WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    On the danger zone for battery charge, but a quick shoutout to Allie!!!!!!
    Also hugs to Michele about the Skype session...
    Hopefully I can type more tomorrow.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    I'm not sure what starvation mode is...but consistently eating at a deficit that isn't sustainable will do the following:
    1. Make you "hangry".
    2. Lead to cravings and food obsessions.
    3. Increase stress, which increases cortisol production, which is associated with trunkal obesity.
    4. Make you feel as if you are on a diet, i.e., deprived, rather than feeling as if you are eating to fuel your body.
    5. Make it hard to exercise vigorously.

    Karen in Virginia

    Anytime you eat fewer calories than you take in you'll lose weight, barring any medical condition that inhibits weight loss. Eating too few calories in an effort to shed pounds isn't healthy, however, and it isn't the most effective way to weight loss. When you do that, your body goes into starvation mode to conserve energy, and you may find yourself experiencing a weight-loss plateau, not to mention health problems from not getting the nutrients your body needs. Always consult with your physician before dieting.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Tracie Long's Back Up DVD. I'm not crazy at all about her cueing. But I heard so much about her. Anyway...the plan for tomorrow is to do an Ellen Barrett Slim Sculpt DVD.

    We're supposed to go to lunch with a gal that Vince used to work with. Her hubby every year plays in a softball league around now so we usually get together. I made the cookies yesterday and took some to my neighbor, I'll give her some, and the rest I'll put out so Jess will have something when she gets here tonight.

    Just got back from the lunch. It was very nice, very nice and cool with very low humidity. Just had water to drink and a salad of greens (not iceburg lettuce, that's good) and veges. They had these mini cucumbers. I swear they were smaller than a grape tomato. They also had this type of onion that I'd never seen before. It had these rings in it. At first I wasn't sure what kind of vege that was. I did try a frog leg. Unfortunately, I think it was deep fried. But I had to try one. Wish it wasn't fried, tho. I also tried one of Vince's chips. Homemade potato chip. But I only ate about half of it.

    DJ - trust me, I would cheat driving if I could. The thing is, and I totally understand this, say I should drive early and god forbid get in an accident. You never know the other driver. Well, once insurance found out that I shouldn't have been driving, you know that they'll deny the claim. So for that reason I have limited my driving to backing the car out of the garage to wash it. Four more days!!!! Have fun at the craft fair

    miriam - I usually get this buffalo jerky. It doesn't have all those sugars and artificial things in it. Now it does come in a vacuum sealed package but there are 3 servings. Well, one time I divided them up and when I went to have a serving, there was this white fluffy stuff on it. I wrote the company and asked them what it was. They said it was a mold, that I should keep the jerky in the refrigerator. Since then I have and haven't had any problem with it.

    Lenora - you got Bryan pegged exactly. Recently, he seems to have gotten so selfish. There's something up, not sure what. And I know him, he internalizes a lot, just like Vince. Now I'm just the opposite, something's on my mind I have to get it off my chest. Anyway, a while ago he complained that we never asked about Dianna. So I've been asking about her. This last time I asked how she was doing and he just rolled his eyes, then said that he's had a rough week and didn't want to talk much. I don't know what to do anymore, do I mention her or not???? We take our cats out on the deck to trim their nails. I hold them while Vince does the trimming. Jess trims her cat's nails all by herself. How she holds the cat and trims, I don't know. I hear ya about the girls wearing short shorts that shouldn't. The other thing that bothers me is when a girl wears a skin tight shirt over layers and layers of flab. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing something like that, even at home. Yet, some girls will wear these skin tight shirts that show everything along with their shorts.

    Went to WalMart, wanted to get hamburgers for tomorrow night. Actually, I want to have leftovers because then I can freeze them for Vince to have another time. I have some corn on the cob (really, really sweet) that we can have along with the hamburgers. I'm planning to have a veggie burger. Even tho it 93-7%, I just don't want that much fat.

    Vicki - my condolences to you.

    Re - awesome use of time waiting for things to load.

    KarenE - congrats on those NSV's

    Carrie - yes, consistently eating too few calories will stall weight loss. That is, unless you're under medical supervision and the doc says to go real low.

    AAMFitPal - welcome!

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip. No offense but I just don’t believe you when you say “you suck at hills”. You may not like them as much but I have a feeling you hold your own. And of course, compared to all of us you are the Queen!!! halloween-king-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Nancy, welcome. We are glad you found us, too. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. Come often and join right in.

    VickiNE, sorry to hear about your Aunt. You are so right about the young people doing things like showers different than they did back in our day. Please tell us about it after you attend.

    Summer, Welcome. Wanted you to know that there are very, very, very few questions that we consider too nosy in here. If you hang around long enough and you will see us talk about any and everything. mischievous-grin-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Re, good girl on the arm exercises at work. Hope that helps the computer load faster!

    Melanie, I’m glad things are calming down in Baton Rouge. There are times that we get behind and simply have to skip some posts, but I don’t understand on a Friday why you say you will start again on Monday? When you get the chance, start back “now”. ((((Hugs))))

    AAMFitpal, welcome. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. This is a great place for support and information. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. Come often and post all you’d like.

    Joyce, so sorry you didn’t sleep well or have a good day. I hope you get some good rest tonight.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to the Craft Show today and got in lots of steps. My friend took her walker and still missed over half of the show as she would sit and I’d go up and down two rows then come back to check on her. I saw a few shirts and jackets that I liked but they were all well over $100 so I looked, admired, and walked on by. Lol Tomorrow I have a training class at the Moose so I hope I don’t get behind.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, you are making me hungry and I have had my bedtime snack which is the last of the day.

    I am going to try one more time going to bed early. I just made it later than last night. Maybe 7:30 PM is just to early even though I am tired. Plus I know our family doc was on call two weekends ago so he will not be on call this weekend and not be there at 7 AM so why worry about getting there. I was looking through his medical records on 'View my chart' and his hemoglobin has been low since his ileostomy surgery. He had 2 units of blood then and it came up some but it has never been normal since. I guess that's a question I will have to ask next week. Supposedly home on Monday. This afternoon the tech emptied his ostomy bag and I guess she didn't know how to make sure it was completely closed. So after supper when you really have the output, it goes all over the bed. So I guess he got 2 baths today.

    Nite nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    I bought another pair of shoes today...this pair will be good for dancing and walking even though the box says "running course"....they are very comfortable....I looked at my pedometer records and from January to June I walked over 1,000 miles....new shoes were clearly needed...now I have two good pairs...sturdier leather ones for walking in the wet mornings and lighter mesh top ones for during the day and dancing...I love New Balance

    :)<3JJoyce, hugs to you....I read when I go to bed so even if I don't fall asleep right away, I have a relaxing time that takes my mind off the stresses of the day

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Marcelyn – wow I have not been to a classical performance since high school….. almost all concerts here start at $65

    Michelle – 5 days of 100 plus cooling down at night to just 70+ with no air conditioning = grouchy Kim
    We are used to 80 as the high and mid to high 50’s at night

    Becca – I understood that you and DH had a special relationship, thank you for trusting us with the details… forgiving yourself is hard, but you can do it and I am cheering for you. Tennis!!! Wow! You go girl!

    KJL – happy blueberry!!!

    Lisa = adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Allie – so the dr tells you to stop doing so much for others, to lower stress and you immediately drive to another town to get a script for your brother, who is an adult, drives? And is using you as his maid… hmmm

    Clair – happy birthday

    Joyce – glad to hear Charlie is looking better

    Allie – Awesome on telling Tom the truth!!! You are so wonderful

    My schedule is beyond crazy, but I’m earning money, catching up on things I let go, and wearing off calories…

    Back to work, I’m trying to do 10 hour days, and I have some more to do tonight.

    Kettle/dumb bell swing:

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!, watched the sunrise every morning, planning a camping trip with a friend, went to a presentation of a scholarship my nephew was awarded.
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month.


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Thanks damnit u r right, I hate hills, I will get up them.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Thanks damnit u r right, I hate hills, I will get up them.

    Just say "damnit, damnit, damnit" all the way up the hill..... Lol
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well lovely!! Finished 2 hours of mowing grass and the evening thunderstorm is rolling in. Too bad I didn't get some weeding done in the garden :( ... we get showers at night - humidity is high during the day... hay is not drying so my Farmer is grumpy... Oh well - if it rains again tonight then he will be able to attend both granddaughter's birthday parties one Saturday and one Sunday.

    Best go shut computers off... Thunderstorms have the tendency to make power outages....

    Night night all.... I am off to listen to the angels moving furniture in heaven.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi everybody just recently found this group and you all seem so friendly and supportive. I would like to join you, I am 71yo a retired librarian in NW England back on MFP to lose weight (hopefully for good this time)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all... and welcome, Kate! Early riser? or just a night owl?

    Slept an hour before dinner and then another six and a half last night, straight through, which is a triumph. The iron (Slow FE) I'm taking seems to really be doing the trick as far as my energy levels go, too. And of course, me being me, I never try only one thing, so I'm resisting taking benadryl when I'm having a hard time going to sleep. The fewer sleep aids the better--plus I added in protein bars, because I'm pretty sure popcorn and string cheese for lunch was not a good thing, energy-level wise.

    The DH actually has this morning off, so instead of hiring someone to clean up the warehouse side yard, we're going to clean it up ourselves - there are about five or six concrete piers, about eight inches across, eight inches to a foot out of the ground, which are going to take a sledge hammer to get leveled. Since I had already lost my two pounds by yesterday morning (my goal is always one per month) I'm figuring a morning of hard labor (literally) and rock-breaking, along with loading up the sheetrock from a wall we need to demolish inside, getting it to the landfill and unloading it, ought to pretty much do the trick with making sure that I keep those two off. Love working with him, and it will save us $500 to get it done ourselves.

    Working on two massive articles, one about the city administration, one about the school administration, because people are interested in finding out what's been going on in both places. My instincts tell me the first will actually be good news. The second will not, if indications so far in my research are correct. But lots more research to go.

    Off to the laundromat with my second cup of coffee and a couple hundred pages of research to go through while I'm there waiting on stuff.

    Love y'all...
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Kim-brother was up in new Hampshire and will be for a month forgot he had scripts...did it as a favor...
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Lisa - actually still in bed when I posted. DH (is that short for better half) rises first brings me cuppa and I log in to FitBit then MFP enjoy reading new posts Then do my workout in spare bedroom before coming downstairs to start the day. Both retired so time not so important
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NYKaren: It has been hot here, but we've been able to get out and do things without being miserable and DS & DDIL's home is airconditioned. Nearly all of the places we've visited have air conditioning, including Monticello. Our day in Washington DC was probably the hottest but the Smithsonian Museums are airconditioned and we bought partially frozen bottles of water outside on the mall. :smiley:

    Heather: I don't have cellulite, but my skin is too big for me in a few places. My thighs look like deflated balloons. Yuck. :ohwell:

    Joyce: I don't think the fault was with the scooter. DH drove it down an uneven hillside lawn twice. He wasn't hurt. :flowerforyou:

    Re in TX: Your photos are a testimonial to your success. WTG! :star:

    Kate: DH stands for "Dear Husband" or other d words that are less complimentary. :wink:

    We are leaving for home later today. I've had a great time in visiting the kids but I am more than ready to be home, sleep in my own bed, and pick up my dog from the vet where he has been staying.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    edited July 2016
    Summer, it's easy for me to look on the bright side about the cellulite in my legs. I had one hip replaced about three months ago, and I'm so grateful to be able to walk without pain! Of course I care what my legs look like--sort of. But moving is so much more important.

    Re, You look great! Thanks for the pics.

    Lisa, those articles on the school and city administration sound interesting. I love looking at how organizations work. (And whether they do.)

    Allie, Yay for you!!! So glad you got to the cabin!

    Barbie, I'm so slow--up until now, whenever you signed off as from NW Washington, I immediately thought of NW Washington, DC. So I'm imagining you walking down DC streets with your dog's, passing red brick homes and big trees. Then you made a comment about it being cool yesterday or the day before. I thought, "huh? I can't believe anyone would think of DC as cool." It took me until this morning to realize you meant Washington state. Duh!

    It's a beautiful summer morning here in Virginia after an early morning rain shower.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Kate keep logging and checking in, this really is a supportive group. I love that your DH brings you a "cuppa" that is very sweet

    Well folks I have let down my routine and have been medicating with overeating! Stuffing down my feelings I suppose. dj get out the boot! So this a.m. I am clearing out my trigger foods that sent me on this negative road, pasta, bread, red meat. StilI, I have been exercising and logging, did have a wonderful chopped salad that have reminded me that I really like being fit and eating clean.
    Have a great weekend everybody NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Saturday Morning!

    Re ~ Your pics really show a great improvement! I have a fat face that I don't think will ever go away.

    Still working on the rental house. We are about burnt out with the whole thing. Everywhere we turn, there is something that needs to be replaced. Starting to think it's going to be in a lot better shape than the house we live in and money out the wazoo! It's the first house we owned and was brand new when we moved in. Now, the neighborhood has really gone down for the most part. Some of the homeowners do a good job of keeping up their property but there are many renters there and the property managers don't seem to be interested in keeping up their places. Oh Well!

    Lisa ~ You are such a hard worker. Can't imagine busting up concrete or moving sheet rock.

    Michelle ~ You must love to cook! I am amazed at al the cooking you do and then you share it with others. Do you ever just rest?

    Barbie ~ Your new shoes look light weight and comfortable. I hope your leg pain eases. I have a problem with my feet feeling like they are hot all the time and if I stand up too long my feet actually hurt. I'm wondering if some of it has with me carrying too much weight in my torso. I only wear a 6-1/2 shoe and guess that's a lot of weight for small feet. LOL

    Katla ~ So glad you enjoyed being with your DS & DDnL. It sounds like the scooter was a great success for your hubby.

    Kim ~ Can't even imagine trying to sleep with no air. I'm sweating for you! We have a ceiling fan over our bed and air and I'm still too hot. It's been in the high 90's here for the last 30+ days.
