!
    Miriam that sounds like a fun nursery trip. One of the few types of stores I love shopping at-- at least until I have to open the wallet...
    I did more gardening today and am now on the couch attempting to recover. We have been trying to find the property marker for one corner for the past couple of weeks and I finally found it today buried in the dirt. So now we know just which weeds are ours and we can plan for a fence in one side. I am not fond of fences but if we had one maybe we would not be finding beer cans and potato chips wrappers and golf balls in our yard. Today I even found a flip flop! What's up with that? Why don't people at least pick up their trash? Oh well...
    Speaking of shrubs, what would work in semi-shade in zone 6 that are deer-resistant? There are 3 eastern white pines and a birch tree in that corner, but there is room for smaller things there. Would love Rhodys but worried the deer might find them tasty.
    Went over on calories yesterday but did better today.
    Good night, lovely ladies!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DJ!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happy Birthday DJ!!!

    I am typing with just one hand because I nicked my ring finger with a pair of kitchen scissors cutting up my chicken for chicken fried rice.... just cut the tip off a wee bit, my husband just shakes his head at me... he did give me one of his chocolate truffles he bought at the Festival yesterday. I look like Frankenstein's bride with cotton all round the tip with ace stretchy tape, (that doesn't stick together though, so I have one of those metal teeth thingy's to hold it together). I didn't freak out though, even when my finger took a while to stop bleeding.

    Lenora glad you enjoy my story. When we were stationed in Japan we has those Cicadas too. We don't have them in Oregon, so I kept thinking it was someone using a weed-eater!!! I was thinking, be done with your yard already!! Hahahaha!

    I personally think when architects started building homes after WWII without porches, (society trying to heal families from the inside out), that we lost a bit of our innate care for our fellow man, paying attention to our neighborhoods, and looking outside the front door for comfort. That is my own opinion. Raising my sons on military bases, (little Americas), people kept an eye out for your kids, we had coffee with our active military neighbors, bringing our chairs over to chat about our lives. These days most do not know their next door neighbor, or what car they drive.

    I tend to get nose-y with my neighbor. I want them to feel comfortable enough to ask for an egg if they need to. Also if I need something I can ask too. I have lived next door to neighbors in California that I bring a slice or two of warm banana bread to, and return home with a still sunny warm freshly picked tomato. I think its just what you do. What it truly means to be neighborly.

    with a sore finger in
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    We opened the family pool today. All eleven grandkids plus an extra filled it for hours of screams and fun. It started to rain and they stayed in the pool during the rain (no lightening or thunder). They figured they were already wet they might as well stay that way. lol

    We thought our family had escaped any flooding but one daughter and son-in-law spent today tearing out sheetrock and carpet from their son's room. They didn't know they had gotten water in the house until a very strong smell of mildew took over. It seeped in from their back yard. Not enough to cause any standing water but soaked everything four feet from the wall. They didn't notice because their son's bed is against the wall and covered it. Not fun for them but with a little help they got it all cleared out and they are drying it out. Next weekend they will be putting up new walls and getting it fixed up. They dug a trench around the back of their house to prevent any more problems like that. They will end up putting in a french drain to solve it permanently.

    Caught myself eating fruit leather like candy this afternoon. I hate having a sweet tooth. At least it was fruit and not sugar but still it had a ton of calories.

    Emptied out my kiln. I had three shelves that turned out lovely and one shelf just didn't do well at all. I'll be refiring some of the pottery. Some aren't worth saving.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Happy birthday, DJ!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Prevention's Strong Slim and Firm DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of Hot Body Boot Camp DVD, hold my pank, then do a Lower Body and Total Body DVD

    Joyce - there isn't any roadside stand around here to get a lighthouse, unfortunately. Maybe I'll have to make a trip. Wonder how much it would cost for you to send one? How heavy would you say it is? What would be the dimensions of a box for it to be in? How expensive is it? Having a gnome might be nice to have by the pool. Something maybe it could be painted to look like he's looking over the pool and the swimmers. I know they make some that I can paint, I'll just have to look in the catalogues. We just think a large lighthouse right by the waterslide would look cool. And the light on top would help illuminate the steps on the slide. I do the same thing, I refill any meds for me as soon as I use up the current bottle. Vince waits until the last minute. I wonder if Bryan's wife isn't interested in getting to know us?????

    Alison - feel better fast. I know if I have a whole carrot and don't chew it sufficiently before swallowing, I get a feeling like I'm about to throw up. Then it goes away. That happened to me yesterday. I just didn't say anything to Vince who had already come into the house because I knew that the sensation would go away and he'd just get all worried for nothing.

    Lenora - I was not happy at all to read about the holly bush, that digging it up was a real pain. That's the bush that they put at the edge of our house and the one that if Vince needs to use a ladder to trim again this year, I'm really going to want to get rid of. It just worries me him on a ladder (on a slope) with a hedge trimmer. I found a plant (don't know the name of it) that someone as you come into our development has on their property. It was blooming the first day of spring. Guess I'll find out if that plant stays green all winter. That's another bush the previous owner had put in. I swear, they hired a landscaper who put in the absolute cheapest bushes just so that the house looked nice to sell. The holly bushes are pretty tall, wish they'd put in something not as mature. But they wanted to get the house looking nice to sell. The owner was a real estate agent so she probably thought this is something that prospective buyers would want. Not really, at least not me. We do have some bushes on the side by our garage. I have no idea what they are. I wonder if cutting them back would help them grow more "bushy"? Then again, if we cut them back too much and they don't regrow, I know Vince is going to be really upset. Right now he is so p***** at the work this landscaper did and how we have to fix his screwups. I didn't even mention that there were weed seeds in the straw that he put down so now we not only have grass but weeds also in them. We did put down weed & feed, hope that will kill them off. I'll ask my friend who is a master gardener if she know what the plant with the flowers on it is. I just found out that we're in zone 7. Goes to show you how much I know about plants!!! I'm a religious gardener -- God will take care of it. I really like the feel of the resistence of the water on my body when I take the water aerobics class. At home, to me, it's just so very relaxing to float in the pool and have the sound of the waterfall in the background. I sent in my order for the Lamictal to the insurance pharmacy. Of course, they couldn't fill it then but they said they'd fill it as soon as they can. I just wanted to send it in before I forgot

    Miriam - we really don't want two rows of shrubs because Vince does A LOT of halloween and Christmas decorating. We need room to put the stakes in the gound. there isn't that much room between the garage and the sidewalk as it is, so it's just one row of bushes so there is room for the eyeballs (h), skull and hands (h), snowflakes (c) and whatever else we might decide to put there, maybe candy canes, the arches over the sidewalk need to be staked. To me, the Carolina Moonlight, Snow Muffin or Emerald Snow in the Loropetalum family look so pretty. I saw this one Loropetalum plant and it has flowers on it but it remains a bush in the wintertime. The only thing is -- I don't know if the nursery that my friend uses carries them. I looked at a picture of the boxwood on the internet and didn't even think there were any flowers. They must have been REAL small.

    Tomorrow will be the last day that I count the donations at the church. I only did it for the month of April. Next month I'll go back to the extremepump class.

    Oh, I did find the cable for my bike if I need it to go to the Food Lion, I have a combination lock, but I can't remember the combination. I could have sworn I had it written down somewhere but over time the adhesive on the tape probably dried out and it fell away. But I know that we have a key lock that we used on the UHaul when we went down to FL so I can use that. Just have to put more air in the tires of my bike.

    Finished the third beaded banner last night. Now for the fourth and last one!

    Lisa - has it been a year already???? Boy, time flies I'm so glad you're here

    kimses - I like how you mix up the cardio with the weight training. Just don't do that same cardio all the time. Or the same weight training. Mix it up, that keeps your body guessing. It's always so interesting when someone says "I'm on a plateau". Makes you wonder -- do they do the same exercise over and over? If you do, eventually your body gets used to it and you burn fewer calories.

    Anne - we used that stuff where you drill a hole and it eventually wears away the stump. the key word is "eventually". We didn't have very good luck at all with it and never used it again.

    Welcome everyone new! Be sure to come right back

    I feel badly asking Vince to always take me to the store, but we really need more vegetables. I know he doesn't care, but I'm running out. Put down a bit more grass seed in the backyard, First went to Lowe's Hardware to get some straw.

    DJ - happy happy birthday! Hope you have a great day (what's left of it). You know, the hardest thing I find about this lifestyle change is when you go out to eat or even to someone else's house. Everything seems to be covered with sauces, deep fried. It's hard to get just plain veges. and when you do, it really isn't very much at all. Yet, there is all this talk about how much obesity there is. Well...look at what's being served. I still say that the price of things should be related to how many calories they contain. The higher the calorie count...the higher the price. You can bet people who are looking to save money (they are usually the overweight people) will choose the healthier options.

    Becca - Vince used to laugh at me because when we'd get a new neighbor, I'd always bring over some cookies or muffins. Really, in this neighborhood I only do that for the people who are like across the street or up the street, not for the entire neighborhood. It's interesting, a lot of the homes around here were built with a front porch but you never see anyone sitting out on the porch.

    I still wonder why ceramics "shiver" in the kiln and what I can do to avoid that happening.

    Michele in NC
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    I still wonder why ceramics "shiver" in the kiln and what I can do to avoid that happening.

    Michele in NC
    "Though statistically not as common as other defects, shivering is a severe glaze problem that occurs when a glaze is under too much compression. The fired glaze looks like a paint chip peeling off the underlying clay body. When shivering is very severe (glaze under extreme compression), it can tear or break the underlying clay body, causing the whole pot to crack apart upon cooling." (Lakeside Pottery html linked below) Shivering is when a piece of glaze will crack off, normally near a rim or at edges. Some clay may be attached to the glaze piece that cracks off. This occurs because stress has built up between the clay and glaze that can't be absorbed. It is often caused by over-sponging which takes away the fine clay particles and leaves behind the groggier clay particles which are not elastic enough to absorb the stress.

    My problem this time was my glaze crawled. It's awful. I know what I did to cause it. It was a "duh" moment. By trying to speed things up I caused the problem and ruined some lovely pieces. I will be more patient this next load.

    I found a real simple explanation of different glaze and firing problems at Lakeside Pottery's page. They have simple descriptions and then once you identify your problem you can figure out how to fix it. The one on shivering can be found at : http://www.lakesidepottery.com/HTML Text/Tips/Shivering.html

    Slightly wet in Houston, will the rain ever end?
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi gals,
    Barbie – sorting pictures is a hard job! Good for you to start on it.

    Michele – check on the plants to see how they do in zone 7… it will help you be sure that you are happy with them. I am glad the skype sessions are going so much better….and that you are feeling more connected to Bryan. I googled the Loropetalum and the 3 you picked are probably good choices, but be really sure to get specifically those and most of the pink and purple ones get 8-15 feet tall….

    Kimses – I read that Tangerines… and though how odd that she has never had a tangerine… then opened the link… LOL - I have not done this either, but it sounds good.

    Heather – great pic!

    Annie – I agree with CJ that of those 2 choices grinding is best, but I had a tree die in my yard and I got the tree guy to cut the stump low but very flat,- used a level – and I put a pot on it and plant it with different things….

    Becca – great story and I loved your comment about neighbors, it’s funny as I do the bring stuff to others and mostly know my neighbors and they return the sharing; but I have one neighbor Diane, that I get along with fine, but she is often complaining about the others and she thinks they should start the communications, she’ll never start the conversation, someone else has to do it and if they don’t then the must be a. mean or b. not like her…. Drives me a bit nutty…

    DJ – happy b-day

    So today was a garden club member garden tour, 5 members open their gardens and we get to see them… the smallest one was a gal who lives in an apt and has 6 plots that are 3”x6” at a community garden, she had done some amazing things, the largest one was 6 acres… All were low water use, and while very different they were all really nice. I’ll be watering the veggies at the 6 acre garden in the month of May as the owners are going to Europe for a month – 2 weeks in Scandinavia, 1 week in Normandy, 1 week in paris. They should have fun! And I will enjoy taking care of the yard…

    Someone asked me if the gardening job would be enough financially and I forgot to note who asked, if I get paid similar to the gal who has it now and keep the embroidery business going (which of course is getting busy again) it should be perfect, I will really like having a set amount coming in each month, that is the hardest thing now, is I never know what will come in at any moment, it is very hard to budget. I’ve been living under the federal poverty line for 6 years now and this would get me closer to just poor, not so far under, so that would be a big relief.

    smiles Kim in N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca, I need someone to start an IV on you and put a catheter in so you don't have to get up and eat and pee. I want more of your book!!!! Sorry you cut your finger. Glad hubbie gave you a treat though. I have given my neighbors a loaf of home made bread or a plate of cookies and hardly anything is said so we just remain waving neighbors. Now if we lived across the street and 2 doors down, we would be best friends with the neighbors. But that's about as far as those 2 couples go. We know the one family from work and always wave and stop and say hello. I have asked her if she could help me with landscaping tips, paid, since she is a master gardener but she doesn't want to. I am terrible at make up and she was a Mary Kay consultant and I asked if I could make an appointment and come down and she never did. I am surprised at my husband. He always says he is not prejudiced against any other race but the comments he makes say something else. But the neighbors directly across the street are a very nice black couple and he and the husband are close. The only time we ever came together as a neighborhood was one year when we had a really bad snowstorm with really bad winds. We had really bad drifts at the very end of our street which made us all home bound. We all put our efforts together to dig us out and it was fun doing something like that. But i can remember the days of block parties, and stuff like that when I was a kid. We used to have a family several doors down from us that when the kids would trick or treat that they would always give us candy before they would accept. I like families like that. You can tell they are raising their children with good values.

    Happy birthday DJ!!!!!!

    Really good day at church today. Our Sunday School lesson was about forgiveness. I have been thinking about my sister in law and wondering if I should call her and see how she is doing. But yet I know I still don't want her in my life and my husband sure doesn't. So I guess I have not even close to a forgiving heart with her. For all you new ladies, this sister has 'borrowed' so much money, furniture, many things and it never comes back. DH is a sucker for always giving her another chance. I remember the day she called me and she was so proud. She finally had every one in the family on SSD. She is one of those people who are just going to take and take from whomever whether it is an individual or the different government agencies. Her daughter has 2 children by her cousin, they are living together, neither has jobs and also get anything they can. But what hurt me the most was what she did to her Mother whom I dearly loved. When she and her Mom lived in the same government housing, she was at her Mom's all the time. My MIL always gave them as much of her meager check as she could. But as soon as MIL had to go to a nursing home, all contact was cut off. When we were giving MIL a nice party for her 80th birthday, daughter said she would come. Nope, never did. The worst was, and it hurt me the most, was when my MIL was dying. I called my sister in law and told her. She said she just didn't think she could emotionally handle being there. So I held my cell phone to my dear MIL ears and listened to Karen cry into the phone about how much she was going to miss her Mom so much. So hang up the phone and drive your butt over to see her before she takes her last breath. Be with the entire family as they are there together. So after Vi died, I got her clothes together and offered Karen to come over and pick what she thought she could wear. She came over, put everything in plastic bags, and I mean everything and left, never said thanks or anything. I know I should forgive her, my God says I should. But it is not in my heart to do it. And until it is totally in my heart, I know I won't call her.

    Well OK, I am not sure why I gave myself that sermon but I guess I needed it.

    Our choir special was really nice. We are a small church and have a small choir. One of my favorite couples is this alto that sits next to me and her husband has a wonderful tenor voice although they are both in their 80's. So the song we sang this morning, the choir had sung before but that was before my time there. It has a short duet for a tenor and alto and this couple sang it the last time and they did this time. He has the most pure, strong tenor voice that could just melt any one's heart. They have sang duets before but her voice is weakening and I am sad to hear it. But they are the perfect example of what a couple should be as they grow into their silver and golden years. They still love each other so dearly.

    Nitey nite, Joyce, Indiana Beautiful Indiana!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    CJ - The cruise is to the Arctic Circle. In June. Mexico is next January. I am very excited about both!

    Love Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Morning ladies~
    slept 8 1/2 hrs..
    D.J.~ Happy Birthday sweet friend hope it was a a special day... woke up at 3:30 when Tom left for work..
    the birds are already singing at 4:30..I dont have to be to work until 12:30 so might go up to my dads and try and get some paint off the floor in grandaughter's room
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I've been following all you wonderful women since the middle of March...trying to get to know who you are by reading all your posts...an awesome, active, supportive group...I'm a little intimidated! I've decided I've just got to jump in & hope to become friends...so here goes.
    DH & I married right out of HS (upstate NY) 2 children by end of soph yr. after grad sch (civil engineer) off to Michigan & Dow Chem. After 3rd son I got my degree. We transfer to Ohio for only 3 yrs & then to Ma. I manage 2 RE offices for Coldwell Banker. DOS in high tech, DMS police officer in our town, DYS Navy Jag now lawyer in private sector. 3 wonderful DDiLs & 7 grands. Two yrs ago DH diagnosed w/epiglottis cancer: prognosis good, treatment very tough...he was & is a tremendous soldier! 7 wks of radiation, wkly chemo, feeding tube etc & me never getting more than 3 hrs sleep @ any one time for months...I gained 36#s & don't remember eating anything except tasty, healthy meals DDiL #2 made for me. So now along w/30#s that had crept up over the yrs I've started the MFP journey to get back to a good weight. I've lost 26.5#s in about 10 wks but now it's going to get harder. I put off knee replacement after DHs diagnosis so can't walk miles...I do yoga, upper body weights & water aerobics/swimming. Need to schedule surgery but have my 97 yr old father now in a nursing home in NY...as the eldest I take care of all finances, med issues & try to spend a few days w/him each month or two. He's very with it just wheel chair bound after his fall a year ago. I love to garden, cook (had a catering business w/another Dow wife when we lived in Ohio), knit, read & keep up w/new technology...I've become an Apple person now that I'm semi- retired! I'm trying to chill out (meditation) & not be obsessive about this journey or as you all say "lifestyle change" which is also a challenge for me. Just reading your posts has helped immeasurably & I thank you all for being so inclusive in your approach...funny too even when going through some of life's bigger challenges!
    Sorry to be so wordy