May 2016 Running Challenge



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i don't know what you mean @Stoshew71 :wink:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1 - 5 miles
    5/2 - 4 miles
    5/3 - rest day
    5/4 - 6 miles
    5/5 - 5 miles
    5/6 - rest day
    5/7 - 5 miles
    5/8 - trip to Nashville :smiley:
    5/9 - 5 miles
    5/10 - family day
    5/11 - 5 miles
    5/12 - 5 miles

    40 of 100 miles


    Sorry I haven't been commenting I'm trying to keep up with my company and the thread :smiley:

    @elise4270 glad the boot is working out better. Skip had a black one that she liked, when she broke her leg they gave her a blue one that she hated, she said it was harder to walk in so she went back to the black one.
    @MNlittlefinn thanks! you too! You have me on my toes.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited May 2016
    @skippygirlsmom you're ahead of me! Every time I think I'm close, you jump ahead.... but we're both on pace to make the 100 miles this month! Keep it up! It's nice having someone to chase who isn't WAY ahead of me.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited May 2016
    ...if your husband gets stuck on the roof of the house for an hour because the ladder fell over while he was cleaning gutters and you hadn't quite made it to the turnaround point on your long run when he called you for help.

    Yep, that actually happened. Gary called me and asked how much farther I had to go. I told him I could cut it short and turn back (save a few miles, get home 20-30 minutes sooner), but he insisted that i finish my run (probably because he knew it would nag me all day if I didn't get in all the miles I set out to do).
    I could see me doing that on a run. But I'd like to think I'm smarter about dealing with SWMBO than that. OTOH - what a wise man (bragging on an exemplar of my gender!) to realize that asking you to cut a long run short would have negative consequences for the rest of HIS day. :smiley:
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Full update later, but I just noticed that my morning run put me over 50% for the month (on my goal). Love being ahead of schedule (if only in one facet of life)....
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @9voice9 good to see you're ahead of schedule! I "should" reach the 50% point somewhere on my Long run this weekend, so I'll be (barely) ahead of schedule too.

    Keep it up!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    @9voice9 @MNLittleFinn I am coming up to reach 50% on Saturday, which seems a little ahead of schedule, but with a down/recovery week next week that ticker will soon be seeming to fall behind. Then comes the next cycle of increased mileage which should push me there (hopefully).
  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    1/5: 8.1 Miles
    3/5: 5.0 Miles
    5/5: 6.0 Miles
    7/5: 9.0 Miles
    10/5: 5.0 Miles
    12/4: 3.8 Miles

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    dumpy frog is my bud. he hangs out with me while recovering from whatever it might be i be recovering from, run, bachelorette party...
    @moyer566 So that is why it has taken you so long to recover from the May 7-Door County Half Marathon.
    For what I believe was your first HM :) . Start planning your 2nd HM. Even though your body might be grumpy try and get out for a short 1-2 km stretch run at super easy pace - its well worth it. For me its like all the muscles loosened up and relaxed after about 4-6 minutes. I agree with Stoshew that you must be addicted - planning your honeymoon around a race. +2 points on the addict scale for that gem.
    I'm a bit late to the game but:
    ...if your husband gets stuck on the roof of the house for an hour because the ladder fell over while he was cleaning gutters and you hadn't quite made it to the turnaround point on your long run when he called you for help.
    Yep, that actually happened. Gary called me and asked how much farther I had to go. I told him I could cut it short and turn back (save a few miles, get home 20-30 minutes sooner), but he insisted that i finish my run (probably because he knew it would nag me all day if I didn't get in all the miles I set out to do).

    @ceciliaslater Just about snorted Coffee on that one. As a Guy I can understand your Husbands position. That's why my ladder now has a short rope on it that I tie off to the Gutter supports before I step on to the roof. Experience is a mean teacher. Decent fellow to not insist that you get back early. I guess he was on the roof so he could complete cleaning the Gutters while waiting.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @WhatMeRunning your 50% is my 100% so that puts things in perspective. you're rocking it!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    debating 2 routes for my LR on Saturday. One is 0.2 miles longer, the other has more vertical, according to Strava. Leaning toward the slightly short, more vertical one. Ah....choices, choices....
  • biscuitnow
    biscuitnow Posts: 141 Member
    Reading about people being "ahead of schedule", I realized that I'm at 50% of my goal, then thought "oh, I'll be ahead of schedule before the end of the week too", then remembered that I don't have another run scheduled for this week, panicked and pulled out my calendar to check if I can't maybe squeeze in another run.

    I think I'm starting to understand the "running addiction" problem...
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited May 2016
    @juliet3455 oh yeah, maybe a run tomorrow (and maybe a run on sat) and something sunday morning-we are going to be in green bay. distances may vary

    already looking at halves and workouts to improve my performance. truthfully, i was already looking saturday evening
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    Goal of 75 Miles for May

    5/2 – 5.73 Mi
    5/4 – 5.56 Mi
    5/7 – 7.67 Mi
    5/8 – 5.60 Mi
    5/10 – 5.67 Mi
    5/12 – 5.86 Mi

    Progress toward Goal 36.09 / 75
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited May 2016
    05/01 4.4
    05/02 rest
    05/03 5.1 + 45 minutes lap swim
    05/04 6.0
    05/05 5.1 + 50 minutes lap swim
    05/06 rest
    05/07 9.2
    05/08 6.0
    05/09 rest
    05/10 6.2 trail run
    05/11 4.1

    May Total to Date: 46.1 Miles

    Last night was just an easy 4.1 during my son's soccer practice. The light rain made it an awesome run.

    Getting the jitters for my race Saturday. My Achilles has been feeling great over the last two weeks and it has me torn between trying for my original goal time of 4:00 and risking the injury coming back, or taking it easy and just getting across the line. I think my fitness level is nearly back to where it was before my injury so that won't be an issue. Decisions, decisions...If I know me...and I do...I'll likely go for the 4:00 and if i start feeling any pain I'll back off.

    The temperature forecast at the start is now down to 29°F...w00t!!! I may have to consider gloves and a buff now, particularly since there should also be a 15 mph wind. Might also have to consider a light long sleeved shirt.

    Rest day today (other than working my kitten off at work for a deadline tomorrow), then taking the day off tomorrow to sleep in as long as I can, run a few errands, then head up to St. Joseph, MN, where the race ends. They have a spaghetti feed tomorrow night. I'll go, but I'm not planning on eating a ton.

    I started my carbo loading yesterday. If I listen to the running gurus, for my weight I need 700 to 1000 grams of carbs per day for 2 or 3 days before the race. That 4000 calories right there, on top of any fat and protein I eat. I'm normally at 2600 to 3000 calories for a non-running day so I've been stuffing my face pretty good. I'm adding Gatorade to my diet today so I can drink some of those carbs.

    Damn I'm getting fired up!!!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Upcoming Races

    05/14/2016 - Lake Wobegon Marathon - Holdingford, MN
    05/25/2016 - Endless Summer Trail Race Series - Lebanon Hills Regional Park 10K
    06/15/2016 - Endless Summer Trail Race Series - French Regional Park 5K
    06/18/2016 - Zumbrota HM (Tentative)
    07/04/2016 - Red Wing July 4th 10K - Red Wing, MN
    07/13/2016 - Endless Summer Trail Race Series - Lebanon Hills Regional Park 7Mi
    07/20/2016 - Torchlight 5K - Minneapolis, MN (with daughter, son & neice)
    08/31/2016 - Salomon Autumn Trail Series (4 Mi) - Bloomington, MN
    09/10/2016 - Watermelon Days 5K - Kellogg, MN (Tentative)
    09/14/2016 - Salomon Autumn Trail Series (4 Mi) - Bloomington, MN
    09/24/2016 - Surly Loppet Trail HM - Minneapolis, MN (Tentative)
    09/28/2016 - Salomon Autumn Trail Series (5.5k) - Bloomington, MN
    10/12/2016 - Salomon Autumn Trail Series (5.5k) - Bloomington, MN
    10/22/2016 - Surf the Murph 25k, 50k, 50Mi - Savage, MN (Tentative)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    dumpy frog is my bud. he hangs out with me while recovering from whatever it might be i be recovering from, run, bachelorette party....

    @moyer566, I've never said this to anyone before, but I love your frog.

    Now what I want to know, is what are you buying? It looks like retail therapy is part of your recovery regimen?
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @ceciliaslater Funny story about the hubby and his ladder.

    Active rest day for me. Tomorrow I'm rescheduling my normal Friday morning run due to my husband being off work. I may run 3 in the evening. Then Saturday when he and son are gone, I'll try to go for 5. I haven't run that far in just over a month thanks to my knee issue, which by the way is holding up well after taking that 9 days off. I ran 13 miles in the past week which was 2 miles over my goal of 11. Over the next week I'll probably do 3/5/3 and possibly another 3, depending on how much rain we get. It'll be awhile before I'm up to 20 miles a week again.
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Getting the jitters for my race Saturday.

    The temperature forecast at the start is now down to 29°F...w00t!!! I may have to consider gloves and a buff now, particularly since there should also be a 15 mph wind. Might also have to consider a light long sleeved shirt.

    Damn I'm getting fired up!!!

    I am starting to feel the same way, but I am getting a kick out you have to run in 29 degree weather in the middle of Race time for me is 7:30 Saturday morning and they saying it is going to be in the upper 40s, low 50s all day with steady rain, which should make for a slick, sloppy muddy run. Hope your race goes well without any injury flare-ups...