Zimmerman vs. Martin



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What I've learned from this thread is how easily people forget what it was like to be 17.

    That is very sad.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    You can't chase someone down, then shoot when attacked and call it self-defense. He had no business following the kid. He was specifically told not to. He was trying to be a hero and it back-fired. He's guilty.

    Actually, yes you can. What you can't do is attack someone for following you, especially neighborhhod watch, security, etc.

    GZ never announced who he was. So yes, I would feel threatened by someone who was chasing me.

    then attack them I guess. I hope you aren't legally kiled for it and only get charged for assualt.

    they would just say they are "standing their ground"
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Zimmerman stalked a boy, had malice and hate in his heart, and shot him.

    And you know this how? I never heard any evidence to support this...

    The police tape is evidence. These bleeping punks. They always get away. He was told not to pursue. He got out and pursued.

    It's pretty clear where his heart and mind were at the time. He had much hate for the kid. I'm not saying what kind of hate, people may assume which kind. But it was clear he had malice and hate in his heart.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Not gonna lie, I'm actually kind of impressed at how civil this has stayed...

    What thread are you reading? We've already had one person say they essentially hope Zimmerman's shot dead if not convicted, people called idiots and racists.

    But no one has actually been racist (at least in my opinion). I've seen much less important topics get way more out of control. The discussion on this topic has stayed pretty on track, which is rare.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    How can there be self defense when Trayvon didn't have a weapon?

    You need to go read the statutes... and watch the trial.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member

    It won't lead to tighter gun laws. And look at the cities that have tighter gun laws, they are the murder capitals of the US. But it's ok, it's criminals killing people instead of someone defending themself against a criminal.

    ok so Obama wont use this to tighten gun laws then...im glad you agree. :) (this surprises me)

    he has already tried. It is making the gun companies richer and put THOUSANDS of more guns into the hands of law abiding citizens during the last few years, and last year especially.

    i really should have opened a gun shop 5 years ago...

    yep. double and triple pricing since some of these shootings.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    What I've learned from this thread is how easily people forget what it was like to be 17.

    That is very sad.

    I wasn't committing battery on people getting back into their cars at 17.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member

    It won't lead to tighter gun laws. And look at the cities that have tighter gun laws, they are the murder capitals of the US. But it's ok, it's criminals killing people instead of someone defending themself against a criminal.

    ok so Obama wont use this to tighten gun laws then...im glad you agree. :) (this surprises me)

    he has already tried. It is making the gun companies richer and put THOUSANDS of more guns into the hands of law abiding citizens during the last few years, and last year especially.
    Amen to this ^^^^
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    The prosecution is throwing the trial TO incite riots. It's as staged as the last UFC fight.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Zimmerman was stupid for confronting Martin. However, Zimmerman was assaulted by Martin, as evidenced by his injuries.
    Now Zimmerman is being convicted, as they say, by the media.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    What I've learned from this thread is how easily people forget what it was like to be 17.

    That is very sad.

    I remember when I was 17 and I certainly wasn't running around acting like a suspicious criminal. I also had a curfew that I abided by.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    How can there be self defense when Trayvon didn't have a weapon?

    i guess the rule to protect wanna be cops is that if they are in a fight and start to lose...there is very small chance they may die so its ok to kill the other person.

    again if it was the GZ defenders kids that were killed they would do a 180 on this case.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Zimmerman stalked a boy, had malice and hate in his heart, and shot him.

    And you know this how? I never heard any evidence to support this...

    The police tape is evidence. These bleeping punks. They always get away. He was told not to pursue. He got out and pursued.

    It's pretty clear where his heart and mind were at the time. He had much hate for the kid. I'm not saying what kind of hate, people may assume which kind. But it was clear he had malice and hate in his heart.

    That's a stretch to support your opinion. For you to assume to know someone else's heart & mind at any given moment is arrogant at best. No one knows anything going on in anybody else's mind.
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I have a 18 year old son. If someone was following him and approached him I would expect him to defend himself. I also know if it was my son he shot there would be no safe place on the planet for him. I wouldn't need the courts to solve this issue. It is a simple blood feud. Blood for blood.
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I'm sure several people have echoed my thoughts so I'll just say:

    I hope Zimmerman walks.

    & he will.

    I'm just worried about what will happen to him...and the riots that are will be started when he is found not guilty.

    Zimmerman's attorney stated two nights ago while interviewing that his client will never be safe. He also stated that he will never live a normal life. He will fall off the face of the earth just like Casey.

    He won't be. And he can thank the media, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Obama for that.

    ^^ this is Obama's fault too ? Oy
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    The prosecution is throwing the trial TO incite riots. It's as staged as the last UFC fight.
    the last UFC fight ended in the way it did because Silvia was being a cocky DB. He had to learn a lesson sooner or later.
  • Stronger_Diva
    Stronger_Diva Posts: 149 Member
    Why do you hope he is found guilty?

    Is it because the news shows Martin as a 10 year old kid in all his pics? Martin was a thug, drug dealer, "gangster", etc..

    Do I think Zimmerman is an idiot want to be cop? Yes. But he will never get changed with murder 2.

    All of Zimmerman's story is lining up as well. He's going to walk and there will be a huge race war over nothing.

    God I hate this world.

    Hello, I'm curious where you get this information from? I've heard many people say this but I've never once seen proof to substantiate these claims against a young man who was killed. He is not able to give his side of the story and his parents will have to live the rest of their lives with the ache in their heart of their son being taken from this world senselessly.

    If anyone can provide links or actual proof that Trayvon was a "thug" or a "drug dealer" then please share. Smoking weed does not make you a thug, nor does it make you anything but want the munchies. This is proven by the young man having skittles and iced tea. That's proof.
  • Jlopez201
    Jlopez201 Posts: 61
    What really bugs me out about passionate Zimmerman supporters is that they are so quick to label a child as a thug, someone who was doing drugs etc etc... Because when they were children themselves they were ANGELS.. they never experimented with drugs, got straight A's in school, never fought anyone, never stole anything.. just complete Angels.

    SO, that gives them the right to hold someones imperfections against them. Just because you do those things doesn't make you a bad person. Step outside your little box and into the real world. I have volunteered at facilities (Rehab centers etc) and I have met a lot of amazing people with a troubled past who have made something positive of themselves.

    I normally HATE to make everything a race issue.. but had the roles been reversed in this case (Zimmerman being black, Mr. Martin being white) Many of the SAME people who so passionately support white Zimmerman and his "innocence" would NOT be supporting Black Zimmerman. However, we can choose to ignore the fact that racial disparities still exist in this world.

    Hope everyone has a good week no matter what your stance is. :)
  • kevinII
    kevinII Posts: 2
    so it's completely acceptable to stalk a kid, force a confrontation, then resort to deadly force?
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Regardless of who the thug was, because he was not 10 years old but 17, did drugs, had a grill on his teeth, etc. - some people think the shooting was justifiable because of that. So your lifestyle determines if you are worthy of living. But maybe Zimm would be at home relaxing with his wife and the kid would be playing basketball or smoking a joint somewhere, if Zimm had not followed him. Simple.