Obesity Journal study: It's not just CICO



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    I feel like I'm the only person who got lost in the thread when you guys started using acronyms. TDEE? MDA, MBA, MFAA, TDLFGHAFOWE WTF?

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure. This is the level of calories that you maintain at or the average number of calories you burn in a day.

    NEAT = Non-exercise activity thermogensis - the calories you burn in daily activity outside of exercise (i.e. - walking to your car, making food, etc..)

    TEF = Thermal effect of food - calories burned through digestion

    TEA = Thermal effect of activity - exercise calories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    TDEE=total daily energy expenditure, basically maintenance calories including all activity.

    NEAT=I forget what it stands for, but maintenance without intentional exercise but including other daily activity

    BMR=basel metabolic rate, or in other words maintenance if you did not move at all but were lying in bed all day with only bodily functions to burn calories

    RMR=resting metabolic rate, similar to BMR but more like you are sitting around only vs. in a coma

    LOL... two of a kind.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I feel like I'm the only person who got lost in the thread when you guys started using acronyms. TDEE? MDA, MBA, MFAA, TDLFGHAFOWE WTF?

  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I also found this series quite interesting (I've linked it before): https://rawfoodsos.com/2015/10/06/in-defense-of-low-fat-a-call-for-some-evolution-of-thought-part-1/

    On the whole I think macro choice is going to be individual, although I do agree with those who find the Blue Zones compelling evidence against the idea (annoyingly preached by some) that carbs are bad and we should all be low carb.

    Did no one else read this link? Waiting for the passionate low-carbers to respond...
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    edited June 2016
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    edited June 2016
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.


    Get a clue.... and you already mentioned you work for Big Pharma, so... I'm not surprised.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    That is true about diabetes educators not being able to teach what they know to be true. My endocrinologist has verified this. He does his own teaching.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I also found this series quite interesting (I've linked it before): https://rawfoodsos.com/2015/10/06/in-defense-of-low-fat-a-call-for-some-evolution-of-thought-part-1/

    On the whole I think macro choice is going to be individual, although I do agree with those who find the Blue Zones compelling evidence against the idea (annoyingly preached by some) that carbs are bad and we should all be low carb.

    Did no one else read this link? Waiting for the passionate low-carbers to respond...

    Alas! I am in the swampland...

  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    edited June 2016
    That is true about diabetes educators not being able to teach what they know to be true. My endocrinologist has verified this. He does his own teaching.

    Yes, I work side by side with these people. I talk to them every day. I even talked to the educator 3 years ago when I first found out about the ketogenic diet--to make sure I wasn't going to kill myself! (I'll admit, eating butter the first few times was scary). Now I'm down almost 30 lbs from where I was after having my last baby, and in the best health of my life. I get comments almost daily from strangers who think I am the babysitter to my 4 children, or from patients who can't believe I've even had kids. People think I'm in my early 20s (I'm in my 30s). The ketogenic real food diet plus intermittent fasting has given me new life. Even type 1 diabetics can do it, as evidenced by my family member who dropped his daily insulin needs and lost 40 lbs while controlling his blood sugars. I'm not saying it works for everyone, but I strongly encourage it for people with insulin resistance. However, looking at the big picture, I do believe that anyone who chooses real food over processed food regardless of macro breakdown is going to vastly improve their health.

    As far as avoiding the habit of snacking, I do believe it's important, especially for those with IR, because, as someone pointed out even protein can spike insulin (though not nearly as much as carbs). Having extended periods of low insulin is key to healing resistance and promoting the breakdown of stored fat.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.


    Get a clue.... and you already mentioned you work for Big Pharma, so... I'm not surprised.

    Absolute and utter hogwash.
    And what's worse, 100% falsifiable by 5 seconds of googling.


    Wow, look at them just telling you to eat all the sugar and carbs and just shoot up on more medication!

    That's the kind of BS claims that make me actually angry, because there's just no excuse.

    You don't realize it, but you just made her point for her by publishing this link.
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    edited June 2016
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.


    Get a clue.... and you already mentioned you work for Big Pharma, so... I'm not surprised.

    Absolute and utter hogwash.
    And what's worse, 100% falsifiable by 5 seconds of googling.


    Wow, look at them just telling you to eat all the sugar and carbs and just shoot up on more medication!

    That's the kind of BS claims that make me actually angry, because there's just no excuse.

    I'm confused, Steven. What exactly is this link suppose to confirm? You're building a strawman by saying "eat all the sugar and carbs and just shoot up on more medication." The point is: that 45-60 g of carbs per meal is arbitrary and unhelpful. T2DM is a dietary disease, and it needs a dietary cure. If these people want to heal their underlying disease and get off medication, they need intensive changes. Changes the ADA is not telling them about.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Yes. that link
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.


    Get a clue.... and you already mentioned you work for Big Pharma, so... I'm not surprised.

    Where did queenliz99 say she worked for Big Pharma? <confused>
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.


    Get a clue.... and you already mentioned you work for Big Pharma, so... I'm not surprised.

    Where did queenliz99 say she worked for Big Pharma? <confused>

    Well, I believe she said Big Pharma is why she gets out of bed everyday... I assumed she meant for work, but maybe I misunderstood. Is there another explanation?
  • Crisseyda
    Crisseyda Posts: 532 Member
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    Crisseyda wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Hell big pharma is the reason why insulin shots exist.

    NOPE, the man who won the Nobel for isolating insulin, Dr. Banting, gave his patent away for free because he believed this life-saving drug should be available to everyone who needed it. Big Pharma is the reason new (but not necessarily more effective) versions of insulin are constantly created when patents run out so that they can keep the prices as high as possible.

    Insulin is an amazing drug for type 1 diabetics. It's the reason two of my immediate family members are still alive today. Insulin, however, is a horrible treatment for type 2 diabetics, and does nothing to cure the root cause of their disease, but instead exacerbates it.

    Lantus was #6 in the top 10 most profitable drugs in 2014, grossing 7.28 billion. http://qz.com/349929/best-selling-drugs-in-the-world/
    The diabetes epidemic is nothing but good news to the only 3 companies in the US that produce insulin: Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk. With that kind of money on the line, do you think they would be careless enough to share nutrition advice that actually enabled people to prevent their potential or stop their current use of insulin?

    That nutrition advice is confusing garbage for good reason.


    Searching through the web you can find so many examples of people who stopped T2 diabetes in its tracks by not listening to the stupid ADA, and not listening to their stupid doctor. They simply cut out refined sugar, fruit juice and grains from their diet, limited fruit consumption, and Voila! - no T2 diabetes.

    But without funding from Big Pharma, the ADA would be mostly out of business. So they recommend a too-high carb diet, which keeps people or makes people diabetic. It is criminal, and it is a disgrace.

    And if you watch cable news, you are inundated with the latest and greatest diabetes drug. And next year there will be another one that reduces blood sugars 1% more than the current one.

    Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave.

    Totally agree. It's an utter disgrace. The vast majority of people are totally clueless. Even diabetes educators at the hospital know that the ketogenic diet works so much better for T2DM, but their hands are tied and they aren't allowed to teach it. ADA guidelines are taught to protect medicare/medicaid reimbursement.


    Get a clue.... and you already mentioned you work for Big Pharma, so... I'm not surprised.

    Absolute and utter hogwash.
    And what's worse, 100% falsifiable by 5 seconds of googling.


    Wow, look at them just telling you to eat all the sugar and carbs and just shoot up on more medication!

    That's the kind of BS claims that make me actually angry, because there's just no excuse.

    I'm confused, Steven. What exactly is this link suppose to confirm? You're building a strawman by saying "eat all the sugar and carbs and just shoot up on more medication." The point is: that 45-60 g of carbs per meal is arbitrary and unhelpful. T2DM is a dietary disease, and it needs a dietary cure. If these people want to heal their underlying disease and get off medication, they need intensive changes. Changes the ADA is not telling them about.

    There is no healing from diabetes.
    You sound like a walking popup advertisement "CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT THE ADA IS NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!"

    *shrug* Who cares what I sound like? Seriously, there is no healing from diabetes!? Then how do you explain people who've done it? When someone goes from using exogenous insulin everyday to control blood sugar to no need for the medication while still controlling blood sugar: I call that healing! Smh. I guess the only option is medication for the rest of their lives then.