

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – Whenever I have had to have surgery; I have ‘ALWAYS’ asked for an Anesthesiologist (MD). I don’t want to be ‘put under’ by a nurse anesthetist. When you do that you are guaranteed that the Anesthesiologist will be ‘in the room’ the entire length of the surgery. I vaguely remember once, someone calling for the Anesthesiologist before I was ‘out’ good; and he told them to have another Anesthesiologist to come in, he had a “MD request” and could not leave me. Will keep both of you in my prayers and {{{{{hugs}}}}}, too!

    Barbiecat – Don’t know who Mary is: but both and all of them are in my prayers. Hopefully, they’ll be able to go home real soon.

    Michelle in NC – I have a niece who is deaf, so is her husband. She reads lips (her Daddy could never accept that she was deaf; but, she wore a hearing age since my sister realized that she was deaf; she used to wear it in a harness; and, when my parents would stroll her and stop to talk with others, they knew it was time to leave when she’d pull out the earplug pieces. She never whined, she just blocked them out. She decided to go to Gallaudet after the students had a ‘sit-in’ to demonstrate their anger that they were going to hire a ‘hearing’ Dean. They won, and a deaf Dean was appointed. She had to go up the summer before she was admitted to learn how to ‘sign’ because all 4 years she was there, they were only allowed to ‘sign’. Niece was deaf because my sister had the German Measles during the beginning of her 2nd trimester; her husband is deaf because he had meningitis as a toddler. Both their children are ‘hearing’ and all had to go to Easter Seals to learn how to communicate with them. They learned to sign. They also had their house wired to let them know when the boys were crying, the front door rang, the phone rang (for those who had the teletype to communicate with them), and just about anything that had a timer on it.

    Pip – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

  • mrspaws91
    mrspaws91 Posts: 27 Member
    Larisa- Good for you! It’s wonderful to feel in control of your health, isn’t it? Especially since you’ve had so much that you couldn’t control.
    Janetr – hahaha! I recently saw Sam Elliott in a show and he had shaved his mustache off. The allure was gone.
    Becca -beautiful view. I grew up on the shore of Lake Michigan and miss the water desperately now that I live in the desert.
    Rori – I’m sorry to read about your brother. Prayers happening.
    drkatiebug – I just had my first colonoscopy last week. Today I learned that the polyp the doc removed was the pre-cancerous type, so I am on the 5 year plan now, too. I’m on the yearly plan with mammography due to an unusual, but too small to biopsy, spot a couple years ago. Mom was a breast cancer survivor, so I take it very seriously. I’m going to study up and learn what kind of dietary changes I can make to improve my odds of staying cancer free.
    Pip – Happy Birthday!

    Dh and I have increased our walking route again. We’re up to 3.3 miles a day now, and an average speed of 15:06/mile. When I started walking in January I was happy with 1 mile at 20min/mile. I’m happy with the cardio portion of my workout – now I need to get motivated to do some strength training.

    I love that it’s finally warm enough to sleep with the windows open and awaken to the sound of the birds singing their morning offering.
    Barb in western Colorado
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Here it is Tuesday.. and again too much time as passed since I last logged on!

    I have got to STOP letting negative people and their actions affect me... I want/need to be around more positive people..

    Now.. my day today has been OK.. could have made better 'food' choices....but other than that....all is well.

    Catch everyone tomorrow!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Grits, you might remember Mary. She is from Minnesota and was the kettle bell queen and heavy lifter. She had to take a break from using the computer for health reasons.

    Add me to the list of folks worried about Sylvia.

    My colonoscopy is set for July 11. The prep directions are different this time! He has me drinking half the Colyte at 6:00 p.m and getting up at 2:00 am to finish it. .????? Why? The old way seemed to work just fine. I am already seeing a nap the entire afternoon after I get home. Pip, my anesthesia was light during my first one. Seeing the inside of my colon once was enough for me, thanks! The most embarrassing part of the whole thing is afterwards when they want you to fart and fart and then fart some more. Sometimes the nurse will even clap. Oh my!

    I've had a really nice day today. Went to the gym. We did upper body with Dumbbells. Then I got my walking at the duck pond there. Then went to my parents' house to visit. Mama's cousin, who had heart surgery last week is recuperating at Mama's. She ordinarily lives with her granddaughter, who is a single mother of three under six. She can't rest there, the granddaughter takes advantage, and the kids will want their Mimi to hold them. My Daddy's baby sister, who had a stroke a few weeks back is in a rehab facility. Today is her 80th birthday, so I took Daddy to visit since Mama is busy nursing her cousin. My aunt's husband ended up in the hospital with chest pains last week, so they just moved him into the rehab facility in the same room as my aunt. My cousins were there visiting. They had brought a cake. I made my aunt a vase of hydrangeas cut from Mama's bush. Daddy took her the flowers and a card. We didn't stay long but I'm glad we got to go.

  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    I just really had a few minutes (I am at work) to read some of the posts.

    I so understand how hard it is to have someone in the last days of their life.. it was so hard to see my mom disappear right in front of me.... I can't even put it in the 'right' words... (((hugs))) to everyone who needs them...

    As for me, I want to say how much I have enjoyed the posts here... and I sure want to get to know everyone much better..

    Pam .... in Utah
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    happy birthday Pip. sorry, I don't know how to make all those cute cards.

    katla can you get a recent report on Sylvia so e can know she is OK?

    Heather, we used to have a lady in my old church that was an excellent seamstress. Her husband was a doctor and she made all clothes for him, her and their daughter. And I mean all, even all the underwear. And she had a hat for her for every outfit. When I was much younger I sewed quite a bit. I made a formal for myself and a lot of the girls clothes. I still have my sewing machine as I did make several quilts but after my quilting friend moved to Arkansas I have only made the 'jeans' stadium quilt and I made two of those. Those are still my favorites as they have a lot of Mom and Dad's clothes in them.

    Saw doctor today, will get chest xray tomorrow to see if pneumonia is gone. A lot of discussion about my B/P medicine and continuing my Lasix. Will more than likely see my cardiologist again since the last visit ended with see if needed and no appointment.

    Getting ready to go over to my sister's for supper. Nephew is over there with his 3 little ones. Fun!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barb in western Colorado – I can’t imagine Sam Elliott without that ‘mustache’. My DH grew a mustache shortly after we married; has always had one during the nearly 44 years together. He used to have a ‘come-over’ and we’d go to the beach and it would blow over. He’d gripe about it all the time. I finally got tired of hearing it and told him, you’re ‘bald’ … deal with it; cut it off or ‘shut up’. I went to work and came home and he had cut his hair and shaved his mustache. I ‘loved’ the haircut; but, I did tell him to grow the mustache back. I had gotten too used to facial hair and he did not look like himself without it. During hunting season he grows a beard; sometimes he will trim it up like a goatee. I just cannot imagine him without one. When my Mimi died, we went to go view her; and, I told my Mother to put her glasses on. I had never seen her without them. She’d put them on, before she got out of bed in the morning and they were the last thing she took off after getting into the bed. My uncle thought that I was just being contrary; but, the funeral director told Mother (in front of me) that ‘things’ like glasses do make a difference in how one deals with the death of a loved one.

    I just started walking again, after a wreck on the 3rd. DH had cut the grass on my trails. It still seemed high; since they had not been able to cut it for close to 2 months.

    I’d like to sleep with our French Doors open. Might get to this week.

    Both my sisters are ‘breast cancer survivors’. My Mother had ovarian cancer; pretty sure it spread to her breasts as it had spread to her brain. I’m on a yearly mammogram route; on a 5-year colonoscopy route. I do a monthly exam and ‘if’ I feel something unusual and then my DH can feel it; I call my GYN and they normally get me in to see him that day or the next. Had a sonogram done this last week, along with a mammogram (which will get read by the Radiologist tomorrow).

    Drkatiebug – Now I know who Mary (from Minnesota) is … her avatar was of a lady with dark hair. I hope that she’ll be back soon.

    Joyce – Our Mother made all our clothes when we were growing up, too. She did a beautiful job. When the “Ladybug Dresses” came into ‘vogue’ in the late 60’s, she went to the store, looked at them; and bought the flowered material and ‘made up’ a pattern for it. I got one of the pins from a friend. I got a dress in just about every color and did not have to spend the $75 they costs back then. Which was a lot of money. I went to school with a girl who had shoes to match every outfit she had; and, she did not ‘seem’ to wear one more than once. Years later, another friend told me that she had matching underwear with her ‘boyfriend’s initials’ monogrammed on her slips. Her Mother lived her life vicariously through her. Pushed, pushed, pushed, and pushed. At least my Mother let us make some mistakes. Remember one afternoon riding to Brownie’s and she had made a 98 on a spelling test. Her mother went ballistic. Gee, if you don’t make a few mistakes during your growing up years you cannot really handle all that comes your way as an adult.

    My 'numbers' stayed the same - weight wise; unfortunately my fat % went up; and, my water % went down. MD said it was because I had not been able to 'exercise' for the past 3 weeks; so, today I started back. Tomorrow, if I have time, I might go get in the pool. At least by the weekend, I will be getting in it.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Becca I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have a son join the service. After my daughter went to college I sat on the steps at home and cried saying "I want my baby back". And I'm not the emotional type! Such a sap. But they've got to grow up.

    Still tracking food. It wasn't pretty today, but I tracked. Not fond of negative numbers.

    Happy Birthday Pip!

    Kimses in MA
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Joyce, if I read your post correctly, on the other forum, the mouse is somewhat like when we are sitting on your shoulder rooting you on? I like that although ya know, some ladies are afraid of a mouse and might not want him in their pocket. I sure hope you feel all the love and support we are sending your way! And that Charlie knows we are here for him too. cheerful-heart-smiley-emoticon.gif

    MicheleNC, I wear tons of black and white for all occasions but I am just old fashioned enough that I still don’t want to wear black to a wedding.

    Barbie, I just love your weight lifting. I remember when you would rarely do weights once a week. You just never cease to amaze me! weight-lifting-emoticon.gif

    Rori, so sorry your vacation was interrupted and sorry about your brother. I’ll send prayers that he has a successful journey to recovery.

    Katla, it’s great that you enjoy your yoga classes. Do you do some at home in between the classes? I’m not ADD but don’t seem to have the patience for yoga.

    Janetr, my menopause wasn’t that long ago and I still don’t remember too much about it. Lol Is memory loss one of the symptoms? i-dunno-hand-gesture-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Allie, glad Sean and Jean got home so you are relieved of your duties for the time being. Rest up, My friend.
    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I didn’t sleep well last night. Restless legs were the first culprit then other aches and pains so just a restless night. I’m up and showered and ready to go to my mammogram. I need to get my nails done so will see if I can fit that into my day. Well, I had the big squeeze but put off nails until tomorrow. When I called to make an appointment, she was booked up in the morning so I should have tried to go today. Now nails will look like crap for my HOA board meeting. That’s what I get for being lazy. Going to try to get to bed early tonight.
    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. happy-in-the-sun-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, happy-love-heart-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    :)Lenora, this is Mary from Minnesota...she is the one who had to stay away from the computer until August because of the treatment for medical conditions....she lifted heavy weights and inspired many of us to to lift heavier weights. She misses us, but has stayed away from the computer except for occasional short sessions to check her e mail.
  • sherylk3
    sherylk3 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here, just signed up, have a hard time exercising, have problems with my feet and knees but have been trying to get out a bit each day. My job keeps me going also,which helps a bit but also makes me tired when I am done. I would love to add a few people as friends who are going through the same problems as myself (I am 54 if that makes a difference to anyone).
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    sherylk3 wrote: »
    I am new here, just signed up, have a hard time exercising, have problems with my feet and knees but have been trying to get out a bit each day. My job keeps me going also,which helps a bit but also makes me tired when I am done. I would love to add a few people as friends who are going through the same problems as myself (I am 54 if that makes a difference to anyone).

    :) This is a great thread to read every day to improve your motivation to stick to your plan....if you join in the conversation, you'll get to know some of us and feel more supported and encouraged.

    :) Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    Pip, I know you are making the most of your birthday
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @Pamela_June Hi, Pam in Utah, I am new to this thread, trying to fit in, and finding a lot of inspiration here. I too watched my mother disappear in front of my eyes. Nobody tells you how much you are going to love your grandchildren or how much you are going to miss your mother.

    @barbiecat The picture of Mary is amazing and is truly inspiring! I lift, but not heavier than 7 lb weights - I am interested in lifting heavy but not sure how to go about it.

    @DJ I love your posts and all the cute emojis! It lifts my spirits to read your posts.

    Blessings to all!

    Love, Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.46min, 15amph, 144mhr, 2.9mi = 92c
    ELIPTICAL- 35min, 3020str, 86avstpmin, 134mhr, 5incl, 4-10resist, 3.77mi = 287c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.54min, 12.2amph, 139mhr, 1.3mi = 71c
    ride wk 2 hm- 55.19min, 11.3amph, 126ahr, 153mhr, 10.4mi = 489c
    total cal 939

    gonna go have my free meal, i'll explain later
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    @barbiecat The picture of Mary is amazing and is truly inspiring! I lift, but not heavier than 7 lb weights - I am interested in lifting heavy but not sure how to go about it.

    Love, Karen in Virginia

    Mary pointed me to a program called "Strong Lifts 5X5"---heavy weight, 5 sets of 5 repetitions. She lifts huge weights and has the barbell and rack to do the program the way it's described. I have none of that so I made changes to fit what I had. The idea is to do only a few lifts that work several parts of the body instead of lots of lifts that each deal with only one muscle. Also use heavier weights with fewer repetitions. I learned about that when I read "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". I have dumbbells, not barbells. I stared with sets of dumbbells of 5 lbs, 10 lbs, and 15 lbs, and when I wanted something heavier, I found an adjustable set so now I can do lifts with dumbbells that weigh 17.5, 20. 22.5, 25, 27.5, and 30. The set goes heavier than that, but that's as high as I can go now.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Thanks, I shall look into it. I lift 7lb dumbbells now. Does it hurt your wrists or shoulders?