May 2016 Running Challenge



  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    Just heard back they'll let me switch the September half to a full. Do I go for it? That would be
    1 5k 1
    1 HM
    and 1 full for the year.

    here's the website for the second half (or potential full) What do the sages here say? do 2 halfs and try to add the full, just stick with 2 halfs, or go for it and do the 1 half in July, and a Full in September?

    I am no sage, but if I was considering it, I would train for the full and just run the half as a training run. But that is probably my trail running philosophy coming through. I don't care about time, just finishing. Which is why I am training for 100 miles and doing two more 50ks as training runs.

    If you are more interested in producing the best times possible, I would focus on doing two HMs to the best of your training ability and then shoot for a spring marathon. @7lenny7 will confirm that training outside all winter (especially gutting through those long runs in sub-zero temps) will toughen you up big time and boost your confidence through the roof.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    Just heard back they'll let me switch the September half to a full. Do I go for it? That would be
    1 5k 1
    1 HM
    and 1 full for the year.

    here's the website for the second half (or potential full) What do the sages here say? do 2 halfs and try to add the full, just stick with 2 halfs, or go for it and do the 1 half in July, and a Full in September?
    Honestly, you should probably run a half first, then after that sign up for a full. I have little doubt you can do your half considering you're already putting in 8 mile long runs. There does get to be a point where it is no longer about the ratio of your long runs to the distance of the race that determines success, and a full is really the first general distance in my mind that fits in that category.

    If you come out of your half relatively comfortable (you'll be sore, duh) and uninjured and feel ready to tackle a full, by all means go for it. But I would suggest a couple weeks down/recovery after your half and then start your training for a full, meaning you will want it to be further than just two months out from the half.

    All of this is predicated really on your level of fitness before you started running. It is possible to do what you want and come out uninjured. But the risk is higher if you try and do a half and a full in your first year of running, and with all of that within one training regimen.

    Just my opinion, not based in any science really. Maybe @Stoshew71 or @MobyCarp have some better advice. :smile: Or even @PoppetsMaster. He tries to act like he doesn't think about his running, but he has learned a thing or a hundred with his mileage and can probably give some sage advice as well (ETA, he did just before me). My advice is not "sage". I'm still technically new to running, having only started 2 years ago. :smile:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited May 2016
    Last Long Run was 10 miles, and I know, from how I was feeling, that I could have run a full half at that point. Next week I have a 12.2 mile Long run planned, and I can see me using this training cycle as the beginning of a training cycle for a full. I was in pretty good shape before I started running, and just started the running because I liked it better than my other cardio....

    The person from the Ely Marathon said they just need to know by September 1. My "plan" right now, is to train as if the Full is the goal, but not actually make that switch until after the Half in July. Trying to figure out what, if any changes to make to my training to see if that will work.

    That make sense?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Run a half first, then sign up for a full. You have to crawl before you run. ...errr something like that.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited May 2016
    @Stoshew71 Thanks. since I have until 9/1/16 to make the switch for the 9/24 half, I kind of decided not to actually sign up for it until after the 7/4 half. Mainly just tossing ideas out to the group here so I can figure out if I want to change up my training a bit now, to accommodate for that possibility. it's little less than 12 weeks between the 2 races.

    and again, I take over the thread with my exuberance for running....sorry all.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Just heard back they'll let me switch the September half to a full. Do I go for it? That would be
    1 5k 1
    1 HM
    and 1 full for the year.

    here's the website for the second half (or potential full) What do the sages here say? do 2 halfs and try to add the full, just stick with 2 halfs, or go for it and do the 1 half in July, and a Full in September?

    I am no sage, but if I was considering it, I would train for the full and just run the half as a training run. But that is probably my trail running philosophy coming through. I don't care about time, just finishing. Which is why I am training for 100 miles and doing two more 50ks as training runs.

    If you are more interested in producing the best times possible, I would focus on doing two HMs to the best of your training ability and then shoot for a spring marathon. @7lenny7 will confirm that training outside all winter (especially gutting through those long runs in sub-zero temps) will toughen you up big time and boost your confidence through the roof.

    Goals. what are the goals?

    If you want the best times possible, as I did, I wouldn't run the first half as a training run because you'll miss out on everything that racing a half will teach you, particularly with regard to pacing. It becomes just another long run but with more distractions. I'm certainly not against that but I think it's invaluable to race your way up the ladder.

    I think the bigger issue is training time and training timing. Training for a full takes a hella lotta time and you have to be committed to it (which I think you would be). The second issue is timing. I specifically picked a spring full so I could start my training in February. I had very few warm weather runs in my training. Both my 20+ long runs were in below freezing weather (which was divine!). With a Sept full you're looking at your peak miles being in the hottest time of the year. That heat will knock a noticeable amount of time off your pace too, so you'll have to be mentally ready for that. If you have things you do most weekends, such as going fishing or to the cabin, that training will be a conflict.

    I thought my goal of finishing a full the same week as my 1 year runniversary was a bit crazy, and perhaps it was, but it's certainly doable. When I trained for the HM I ran at my 6 month runniversary, I truly believe that had I another month to train I could have run a full, but I wouldn't have run as well as I did this past weekend.

    You seem to want to jump into it, and I wouldn't try to talk you out of it, but consider the time and the timing and how it fits in with real life. I keep thinking about doing an ultra this fall but real life is holding me back at the moment. For my schedule, spring seems to be the optimum time for a full or beyond, so for now, that's what I'll plan on.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited May 2016
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    You seem to want to jump into it, and I wouldn't try to talk you out of it, but consider the time and the timing and how it fits in with real life. I keep thinking about doing an ultra this fall but real life is holding me back at the moment. For my schedule, spring seems to be the optimum time for a full or beyond, so for now, that's what I'll plan on.

    The reason I'm looking at fall is.....I'm a teacher, and I can run more during the summer with no working....I totally come here to get talked out of things I shouldn't do, so it's all good....

    90% sure though that I'm going to be a smart, good boy and plan for a for next spring/summer....too bad the full I REALLY want to run is the day after my 10th wedding anniversary....wife already said "um...NO"
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Okay all caught up, hit lots of likes and awesome and we know need a "that sucks" button too.

    @poppetmaster4 great post on @mobycarp and I agree 100%. I had to laugh at a earlier post about peeing before the race and not holding it for 4 hours. I agree I'd rather pee myself than hold it for 4 hours LOL
    @greenolivetree $50 Brooks Launch woohooo!!!!
    @sunshine41784 welcome to our family
    @adrianchr92 I get pedicures from time to time but I never ever allow her to cut the callus' off my feet. She'll say but your feet are so rough and I said yep and keep them that way LOL She was making faces at my back toenail last week when I was there.
    @Elise4270 yeah for running
    @7lenny7 loved the video sorry you didn't get to star LOL
    @mnlittlefinn I wear Under Amour socks cause I like them. Skip LOVES Swift Wick and has like 20 pair. A few months back she got a pair of compression up over the ankle some kind to help her achilles and I'll have to ask the brand, but she LOVES them. She wears them on harder practice days. She was a belega girl until she was turned on to swift wick.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    and again, I take over the thread with my exuberance for running....sorry all.
    Ummm...this is part of the reason the thread is here, to encourage running and discussion about running! :smile:

    I see no issues with starting training for a full now, and just have the half be a long run as part of your training plan. Don't race the half but maybe part of the final mileage in the half event could be run at MP pace if the timing is right for such a run (probably not being over 2 months beforehand). Even better, skip the half and just focus on the full! You wouldn't be the first person who ran a full before they ran a half. :smile:

    Just don't pick an aggressive plan. In fact, if finances allow, you should get a coach. Cue @MobyCarp...
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I had to laugh at a earlier post about peeing before the race and not holding it for 4 hours. I agree I'd rather pee myself than hold it for 4 hours

    Oh it wasn't pee I was holding in. It was a full blown #2.

  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    This place is like a bar full of drunks and one drunk asks the others if he should have one more drink.
    Make mine a double. Neat.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Ummm...this is part of the reason the thread is here, to encourage running and discussion about running! :smile:

    I see no issues with starting training for a full now, and just have the half be a long run as part of your training plan. Don't race the half but maybe part of the final mileage in the half event could be run at MP pace if the timing is right for such a run (probably not being over 2 months beforehand). Even better, skip the half and just focus on the full! You wouldn't be the first person who ran a full before they ran a half. :smile:

    Just don't pick an aggressive plan. In fact, if finances allow, you should get a coach. Cue @MobyCarp...

    hahahahahahahaha. wish there were coaches near me

    I'm strictly following a McMillan training plan for my July half. I have a 50/50 chance, with how things are going, of running it at a pace I wouldn't have thought possible just 2 months ago. I have a very wise person who is now telling me that it would be better to wait until next year for a Full training cycle, and I truct them.....That said...sadly, I'm very open to persuasion as far as switching the fall half to a full, but will not make that decision until after I run my half in July, unless I decide NO for sure before then.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Half's are important tune up for a marathon. One of the things I learned when I ran my first marathon is to actually race a half like 4 or 5 weeks before your full race. That's how you know what pace you should shoot for.

    I use the Mcmillan race calculator to figure from my half for my full pace. Others just double their half time then add 30 minutes.
  • mwurtzberger
    mwurtzberger Posts: 22 Member
    Just saw this, so thought I'd Join in.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Half's are important tune up for a marathon. One of the things I learned when I ran my first marathon is to actually race a half like 4 or 5 weeks before your full race. That's how you know what pace you should shoot for.

    I use the Mcmillan race calculator to figure from my half for my full pace. Others just double their half time then add 30 minutes.

    you're the one who got me onto McMillan. I found the race calculator to be a great tool. I've been using it for my training paces, and it's worked really well for that. I'm keeping September in the back of my mind for the full. If July goes well I'll have a hard time talking myself out of doing a half in September, but for now I'm thinking I'll keep both as halfs.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Ummm...this is part of the reason the thread is here, to encourage running and discussion about running! :smile:

    I see no issues with starting training for a full now, and just have the half be a long run as part of your training plan. Don't race the half but maybe part of the final mileage in the half event could be run at MP pace if the timing is right for such a run (probably not being over 2 months beforehand). Even better, skip the half and just focus on the full! You wouldn't be the first person who ran a full before they ran a half. :smile:

    Just don't pick an aggressive plan. In fact, if finances allow, you should get a coach. Cue @MobyCarp...

    hahahahahahahaha. wish there were coaches near me

    I'm strictly following a McMillan training plan for my July half. I have a 50/50 chance, with how things are going, of running it at a pace I wouldn't have thought possible just 2 months ago. I have a very wise person who is now telling me that it would be better to wait until next year for a Full training cycle, and I truct them.....That said...sadly, I'm very open to persuasion as far as switching the fall half to a full, but will not make that decision until after I run my half in July, unless I decide NO for sure before then.
    The wisest choice is to do the full next spring. You were happy about doing a couple halfs and are in a training plan for one currently. You won't have time to pivot from half training to full training from July to September like that. You could just train for a full in that time.

    Just be honest with yourself. If you can do the full training, commit the time, money and effort, and resist the urge to push too hard (think about the drive it takes to decide to train/run a marathon and imagine not being overly driven, it is a conundrum), then you could definitely try the full route and quite possibly succeed.

    I don't want to convince you out of it. If you would rather do a full this year than two halfs, then you should follow your desire (as long as it is within reason).
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »

    Oh it wasn't pee I was holding in. It was a full blown #2.

    You are a far better man than me. I have pretty bad IBS, so holding in a #2 for 4 hours is not possible. I would have definitely *kitten* myself.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Seriously, MFP? I didn't even type the full word....
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @WhatMeRunning you hit the nail on the head.

    @kristinegift already did a pretty good job talking me out of running the full this year. I'll plan on running a full next year, and plan my racing season around that. Get 2 halfs under my belt this year, see how I feel after them, and take it from there.

    My only real concession will be that I'm thinking I'll just keep making my long runs longer this year, with a nominal goal of getting out to like 15-16 miles on my long runs so that when the winter hits, I'll be in good shape to do a smallish cutback to account for weather, and keep in shape for a full next year in the spring.

    That make sense? So many things do, in my head, but not to other people.