Breastfeeding in Public....



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    sure cover a babies head with a blanket it's called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome no big deal
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    No issue with it. Anyone that has an issue should grow up and stop giggling every time they think about breasts.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Until I got pregnant with my first, I'd never seen a woman breastfeed. Suddenly, when it was about to be me who was doing it, I started to notice. Therefore I'm sure it was going on discreetly all around me all my life.

    Since 2010, in the UK, it is legal for a woman to breastfeed anywhere it is legal for her and baby to be. This is great to know. I faffed around trying to be too subtle to begin with last time, but when my current baby is born, I'll know a) how to be subtle without bugging baby and b) that no one can ask me to leave.

    As for duration, I stopped BFing in public when DS was about 2, to spare others' embarrassment, but fed in private until he was 3.5.

    Another quick point. Research into advantages of BFing is presented in such a bottle-centred way that, for example, we say breastfed babies have a higher IQ, when what would make more sense is to say that a lack of breast milk leaves a child mentally deficient.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    NOT using a blanket is actually less obvious. I used to have people approach me all the time without knowing what I was doing.

    This picture ended up on the internet for my 10th high-school reunion.

  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Is it just me or is all this milk talk making you hungry!?

    Guess it is just me.

    haha. It's cool, TrueRay.
    And the word milk makes me go straight to coffee.

    because for me, everything revolves around coffee..
    and yes, I did put my breastmilk in my coffee :)

    Speaking of coffee, I heard breast milk taste like puke. I definitely need to sample it for myself with my future wife ahaha. Purely for scientific purposes only.

    Well, ok. I will get technical here.
    When it first comes out, it is more watery and full of antibodies and stuff. Later it becomes more creamy.

    I only ever tasted the watery stuff and it didn't taste too good. I also think, rather ironically, that I had a food allergy to it because it made my throat scratchy.

    ETA: I could tell you some other fun stuff about it. For example, I could squirt it about 5 feet.

    Okay, thank you for this but some odd reason I don't feel like sampling it anymore ahaha but watching you squirt it 5 feet especially in a bowl or something would be interesting ahaha.

    when it's your wife, you should try just to try.

    also, I could squirt 5 feet, but the aim is a little weird. It comes out more like a five way spray hose than like a water gun.

    My doctor said that was because I was pierced

    I doubt it but I am not a woman so... maybe someone can speak on this.

    You doc was wrong. The milk comes out of multiple ducts.

    Lol my doctor not only told me that but said my inability to breast feed ( daughter would not latch on) was because I had them pierced. Even though I removed them when I was a month pregnant
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Oh and by the way this whole topic is just a first world problem,

    Women in Nigeria were way more open and comfortable about feeding their babies.

    Also because in developing countries the water would kill infants if it was drank in formulas, breastfeeding is the only option.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I personally liked to cover up. As a bigger-chested woman I couldn't be very discreet and it was more for my comfort than anyone else's disgust. However, I'm all for open breastfeeding. It really should be a non-issue by now.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    NOT using a blanket is actually less obvious. I used to have people approach me all the time without knowing what I was doing.

    This picture ended up on the internet for my 10th high-school reunion.


    See this is nothing. This is totally fine in public. Some women really whip it out.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Did it all the time and could not give a damn if it bothered anyone.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Different women want to go topless for different reasons, but they are pretty similar to why men would want to: the heat, showing off, comfort ... what are other reasons men go topless?

    If people didn't try to change social norms, think of where we'd be. I know a lot of young women who would probably be more comfortable if we grew up less mystified and giggly about the female breast. Girls grow up being taught to cover up and flaunt what they've got. Show it off but be discreet. Private parts are private but random people feel comfortable making comments about a girl's breast size. (If you think this doesn't happen, you've been lucky in your life.)

    What's disrespectful about feeding in public? It's not a hygiene issue. The nipple is in use and covered up because of that. (Not that it would really matter to me, anyway, topless men don't wear pasties to hide their nipples.) If you don't want to look, don't. It's really easy. I have been in very small offices talking to breast feeding women and I am perfectly able to concentrate on her face and what she is telling me. I once almost kissed a friend's breast who was breastfeeding because I totally forgot what she was doing and went to kiss the baby. I got pretty up close and personal before I realized exactly what I was doing. We both thought it was funny, no disgust or horror.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    See this is nothing. This is totally fine in public. Some women really whip it out.

    But what's wrong with that? Men walk around with the whole shebang out and no head covering the nipples.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I can't think of a valid argument against breastfeeding in public.

    Frankly, while I admit that I share in it American fetishization of the female breast is a little weird sometimes, and allowing it to intrude into this situation is kinda creepy.

    It's a baby eating. That's it. Geeze.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I wonder how many of the "ew boobies" crowd rock half-naked progress pics. Nobody needs to see your SKIN!

    Also, babies don't always tolerate being covered. I wouldn't accept formula, and I wouldn't accept being covered. I'm really glad that my mother didn't take the path of prudery and starve me in public. She didn't get any crap for it, but we were living in Germany at the time.

    Honestly, I'm going to start raising hell every time I see a man's nipples in public. Can't have those shirtless heathens running around.

    I am unable to have children, but (in case you couldn't tell) I fully support breastfeeding wherever it is necessary.
  • legreene515
    legreene515 Posts: 276 Member
    I BF all three of my babies in public. I have to admit, I was shy about it with my first, but by the time the third came around: pop it out, stick it in. Baby has to eat, and everyone will be happier with a happy baby than a SCREAMING baby!
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    If you have to feed your kid you have to feed your kid. But is it really that hard to throw your kids blanket over you?

    I don't know, you'd have to ask the kid. Next time just explain to the baby that it's rude to insist upon being uncovered, should work just fine.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    NOT using a blanket is actually less obvious. I used to have people approach me all the time without knowing what I was doing.

    This picture ended up on the internet for my 10th high-school reunion.


    See this is nothing. This is totally fine in public. Some women really whip it out.

    Some women are extremely large chested and it's difficult to nurse in public without the occasional bit of skin showing, unless the baby will tolerate a cover. I did not have that problem (usually I could do the same as the woman in the photo) but other moms that I hung out with did. It didn't mean they were "whipping it out" but they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about what everyone else thought, either. Of course, at the time we lived in the Bay Area and people there are extremely tolerant of public breastfeeding.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I haven't read through all nine pages of this thread. I'm just sure that there are going to be some "naysayers" (I've breastfed six of my children, been doing this for years, I've read it/heard it all before). I just want all the naysayers to know that, as a breastfeeding mother, your opinion does not matter to me. I will not tolerate being harassed for feeding my baby. The law is on my side. End of discussion.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I haven't read through all nine pages of this thread. I'm just sure that there are going to be some "naysayers" (I've breastfed six of my children, been doing this for years, I've read it/heard it all before). I just want all the naysayers to know that, as a breastfeeding mother, your opinion does not matter to me. I will not tolerate being harassed for feeding my baby. The law is on my side. End of discussion.

    You should read through all nine pages. You'll find your concerns unneeded.
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    Honestly, yes it is. My kids both HATED having a blanket over their head and would not eat that way.
    If you have to feed your kid you have to feed your kid. But is it really that hard to throw your kids blanket over you?
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Maybe the naysayers aren't as vocal as they once were. But I see that the "omg thats disgusting!" and "cover up!" and "go somewhere else!" mentality are still out there. As well as the "free peep show!" mentality. And I see from reading that there are women out there who still have to deal with harassment over feeding their babies.

    And for the "prudish" out there...I guess there are different types of prudes in this world. But the most conservative Catholic prudes I know :wink: cover their hair in Mass, but don't feel the need to leave the service to feed a hungry baby. Because that's why breasts make milk.
    You will find this icon, "Our Lady of the Milk" in some churches. (Le Leche League's name was inspired by this title.)
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