Slim down for summer - May Challenge



  • olygirrrl
    olygirrrl Posts: 32 Member
    Didn't get an invitation

    The invitation is in the feed above ^^^
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Hi I would like to join too!
    I get married May 21st!! :) So that is my motivation :)

    I want to lose 15 more lbs. (I have been at a plateau since the beginning of February)
    I've lost 35 over the past 2 years. I lose weight slow.
    I try to eat about 1600 cals/day & I do DVD workouts 5-6 days/week.
  • Michaeld5
    Michaeld5 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'd like to join.
    I'm looking to lose 32 pounds total. For May I'm looking keep losing 2 pounds a week for the next 5 weeks as I'm going camping and running through forests so I want to be in a place that my knees won't be taking quite so much abuse.
  • ummnoora
    ummnoora Posts: 4 Member
    How can I be a part of this challenge. Just joined today and have 22 lbs to be lost in 2 months?
  • crazylibraluv
    crazylibraluv Posts: 117 Member
    5-10 lbs a month.....weighing 140-130 by next yr
  • kbb0221
    kbb0221 Posts: 9 Member
    I would like to join in as well! I'm looking for some motivation. I have about 20 to 25 pounds to lose. I haven't lost any. I really hope to lose at least 5 - 8 pounds before my fifth wedding anniversary on May 21. I work out about 3 times a week for about 45 minutes. I would love to do more but I find it hard with my schedule.
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    Please add me to the challenge !!!

    I lost 27 pounds
    Need to loose 25-30 pounds
    My diet isn't very strict but, i do my best to stay away from unhealthy junk, pasta, white bread. I only drink water with the exception of having a few drinks on some weekends.
    I work in a gym and i workout 4 - 5 days a week!
  • kandy_canelane
    kandy_canelane Posts: 226 Member
    Hi, I would like to join if I'm not too late.

    CW: 215.4
    GW: 160
    Calories: 1400

    So far I've lost 5lbs since joining MFP April 1st. I would like to lose an additional 15lbs by May 31st.

    Started off the first few weeks getting 20-25,000 steps/day on my Fitbit. I was in a car accident last week which has really slowed my progress as I am sedentary on bed rest now... Still have control over what I'm eating though. Hoping through physiotherapy I'll be back to stepping 20,000 again by the end of May.

  • MelissaNDavid2016
    MelissaNDavid2016 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join challenge. I lost 100 pounds 2 years ago and have gained about half back I want to lose it all agiain in time for my wedding in Sept. I have lost about 14 so far. I am on the MRC diet and eat about 1200 caps a day and have a high protein/low fat diet. I would like to workout 3-6 times a week and build back up to being in 5ks with my friends again.
  • Andreacampbell444
    Andreacampbell444 Posts: 24 Member
    drpsamin wrote: »
    Who wants to lose weigh with me in May??? I'll create a challenge group!! This group is for you if-
    > need to lose weight
    > looking for motivation
    > logging your food with open diaries
    > staying active
    > willing to weigh in every Monday

    Will create the group last day of April.

    If you wanna be added tell me-
    - how much weight you have to lose
    - how much weight you've already lost and how much
    - Little bit about your diet and exercise plan

    I'll go first
    - I need to lose about 19 pounds
    - I've already lost 17.6 pounds
    - Diet- eat 1500 cals, workout most days per week (minimum 4, maximum 6)

    Hope I have some people joining me!

    Hi, please could i join the group. I am struggling to shift weight around my tummy. I eat chicken salad and eggs. My lack of will power is wine. I like a few glasses a night, but i am at the gym 5/6 times a week but not seeing results. I would like to shift a stone in weight
  • Beverly_212
    Beverly_212 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to join the challenge.
    - how much weight you have to lose - I need to lose at least 20 lbs
    - how much weight you've already lost and how much- sadly I lost 7 lbs but gained it all back after so very stressful periods. The stress is still there but I need to find my motivation to lose this weight. I weigh more than I ever have.
    - Little bit about your diet and exercise plan- I was working out 5 days a week but lost that motivation but I will start again. I do focus on lifting weights and consuming a descent amount of protein, which seems to work for me. I eat around 1500 calories.
  • fitnesskmf
    fitnesskmf Posts: 1 Member
    First challenge. Want to lose 20 pounds in total. Calorie target 1500 . Working out 4/5 days per week.
  • christinevinion
    christinevinion Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join your motivation challenge. I've lost 34lbs on my own so far. Have about 80 more go. I track here with a 2lb per week/1800 calorie plan which has helped me loose the 34 far, but lately been faltering. I have been doing elliptical 5 days week/45minutes to an hour, plus walks family when we can and yard work. I'd realistically like to just loose the 8-10lbs I'm supposed to in a month. But, I need help sticking to it and not falling apart after a little success!!!.
  • xoyogixo
    xoyogixo Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to join your challenge!

    I'm trying to lose 8 more pounds (one per week though, and I have lost 12 so far!) so I hope to reach my goal by the end of June! I am exactly five feet tall, 22 years old, enjoy hot yoga, circuit training, weight lifting, and being outdoors. I began at 130 and am trying to reach and maintain a body weight around 110. My biggest problem when it comes to eating is binge eating at night time. I could easily consume 1000+ calories in 30 minutes by ravaging through all my food like a mad woman haha So I have been trying to limit the late night binges. They have gotten better (eating less) but I'd like to eliminate them altogether. I would have already reached my weight loss goal if it weren't for being a binge eater. My goal is to eat 1400 calories a day, stop eating by 7 pm, and try to increase my protein intake.

    Anyone please feel free to add me as a friend (:
  • nosheela
    nosheela Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there I would like to join had a baby in Dec 2015 by c section so restricted excersise wise until end of June. Have started to walk 30 mins day and would like to increase this. Would like to lose 10 kg by July & get back to pre pregnancy weight.
  • kaycandi
    kaycandi Posts: 2 Member
    drpsamin wrote: »
    Who wants to lose weigh with me in May??? I'll create a challenge group!! This group is for you if-
    > need to lose weight
    > looking for motivation
    > logging your food with open diaries
    > staying active
    > willing to weigh in every Monday

    Will create the group last day of April.

    If you wanna be added tell me-
    - how much weight you have to lose
    - how much weight you've already lost and how much
    - Little bit about your diet and exercise plan

    I'll go first
    - I need to lose about 19 pounds
    - I've already lost 17.6 pounds
    - Diet- eat 1500 cals, workout most days per week (minimum 4, maximum 6)

    Hope I have some people joining me!

  • kaycandi
    kaycandi Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join your challenge
    I lost 10 lbs
    Need to lose 15
    1200 calorie diet
  • WinryRae
    WinryRae Posts: 5 Member
    Losing weight and motivation would be very nice. Over all I want to lose 40lbs, so far I have lost 7lbs after gaining 15lbs after an injury. I have been trying to keep myself between 1200-1400 calories.
  • DarthJader89
    DarthJader89 Posts: 213 Member
    I would like to join the challenge.
    I would like to lose 8 pounds.
    I have already lost 2 pounds
    My diet consists of 1240 calories a day and I try to workout three times a week and play soccer and basketball casually on Saturdays.
  • whitehammer941
    whitehammer941 Posts: 28 Member
    I'd like to join!!
    I'm 5'8" 180lbs 23yrs old. Trying to lose about 20lbs and get back to my lightest of 160. I'd like to lose 40lbs overall but I'm starting smaller.
    I try to eat around 1200 cals a day, workout 4-5 days a week doing cardio and weight training.
    Definitely need motivation and accountability. Look forward to starting!!