June (2016) Running Challenge



  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @karllundy It is National Donut Day. ;)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I haven't had time to get caught up but I saw this from a friend (a runner who was diagnosed with Lymes) and wanted to share it as a reminder to all of you trail runners. The article is a couple of years old but is still relevant.

    Bart Yasso that writes for them also contracted Lyme's. I heard him speak last October. He didn't address the Lyme's. But you can see that it's taken a toll on him.

    We have DEET 40, 100 and sport. A must through the jungle like trails.
  • CutieCait123
    CutieCait123 Posts: 39 Member
    First time making a monthly goal so we are going to try this out!!

  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    Was not feeling it with my run today so cut it short, had intended to do 6.2 but think the heat is getting to me. On to the next run now anyway.

    1/6: 4.5 Miles
    3/6: 3.4 Miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @7lenny7 I'm sorry you got the lecture. I think it's really hard for folks who don't love to run to understand how you feel, like you love the challenge and you love to run. Though I can appreciate her wanting to make sure you are okay. Give it time and they will see how important this is to you.

    So let me give you a story. Similar but different than your situation but I can understand how she feels, she loves you and doesn't want you to be hurt. My Dad was very ill for about 4 years before he died. He raced cars since he was in this 20s and now was in his late late 60s to early 70s. After having major major surgery one doctor said "no more racing" the other said "go and do what you want" (my Dad was terminal and it was a matter of time). My Mom flipped out that he wanted to race, he had tubes coming out his liver, he had stents in his bile ducts, he was sick. He asked me what I thought, I said Dad I think we need to go racing. The first night he raced he pulled up to the trailer after practice and I said so? He said that was great. My friend was standing there (in case we needed help) and said "you can't get out can you?" he said "F no" so we had to help him climb out of the car, but he had the biggest smile on his face. Honestly I could hardly stand there and watch him on the track, I used to walk around the pits and watch for my friends to give me the thumbs up or thumbs down when the yellow came out. The EMTs knew they had to wait for me when he was in a wreck so I could jump in and go to him so I could help. It was the hardest season of my life. But it was his life, his decision not mine. After that season he stopped racing, on HIS terms and no one else's. When he was laying in the hospital at the end he looked at me and said "thank you for taking me racing". My mother regrets not coming to the races that season with my Dad, she hadn't miss him race in over 40 years. I think if he talked to her a bit more and explained how important it was or if BOTH doctors said go ahead that would have made all the difference to her. Dad sort of blocked Mom out with the attitude of I'll do what I want so she dug in too and that didn't work for either of them. Oh yeah she was pissed off as hell with me for supporting him, until years later.

    Though her comment about "not being able to walk" again, did give me pause. Maybe a trip to the doctor for a physical to make sure would make a big difference in how they feel. :heart:
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Yay, @5beautifuldays ! So glad you are finally able to really run again!

    Good luck with your race tonight, @WhatMeRunning . And your race tomorrow...and everyone else racing this weekend. I look forward to reading all your race reports (please no vomiting, passing out, IVs, or ambulance trips--mind the heatwave! Of course, if you do vomit, we all want to hear about it. :D I'd just rather you didn't do it to begin with).
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited June 2016
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    June Running Totals (miles)

    Oh, and the yoga discussion . . . Not all that long ago, I would have said that in America, yoga is for women. Turns out that one of the stretches I need for that injured leg has a name. It's called "pigeon pose." I guess it doesn't count as yoga if I learn it from the running coach instead of from some cute young lady in spandex tights.

    This made me laugh. Especially because I love, love, love pigeon pose and always try to get all of my runner friends to do it. Maybe I need to leave the "yoga" label at the door...

    @juliet3455 -Oh no! I hope it doesn't leave you sidelined for too long!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited June 2016
    June 1- 5 miles solo plus 1.2 miles with the puppy. Also yoga.
    June 2- 5 miles hills plus 0.75 miles with the puppy

    Hypothetical question. You go to the doctor for a routine infusion of some medication. They monitor your vitals and you have a low grade fever and really low blood pressure. But you feel fine. You were really looking forward to a short and easy evening run after work. But it is pretty hot outside. Do you still do the run or error on the side of caution and skip it? I am asking for a friend ;)
  • ryanclifton8321
    ryanclifton8321 Posts: 8 Member


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    How long before the 5k at 7pm tonight is it still OK to drink an IPA?
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    June 1- 5 miles solo plus 1.2 miles with the puppy. Also yoga.
    June 2- 5 miles hills plus 0.75 miles with the puppy

    Hypothetical question. You go to the doctor for a routine infusion of some medication. They monitor your vitals and you have a low grade fever and really low blood pressure. But you feel fine. You were really looking forward to a short and easy evening run after work. But it is pretty hot outside. Do you still do the run or error on the side of caution and skip it? I am asking for a friend ;)
    Never run with a fever.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited June 2016
    @juilet3455 - I hope it is nothing and just a minor one-day type thing! Just pretend you have a race tomorrow. Those crazy injuries that crop up on the day before a race are always gone the next day. I'm not sure if the law of nature requires you to actually be registered for a race or not though.

    @7lenny7 - That reminds me of whenever I or my family have tried suggesting anything to my dad about his health. It's his own damn health and life, he knows what's best for himself just as I know what's best for myself! That never seemed to stop us from saying things sometimes though. I guess I have all that to look forward to once I'm an old *kitten* and not the young 26 years old like I currently am, and in prime Olympic shape and all that.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited June 2016
    @WhatMeRunning -I wouldn't really say it's a fever. The nurse called it "low-grade". 99.6