Focus T25 by Shaun T - Just starting. Accountability and motivation.



  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Okay so I'm posting alot but here's my update.

    I just did the core cardio in Beta today (first day week6).. I was excited and scared and put it off to after I did some paper work. I'm not sure if it was the hype i read or the fact I heard it gets alot harder that had me scared, I've never managed to get to a stage I feel I can go onto the next level with any programme.. I just kept telling myself it's still only 25minutes even if it nearly kills me.. but guess what? It was great, it was fun and new and kept me focused the whole 25minutes long! Not only that I found this easier than Alpha? Maybe as alpha is meant to be harder and get you ready maybe it's harder cardio moves for me.. I stuck it out and conquered. I feel fantastic and not so worried I'll die during work tonight. I'm looking forward to progress into these workouts and will update as my weekly stats tomorrow as usual. Let's hope I find the others manageable and don't end back up in Alpha which I truly still struggle with.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey everyone I just read through the thread and it looks like many of you are doing great. I disappeared because a guy I work with had a medical emergency on our way to work one morning. I spent three days in the hospital with him in Russia and then we airlifted him to Germany where I spent another five days. No workouts for me for the past couple weeks and I'm going on a holiday tomorrow for a week or so. Keep killing it, I'll get back to T25 as soon as I am home for longer than a few hours.
  • sweetvalor
    sweetvalor Posts: 24 Member
    Not doing T25 but started week 3 of Insanity!!! So proud I made it to here. Add me if y'all would like
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    I am on a T25 hiatus :/ .. I went and had my shoulder looked at and may have torn my rotator cuff.. hoping it is just a bad strain! I have been able to get on the elliptical though so I am glad I am getting something done. Every time I get to week 3 of T25 something happens! I think once I get the all clear to resume from the doctor I am going to skip and go to Beta.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Congrats @RachelRiley87 ! I agree it's weird that Beta is seemingly easier than Alpha, but I still get a good workout. I think overall I burn more during Beta workouts than in Alpha.

    @50extra hope you'll be able to get back to it soon! Enjoy your holiday!
  • AnniePenny
    AnniePenny Posts: 62 Member
    Hey guys!! @RachelRiley87 so glad your mom is back home! :)

    I completely bailed on t25 this past week and it looks like it's gonna be the same this week too =/. I definitely don't feel good about it to be honest but I have just sooooo much to study! I have 2 heavy exams this week and I'm freaking out a bit about learning everything in time for that so yea..

    Considering I've only done one week of alpha and stopped I think once this week is over I might aswell start all over again. =/
  • kittehkitteh88
    kittehkitteh88 Posts: 40 Member
    @RachelRiley87 thank you for your lovely words! The program definitely works! I loved Beta as i was starting to get bored of Alpha, so was happy to start them, let me know how you find Speed 2, i love it as its so fast paced so you don't have time to get bored
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Ugh...Monday workouts are always tough! I think taking the day completely off Sunday isn't good for me. I notice that when I do anything on Sunday, even something light like yoga, Monday's are better than when I do nothing.

    But I made it through today; I did Beta - Core Cardio and I went ahead and did Upper Focus as well. My vacation is next week, so I know I have little last minute errands to run this week so I don't wanna miss any just getting it in while I have the time in case I'm tied up later this week.

    Resting a little bit and then heading to the gym.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @50extra - Oh gosh, I hope your friend is okay and safe and hopefully back home or close enough to home for family now. Very good of you to stay by their side in that time. If there's any excuses to miss a workout I think you have it covered, sounds like you need a well deserved rest yourself. Enjoy your holiday and have fun. We're see you in a week or so when your ready to go again!

    @Raani04 - woah fantastic keep up the hard work with insanity and let us know how your going, always welcome here I'm definitely a Shawn t fan now.

    @cgibs87 - Oh no I hope your okay and it's not too serious, I'd suggest taping it to help.. I specialise in problems like this with alot of my clients. I really hope you find out the true course and get back on track. Well done for sticking to exercise throughout it very motivational. I think it's a great idea to jump into Beta especially if you've done 3 weeks of alpha a few times golly let's hope you break the bad luck streak of 3weeks in Beta!!! Get well soon.

    @motivatedsister oh that is good news that you feel the same and seem to be burning more, maybe Alpha got out bodys ready for these specific exercises to get us through so we could push harder for longer and get better results without collapsing? I also know that the struggle is real on the Monday so I started splitting my double day to Fri and sun sometimes.. might help you. One week and you get a lovely well deserved break though! Yayyy!!

    @AnniePenny just do what you think your be able to stick at when your done with your exams, it's good to take breaks you don't want to mentally or physically exhaust your body when you have so much important stuff going on. Sometimes working out helps with the stress of things I know it did with me the last week. Can't wait to see you back on this journey and goodluck with your exams just remember you can achieve anything you want in life of you focus (now I sound like Shawn t haha). Hope all goes well for you. Thank you also it's lovely to have Mum home.

    @kittehkitteh88 it's great when it's fast paced isn't it haha! I havnt done speed 2 yet today I will let you know thou.. I will be doing it after I've eaten today. I'm really excited and later I'll pop to my gym to get my weekly results epp!!! Xx

  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    So I started Beta week 1 yesterday and I couldn't believe how doable core cardio was. Minus the pushup and burpees! I'm supposed to do Speed 2.0 today but I'm wondering if I should stick with 1.0? I haven't mastered 1.0 yet. Thoughts?
  • alx790
    alx790 Posts: 7 Member
    Total body circuits almost killed me today! But I managed to do more of the press ups than ever before! Check out my heart rate!! gz39c9l9d2eq.png
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    TBC is really hard for me. The burn is real.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @Enjcg5 I suggest do 2.0.. it's fast paced and I found all moves easy.. just modified near the end as I thought I was having some kind of heart attack after doing all unmodified not like me but for some reason beta is easier than alpha for me.. this has to be a real fat burner it's the most I've sweat the whole programme very similar to cardio just faster paced.. @kittehkitteh88 I must say I love the speed!! Missed the stretching parts though.

    @alx790 wtg on tbc.. amazing burn and really good job on the pressups I found I improved over the weeks on those too and will go back to that dvd as ended up being my favorite oddly enough, most probably because I was improving slowly over the weeks.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I agree with Rachel @Enjcg5 and say go for it! The first time I did Speed 2.0 I did have to pause a few times, but all the moves were doable. The next time it came up it was a ton better...just keep pushing through. You got this!
  • cgibs87
    cgibs87 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2016
    @RachelRiley87 you have me so excited to start Beta when I can!!
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    @cgibs87 can't wait to have you back on board once your all healed up and ready to go! It really is nice to be moving on in the programme even if I feel I find it fairly easier than month 1... I think the weights are going to be killer for me though!

    Update since last week:
    down 0.8kg and Tom for me just now.
    Remained 33.2% body fat but down .3kg fat mass total. -.5kg muscle mass in a week but still up .4 from 3weeks measurement. Visceral fat down 1 more point to 3. Degree of obesity down to 10.1% from 12.1% and 11.3% last week. Metabolic Age still 39 but down from original 43 ahh!! Bmi down .3 so from 24.7 to 24.5 to 24.2 this week.

    As I said just cam eon today so don't know how Tom will effect these readings! Hope everyone's doing okay.
  • Enjcg5
    Enjcg5 Posts: 389 Member
    So glad I did speed 2.0. It's not hard at all! Just fast and no stretching! I love it.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    WTG @Enjcg5 ! I just did Speed 2.0 and Ript Circuit...pooped! No class at the gym today, so after looking at my schedule went ahead and doubled up again.
  • RachelRiley87
    RachelRiley87 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow well done guys.. I just did first weight workout in Beta rip-t circuit... I'm only using 2.5lbs in each hand I thought maybe I could have gone higher.. but I'm sweating like mad my legs hurt my arms ache and my tummy.. dear God tummy n lower back are aching so bad after.. I need some tlc today. I'm scared for the next one using weights now!!
  • Blessed_Mommy86
    Blessed_Mommy86 Posts: 52 Member
    I just finished week 3 day 3 of Beta... Speed 2.0. For some reason, that one is still hard on me. The moves are easy, it's the super fast pace that I don't like. I live for that first jog recovery. I much prefer the workouts that involve weights like Rip't Circuit and Upper Focus.