

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @janettr - Yea...working 9 hours is not legal... and they are not forcing me...it is just one of those things....no one to cover for me (I have such an important position.....after all WHO else could answer a phone?!!!) .... so I am trying to take that 'extra' step to be an team player - This only happens once in a while - so I figure I can handle it!

    OK, thanks, I feel better about it now :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Grits~ When my son married, the colors were ivory and a aqua blue. Found a dress that was all those colors and MORE..hahaha...but I didn't outshine the bride, at least I hope I didn't.

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Today's DD 18th Birthday >:) Ordered the cake and a balloon bouque and will pick them up on our way to the restaurant this evening, so Party for 25 people is all set!!! My nerves are on edge today so maybe a glass of wine to start the evening off is in order.

    DH has committed to a position so he will be employed again as of June 1st. After 12 weeks, I am feeling really blessed at the way things worked out. God is good <3 Still working on the part where he'll be working from home though >:):D Since I'm self employed I took on more clients during DH layoff and my new clients are awesome people that will add some fun to my work. There will be trips up to Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, and San Francsisco! I see shopping in my furture B):p

    I feel like I'm coming back to life in some ways today. There has been so many chores (very long exhausting list) this year bringing me down and I feel like I'm in the home stretch with DD high school graduation, getting DS #2 off to Germany, then getting kids off to college and back to high school is all that is left : ) Oh yeah, and teaching last child to drive ha ha My ITALY trip in October with my sister is still on too :smiley::wink:

    Weighed in this morning and I'm down 1.6lbs - woo hoo. Hope you ladies are doing okay. Sending prayers to all that need them.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Stressing out today!!! Starting this past Tuesday, husband is showing some symptoms of a liver rejection of some sort. He is jaundice, and some others not really appropriate to discuss, so this morning I talked with the transplant coordinator and she calmed me down. Took husband to do some bloodwork, and we shall go from there. It might just be an IV with some extra anti-rejection meds. Even his eyeballs are a yellowish color... Everyone if you have a moment, just send up a little thought, or prayer, much appreciated.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @Annr Becca Sending prayers.

    Karen in Virginia
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yes Carol, I am here and lurking. Just got back from my daughter's fifth grade graduation.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Becca ... Praying for you and your husband.

    Joyce ... Is Charlie's surgery tomorrow? Friday the 27th?

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Healing thoughts for your DH.

    Miriam ~ So glad you checked in. You are missed.

    Went to the 4 yr old's Pre-K graduation today. Her mom cried...her baby is growing up.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »

    Y’all are making me feel guilty with all of the talk about colonoscopies. When I had mine at 50 it was clear, but my grandfather died from colon cancer so I’m supposed to be on the five year plan. I’m 56 ½ and haven’t had another one done. *sigh* I resolve to call my doctor and get the appropriate referral and find out how much my insurance will pay.

    If it makes you feel any better, I have never had one... nor a mammogram. :neutral:
    My excuse so far has been that I was a little busy with ortho surgeries..and no one in my family has had either issue.
    I did promise my GP I'd start getting mammograms soon.

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Becca: sending prayers <3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Stressing out today!!! Starting this past Tuesday, husband is showing some symptoms of a liver rejection of some sort. He is jaundice, and some others not really appropriate to discuss, so this morning I talked with the transplant coordinator and she calmed me down. Took husband to do some bloodwork, and we shall go from there. It might just be an IV with some extra anti-rejection meds. Even his eyeballs are a yellowish color... Everyone if you have a moment, just send up a little thought, or prayer, much appreciated.

    Oh, Becca, so sorry to hear. I'll be praying for all of you. Big (((hugs))).

    Janetr OKC
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Prayers and hugss to you @Annr ....
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member

    Me with Bea.

    Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member

    DH with DGS and DGD

    Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    Had to post the pics separately as my tablet is running out of memory.

    We had a lovely day. Spent the whole journey home talking about the grandchildren. It is especially wonderful for DH as he is their step grandad, but they absolutely adore him. And he adores them. He is a natural genius with children that age and it is a pleasure and a privilege to watch him play with them. Just occasionally I catch DDIL's eye as we observe the special nature of their relationship and we share a moment of total appreciation. And awe, to be frank.
    They are off on holiday on Saturday and I just hope that aeroplane carries them all safely.

    Peach/Carol - Your beautiful granddaughter looks just like you! <3

    Becca - Hugs and healing thoughts coming your way! <3 Let's hope they can get it under control soonest. (((HUGS))) ****** <3

    Rosie - Happy your DH is settled. <3

    Thoughts are with you, Joyce. For tomorrow. LOVE YOU. <3

    Came in a bit over calories today, but not over maintenance. Hooray! My brother is coming for lunch tomorrow. :D:D<3 Got to get stuff out of the freezer.

    Love Heather UK

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – I doubt you ‘outshined’ the bride. Aqua blue is a color that a lot of Mothers of the Bride/Groom wear. I’m talking more like ‘garish’ such as day-glow orange (prison orange).

    Larisa – If you aren’t having mammograms done on a regular basis; sure hope you are doing self-breast exams); that is how most cancers are found.

    DDnL#1 is now without a job; something happened at work, where a salesman wanted her to 'approve' a job that she had not seen. She went to her boss, who was apparently having a bad day because he yelled at her. She then asked if she could take her lunch hour at that point. He told her 'NO'. She asked him again, and he told her 'if she walked out, not to come back' ... so she walked out and swears she will NEVER go back, she'd rather flips burgers instead. She took a resume to a place here and then went into town to a place that helps people get jobs and gave them all her information and resume. Now she's got to find her SS card for that info. We have a SSA office in town, it just means she will have to get there early and wait. Then she might have to wait to get it in the mail. She said that she put all their SS cards in an envelope and now can't find it. Thinks that maybe it is in a purse somewhere. She's hoping to find a job with benefits. They certainly need them. Wonder if she can apply for 'unemployment benefits'?


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member

    Larisa – If you aren’t having mammograms done on a regular basis; sure hope you are doing self-breast exams); that is how most cancers are found.

    Yep, I am. :smile: