Weekly Weigh in Challenge for May



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Name: Mari
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight May 1st: 295
    Goal Weight May 29: 285

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 295
    May 8: 293.8
    May 15: 290.1
    May 22: 290.1
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Name: Mari
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight May 1st: 295
    Goal Weight May 29: 285

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 295
    May 8: 293.8
    May 15: 290.1
    May 22: 290.1
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Ok I don't know why but I'm posting my update and only half message is showing. The hell?.
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member

    SW 198 May 1
    CW 189,5
    GW - 170
    2 lb loss this week. Challenge will be not resting on my laurels and sticking to it. Exercise every day,
    Got my Zumba in x2, killer workout and 1 Jillian Michaels shred, other than that just walking. Happy with my progress this week as haven't been below 190 for a few months!!

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Name: Mari
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight May 1st: 295
    Goal Weight May 29: 285

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 295
    May 8: 293.8
    May 15: 290.1
    May 22: 290.1
    May 29: 287.8

    Total LBS lost so far: -7.2 lbs

    I didn't quite reach my goal but I made good progress towards it.

    Thank you all for joining me and helping me keep accountable this month. It was very helpful and I thank you for joining me. You all did great, those who continued weighing, congratulations on the amazing losses you all had!
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    way to go guys!
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    Last update of the month!

    Name: Cathy
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 1st: 175.8
    Goal Weight 169.8 (passed this!)

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 175.8
    May 8: 172.4
    May 15: 169.4
    May 22: 168.0
    May 29: 166.8

    Total LBS lost so far: 9 pounds this month!

    I'm very happy with how this month went! I lost 9 pounds total (3 pounds more than my goal), and it didn't feel like a struggle at all. There were times where I had chosen to eat some unhealthy options (like fast food), but I just ate less because of this and it all balanced out. I also really enjoy the gym and that has become a regular part of my week. Woohoo! On to June loss! Is someone starting a new thread for that?

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Wow fantastic you have done so so well! If you guys want I can start a new thread for the month. I know it helps me to know i have to come check in each week with my weekly weigh in. Ill start it now...use your last weigh in for the starting weight. Ill post it under Weekly Weigh In Challenge for June.
  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Kaeli
    Age: 22

    Starting Weight May 1: 299
    Goal Weight May 29: 290

    Weigh in Week:
    May 1: 299
    May 8: 298.4
    May 15: 293.2
    May 22: 289.2
    May 29: 289.2

    Total pounds lost this month: 9.8
    I beat my goal!!! Even though I didn't lose anything this week, at least I didn't gain!

    - Lots of extra snacking this week
    - I didn't reach my exercise goal this week (I didn't work out Monday and Tuesday but I did my best to stay active)

    - I hid my scale so I didn't weigh myself the entire week
    - I didn't gain at all this month!

    Congrats everyone!!! You all did great!
  • MeganD_96
    MeganD_96 Posts: 143 Member
    edited May 2016
    Name: Megan
    Age: 19

    Starting Weight May 1st: 192.6lbs
    Goal Weight May 29: 189.6

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 192.6
    May 8: 192
    May 15: 193.2
    May 22: 190.4!!
    May 29: 191

    Total LBS lost so far:

    Gained a little bit of water weight as my IBS kicked in 2 days ago :( on the 26th I was 189.8lbs. I was SO close to my goal!

    Weekly Goals:



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    MeganD_96 wrote: »
    Name: Megan
    Age: 19

    Starting Weight May 1st: 192.6lbs
    Goal Weight May 29: 189.6

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 192.6
    May 8: 192
    May 15: 193.2
    May 22: 190.4!!
    May 29: 191

    Total LBS lost so far:

    Gained a little bit of water weight as my IBS kicked in 2 days ago :( on the 26th I was 189.8lbs. I was SO close to my goal!

    Weekly Goals:



    You are going to get there don't worry. I have that weight gain each month as well. Leave it here in May where it belongs! It's a new month and you are going to do great!!!
  • MeganD_96
    MeganD_96 Posts: 143 Member
    MeganD_96 wrote: »
    Name: Megan
    Age: 19

    Starting Weight May 1st: 192.6lbs
    Goal Weight May 29: 189.6

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 192.6
    May 8: 192
    May 15: 193.2
    May 22: 190.4!!
    May 29: 191

    Total LBS lost so far:

    Gained a little bit of water weight as my IBS kicked in 2 days ago :( on the 26th I was 189.8lbs. I was SO close to my goal!

    Weekly Goals:



    You are going to get there don't worry. I have that weight gain each month as well. Leave it here in May where it belongs! It's a new month and you are going to do great!!!

    Thank you so much! I have been disheartened since I gained but you're right, I'm going to leave it behind and keep going!
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member

    SW 198
    CW 189.8
    GW - 170
    May 30 189.8

    Loss 8.2 lbs!!. I'm very happy with those numbers as I haven't been under 190 in a few months and truth be told I didn't expect to lose much more than 5. Gained a bit this week, transitioning to home, lots of social events this week. At least I only gained a smudge.
    Thanks to all in the group, you are great motivators and hope we can keep this momentum going. Wish you all great success over the rest of the summer.

  • priyankarai2005
    priyankarai2005 Posts: 86 Member
    Name: Priyanka
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight May 1st: 92
    Goal Weight May 29: 88

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 92
    May 8: 90.9
    May 15: 90
    May 22: 90
    May 29:89.9
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Name: Priyanka
    Age: 32

    Starting Weight May 1st: 92
    Goal Weight May 29: 88

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 92
    May 8: 90.9
    May 15: 90
    May 22: 90
    May 29:89.9

    So close Priya! Join us again for the June challenge. I posted the link above. X
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member