

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did a Jillian Michaels Hot Body Healthy Mommy Workout DVD, didn't realy care for it. The plan for tomorrow is to do a a Cathe Legs with Weights DVD

    Rori - I'm so sorry about your brother. Prayers for him that he stays with AA

    Happy Birthday to Pip, Happy Birthday to Pip, happy birthday dear pip, happy birthday to you!

    Barb - I get a mammogram every year. Have for years and years. That's because I'm prone to fiberadinomas. At first (this was many years ago) the doc was taking them out. My breasts look like road maps. Finally, he just decided to let them be since they were always fiberadinomas. This was in the days of drains, etc. I had one removed a few years ago (again, fiberadinoma). Boy, has medicine changed. And that was probably about 20 years ago, so I can hardly imagine what it's like now

    I'm worried about sylvia, too

    Lenora - I figure I'll be able to get in the pool at the end of the week.

    I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room tomorrow. I've asked Lynette to bring me home. Vince will be at shooting so I just may make the cake I am thinking of for Mexican Train, which we're hosting here. It's in the shape of a train and Vince suggested that instead of all those little stars, just using plain icing and piping it into the crevices (windows, etc)

    Welcome everyone new!

    Went to ceramics tonight. Started working on the wolves for Jessica. should be interesting, I'm trying blending some colors. Finished the mermaid and put the clear glaze on it since I don't think I'd be able to get into all the little creases and crevices to spray it.

    Michele in NC
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I've had a slow day today but did manage to get six gopher gassers (think big firecrackers that let off a poisonous smoke) lit and buried in the mole runs. Hopefully I will have a few dead moles as a result. My yard is like a sponge because of those little buggers and the grass is dying. Tomorrow I have to lay some sod, build a flower bed and plant some azaleas. I'm hopeful it will be a busier day than today because I eat on slow days. I don't on busy days.

    On another subject I got a cello and have started learning on my own. I'll be getting lessons soon but for right now I'm doing basics like learning how to hold the bow and body position. I'm working at staying relaxed and comfortable and trying to let gravity help with the bowing. I'm finding it a bit harder than I thought to move my arm horizontally and not overwork my wrist. I'm sure a teacher will be able to help me with that but for now I watch a lot of videos of professors and professionals. I'm a bit rusty on bass clef so I'm having to brush up on reading it alone. lol I get lazy with it on the piano and often just chord things instead of play the music as written. I'm finding it fun though and am amazed at how full a sound I can get already but can't get use of the full bow yet. I understand that it is difficult at first to be able to use the full bow length, I hope it gets easier.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
    Thank u all for your great bday wishes!!!!! Rode home and I'm pooped, went to have a free bday meal at a Mexican food place. Ts a bday club thing where u get a free meal on your bday. So we go there 2 times a year, on my bday and on his.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Today didn't go as planned. My nephew, which shows how much more he needs to mature, said he was going to get here around 2. He said the kids sleep late and it would be about that time they would be here. So my sister said supper would be at 5. So that's when we got there. 5 PM can still be quite an iffy time for DH's bowels. So she asks why we are there so early. Supper was at 6. Well we needed to be at the Karaoke bby 7 but 6:45 would be better. So we sit and around and finally decide to text this guy. He said they would be there at around 7 which is 8 PM their time. He has a 3, 2 and 1 year old! They were to eat and get to bed at a decent time????? He initially told her he was spending 2 days. So we went ahead and ate which was really a nice time, just sisters and spouses. Charlie hardly eats anything at all on Wednesday and eats after Karaoke so we didn't eat desert which was good for me. Since tomorrow I am getting chest xray and spending the whole day with Charlie I won't be able to see the little ones. Charlie was able to only sing one song but it was a George Strait song 'I cross my heart'. For those who don't know that song, George Strait is a country musician and I cross my heart is a beautiful love song of a man promising his love to her. When he first got up to the mic he dedicated the song to me.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2016
    Joyce - How very sweet and romantic of Charlie. You'll cherish that in your heart forever. That's one of my most favorite George Strait songs. I bought a CD just to have it on there. I sing it to Jack all the time. He thinks I'm a nuts - I'm sure I am :)

    Big (((hugs))) to both of you.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, last year after he was released form the rehab hospital after meningitis he couldn't drive. So I was his driver for a couple of weeks. So I dropped him off at his Wednesday Karaoke place, then went a couple of blocks to church with plans to pick him up after choir practice. Well when I got to the church it was completely dark. I looked at my calendar and remembered everything was cancelled that evening. Sio I surprised him by going back. His love song when we were dating was the song More. At Karaoke as soon as you get there you turn in your song request and when you are called up to sing you turn in our next song. So it wasn't long after I got there his name was called. Charlie K, King of Karaoke. I noticed that he talked to the DJ. But he was changing his song request. So to my surprise and shock, out comes this beautiful voice that I knew and loved so much singing his song to me. It is so hard for him to say those 3 words that every woman wants to hear, especially if they have been married 43 years. But he does it in ways like that.

    Joyce, Indiana, spending the eve with my love
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi gals,

    Rori - You were in my backyard when you were visiting your brother… If you need to come back and need a place to stay or a pick up from the airport let me know.

    Happy happy happy birthday Pip!!!!


    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2016
    Joyce, that's a lovely, tender story. I'm glad he's able to tell you in such a very special way even if its hard for him to just say it.

    Janetr OKC
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    I have been very melancholy lately and missing all of my female friends. It's difficult for me to get to the library all the time due to the early closing time. Anyway here I am and have been reading first page of May posts.

    Still don't have internet but things are looking up and maybe next month I'll be back online.

    Janetr - so sorry to hear of your loss

    Becca - can't wait to see the haircut everyone is raving about

    Margaret - I'll have to look into that book Dance with Anger it sounds like something that may help me with my anger

    Lisa - sounds like you landed a new job - I'll have to catch up and find out about it

    Joyce - I'm glad you finally got that tooth taken care of but brought back memories of having my wisdom teeth pulled :(

    Drkatie - the only time I've had a doctor call me after hours was also to urge me to have a colonoscopy as my brother passed away at 35 from colon cancer. She felt it was imperative forme to stop dragging my feet and get it done!

    I recently read the book "The Orphan Master's Son." I have so many questions I'd like to discuss but haven't found a book group reading this one now so am going to write the author.One of those books I continue to think about.

    Now I have been listening to Oprah 's audio book "What I Know For Sure" I wish I had the spirituality and sense of myself that she does. She has 15 years of gratitude journals (that was 2012 so probably another 4). I'm still working on working on 1 and I agree with barbiecat about the washer and dry especially after having to use the laundry facilities the first two months after I moved. Hallelujah they are hooked up and not flooding the neighbor's kitchen anymore!

    ONE positive thing about not having not having internet is the amount of reading I'm doing - a new book about every day and a half.

    Katla - love the Tibetan proverb.

    Flanders - I'm borrowing your goals - eat, walk, log - keep it simple

    KJLaMore - just love your name and love the way it sounds when I say it. It very much sounds like a book writers name.

    That's for now. I'll be back soon.

    Love you and miss you all!

    Gloria in the confused weather patterns of WA

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited May 2016
    :heart: Each one of us is a unique miracle in progress. :heart:

    :star: Celebrate your uniqueness! :star:

    Self Discovery

    Past is gone forever. It cannot be recalled.
    Future lies ahead, beyond my reach.
    The Present is a bridge, a gift that lies between,
    to help me learn the lessons Past can teach.

    As I journey forwards towards Authentic Self,
    I strive to be the best that I can be;
    different, unique, a miracle in progress,
    with wondrous individuality.

    I celebrate myself, resolving to reveal
    Authentic Self behind the public face,
    chipping off the hardened shell of self-doubt and fear.
    Standing tall, I take my rightful place.

    (C) 2016 Terri Richardson

    Janetr I just read a few more of the earlier pages. Belated condolences, Janet. Such a sad thing to have to cope with.
    Also, Hopefully, your family will come to understand why you had to turn back in the face of such bad weather. It was their decision to cancel not yours, so don't let them lay all that guilt on your shoulders.

    Pip Happy Birthday!

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :star: Welcome! Newbies! :star:


    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star::) [Be your Authentic Self! :):star:

    Irish Terri cbi4dvcyvq96.png

  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Irish Terri - what a wonderful poem. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Gloworm in WA
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Pip, hope your birthday was happy!

    Irish Terri, love the poem, love the Celtic knot shamrock, too, and missed your face...

    Glo in WA - so good to see your face, as well! Yep, my new job is newspaper editor for The Fort Stockton Pioneer, the small-town weekly nearest us.

    Speaking of which, we put out the largest newspaper ever yesterday. Our usual 16- to 20-pager went out at 64 pages, with the Best of Pecos County tabloid (that's the same size page, but built to read sideways from the usual paper, and printed separately) included. On top of that 32 pages, there's a 16-page graduation broadsheet with pictures of all seniors in it included. AND the usual 16-page paper holding it all together.

    I'm about to pop up there, finish loading the e-edition, and then come back to wake the hubby up at 7 a.m. He came in to spend the night, so he can hit the parts stores this morning and pick up what he needs for the ranch. Sure was nice to see him. Miss spending evenings together!

    So excited, my sis is coming in with the next load for the warehouse sales this Friday, will get to have her here for one night, at least. My favorite niece, Elizabeth, is bringing her, towing a U-Haul trailer over with that stuff, and picking up her own belongings, nearby in storage. Elizabeth just began a new corporate job in Oklahoma City, well-deserved, and just found a place of her own. Her mom, my sis, is helping her move while bringing me stuff, killing two birds with one stone. Love my family.

    So, off to the races while the DH is in dreamland. Will pop in when I can...

    Later, my dears,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning ladies~
    I woke up at 5:00 this morning, and hit the ground running, had a load of laundry that started at 2, so chucked that in the dryer and started the sheets, and made 2 heirloom blueberry cakes, one for my dad, he will go crazy for it, and one to share, will take some to my hairdresser and leave some here for Tom to have over the weekend.
    Joyce~ that was so adorable... Charlie is rough and gruff,but i bet a softie when it comes down to brass tacks
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Joyce how special that Charlie sang such a beautiful song dedicated to you. That memory will stand strong for you both <3

    Marcella I admire you picking up the cello. Such a heroic instrument and take it little by little. You won't feel or hear the progress for a while but the rewards are hidden in the little improvements that start to pile on. Kind of like weight loss journey!!

    Watched my daughters last performance. She had an exhausting solo part on a Corelli concerto (she plays cello) and was very strong. I was a bit worried because she actually looks exhausted and a bit too thin. We are talking and walking and eating this vacation WEEKEND and I hope to get a little more out of her concerning her eating. She is a picky eater and will skip meals!! Does not take after her momma
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Karen from NY B)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    Thanks, I shall look into it. I lift 7lb dumbbells now. Does it hurt your wrists or shoulders?

    I use different weight dumbbells for different lifts....ranging from 5 lbs to 30 lbs....I am careful in everything I do