

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Rita - good for you to ask for help. The most important thing. *

    My younger son rang me this morning to discuss arrangements for the move. Exchange should be in the next couple of days (they were terrified their buyers would pull out with the EU vote) and we have offered to have the grandchildren for a couple of days on completion while they get the house straight. Not Bea, of course. Some days we can't do and some are less popular with DH because of cricket, but I hope we have sorted it. We will meet half way and he will fit the car seats in our car.

    Heather xxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Posting in short bits because I am still on my phone data.
    My son also hasn't been sleeping over this, but he said he was feeling a bit more optimistic today. He is looking at the alternative arrangements. Different forms of alliance. That helped me a lot.
    One side effect of all this is that it has brought me back into contact with my difficult friend as emails have been pinging between our group. We are all reeling. One of us lives in Scotland so that is very complicated. It's great to feel more back in touch with everyone. My difficult friend has a son in "futures" and a tax exile husband in Gibraltar so it affects her very personally.
    Heather xxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi again. But it is so easy to lose my post.
    We will see what the shenanigans are over the next few weeks, but at least a lot of people are not going to get what they voted for, even if they won. The poor have been duped, yet again.
    To me this all smacks of Ancient Rome and the manipulation of the "populus" by demagogues.

    I have been eating OK through all this, even with visitors, but only because I have kept up my exercise. Sunday I did a bit less, but managed a walk with the wife and then got back on the machines when they left.
    This morning I did a food shop. My two yoga friends are coming to look at photos of the cruise tomorrow and I said I would provide some gluten free nibbles for lunch. Then in the evening we are going out to the local gastro pub with DH'S cricket friend and his wife. I will definitely have to get on those machines at some point as yoga does not do it, calorie wise.
    Yes, I am feeling a bit better. Thank you so much for all your support.
    Heather in Little England Grrrrrrrr.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    NCRawGirl wrote: »
    Can I join? I'll be 50 in September... close counts, right??? :O)

    close enough.. remember, all membership fees come to me... $50/month :0) thanks!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    @csofled Cheri You are a beast. I do not know how you do what you do...how many miles have you and hubby traveled this summer? I am pretty sure you have been away from home more days than you've been home. This is a migratory time for your whole family, it seems! I haven't heard a peep from your daughter, I am sure she must be doing fine, but I do have that little mother's anxiety for her and wonder if I should be checking on her, isn't that silly?
    Karen in Virginia

    Karen I think we have been away and on the road more than home the whole month of June! I am craving my own bed desperately. We have not heard Ros sound so content and happy in the past year! Working remotely has been going well. She has contact with her 2 cousins and the kiddos weekly. She loves the freedom of driving again. No complaints thus far. Take that back, a very large spider has taken up home on her balcony storage door!! Eeek!!! So if I'm not worried you don't need to worry.

    Hmm...a bag of pretzels!? Been there done that...

    When we returned to our hotel room last night we found a surprise. There was a big gift bag full of treats and Texas A & M goodies. What a wonderful welcome they are providing for us. I got all teary eyed. Today more rental hunting. Meeting with hub's new boss and filling out benefits papers. Very hot but used to that from living in Florida for 11 years.

    Doing well with my eating. Always a bit tricky when travelling. Had the most delicious barbecue brisket last night. Hoping to end month same weight as started with all the time away from home!

    Be well my friends! Thank you for being a constant in my life when things are so topsy turvy!

    currently from oHIo in transition to Texas
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, I am afraid that a lot of the poor, and even the not so poor, are being duped here in the USA as well. So much of the population does not do its research but accepts the media's sound bites and slogans. And showing them facts and figures doesn't seem to help educate them. It is very frustrating and scary. I was alarmed at the vote, and worry about what is going to happen there, as well as the effects here. History keeps repeating itself, and we really are no more civilized than we were centuries ago. I am currently reading about colonial times in the USA and I see the same patterns.

    My son (who turned 32 yesterday) often says he feels like an alien visitor here on earth. I had to admit I could share the feeling.

    I am a bit sore from all the activity Saturday and Sunday. Going to hit my hot tub to workout and hope it loosens things up. I spent three hours in the pool with my girls and grandkids on Saturday. My 5 year old granddaughter is non-swimmer, so it was mostly just walking around in the shallow end so I could be close in case she needed a hand. My knees were burning Saturday night. Yesterday was not as physically active, but I did not get a chance to work out the kinks.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    by the end of the day I should have 591.5mi.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Sorry Pip, that's not good enough. What's wrong with 600? >:)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Heather Welcome back! I was missing the feisty you! I do hope the petition for a re-vote is taken seriously as I would imagine there are a fair number of people who would vote differently given another opportunity. Perhaps even enough?...not trying to be cruelly optimistic, Heather...just reallly want for the citizens of the UK to be able to change their minds now that they are getting a glimpse of the consequences, and are being disappointed by the empty promises already being broken. I feel the worst for the elderly poor on a fixed income, especially those who aren't able to be gainfully employed. And oddly enough, the next group I feel for are the up and coming young people who may be starting their adulthoods in the face of economic challenges that didn't need to be.

    @NCRawGirl Never mind about Pip, she's such a kidder! You actually send the money to me. t3906.gif


    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: (((HUGS))) My neighbor's son and his wife moved to England just a few months ago. They told her that the people who voted to withdraw from EU seemed to be generally older. I don't know whether they're referring to our age, or ancient. I also don't have a clue whether they're correct. We're facing a critical election, too. The outcome could be very scary. :ohwell: Having the Grands for a while will give you something to take your mind off of worries. Enjoy them as much as you can. :bigsmile: Is the tax exile husband in Gibralter to escape the law for some criminal issue, or voluntarily to escape taxes? Just curious. :huh:

    Grits: I worked with a couple of women who went the in-vitro route. Both were ultimately successful and had babies in their early forties. The kids are starting school now. I'll send good thoughts for your son and DDIL. :heart:

    Pip: You are an athletic star in my book. :star:

    Chris: You new job sounds very difficult. I hope things improve. Are you already looking for another job? :huh:

    Barbie: Baseball is weird. Height and weight? Height makes sense to me because it would affect the swing of the bat but why is weight anyone's business outside of the sports of boxing & wrestling? :noway:

    Becca: Obviously you are loved. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Your son & his wife look great.

    Kim: My mom was very shy and would get embarrassed when I would hug her back when I was a little kid. You are not the only one with an odd mom. :noway:

    Michelle: I would give the lady a Crab or Shrimp Louie with the dressing on the side so she can use as much or little as she likes. You are amazing and generous. :star:

    Ketone Karen: Sorry about the pretzel chips. I've discovered that my will power (& won't power) is strongest at the store and weakest in my house. Becca is right. Don't beat yourself up over it, just get rid of the remains and get on with life. Everyone blows it once in a while. You can exercise extra to burn off the calories. :ohwell:

    NCRawGirl: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: I'm happy to hear that you're taking care of yourself. (((HUGS)))

    Cheri: You have a great attitude about your move. It will help both of you make the adjustments to the new situation. You are one smart cookie! :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! We are working on our travel plans to visit DS and DDIL. I've made reservations for the dog to stay at the veterinarian's, and DH needs to make them with the airline. We've decided to take Joyce's excellent advice and rent a mobility device in the DC area. That is another detail that needs to be handled.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla The chips belonged to the person ahead of me in line, apparently the clerk inadvertantly included them in my groceries. I could have taken them back but I ate them instead. Not my finest moment. I have a pretzel hangover today t0329.gif but my mood is philosophical and am viewing it as a learning experience.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    MFP is acting a bit strange today. Anyone else having any problems?4917.gif I've read all so far and will post a bit later. It's lunchtime in SC.

    Hugs to all,
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Sorry Pip, that's not good enough. What's wrong with 600? >:)

    by the end of Thursday (the last day) I should have 686 mi. I dunno, I may take a joy ride and do extra 14 mi to make it an even 700
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    hello friends. Insomnia before a 5 hour drive to college orientation today. Yikes. We are on DD's college campus where It is hot humid and crowded with people I don't know and my DD has rUn off to make college friends with nary a glance back in my direction. Reminds me of her 1st day of kindergarten again!
    So I've turned to you steadfast and strong ladies to feel centered again. I will get through the humid nite on an extra long twin bed in a dorm with no air conditioner, I will make smart food choices and I will feel grateful, exhausted but grateful for my blessings.

    Barbie each half hour of the drive I noticed I got closer to my destination! NYKAREN
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    So day two of really being on point about my eating log. I have my journal set up to have a breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, then evening snack. It makes me think of "stoking the furnace" (ie: my body), and getting in a treat now and then. Took my Endangered Species milk chocolate bar and cut it into 3 long segments. So I will have a line of cocoa heaven with my coffee tonight. (hmm that sounds strange eh?) I am down a lb. since yesterday. I am thinking that my body knows how to get back to my new medium. Learning that the achy feeling in my tummy is just it shrinking back to normal. I am learning that perseverance means looking forward to the next meal or snack..and appreciating it. I am amazed some days in how little I can eat, (good healthy food but little portions), and feel sustained. The body is an awesome machine!

    ((((hugs)))) friends
    feeling blessed in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Logged in my weight...(it was only .01 lbs from when the last time I logged in). I shall do it daily, just to see, and because I am curious of the crazy up and downs my body does during a week. I also reset my "Day Streak" number on here, because well, I felt like I WAS accountable in my eating while husband (and I) were at the hospital. It's comforting to see the triple digits again. I had worked hard to see those.
    putting her life digitally
    in order in
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    <3 Go Becca!!!!!!!!!!

    Katla - It was an age divide, but it was much more an educational divide. Plus an economic one. I'm not in the game of blaming the poor though. :/
    This thread is not the place for an essay on the subject, but anyone who is interested in my general take on the subject could read The Guardian on line. There were some excellent articles on Saturday.

    Pip - I will be very disappointed if you don't make it a nice round number.

    England V Iceland tonight. DH will be watching upstairs.

    My friend in Portsmouth wants to meet up for lunch on Monday. :D

    Love Heather