

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Going to h double L in a hand basket as the old saying goes

    GLo North Shore Ma
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :)Michele, We don't eat meat because of strong personal feelings about how animals are raised to be slaughtered for food. Because of that and the many other restrictions I have on how I eat, I just don't eat at anyone else's house or at potlucks. Loving friends have asked me to tell them what I eat, so they can serve me a meal, and I just tell that I'm so picky, it's better that they don't even try. Jake and I eat a lot alike but there are things he eats that I don't so lunch is the only meal I fix for both of us...the other meals are "find it and fix it". We go to the grocery store together so we are both assured of having the right ingredients in the house for fixing what we want.

    :'(Heather, I understand your feelings (I think)....with the upcoming US election, my husband keeps saying that if there is a particular outcome, he want to move to Canada.

    :)Penny, great picture of you and your lovely daughter.

    :) I am very excited that my favorite walking friend is flying back from Texas this morning and will be walking with me this afternoon. :) Now I'm off to walk the dogs....another chance to raise the step number on my pedometer.


    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – With the nail biter; how much protein were in the nails? I would think it might be high and with calcium, too. But, I am not a nail biter – mine are just long enough that I can still type.

    My Mimi would send home a kitten with us every Spring. I had a solid black one, she was “Kissy Kat” and would slide down the back of the claw foot tub when I was taking a bath and stay there in it with me. She loved water. This was the same time that my sister got her cat, that she called “Dorothy” naming her for her boyfriend’s mother. The lady across the side street hated cats (we thought she ‘poisoned’ several of ours). Her name was 'also' Dorothy. DS would go out on the porch (when this woman was out on the porch sweeping it off each morning) calling, “Dorothy, Dorothy” (until she looked up and waved at her); then “Come Dorothy, here kitty, kitty, kitty.”

    My DOS’s dogs are afraid of Tux (who is a black and white “Tuxedo-brand” cat who weight a little over 20lbs). They always come over to eat his food in the afternoon; so we feed him 6 small meals during the day.

    Michele in NC – Actually, in a month or 6 weeks, they were able to go back in and reattach the ends that had been cup and clamped on either end of the obstruction. I don’t know of any restrictions; but, she has never been able to drink milk; therefore if there were any restrictions, I think it would be ‘dairy’ related; but, that is self-imposed. She was very happy that she did not have to wear the bag for the rest of her life. Knowing that we was going to be a ‘temporary’ issue, she looked forward to the additional surgery. By a ‘different’ MD.

    Pip – You’d be surprised at how much it has built up; and, earning so much interest; I only have to work with the interest portion to spend on things. It’s been ‘so much fun’.

    Marcelyn in Houston – The MD if right – rotator tears do not repair themselves. I’ve had rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder twice. First time because of a fall from a ‘self’ made ladder consisting of a box, a ‘rolling’ chair, and another box – won’t make that mistake again. DH bought a 3-step ladder for the kitchen; I can open it; but, have to leave it out for him to 'close' it. Had a bone chip when he finally x-rayed it in several different positions than the first OrthoMD (did not like that one’s bedside manner); the chipped bone showed up on the series of pictures he made during surgery, which he could show me. My arm could not be raised at the point before the surgery. When he came in the next day to see how I was doing, I told him, ‘it does not hurt’ and I had 'full range of motion' without any pain. He was sort of surprised. Went through PT for about 6 weeks (3x a week) including getting in their heated pool. The 2nd time, as a result of a bad seizure … I hit the top rail, stiles, and bottom rail going down on the deck and ended up with a concussion and a couple of nights in hospital for observation. That surgery was on an ‘out-patient’ basis; had ‘home’ PT because I was on a ‘driving restriction’. Had to ask that the 1st PT/nurse ‘not come back’ … she was never on time; would call and say she was on her way and show up at supper-time. Called my OrthoMD about it. They sent a ‘PT’ that was a ‘nurse’ out of another county. I did so much better with her; and, she provided several things that helped. Some dough-like stuff to use to get my grip back; and an over the door pulley system to help with mobility. But, if I ever need PT in the future – I will get someone to ‘drive’ me into town, even if I have to wait for them to ‘open’ up. Best damn decision I made – to have the surgery.

    Congrats on the news of becoming a grandmother for the 12th time. I hope we get that news by the end of the year; but, we’re not even discussing it now. DDnL#2 has started going back to the gym to ‘healthy work out angry energy’. This weekend, she went off with another 13 women on a trip (which I am guessing is to go to some sort of ‘hair show’). After they get back from the beach in July, they're going to a specialist to discuss 'in vitro fertilization'.

    Barbie – I think there are people on both sides of this upcoming election say they’ll move if the ‘other’ party wins. It’s been nasty from the beginning and is going to get ‘awful’ before November; by which time ALL of us will be ‘sick and tired’ of all involved. I’m not sure the USA is ready for either nominee to become POTUS. At this point, I am thinking that their choice(s) of a VP is going to be important to each of them. Some on both sides are afraid of politics SNAFU; others are afraid of ‘new blood’. It’s a mess, either way. There are tricks ‘up the sleeve’ on both sides for the ‘conventions’ that will be held this summer.
    I’ve always ‘thought’ that particular pedometer looks like a ‘cat’. Even covering its ears (and frowning) so it doesn’t have to hear the feet ‘screaming’.

    Kids are cooking out this evening on their 'new' grill that we pitched in to help DDnL#1 to buy for his birthday they celebrated last weekend. Boy, he was 'surprised'. So many great features on it. He was planning on giving us his old one; but, we don't need it (and it is too heavy to move). I told them they needed to dismantled the trampoline and swing set and take them and the grill to the 'metal scrapyard' ... maybe they'd make a little money (even if it goes to going out for their anniversary (tomorrow). DOGD is bringing the other girls home, she should be here around 2:00pm (depending on when she leaves) because DYGD has been sick for 2 days and not getting better, getting worse; so she is planning on staying for the week. Last week before school starts for the summer quarter.

    I've got to buy Cracker a couple of 'new' toys before we go to Louisiana in August. I think we're going to 'board' her for our two 'weekend' trips we'll be taking so she won't be crated up all day. Calling vet to see if they board pets there or at their 'new' facility which has a 'day camp' for the animals. Hopefully, it won't be terribly expensive. But, they'll take her outside for exercise each day and love on her, which she'll like a lot. Not sure what we'll do about her 'if' we stop to get a meal (usually breakfast). I doubt there is any restaurant that will allow us to bring her in, in her crate. Even 'if' we put a 'service dog' on her crate. LOL!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Heather sorry you are feeling upset. Hugs coming your way.

    Marcelyn ouch. They say women tolerate pain so much better than men. At least that's what my dentist and tattoo guy tell me. Lol

    Sorry can't respond to everyone working on my phone is tough. Well have to get going. Hair and make up are up first for my DD wedding today. Going to be a long busy one.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    i'm at 520.9mi so far. i've decided i am going to do a 2 hr spin session at the gym. i don't need to do 3 cuz i've past my goal already. so i should get around 20 miles out of it and tonight when we go to a friends get together, we'll ride there so that will be an extra 10 miles maybe... that MIGHT move me up to 4th place overall. that's of course if no one else rides today and i HIGHLY doubt that being this is the last weekend.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Heather (((Hugs)))
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Marcelyn - I'm right there with you on the pain tolerance scale! If my daughter is with me, she always pipes up and tells them to add three points to whatever I tell them. I had rotator cuff repair one year ago tomorrow. I'm grateful that I had it, but it was a difficult experience.

    Linda - Are you at Table Rock in North Carolina?

    Heather - (((hugs)))

    Barbie - My daughter and I have also discussed emigrating to Canada depending on the outcome of the election.

    I met some folks from Missouri this morning who were bringing a load of clothing to take to where my son is working this summer. I know their daughter but had never met them before. That was really cool! I truly hope I can get everything packed into my car so that I don't have to rent a truck.

    My laundry is done and I cleaned the house pretty thoroughly last weekend, so this weekend is a simple vacuum and dust and wipe down the bathrooms weekend. I have plenty of other stuff to get done, but none of it is urgent. As usual, I'm trying to balance getting stuff done with resting.

    I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to eat for the next three days so that I don't fail due to a lack of planning.

    Michele - You asked me a question about something a couple of days ago and I can't find the post. If you remember, please ask again.

    I have kept up with the reading of posts and, as always, y'all are always in my heart.

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    I decided 2hrs or 20 miles, whichever came first. 20 mi won
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited June 2016
    So far I have not seen any evidence of bunnies back in my yard..that 2 days and counting.

    I do think I saw a bunny who looked like the spitting image of Bugs in my neighbor's veggie garden this morning. :o

    Bunnies - 1 Charleen - optimistic
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sorry if this pic is too big, had to include it, DD in Kindergarten and DD walking out of the house to graduate!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am still fighting this cough from the cold I have had for two weeks. Back to working out as of yesterday. PT yesterday was tough.

    Taking my girls swimming and I get to take the grandkids too! AND they get to spend the night with us! Yippee!!!!!

    I cannot believe that we have heat indexes in the 100s in Iowa in June. In the past I never had to turn on my air until mid July, and then only for about ten days total.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pretty Young Lady ~ KNY