What's your goals for today?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Met most goals for the past few days:

    Sleep and protein goals met.
    Didn't get weights done, but instead did incline treadmill on Wed. and Thurs., then Fri. was mountain biking. Swimming in sister's pool tomorrow. Feeling lazy...

    Update on Today's Goal: Swimming went well, and while I was over there, I snagged the last of the apples and some peaches from her fruit trees...Eating some of the apples (they are small but delicious) with a little freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter right now.

    Tomorrow's Goal: Weights Day and weeding the back yard.
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    Saturday goals:
    -complete daily arm and butt challenge-no :(
    -ice wrist at least 3x-no only 1x :/
    -try to limit the unhealthy snacks and pack some healthy options instead-no :(
    -no soda- yes✅

    -no chocolate chips
    -stay in calories
    -arm and butt challenge
    -take a walk
    -write out 5 things I'm grateful for

    Yesterday I wasn't home and ate out... I chose healthier options but then decided to also get some fries and then a lot of chocolate. And I didn't do any workout. So today is a reset and hopefully I can have willpower over myself today. Bring healthy is still hard for me :/

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Today we have a church dinner, so just staying within my calories, drinking my water, and fitting in a walk.
    To reach that I made foods I can count to take.
    It's more about the fellowship than the food!
  • melzi28
    melzi28 Posts: 9 Member
    Goals for today...
    Watch less TV while sitting on my butt.
    Finish my exercise goal (harder than I thought these days)
    Skip the snack before bed.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Met most goals for the past few days:

    Sleep and protein goals met.
    Didn't get weights done, but instead did incline treadmill on Wed. and Thurs., then Fri. was mountain biking. Swimming in sister's pool tomorrow. Feeling lazy...

    Update on Today's Goal: Swimming went well, and while I was over there, I snagged the last of the apples and some peaches from her fruit trees...Eating some of the apples (they are small but delicious) with a little freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter right now.

    Tomorrow's Goal: Weights Day and weeding the back yard.

    I felt crappy today :s and slept most of it away, so no weeding got done. Too hot for that anyway...will reschedule when it gets back down out of the 90's again. But at least I got my weights done, so it wasn't a total loss.

    Monday goal: Some sort of cardio at the gym.
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    -no chocolate chips✅
    -stay in calories-no :(
    -arm and butt challenge -no :(
    -take a walk✅
    -write out 5 things I'm grateful for✅

    -arm and butt challenge
    -no chocolate chips
    -healthy lunch

    It wasn't a god weekend for goals or health... Got to get back on track
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Met most goals for the past few days:

    Sleep and protein goals met.
    Didn't get weights done, but instead did incline treadmill on Wed. and Thurs., then Fri. was mountain biking. Swimming in sister's pool tomorrow. Feeling lazy...

    Update on Today's Goal: Swimming went well, and while I was over there, I snagged the last of the apples and some peaches from her fruit trees...Eating some of the apples (they are small but delicious) with a little freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter right now.

    Tomorrow's Goal: Weights Day and weeding the back yard.

    I felt crappy today :s and slept most of it away, so no weeding got done. Too hot for that anyway...will reschedule when it gets back down out of the 90's again. But at least I got my weights done, so it wasn't a total loss.

    Monday goal: Some sort of cardio at the gym.

    Didn't happen. :s This has been the worst year ever for my allergies - which I never had up until a few years ago - and I think I'm developing asthma. I used my allergies and the beastly hot weather as an excuse to do nothing. So either I go to the 24 hour gym in the dead of night (which I sometimes do) or I will go for an early morning hike in the hills tomorrow. We'll see...
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    -arm and butt challenge ✅
    -no chocolate chips- nope
    -healthy lunch- sort of

    -arm and butt challenge
    -some sort of dedicated cardio
    -limit overall fat intake

    Trying to be good but it's been a lackluster couple of days!
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Met most goals for the past few days:

    Sleep and protein goals met.
    Didn't get weights done, but instead did incline treadmill on Wed. and Thurs., then Fri. was mountain biking. Swimming in sister's pool tomorrow. Feeling lazy...

    Update on Today's Goal: Swimming went well, and while I was over there, I snagged the last of the apples and some peaches from her fruit trees...Eating some of the apples (they are small but delicious) with a little freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter right now.

    Tomorrow's Goal: Weights Day and weeding the back yard.

    I felt crappy today :s and slept most of it away, so no weeding got done. Too hot for that anyway...will reschedule when it gets back down out of the 90's again. But at least I got my weights done, so it wasn't a total loss.

    Monday goal: Some sort of cardio at the gym.

    Didn't happen. :s This has been the worst year ever for my allergies - which I never had up until a few years ago - and I think I'm developing asthma. I used my allergies and the beastly hot weather as an excuse to do nothing. So either I go to the 24 hour gym in the dead of night (which I sometimes do) or I will go for an early morning hike in the hills tomorrow. We'll see...

    Good luck! I agree with the heat... It makes it difficult to get outside and move. :/
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    -arm and butt challenge✅
    -some sort of dedicated cardio- sort of I guess...
    -limit overall fat intake-nope

    -arm and butt challenge
    -go on a walk
    -no more chocolate chips!!!!
    -stretch x10 minutes
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    -arm and butt challenge✅
    -go on a walk✅
    -no more chocolate chips!!!!✅
    -stretch x10 minutes✅

    -arm and butt challenge
    -go on a walk
    -limit dessert calories
    -stretch x10min
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    bluecat86 wrote: »
    -arm and butt challenge✅
    -go on a walk✅
    -no more chocolate chips!!!!✅
    -stretch x10 minutes✅

    -arm and butt challenge
    -go on a walk
    -limit dessert calories
    -stretch x10min

    Sounds like Wednesday was a total win for you! Nice work! B)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yesterday I did some running - 5k, and picked up the pace a bit, too. Tired me out a little because of the heat and my fall allergies, so instead of going to the gym today, I stayed home and did a deep clean of the kitchen and utility room. But I took my sweet time doing it, so it wasn't that physically challenging. ;):D

    Not sure what's in store for tomorrow...probably weights. No cleaning for sure.
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    I'm back! House move went ok...just resulted in being without internet for a week! Finally reconnected to the outside world again!

    Managed to not go too off track...stayed the same over actual moving weekend and dropped a pound since the big day so happy with that. Think it's all that unintentional strength training!

    Thursday Goals

    1. Up fluid intake as that's dropped last few days
    2. Go for a walk during one of my breaks today
    3. Food plan for next week
    4. Get an early night
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    -arm and butt challenge✅
    -go on a walk✅
    -limit dessert calories- not really but I stayed within calories...and that ice cream was delicious :)
    -stretch x10min✅

    -arm and butt challenge
    -stay within calories
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    -arm and butt challenge-nope
    -stay within calories-nope
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    bluecat86 wrote: »
    -arm and butt challenge-nope
    -stay within calories-nope

    Well, I've had that "relax" thing going on for the last few days myself! Didn't meet any of MY goals, but I sure aced that one of yours! ;) It's all good. Relaxing is excellent for one's health. o:) I think I overdid it a bit, though... >:)

    Today's goal (after relaxing for much of the week): Weights day. Done!
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Today my goal is to get a couple weeks worth of recipes plugged into the recipe builder, make a list for the store and go, get my squats and tricep dips done for my 30 day challenge, and if I can find my walking DVDs in all this moving mess, do that while the laundry is going.
    Still getting my house in order, but trying to keep my fitness and health goals at the top too.
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    I guess I forgot to post my Saturday goals :/

    So Sunday goals are:
    -arm and butt challenge
    -attempt jogging/running
    -no junk food at the fair
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Goal: incline walking on treadmill at the gym.
