May 2016 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @Elise4270 - I'm thinking there isn't much point of getting a second doctors opinion this many days into resting/healing. If it's a stress fracture then you just need more time and you have already banked 2-1/2 weeks. Tendonitis would be the same, more time. Might just be a nasty case of tendonitis. Just my unprofessional opinion. :smile:
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member



    2016 Races
    5/14: Glacier Ridge Ultra -- 50k (Portersville, PA)
    6/9: Buckeye Trail 50k -- 50k (Brecksville, OH)
    7/16: ColorRun --5k (with my 15 year old)(Pittsburgh, PA)
    7/17: Presque Isle Half-Marathon (Erie, PA) -- This is a maybe.. road races have too many people...
    9/10: 1st Annual Possum Glory Endurance Race -- 50k (Northern Cambria, PA)
    10/1: Cloudsplitter 100 -- 100 Miles (Pine Mountain, KY)
    10/15: Buffalo Creek Half Marathon (Sarver, PA) -- This is also a maybe.. because people...

  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    Went for another easy 5k today. Or so I thought until I met a group of girls that were running on those weird spring boots, kangoo jumps I think they are called, see picture


    I was running at my slow pace and they were just ahead of me with almost the same pace and I thought too myself: "preposterous, I can't let my ego be stuck behind this uncanny display of fitness"...and that was the end of my easy run, as I accelerated to my..well..sprint pace? for a km, trying to show my best form while I passed them. I like to think they thought "damn, that guy must be a pro or something".

    I think if I was out running and saw people with these contraptions strapped to their feet my reaction would be to stop and stare and probably give them a dumbfounded look. I have never seen or have heard of such things, before! I feel like I would inevitably end up flat on my face with a few broken teeth if I ever attempted to run/walk/stand in those things.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Went for another easy 5k today. Or so I thought until I met a group of girls that were running on those weird spring boots, kangoo jumps I think they are called, see picture


    I was running at my slow pace and they were just ahead of me with almost the same pace and I thought too myself: "preposterous, I can't let my ego be stuck behind this uncanny display of fitness"...and that was the end of my easy run, as I accelerated to my..well..sprint pace? for a km, trying to show my best form while I passed them. I like to think they thought "damn, that guy must be a pro or something".

    Anyway knee is almost fully healed, still nagging a bit but no pain after a run and keeping in mind that I couldn't run 5k without pain flaring up I'll say I'm good.

    May 01 - rest
    May 02 - 4.1 km
    May 03 - rest
    May 04 - rest
    May 05 - 5 km
    May 06 - rest
    May 07 - 4.1 km
    May 08 - 5.8 km
    May 09 - 4.1 km
    May 10 - rest
    May 11 - 5 km


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    ??/??: VeterRUN 6.7k

    OMG - I nearly spewed my tea onto my laptop when I saw that picture. A friend of mine has those ridiculous things. She doesn't run outside in them, she uses them in a class in a local gym. I saw them at her front door once and they are HUGE. She says she loves them and they feel great. They were really expensive - like $300. I mean, come on, we could get 3 pairs of running shoes for that. Or maybe 4-5 with coupons!

    I guarantee no one who owns those has abs like that.

    @orphia - awesome on plank challenge! I did that a couple years ago and sort of got out of it. But my trainer one day said let's see how long you can plank - and I could still do 2 minutes. :smile:

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Just realized I haven't taken a rest day since last month. Oops. But it hasn't been all running so I think it's okay. :blush:

    Nothing exciting to report on my morning run. No bunnies, armadillos, cats or kangaroo shoes. I got out a little early and didn't see the same cars I usually see. I know what time everyone leaves along my route. I wish I wasn't afraid to leave my neighborhood but it's just too scary at that time to leave it.

    5/1 - 35 mile cycling
    5/2 - 5 miles + strength training
    5/3 - 3.5 miles
    5/4 - 5 miles - intervals, sort of.
    5/5 - 25 miles cycling in a brutal wind
    5/6 - 5 miles + strength training
    5/7 - 34 miles cycling
    5/8 - 36 miles cycling
    5/9 - 5 miles + strength training
    5/10 - 5 miles - fartleks
    5/11 - 25 miles cycling
    5/12 - 5 miles - slow and steady


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    5/1: 26.2 miles (26.5 according to Garmin!)
    5/2: Marathon recovery day
    5/3: More marathon recovery
    5/4: 3.5 miles with Pacers Wed squad
    5/5: 3.5 miles with Thursday crew
    5/6: Rest day
    5/7: 6.2 miles with Saturday RAP crew
    5/8: 10 miles solo
    5/9: 4 miles with Monday coffee crew
    5/10: Rest
    5/11: Lazy day
    5/12: 4.5 miles (am)

    Decided not to run yesterday because I just didn't feel like it. Also didn't feel like it this morning, but managed to convince myself it would be good to get out the door and run a few miles. Looking forward to my group run tonight. I've been a hermit the past few days getting work done in my apartment, so it will be good to see real people.


    Upcoming Races:
    5/15: Princeton 5k << Volunteering, not racing
    6/11: Pacers Princeton Halfway Half (Princeton, NJ)
    7/4: a fourth of july race somewhere!
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    5/1-4.12 miles
    5/2- Rest
    5/3- 5.01 miles
    5/4- 3.12 miles
    5/5- 5.1
    5/6- rest
    5/7- 8.44
    4/9-REST much needed REST
    4/10- 5.1
    5/12- 5.11

    Total: 43.6/100

    Notes on today's run: Assignment for today was to run a 50m-1h Progression run. The assignment called for just doing an easy run, then running the last 15 minutes at HM pace or faster. Here's how my run actually looked:

    Mile 1: 10:55- Middle of E range
    mile 2: 10:32- Bottom end of E range
    Mile 3: 10:31- Bottom end of E range
    Mile 4: 10:27- Just below the bottom of E range
    Mile 5: 9:19- Near the bottom of TI range
    Mile 5.5- 9:19-Near the bottom of TI range

    I wanted something more of a "real" progression run than the fast finish the plan called for. My splits reflect that fairly well. I took the first mile pretty easy, then kicked up the pace for miles 2-4, and really hammered it for mile 5-5.5. So, I ended up not running the last 15 at faster pace, it was mire like 14 minutes, but I'm not to concerned about that. I COULD have gone another minute, but I liked my distance/time/pace, and felt OK stopping when I did.

    The run felt REALLY good. Despite getting my HR into max range over the last mile and a half. I don't have a real goal HM pace figured out yet, so my paces are based on the McMillan Pace Calculator, using my Current PR 10k time for reference. Using the knee support has really helped, so I think I'm going to keep wearing it on my runs.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    OMG - I nearly spewed my tea onto my laptop when I saw that picture. A friend of mine has those ridiculous things. She doesn't run outside in them, she uses them in a class in a local gym. I saw them at her front door once and they are HUGE. She says she loves them and they feel great. They were really expensive - like $300. I mean, come on, we could get 3 pairs of running shoes for that. Or maybe 4-5 with coupons!

    I guarantee no one who owns those has abs like that.


    I tried them once, they were fun but not my thing.
    Are they popular in Hungary?

    I'd rather try these...
  • Brolivia3D
    Brolivia3D Posts: 80 Member
    5/1 - Resting from the previous day's 5k race (that was totally not a 5k and I'm still annoyed about)
    5/2 - N/A
    5/3 - 2 miles
    5/4 - N/A
    5/5 - 2 miles
    5/6 - N/A
    5/7 - N/A
    5/8 - 2 miles
    5/9 - N/A
    5/10 - N/A
    5/11 - 2 miles

    Total: 8/25

    Nothing overly exciting, other than it's raining here in Wisconsin and it's just kinda dull out. I did get a new pair of Brooks (Launch 3) though, and took those out for a spin yesterday. So far so good, but y'know, only got a few miles on them. We'll see!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I keep wanting to buy some Brooks Launch but they just don't offer them in wide. I'm hoping the next model version does.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member


    3-stretching-knee is still sore
    4-yoga tonight/foam rolled
    5-nothing yet
    7-13.36mi great race. super hard for me. but I did it and completed it. and now I've finished a half marathon race
    10-nothing-recovery takes too long


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k-33:43:123 (gun time-don't have chip time)
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run 8k chip time: 53:37
    Feb 15 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k runkeeper time: 1:13:20
    Mar 12-Great Pi Run 5k 32:17

    May 7-Door County Half Marathon 2:51:11
    May 28-29-Global 5k Run Virtual
    May 28-Top Gun Run 5k Virtual
    June 11-Rock n Sole 1/4 Marathon?
    June 19th through Sunday, July 10th SHE Power Virtual Half (got my gear-good stuff)
    July 20-Cream Puff 5k?
    July 30-National Watermelon Day 5k?

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    OMG - I nearly spewed my tea onto my laptop when I saw that picture. A friend of mine has those ridiculous things. She doesn't run outside in them, she uses them in a class in a local gym. I saw them at her front door once and they are HUGE. She says she loves them and they feel great. They were really expensive - like $300. I mean, come on, we could get 3 pairs of running shoes for that. Or maybe 4-5 with coupons!

    I guarantee no one who owns those has abs like that.


    I tried them once, they were fun but not my thing.
    Are they popular in Hungary?

    I'd rather try these...

    It'd take me 10 seconds to break my neck! Hahaha!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Running fewer miles the week of a race is tough, but necessary. And I am totally bummed that I can't do my 38 Mile Night Fun Run on June 4.... I forgot that it was my son's graduation that day. I felt like crap because I debated long and hard about asking him if he would mind me not being there. :/ Anyway, I am going to swap that race out for another 50k in Ohio in July... that will still give me three 50ks and a couple of HMs to get ready for October... but still, I can't believe I was seriously thinking about skipping his graduation for a race....

    You may be addicted to running if . . .

    it may be fun to add our own.

    ...if you plan your wedding or honeymoon around a particular race. I'm not looking at @moyer566 on this one.

    ...if you missed the birth of a child/grandchild because of your long run.

    ...if you don't bother with your facebook but get stressed out if you have neglected your strava feed.

    I'm a bit late to the game but:

    ...if your husband gets stuck on the roof of the house for an hour because the ladder fell over while he was cleaning gutters and you hadn't quite made it to the turnaround point on your long run when he called you for help.

    Yep, that actually happened. Gary called me and asked how much farther I had to go. I told him I could cut it short and turn back (save a few miles, get home 20-30 minutes sooner), but he insisted that i finish my run (probably because he knew it would nag me all day if I didn't get in all the miles I set out to do).
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @ddmom0811 Yea they were super huge. It was really weird looking
    @EvgeniZyntx This on the other hand looks incredibly cool. Though I bet they edited out the parts where people broke their teeth from contact with the asphalt
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/1 - Rest day after HM to finish April. Another ugly, rainy day.
    5/2 - 4.25 miles.
    5/3 - 3.1 miles. Quick 5k while my daughter had soccer practice.
    5/4 - 4.53 miles. Cool, pleasant morning run. Mostly base pace, but last mile tempo.
    5/5 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class).
    5/6 - 4.47 miles. Base pace.
    5/7 - 4.84 miles, Market to Market Relay Leg 4
    - 4.01 miles, Market to Market Relay Leg 11
    5/8 - Planned rest day
    5/9 - Unplanned rest day
    5/10 - 5.17 miles
    5/11 - Misty, foggy 5.01 miles
    5/12 - 4.31 miles.

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i don't know what you mean @Stoshew71 :wink:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1 - 5 miles
    5/2 - 4 miles
    5/3 - rest day
    5/4 - 6 miles
    5/5 - 5 miles
    5/6 - rest day
    5/7 - 5 miles
    5/8 - trip to Nashville :smiley:
    5/9 - 5 miles
    5/10 - family day
    5/11 - 5 miles
    5/12 - 5 miles

    40 of 100 miles


    Sorry I haven't been commenting I'm trying to keep up with my company and the thread :smiley:

    @elise4270 glad the boot is working out better. Skip had a black one that she liked, when she broke her leg they gave her a blue one that she hated, she said it was harder to walk in so she went back to the black one.
    @MNlittlefinn thanks! you too! You have me on my toes.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited May 2016
    @skippygirlsmom you're ahead of me! Every time I think I'm close, you jump ahead.... but we're both on pace to make the 100 miles this month! Keep it up! It's nice having someone to chase who isn't WAY ahead of me.