Weekly Weigh in Challenge for May



  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Age: 60

    Starting Weight May 1st:199.8
    Goal Weight May 31:194

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1:199.8
    May 6: 198
    May 13:196
    May 20:
    May 27:

    Total LBS lost so far: 3.8

    Weekly Goals: Walk every day

    Struggles: Junk food, Saying no when something is offered I shouldn't eat.

    Successes: So far this month is going really well. Much better than past months weight wise.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Connie7355 wrote: »
    Age: 60

    Starting Weight May 1st:199.8
    Goal Weight May 31:194

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1:199.8
    May 6: 198
    May 13:196
    May 20:
    May 27:

    Total LBS lost so far: 3.8

    Weekly Goals: Walk every day

    Struggles: Junk food, Saying no when something is offered I shouldn't eat.

    Successes: So far this month is going really well. Much better than past months weight wise.

    Nearly to your goal!!! Your crushing this!
  • jumpermuffin
    jumpermuffin Posts: 27 Member
    I'm late, but oh well here's to being a loser! ;) I also see that I'm not weighing myself when I "should" but oh well this is really just for me, haha.

    Age: 33

    Starting Weight May 4th: 232
    Goal Weight May 29: 224

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1(4): 232
    May 8 (12): 229.8
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far: 1.2 lbs

    Weekly Goals: Be under my calorie goal every day (after exercise adjustment), walk 10-12K steps per day, join a fitness class at least 3x a week.

    Struggles: Snacking before bed, getting my steps on the weekend.

    Successes: I got 69K steps Sun-Sat last week, which is almost my weekly goal. Managed to eliminate snacking before bed completely. Also, no drinking unless I have the calories to spare...and so far I have not. Very glad to dip below 230 and hope to stay there! [/b]

  • priyankarai2005
    priyankarai2005 Posts: 86 Member
    Name: Priyanka
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight May 1st: 92
    Goal Weight May 29: 88

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 92
    May 8: 90.9
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Name: Laurie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight May 1st: 254
    Goal Weight May 29: 5 pounds

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 254
    May 6: 251
    May 13: 248.7
    May 20:
    May 27:

    Total LBS lost so far: 6.3

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Name: Mari
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight May 1st: 295
    Goal Weight May 29: 285

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 295
    May 8: 293.8
    May 15: 290.1
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far: -4.9 lbs

    Weekly Goals:

    Drink 3 liters of water a day.
    Workout 6 days a week for 30 minutes minimum and have 1 rest day.
    Log into MFP every day.
    Be completely honest on my food diary (I would only be lying to myself)

    This last week I struggled with getting in all my workouts. I allowed various things to be my excuse to just not do them or not give them my 100%. This week my struggle is going to be staying away from chocolate. Its that time of the month and everytime I get crazy chocolate cravings.

    The scale finally had a nice drop. Its been awhile. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out my CICO, my allowed calories in and my Macro percentages. I think I found a good spot for me FINALLY. As soon as my weight drop slows down I will adjust it again.
  • priyankarai2005
    priyankarai2005 Posts: 86 Member
    Name: Priyanka
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight May 1st: 92
    Goal Weight May 29: 88

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 92
    May 8: 90.9
    May 15:90
    May 22:
    May 29:
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    My update:

    Name: Cathy
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 1st: 175.8
    Goal Weight May 29: 169.8

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 175.8
    May 8: 172.4
    May 15: 169.4!!!!
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far: 6.4

    Weekly Goals: stay as close to 1200 net during the week, and about 1500 weekends, walk 30 minutes a day on my lunch break

    Struggles: Making snacks/food for the kiddos and not overindulging

    Successes: I already met my goal!!!! woohoo!!
  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Kaeli
    Age: 22

    Starting Weight May 1: 299
    Goal Weight May 29: 290

    Weigh in Week:
    May 1: 299
    May 8: 298.4
    May 15: 293.2
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total pounds lost so far: 5.8
    I have mixed feelings about this weigh-in; it was mainly from me being sick but at least the scale moved in the right direction!

    - Only got to workout twice this week
    - Being sick all week, no appetite

    - I hid my scale so I didn't weigh myself the entire week
    - I walked to the gym both times I went!
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    rollinskae wrote: »
    Name: Kaeli
    Age: 22

    Starting Weight May 1: 299
    Goal Weight May 29: 290

    Weigh in Week:
    May 1: 299
    May 8: 298.4
    May 15: 293.2
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total pounds lost so far: 5.8
    I have mixed feelings about this weigh-in; it was mainly from me being sick but at least the scale moved in the right direction!

    - Only got to workout twice this week
    - Being sick all week, no appetite

    - I hid my scale so I didn't weigh myself the entire week
    - I walked to the gym both times I went!

    Way to go on the loss though!
  • cnbeardsley7287
    cnbeardsley7287 Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Claire
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 1st: 268
    Goal Weight May 29: 260

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 268
    May 8: 271
    May 15: 266
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far:
    11lbs total

    Weekly Goals:
    Eat more protein. I have not been getting enough protein.

    Late night snacking.

    I recently started a couple challenges one being walking and yesterday I was 585 steps over my goal.
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member

    SW 198
    CW 191.5
    GW - 170
    2 lb loss this week. Challenge will be not resting on my laurels and sticking to it. Exercise every day, Zumba at least 2x this week and not to go over my calories.
    Have an excellent week everyone.

  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    It's the middle of the week! I hope everyone is achieving their goals! Have an awesome week :)
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hello Ladies, another week almost past us. I hope you are all keeping strong. Just do the best with what you have and kick some *kitten*. We've seen a lot of great losses so far. Keep up the great work!
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Age: 60

    Starting Weight May 1st:199.8
    Goal Weight May 31:194

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1:199.8
    May 6: 198
    May 13:196
    May 20:195
    May 27:

    Total LBS lost so far: 4.8

    Weekly Goals: Walk every day

    Struggles: Will be doing a flea market next weekend so hope I can stay away from the funnel cakes!
    Successes: I finally feel back in control!!
  • priyankarai2005
    priyankarai2005 Posts: 86 Member
    ame: Priyanka
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight May 1st: 92
    Goal Weight May 29: 88

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 92
    May 8: 90.9
    May 15: 90
    May 22: 90
    May 29:
  • MeganD_96
    MeganD_96 Posts: 143 Member
    Name: Megan
    Age: 19

    Starting Weight May 1st: 192.6lbs
    Goal Weight May 29: 189.6

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 192.6
    May 8: 192
    May 15: 193.2
    May 22: 190.4!!
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far: since October 2015 I've lost 21.2lbs! My first mini goal weight is 170lbs :)

    Weekly Goals: to drink at least 2 litres of water a day!


    Successes: have now managed to drink at least 2 litres of water a day and it's really helping! So happy with my weight today!!

  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    My update:

    Name: Cathy
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 1st: 175.8
    Goal Weight May 29: 169.8

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 175.8
    May 8: 172.4
    May 15: 169.4
    May 22: 168.0
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far: 7.8

    Weekly Goals: stay as close to 1200 net during the week, and about 1500 weekends, walk 30 minutes a day on my lunch break

    Struggles: going to the gym and then being super hungry afterwards, I'm trying to eat a protein bar to help

    Successes: I'm happy with how this month went so far and I joined a gym so I'm working on becoming healthier too

  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Kaeli
    Age: 22

    Starting Weight May 1: 299
    Goal Weight May 29: 290

    Weigh in Week:
    May 1: 299
    May 8: 298.4
    May 15: 293.2
    May 22: 289.2
    May 29:

    Total pounds lost so far: 9.8
    I am ECSTATIC about this weigh-in!!! Already reached my goal for the month!

    I honestly can't think of any. This week went wayyyyyy better than I expected!

    - I hid my scale so I didn't weigh myself the entire week
    - I worked out every single day this week!!
    - I kept off the weight I lost last week when I was sick and lost some more!
    - I worked out harder this week than I ever have before