May 2016 Running Challenge



  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited May 2016
    Another 5 k. Curent plan for the next 2 weeks has me running 5k almost every day :)), exception is I do 6k on Wednesdays and long run on sunday. That's until I graduate to more mileage.

    Today's focus was form. Upper body form. I made some research these days, watched some videos of athletes and made a few mental notes for today's run, since I have a habit to keep shoulders tight and arms too high when running. So first cue was "shoulders wide". Not shoulders back since I find that doesn't work so well, but wide. I kept thinking I have the widest shoulders and kept them like that whenever they got tight. Second was shoulder rotation. Until now I tried to keep my shoulders pretty stationary and this may be a reason why I worked higher than needed.

    The short story is they should act like a counterbalance to hip rotation and so you don't waste muscle power keeping you going from balancing left and right. Of course it depends on the speed you are running at. Problem was to rotate only shoulders and not get hip along on the ride since that messed up the whole form. Basically let them move naturally

    And the last one was arms low. Not too low, but around belly button low. I'm used to keep them up high like nipple high.

    "Shoulders wide" is great for relaxation. It relaxes the upper back much better if you just try to keep them back. It was like an instant tension release every time I did it. Of course habit is hard to break and I tighten up after a few steps but I kept at it.
    Shoulder rotation made my steps a lot more quieter for some reason and keeping arms low whenever I felt they were up helped with relaxation.

    At the end of the run, heart rate was 146 average, down from 152 usually, and my legs feel a little bit better than usual. So this was a great success in my books.

    Second highlight of the run is that I didn't listen to music. I listen to podcasts. This is new to me, listening to a guy talking for 30 min. It was strange but I liked it a lot. Found this podcast called "You are not so smart" where they talk about all kinds of subjects. First episode was about attention and pattern recognition and all that. For example an experienced doctor is less likely to diagnose a rare disease in someone than a med student, just because the older doctor is looking for patterns and is used to them, while a new doctor doesn't have this. And apparently there are doctors trained to look for these rare diseases, something like a real life Dr. House. They also talked about selective attention. Great podcast, I recommended, makes you smarter. Oh and watch says my VO2Max is now up one point to 48. Yey I guess

    Edit: This is bugging me out a lot

    May 01 - rest
    May 02 - 4.1 km
    May 03 - rest
    May 04 - rest
    May 05 - 5 km
    May 06 - rest
    May 07 - 4.1 km
    May 08 - 5.8 km
    May 09 - 4.1 km
    May 10 - rest
    May 11 - 5 km
    May 12 - 4.1 km
    May 13 - rests
    May 14 - 7.5 km split in 2 parts but it still counts
    May 15 - 5.7 km
    May 16 - rest
    May 17 - 5+1.4 km
    May 18 - 6 km
    May 19 - 5.8 km
    May 20 - rest
    May 21 - 7.2 km
    May 22 - 10 km
    May 23 - rest
    May 24 - 5.6 km
    May 25 - 6 km
    May 26 - 5 km


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k (Goal 21:40)
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    @Orphia Well done on the 10km PR! You'll be sub-60 in no time.

    @Elise4270 I like the sound of your mantras, I may steal that idea next time I race.

    @7lenny7 Great race report, and well done on the PR!

    Thanks for all the gross nipple-related images too. Didn't need that whilst finishing my dinner!

    2nd May - 3.06 miles
    3-4th May - poorlysick
    5th May - 2.40 miles
    8th May - 13.1 miles Hackney Half 2:05:24
    12th May - 3.27 miles
    14th May - 3.11 miles
    15th May - 5.08 miles
    17th May - 3.23 miles
    19th May - 3.64 miles
    20th May - 5.26 miles
    24th May - 7.51 miles
    26th May - 3.16 miles

    MTD - 52.82/70 miles

    Upcoming races:
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    My mileage goal has me tempted to be dumb and run a short (junk miles recovery) 2 miler tonight...after This morning's Tempo Intervals, I was feeling like I could have done another one mile interval, but stopped so I'd stay within the time limit, so maybe it's not TOO dumb an idea...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @7lenny7 - love the race report. The video of the lady finishing is very sweet. I love that they all cheered for her.

    Finally got the road bike out, trying to find some trails here, the problem being that one is expected to ride the sidewalk / path when those are designated for bikes so I need to find places where paths either don't exist or they are set up wide enough for speed. Charging down a path at 30 kph is stupid if there are casual users on the paths.
    Average speed was 26 kph which was fine, given this was new areas and a lot of tentative riding.

    Saw a bike accident also at an intersection and was prepared to help out but the guy was walking it off and had 3-4 people already there. When I rode back an ambulance had arrived. Stay safe people. Also saw a few rabbits, a falcon and a little dead mole. I did not throw beads or dress the roadkill.
    A friend in my biking group was hit a few weeks ago. She rides alone in the mornings on the roads and she was at a stop light and was going straight. A truck was making a right turn and didn't see her. He didn't get a ticket because she had pulled up next to him. He ran over her ankle and she had to get it totally reconstructed. It will be a long time before she can ride again. But she has been riding over 10 years on the roads.

    Apparently when we pull up to a light we are supposed to get behind the cars. It's a little scary. I don't ride my bike alone on streets. Not that riding in a group is safe either. I think in Florida whenever they build a new road, they have to make a bike lane, but there are many roads without them. Most cars hate us... and honestly, before I started riding on roads I was scared to death whenever I would pass a cyclist. I didn't hate them but I was worried for them. Now, I'm out there. We have a few good trails that we pick up where we can but mainly we are a road cycling group.

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    OK, why the heck did I wait so long to get these?

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    Ice cream in between the bike and run was probably a mistake. Big mistake.

    Decided that since it was hot, why not grab an ice cream before the run and stopped at the gas station. Tasty but a terrible idea. My run was already rough coming off the bike but the ice cream made me want to quit for the first 2 km. My stomach settled and I did get the planned 8 km. It's warm and humid here (23°C / 73°F) and feels hotter but there are thunderstorms for later & Im going to German/English language thing later so no chance to run in the evening.

    LOL Did you see my post yesterday? I ran 4 miles, ate ice cream from sonic, then biked 5. You just did it backwards :)

    Next time I'll try to do it right!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hmmm. Would my towel fit in that pocket? I'm thinking yes.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Brand? Link?
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    Brand? Link?
    Oh, sorry. I suppose that was a bit of a tease. :blush: I have big hands, and I am a big guy, so I need lots of water. Thus the 20 oz version (x2), which has rather large pockets too. I'm not sure I want my phone in there since I can use that pocket as padding on a fall. :smile: But my phone easily fits and I could see putting Nuun or even some powdered electrolyte drink crap in there, maybe a pack of Oreo's and a Hot Pocket. And it has a divider to keep keys, etc seperate in the pocket, plus a key fob clip to attach to your keychain to keep your keys from sliding out of the those keys aren't going anywhere. Lid can accomodate putting ice in the bottle. Adjustable straps, thumb lock so the bottle won't come off your hands, little loops on the side to attach gel packs, flashlights, swiss army knives, whatever. Plus my fingers are free to work with my Garmin or whatever. Just a win-win for me personally in every way.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - love the race report. The video of the lady finishing is very sweet. I love that they all cheered for her.

    Finally got the road bike out, trying to find some trails here, the problem being that one is expected to ride the sidewalk / path when those are designated for bikes so I need to find places where paths either don't exist or they are set up wide enough for speed. Charging down a path at 30 kph is stupid if there are casual users on the paths.
    Average speed was 26 kph which was fine, given this was new areas and a lot of tentative riding.

    Saw a bike accident also at an intersection and was prepared to help out but the guy was walking it off and had 3-4 people already there. When I rode back an ambulance had arrived. Stay safe people. Also saw a few rabbits, a falcon and a little dead mole. I did not throw beads or dress the roadkill.
    A friend in my biking group was hit a few weeks ago. She rides alone in the mornings on the roads and she was at a stop light and was going straight. A truck was making a right turn and didn't see her. He didn't get a ticket because she had pulled up next to him. He ran over her ankle and she had to get it totally reconstructed. It will be a long time before she can ride again. But she has been riding over 10 years on the roads.

    Apparently when we pull up to a light we are supposed to get behind the cars. It's a little scary. I don't ride my bike alone on streets. Not that riding in a group is safe either. I think in Florida whenever they build a new road, they have to make a bike lane, but there are many roads without them. Most cars hate us... and honestly, before I started riding on roads I was scared to death whenever I would pass a cyclist. I didn't hate them but I was worried for them. Now, I'm out there. We have a few good trails that we pick up where we can but mainly we are a road cycling group.

    Sorry about your friend. Wishing her a speedy recovery.

    I ride in Europe mostly now and struggle with the "most cars hate us" thinking. I know that car vs bike thing in the US is a big struggle (I learned to ride in the US and still belong to a policy group) but here, everyone rides - it could be your grandmother on a bike, so most cars show some attention and respect. I hope mentalities in the US evolve - I see signs that they do as health activities become more mainstream.

    Still, accidents happen - I've been in 4 of different ones with cars. My daughters in 1, my ex in 2 (one with me on the tandem).
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    I don't bike a lot but I drive a lot. I don't hate cyclist, those know how to ride. What I hate is that here people will sometimes go to a bar on the bike and ride drunk back home. These don't ride straight and you can see it. I'm worried one day I will pass one and he will steer right in front of my car
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have only had issues where people aren't paying close enough attention coming out of a 4-way stop. I have had people not move over to an open lane but never come close (thankfully). Every now and then I do hear of people getting hit on bikes or foot, so it definitely happens. The scary thing in my opinion is how you can become complacent and it only takes one accident. The scariest thing I deal with is on some steep single track trails that the skilled mountain bikers occasionally decide to take on. Even though we're all trying to be aware out there, they can have some good speed at times and we all need quick reflexes for that. That's when I get my ticks, poison ivy, whatever, having to jump off trail at a moments notice. Small price to pay for not having a collision though!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY
    5/2 6.2 miles - 6.2 << Taper and cutback week. 5K race Wednesday morning
    5/3 6.2 miles - 12.4
    5/4 4.4 miles - 16.8 << PEO-AVN 5K Fun Run (was only 2.9 miles; plus 1.5 w/u)
    5/4 3.1 miles - 19.9 << got some extra miles squeezed in
    5/5 7.5 miles - 27.4
    5/6 4 miles - 31.4
    5/7 REST DAY << Sick +daughter's birthday party
    5/8 REST DAY
    5/9 9 miles - 40.4 << Madkin Mountain (634 ft elev gain)
    5/9 4 miles - 44.4 << Daily Double
    5/10 8.3 miles - 52.7
    5/10 4 miles 56.7 << Daily Double
    5/11 6.2 miles - 62.9
    5/12 9 miles - 71.9
    5/13 6.4 miles - 78.3
    5/14 17 miles - 95.3
    5/15 REST DAY
    5/16 8 miles - 103.3
    5/16 5 miles - 108.3 << Daily Double
    5/17 9 miles - 117.3
    5/17 4 miles - 121.3 << Daily Double
    5/18 6.2 miles - 127.5
    5/19 9 miles - 136.5
    5/20 6.2 miles - 142.7
    5/21 18 miles - 160.7
    5/22 REST DAY
    5/23 9 miles - 169.7
    5/23 4 miles - 173.7 << Daily Double
    5/24 9 miles - 182.7
    5/24 4 miles - 186.7 << Another Daily Double
    5/25 6.2 miles - 192.9
    5/26 9 miles - 201.9
    5/26 6.2 miles - 208.1 << Daily Double


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited May 2016
    Brand? Link?
    Oh, sorry. I suppose that was a bit of a tease. :blush: I have big hands, and I am a big guy, so I need lots of water. Thus the 20 oz version (x2), which has rather large pockets too. I'm not sure I want my phone in there since I can use that pocket as padding on a fall. :smile: But my phone easily fits and I could see putting Nuun or even some powdered electrolyte drink crap in there, maybe a pack of Oreo's and a Hot Pocket. And it has a divider to keep keys, etc seperate in the pocket, plus a key fob clip to attach to your keychain to keep your keys from sliding out of the those keys aren't going anywhere. Lid can accomodate putting ice in the bottle. Adjustable straps, thumb lock so the bottle won't come off your hands, little loops on the side to attach gel packs, flashlights, swiss army knives, whatever. Plus my fingers are free to work with my Garmin or whatever. Just a win-win for me personally in every way.

    I need a picture of it in your hand for perspective! :D I don't think I'll need 20oz but I'm loving the idea of keeping my enduracool towel wet in the pocket.

    Looks like my local running store carries these. Not that I've ever been in there.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited May 2016
    On weekends we have large groups of cyclists (teams) riding the white line of the highway which is curvy and 55mph. It just scares me. I don't want them hurt or a driver traumatized or penalized for hitting them. We have all these trails but they ride the highway :| We also had a runner killed in February by a truck exiting a business driveway. Keeps me alert while running still.

    Our area is in the process of installing more tunnels to protect cyclists and runners, so they pass under 5 lane roads instead of using crosswalks.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Brand? Link?
    Oh, sorry. I suppose that was a bit of a tease. :blush: I have big hands, and I am a big guy, so I need lots of water. Thus the 20 oz version (x2), which has rather large pockets too. I'm not sure I want my phone in there since I can use that pocket as padding on a fall. :smile: But my phone easily fits and I could see putting Nuun or even some powdered electrolyte drink crap in there, maybe a pack of Oreo's and a Hot Pocket. And it has a divider to keep keys, etc seperate in the pocket, plus a key fob clip to attach to your keychain to keep your keys from sliding out of the those keys aren't going anywhere. Lid can accomodate putting ice in the bottle. Adjustable straps, thumb lock so the bottle won't come off your hands, little loops on the side to attach gel packs, flashlights, swiss army knives, whatever. Plus my fingers are free to work with my Garmin or whatever. Just a win-win for me personally in every way.

    I need a picture of it in your hand for perspective! :D I don't think I'll need 20oz but I'm loving the idea of keeping my enduracool towel wet in the pocket.

    Looks like my local running store carries these. Not that I've ever been in there.

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Lol. Sweet. I may have to go check out the smaller ones. I have small hands.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    May Running Totals (miles)
    5/1 – 3.11 easy
    5/2 – rest day
    5/3 – extra rest day
    5/4 – 3.51 almost easy
    5/5 – 6.34 easy
    5/6 – planned rest day
    5/7 – 11.02 with pace group
    5/8 – extra rest day
    5/9 – scheduled rest day
    5/10 – extra rest day
    5/11 – no running
    5/12 – no running
    5/13 – PT appointment, no running
    5/14 – no running
    5/15 – no running, DNS for 10K
    5/16 – no running
    5/17 – PT appointment, 2.03 warm up
    5/18 – rest day
    5/19 – PT appointment, 2.55 on track
    5/20 – rest day
    5/21 – 3.07 easy
    5/22 – 3.52 easy
    5/23 – rest day
    5/24 – 4.22 easy
    5/25 – rest day
    5/26 – 5.04 warmup + easy
    5/27 – rest day

    May total to date – 44.41

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 150 miles
    Real Goals: Recover from Boston and Flower City. Build Base. Start training program for Rochester Marathon Recover from injury, return to running.

    Today's notes – The leg still isn't right, but it continues to slowly improve. Went to the club workout this evening, ran the 2 mile warmup with other runners, around a 9 minute pace. That didn't kill me for the day. :) Coach asked what I was up for; said I didn't think I could run T. He said try 3 or 4 mile repeats at MP. Half a lap around the track, it was clear that I wasn't up to pushing the pace even to MP. So I took off and ran an out and back on roads and an easy, non-technical trail for 3 more easy miles. At an average pace of 8:37, that was slower than my easy runs usually are; but I was running more to the feel of my leg than to pace, and the humidity was high enough to be very noticeable even though the temperature was only in the mid-70s.

    So, I'm not where I want to be; but I see a path to get there. Today's progress is that I could warm up, stand around for a while, then run again and not be messed up. And I ran 5 miles in one day for the first time since I went into PT. Maybe Saturday I'll be able to run 5 miles in one piece.

    Right now, I think it's 50/50 whether I'll need to take a DNS for the Medved 5K to Cure ALS. There are a couple of races before then that I'd like to run, but wisdom says don't put myself into a race environment just yet.

    I'm hopeful I'll be able to run Shoreline; today's humidity was good for starting to acclimate to the probable weather conditions at Hamlin Beach in mid-July.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY) DNS - injury
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY)
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hamlin, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)