

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Welcome! Ldw99, sounds like you are on your way. Come often, sign posts with name you would like to be called. I am from westchester ny, there are a few ladies on here from buffalo and rochester and lots of military families. Pretty soon, Barbie will start a thread for may(1! is right around the corner) Make sure to bookmark so you can find us again.
    Having another busy work week and am planning to succeed not failing to plan. Went to grocery stores to get produce and time for me to switch to favorite salads for lunch instead of soup...i think i am in a rut and that is why i went off the rails so much the past 3 days..that or i am trying to sabotage myself??...hmmm that sounds like me!!! >:)
    Karen from ny
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi lgdw99 - What can we call you that's easier to remember? :flowerforyou:

    Thank you to all that enquired about DH. He is right now composing a letter about the family situation. A big problem is, he doesn't know what to think. Last night he had a long discussion with his sister on the phone. It's bothering him that he has taken so long to reply to correspondence, but he did send a short acknowledgement. Once he has written something I hope he will feel better.
    On top of that his nephew failed to invite him to the football semi final :sad:. That kept him awake last night. He knows it's all stupid and nothing real, but a whole lot of stuff from his childhood is being stirred up.
    Plus we had the phone fiasco (still going on - overcharged for Internet this month) and next door's racket - horrible this morning with grinding through bricks. :sad:

    Oh well. This too will pass. I think we are ok together now and he realises he got over upset with me about nothing. I offered to read over the draft of his letter.

    I am reading a good book called Emotional Agility by Susan David. (Get unstuck, embrace change and thrive at work and life) Chimes a lot with Margaret's reading about anger, in that anger is often a signal that things need to change.
    Wish DH would read it. :ohwell: I'm going to suggest he has a few sessions with his CBT therapist he saw a couple of years ago.

    Love Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    DJ - hope it was an amazing birthday!

    ljdw99 - glad you're here, let us know what you'd like to be called, and where you are...

    Carol in NC - hope you're feeling better today.

    Michele in NC - thank you! I'm glad to be here, too.

    For whoever it was that said I probably never left the state of Texas in my 2,000 mile trek over the last two weeks, you are SO right. Never even got really close to the borders, about 80 miles from it on both East and West. From the ranch to McKinney to Princeton to Cushing and Garrison, back to McKinney, back to the ranch, then to Fort Stockton, Fort Davis, Alpine and back to Stockton to drop off my writing group, back to the ranch. Sounds easy, doesn't it! Not in Texas. My ex- was really dismayed the first time we went home to visit my mother in East Texas and were driving to Las Vegas afterward, and found out we would be driving for eight hours the first day and still not get across a state line.

    Sylvia convinced us all that it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves back in January and help the newbies feel at home... Probably a good idea since so many are here, so here's mine. It's funny how my definitions of myself have changed in these four months:

    I'm Lisa from West Texas.

    I'm 56, in my second and final marriage, to the love of my life, who's nine years younger and past amazing. I'm also a writer, have two books published on Amazon (search for Lisa C Hannon there). One's a murder mystery, one a collection of my op/ed columns, which I still write for the local paper. Am also writing the sequel to the mystery. I'm not the only writer in the group, but I'll let them introduce themselves.

    My husband and I bought a warehouse last year, which I'm in the process of rehabbing, with some help from him on the weekends. We live on a ranch in the back of beyond, 45 minutes from the nearest grocery store, where he's the mechanic and facility manager. I'm in the midst of shifting the warehouse over to a flea/farm/crafter's market, and this week, I hope to go (with my husband this time) to get another trailer load of goods to sell from my sis. She owns a hauling business with her husband, as in hauling stuff away people no longer need or want in the Dallas area. They're also going to loan us a trailer to transport things back with us this time, as they don't have a place to store it--that will help tremendously.

    Weight history: I put on a fat suit to hide from my abusive father, and then from a neglectful husband. I was 44 when my father died in December, 2004, and I finally felt safe walking the earth. (All that is hindsight, please note.) I weighed 303 pounds in 2005, had gastric bypass in September and lost down to 137 pounds in a couple years. The weight loss was the last straw that broke my first marriage. Merely losing the weight didn't teach me much. However, it took me nearly ten years to gain a significant portion back, and found myself weighing 210 pounds by March 2015.

    Between April 1 and the end of October, with enormous support from these amazing women, I lost down to 167, then gained quite a bit back over the winter. I'm still 29 pounds lighter than I was this time last year, which makes me happy. I was completely and utterly focused on the numbers when I got here, and even remember Heather saying that she thought I was pressuring myself a bit too much. She was right. My current goal is simply to establish habits I can carry throughout the rest of my life of making good choices, food-wise, at least, and be lighter at the end of each month than I was at the beginning. I'm at 181 this morning, but try not to think of it in terms of the number of pounds to lose anymore, which has been enormously helpful in getting my head in a good place. I don't know where I'll settle in the end, but I'm happy to be on the journey.

    Cheers all!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! Had a beautiful weekend here in Michigan! Sunny and 60's! I got all of my outdoor work done, foraged and found some morels on a hike through the woods and meadows of a nearby park; but got absolutely NO indoor work done! LOL! Laundry, dishwasher, going this morning and floors swept upon waking up! Monday morning scramble. If it is nice today, the kids and I will be outside, but our activities today will be making some new scented play-doh and tricking our noses with "smell" experiments. I am pretty excited about the play-doh. We usually use kool-aid packets to color and scent our play-doh; but today we are making spiced play-doh. So...it's not about the color but the smell. Cinnamon, cloves, oregano, ginger, curry. I am sure the shelf life for these won't be long, but they should smell great!
    ljdw - Lois, isn't it? So glad to hear your voice! Sorry about your dh! It sounds like he is doing well with your help. Judging by your post you have the last 10 pounds to lose? You certainly have a lot on your plate, remember to be kind to yourself and make the "little changes". Come and visit often!
    Joyce- I know what you mean about neighbors/neighborhoods. DH and I spent years trying to find the neighborhood like the ones we grew up in. Kids out playing, impromptu games of tag, baseball, etc., the neighborhood block parties...we tried to organize some of that in the neighborhood we are in; but only a couple of people show up. I think nowadays, the younger families are so busy and have so many things scheduled into their kid's days that they don't make time for neighbors. I know my four closest neighbors well enough that we exchange food when we have made too much, talk over the fences when we are working outside, we take turns shoveling/snow blowing Miss Ruth's (neighbor to my south) driveway in the winter, etc. I like that these neighbors know my family and know who lives here and who is a stranger.
    DJ- Belated Happy Birthday, friend! Hope your day was spent surrounded by people who love you!
    Allie- Don't you love those mornings when you get enough sleep and wake up early enough to hear the birds singing, and you have uninterrupted time for your self? So peaceful! Hope your day goes well!
    Becca- Ugh! Loss of finger pad sounds painful! You don't realize how much you use each body part until you can't use it! Hope you heal quickly!
    Anne and Kim- I usually grind the stumps I don't want to use. I had two trees that I lost in storms and I had them both cut to a specific height. One I made into the base for a bird bath (just screwed the bowl/basin onto the stump) and the other I had cut at child table level and the kiddos use it for "tea". You could even put a planter with some flowers on a stump...
    Well, love and hugs to the rest of you <3 Gotta get busy!
    Kristen- Where are you friend?! Hope all is okay!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited April 2016
    Reintroduction of myself - I just turned 65 in March; married to DH for 43 years, 2 sons (one lives next door; the other in Vidalia, LA) 2 DDnLs, and 4 DGDs (one was inherited when DYS married his wife). I'm an artist; love painting and drawing (oils, pastels, graphite and colored pencils). Favorite subject is portraits. DGD#4 wants me to paint a 'pink' sunflower for her (even though she knows they are yellow) because she wants one that will match or go with her bedroom. I need to start on it soon, so it will be dry enough to touch that it won't get messed up in transit (when we go out there in late August). Ages of granddaughters are 20, 15, 10, and 9. DH is self-employed as a paint contractor, DOS works with him, as does his brother. He wants to 'retire'; but, does not feel like he can until DOS finds some other means of income. I'm a Christian, live in SW GA (USA); only other place we've lived was Jacksonville, FL (out-of-state). We've lived in Atlanta, Albany, Macon, back to Albany, and now in Dawson (small town about 25 - 30 miles away from Albany. We live 'out in the country' and 'if' I had known how much I would have 'loved' it might have moved out here sooner; but, working as the Secretary of the Federal Magistrate before I became 'disabled'. It took me about 3 years to get 'over' not being able to work. Had a wonderful boss who made working a lot of fun. We almost got transferred to Savannah; but, went to Jacksonville instead. Have one dog ("Cracker") who is so spoiled stinky rotten by me (and DH); she is so funny and 'if' she could talk, no telling what would come rolling out of her mouth. Cat ("Tux") - black and white big cat about 20lbs+, outside and doesn't like it much that dog is an inside puppy (not quite a dog) First birthday will be June 16th; she is a Jack Rat (mixed) terrier. Legs of Rat Terrier; sweet face of a Jack Russell Terrier. "Cracker" is now whining because DH has gone 'outside'; but, she'd do the same if I was the one who had gone outside. I love to type because it is calming to me. I journal almost everyday. Now weigh 159lbs which means that I am now about 10lbs away from my 'set' goal; might lose a little more; depending on when I get to that magical number of BMI that will put me into a 'normal' weight. Lost, so far, 40lbs. Walk for exercise; and, when the pool is opened, will do most of my walking in it. Love to read - mostly murder mysteries. Latest project is my glassed-in porch. Seems like it is pretty elusive. Did get some much needed electrical work done. Waiting for DH to buy and hang an outside door; and insulate and hang bead board or dry wall. Have the furniture; and, when finished will have a place to put my 'flamingo collection' of more than 70 flamingos, no 2 are alike). Love my plants; need to work in my flower bed to get it weeded; and, probably move a few things around in it. Waiting for my irises to bloom; hopefully, my daylilies will also bloom this year. They were not very good at doing so last year. I have bipolar disorder; but, it does NOT define who I am. I love this site and everybody on it. MFP has been great for me in my losing weight because it keeps me accountable. Screen names: GRITS and SLUTS are acronyms for Girls Raised In The South; and Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress. I'm also one of the WINOS on this site: Women In Need Of Support.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Michelle I think you are right that a mix is best. I've been doing structured programs like P90x3 and Chalene Extreme, but I get sick of the instructors after a while! (even if I put on music). Maybe 3 days yoga, 2 days weights, 2 days cardio of some sort. I'd really just rather sleep late though :)

    Kim funny about the tangerines. I never got around to making the tangine but will try again next weekend.

    Today I go to PA for work "boot camp" which is 3 days of solid technical training from 8-6. Sounds awful, but I'm going with a good group of people so I think we'll have fun.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Kimses in MA
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    One last note...I was on YouTube looking at Yoga videos and one for Naked Yoga popped up. Of course, I had to take a look and the woman had the most incredible body. And then I started laughing thinking about actually doing that and what it would look like (plus I think it would feel a little strange). Don't see a lot of naked yoga videos of 58 year olds out there. Someone turn the lights out please.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :)Betty, We have had rhodies in our yard in several homes in neighborhoods where the deer wandered freely and the deer never bothered the rhodies.

    :)Joyce, I don't think forgiving someone means that you have to invite them back into your life...it just means that you have let go of the hurt and can go about your life without resentment. I have forgiven many people to the point that they simply no longer exist for me either in a positive or negative way.

    <3 Barbie
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member

    A pretty complete list of deer resistant evergreen shrubs, includes Rhododendrons. (They don't grow well in Iowa, so I didn't think about them.)
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yes, Barbie is right on about forgiving. I forgave my mom for her neglect and selfishness, but would not let her back in my life because those issues were causing my children pain. Forgiving, means that you let go of the pain and anger you feel towards someone who has harmed you. Holding on to those emotions only hurts yourself, not the person you feel them towards. I find it easiest to forgive when I can figure out what it is in someone's makeup that made them act in that way. I guess that is why I went into behavioral sciences... trying to figure people out. Most often I have found that people that act badly were mistreated as children. A lot of people that DON"T act badly were mistreated as well. But some kids are more resilient. So I often will imagine them as children to help me to forgive them.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Good morning from a dreary skied Houston. NO MORE RAIN!!!!!!!!! We have had so much that the ground is super saturated. A few big trees in our neighborhood have uprooted and come down, we are talking 4 foot diameter trunks and bigger trees that have pretty deep roots. It's just so wet everywhere. Yesterday we got another inch at my house (but the grandkids swam in the pool anyway...wet is wet). The forecast for the next ten days is rain every day! I sure would like a sunny day or two to dry things out a bit. Our neighborhood has a lake that is just runoff water. It is overflowing and running backwards back into the surrounding street drainage.

    Okay, enough flooding news. I'm tired of it so I'm sure you are too.

    Anyone know sure-fire ways to keep deer out of stuff? I fight for every tomato I grow and get tired of the deer beating me to them. I've tried repellent, soap, I have a fence (but the HOA won't let me make it taller), sprinklers don't faze them (they are basically domesticated deer), noise doesn't do it and neither does motion gadgets. Any suggestions?

    Eating out of weather related depression in Houston
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie ~ Your advise to Joyce is very good. I have been reading (devotionals) about forgiveness and also linked back to last week's discussion on anger. In thinking about this, I have tried to visualize exactly what anger is and is not. And, what exactly is forgiveness. It's very hard to let go of the feelings of hurt, frustration, loss of hope, etc.

    DJ ~ Hope your birthday was a happy one but it sounds like you were doing a lot of work on your special day. Enjoy dinner out with your DH.

    Lisa ~ I look forward to reading your next mystery book. I read the first and enjoyed it.

    Cherie ~ Good luck to your DH on getting the job he is seeking.

    Kim ~ A steady income will make your life so much less stressful. Hope it works out.

    Went to GS's baseball game yesterday (6 yr old) and enjoyed visiting with DnL, her mother, and GD (4 yr old).

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    happyyyy bdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy whoever u r... what is dj's profile name, that's the only way I know who u guys r, yes, I'm a bad friend
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    ljdw99: Welcome to a great group! :flowerforyou:

    Kimses: Naked Yoga is not on my personal bucket list. Oh my. :noway:

    We've had friends visiting the past few days and they will be leaving for home today. We plan to serve breakfast and wish them well. I'll be skipping Yoga this morning. Not my favorite teacher and we get to see these friends only a couple of times a year. I'm planning to go into Portland asap and exchange my new foul weather jacket for a different color. I was persuaded by DH and a clerk to try something new, but the color I crave is calling me and I'm taking the new color back to exchange.

    One of our most annoying neighbors has moved!!!!! I hope we like the new people who bought his place. The other really annoying neighbor is also moving, but I'm not sure when they'll be out. They have rented a duplex in a neighboring town, but are in no rush to move. Perhaps that is unfair. They have a LOT of stuff and it has to go somewhere to be stored. It won't fit into the new place they've rented. They have not been good neighbors. They won't follow the Homeowner Association rules, have too many cats, put food out that attracts raccoons, and the list goes on. I hope the new people in both places will be more pleasant & cooperative.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    pip... it's DamnitJanet
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    edited April 2016
    oh lololol
    I unlike the bulk of everyone here, I know people by their profile name, I don't get people's first name at all...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Once again, I am so far behind on posts I can not hope to catch up. I had a pretty bad weekend, physically. Overdid it on Friday at the gallery and suffered for it. Hips, knees, back, muscle cramps, headache, dizziness, nausea, you name it. Last night I didn't even feel up to walking the dogs so hubby had to do all three at once. I tried to walk with my friend this morning, but had to give up. My next doctor appointment is on the 3rd, so I will limp along (literally) until then.

    My ex-daughter-in-law brought the kids to the gallery opening for art walk, which was really nice of her, considering she is quite a Bit** most of the time. The little guy told me he was proud of me and gave me a hug, which is quite a rare event. I still feel all warm and fuzzy just remembering it. Funny what a big effect they can have on a person.

    Today I'm setting up to glaze some stuff and get the kiln going before heading home to clean up for a banquet on campus tonight.

    Have a great day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Sylvia - Hope you are soon feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Marcelyn - I suppose an electric fence is out of the question with the grandchildren? Or a big wire cage?

    Did a big shop with DH this pm. Going to order some kroner from their exchange counter.
    DH has written his email and sent it. I checked it over.
    Then we sat down and looked at this big broadband invoice. I looked up download mgb and gb on Google and we can only assume that the Sky sport he has occasionally watched is coming in on HD, which is 4gb an hour !!!!!!!!! He has been on the phone to BT and changed over to Unlimited use and it seems to be cheaper than our old, limited allowance. (Scratch head) We don't understand, but at least that's one less thing to get hot under the collar about. :D So two things down.

    My lavatory isn't flushing properly, :sad: which could be limescale or the valve. DH will have to sort it, or I will call in a man. He has ordered some descaler.

    I'm not feeling 100% , so I've probably got DH's bug he had last week which didn't help with his crankiness. :ohwell:

    Bought a house plant to take round to my yoga friend who has has the carcinoma removed from her leg. She can't do much for a while, including yoga. Might go over tomorrow.

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member