WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allie- yeah! I'm so happy that you are at the cottage with the dogs! When you talk about Tom it reminds me of my dad. I hated the way he treated me mom. I was so happy when she finally left him.

    Re- awesome pictures! You look fantastic!

    Lisa- I can picture you swinging that sledge hammer! You are a very ambitious woman!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • summertime19
    summertime19 Posts: 57 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning all :)

    @DamitJanit Thank you :) I am seeing that!

    @barbiecat Nice shoes!

    @IremiaRe You look great and much younger!

    @ilikegardens Now I understand why you are so positive! Awesome that you have less pain now, it makes life alot nicer. <3

    I am looking forward to our annual monsoons, we had a downpour last evening and it cooled things off nicely.

    summer in az
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    Barbie - Don't line dancing shoes have to have soles that slide? I am considering buying some new "character shoes" , which are the ones I use for ballroom dancing, as I did on the cruise. It's important I can pivot in them.

    Just finishing my nap while DGD is asleep. We are all going to the supermarket this afternoon as it has been pouring with rain.

    Love Heather UK (Hello new Kate!)
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning all :)

    A random question here.

    What helps cellulite? My legs are horrible! :s

    For me it was the weight loss and exercise. I had it on my butt, back of thighs and upper arms. I happened to check the other day and it's all gone.

    Chris in MA
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes. husband is mostly Dear but sometimes the less complimentary word as we all are I suppose He has gone out so I am sewing this afternoon, altering clothes which are too big (brilliant) also keeps my hands busy so no snacking
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
    morning peeps -

    got up late, it's 7. i wanted to be at the gym already.. it's the last weekend for the bike challenge. gotta feed the kids, will leave them home, it's too hot for them to stay in the beast. kirby is at work, the plan is to do 2-2 1/2 hrs, we'll c how far i go. i'm at 1195 already, so i'll be over 1200 as i thought today
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Just made a delicious veggies egg scramble with zucchini from my garden, pickled red onion and Parmesan! Yummy and already got in 5,000 steps
    So I am taking the challenge today to reverse my last week and make better choices! NYKAREN
  • carriels7
    carriels7 Posts: 39 Member
    Heather - thanks for the great words - I am losing weight slowly, but this is a life change and feeling like I am making healthy choices which is much more important - and freeing in a way - than a quick fix. Partner (we live together but not married as have military health insurance and can't (won't) give that up) loves to have desserts at night - and he doesn't gain weight to my total disgust, so we have junk in the house - I am doing pretty well at ignoring it and grabbing fruit instead.

    Re - love your pictures - you get younger in each one!!

    I love this group - you all are so supportive and loving. I feel empowered when I read. It gets frustrating as numbers so down, then up, then down - - - so coming here helps to realize this is a journey and getting healthy is the goal - not a number. Thanks to you all so much.

    We are going out to a French restaurant tonight - lobster on special - so am having tons of veggies today to accommodate a dinner out - this morning had one piece of 7grain bread with an egg and tomatoes and cucumber. Feeling very full. Next to do workout I did on Wed with a trainer (temporary - just to get me on track) which includes TONS of squats and some good floor work. Did a cardio session yesterday then jumped to gym to do leg lifts, incline press and some others. Feel good today - setting up August goals in my head - 1) exercise hour a day (includes min of 8k steps which is small compared to many of you :) but a good goal for this month 2) track everything and eat lots and lots of veggies 3) think POSITIVE which is sometimes hard for me.

    Carrie in coastal SC

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Katie, you look marvelous!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Week three, day three of increasing from 7 to 10 reps using the 35 pound kettle bell. I feel that I have successfully gained enough strength to do the 10 reps.

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    3 miles

    Chris - Congratulations! You are so fortunate not to have any cellulite! Mine also is almost completely gone but, I still have some stubborn areas.. Building lean muscle mass and getting rid of the fat makes it impossible to exist.

    Drkatiebug - Nice pictures! You look fabulous!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    Carrie - I also have a skinny DH. He is a great workout buddy for me as he rarely misses a day, but I do have to make sure he gets extra calories down him or he drops weight and looks horrible. Luckily cake is not my temptation, but cheese is. :'(

    Went to the park this afternoon so I have got an hour's ambling done on top of the 15 mins kettlebell I did this morning. . It's better than nothing. Bbq tonight and there will be wine - my other weakness. DS bought onglet steak and chorizo. I have contributed the starter of olives and Spanish ham, Iberica Belota. He will do a big salad. They are all having cheesecake for dessert, but I am having mangoes. :D I will be over on the day, but not by a gaining amount as I'm set to a losing number on mfp to account for days like these. I lost one and a half pounds this week, so I only have two and a half to go to get right back on target. Don't want to blow it now. ;)

    I will post pics later when I've sent them to myself and downloaded them. DS is just as crazy as DGS about Pokemon and they captured one inside the house when they were building the new teepee. We also got one in the supermarket!

    Love Heather, in Hove for one more night.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. Just a quick post here. Getting on this site from home is a definite struggle. I see some great photos here! Thanks for sharing!

    Speaking of struggles, Benny is getting harder and harder to pill and now what ever he eats once, he won't eat again, but he is hungry and begging for food. Last night he ate chicken nuggets and cucumbers. We tried the pill shooter; it doesn't work at all. Most of his pills are way too big for it. Yesterday afternoon I gave his pills is smooshed PB&Js and he ate them right up. Two hours later...no go on that. We hate to just shove them down his throat but that's what we end up doing or it takes over an hour to get all those pills down.

    It's nice and cool and cloudy here which is great after the >100 degree days and excessive heat warnings we have had recently.

    WEll that's all for now. This has taken 20 minutes to get posted. Not sure what the issue is but I think it's the site because nothing else acts this way and I have tried three different browsers. Works great at work. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Good Afternoon, Gracious Goddesses;

    I should have said... that 2nd shot, the one at 275? That gray is sprayed on my hair... lol. It was a Halloween thing.

    But I do love the way my phone gives the most recent pic that lovely Soft Focus... *giggles*

    Thank you for all the kind words. I have to just keep chipping away at it.

    Katie, Hon - it's all about losing that excess neck, isn't it? You look MAHVELOUS.

    When I get a decent set of current body shots, I will give y'all the whole experience... I can't believe how fat I really was... I don't think there are any shots of me - full body - at my highest... but, I have 331 and that is horrendous enough.

    This morning, I went for breakfast with some of my old team from work... it was lovely to see them... the gal that used to be my "Mini Me" protégé is all grown up now... She was 21 when she started on the team... now she has a beautiful 9 month old baby who smiled and laughed all through breakfast. It's amazing how much can change in just a few years.

    Who knows what my calories will look like, today - the weekends are usually somewhat unpredictable - and I never eat breakfast. Eating only twice a day helps me keep it all under goal - but, even if I do go over, it was worth it to see my friends and enjoy a meal with them. I will be sure to do an extra long workout at the gym today, just in case.

    Well, I am off. I have things to get done before DH wakes from his nap and wants me to take him places.

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday!
    Allie- So glad to see you posting from the cottage! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!! B)
    Heather- I can just picture you packing for trips and then "OH! Let me just grab my kettlebell!" Not laughing at you; just getting a chuckle out of your tenacity in sticking with your routine! All admiration from me!
    Re and Katie- beautiful before and after pics of my friends! And Re, I don't think we really notice the weight because we live with our selves and look at ourselves every day. It just slowly creeps up on us. Like age. I don't look in the mirror as much as I used to and only recently I have learned that I can't look down (actual visually look down at my body) and say "I look great!" because the girls are triple D's and they block everything below them. Because of their "voluptuousness" I can never see the lower rolls. In my mind, if I can't see it, it isn't there. LOL I think that is called denial.
    Joyce- So glad you were able to sleep in a bit. I hope Charlie is understanding of you wanting to "stand down" for a bit and let the nurses on duty do what they can for him. I am glad he is feeling better and you are getting some rest and relief from all of the running and worry! <3

    Grand Haven is coming up on our annual Coast Guard Festival. Grand Haven is a BIG Coast Guard town and we celebrate them for a week each August (not just our local CG, but from all over the US). A week of community events, street dances, concerts on the waterfront, carnival, free pancake breakfast, many memorial services for servicemen and award for services handed out. Kicked off last night with a Simon and Garfunkel Tribute Band called Old Friends. They were absolutely fantastic! I put my "big girl" shoes on (that is pretty much anything that isn't a running shoe) and walked and danced all night. My feet were more than a little sore this morning, but it was a fun night.

    It was raining early this morning; and I do love a rainy morning, so I lolled in bed for a good half hour and didn't get up until 6:00. Had a quick breakfast of coffee (not healthy, but it was SO good) and headed down town to help with the CG 5k and 10k. Lots of friends running and it was a thrill to watch them all complete their races/walks. Plus my DYS was also volunteering with his place of employment and now he has the bug. He wants to run next year! YES! Then I headed to the Girl Scout House to watch the Kid's Parade from the deck. This is the kick off parade for our Coast Guard Festival. I am glad the young families and the kids get this parade to themselves to decorate neighborhood floats and bikes and represent schools, churches, etc. I usually run into a lot of little ones that I know. But I was in a panic watching the participants in the parade throw candy to the kids watching. Of course some of the candy lands in the road and SO many little ones darting into the parade to get candy! Every year the organizers talk about NOT throwing candy due to the hazards little ones getting run over, I wish they would just put out an addendum on the participation contract that participants can't hand stuff out en route. Maybe they could gather every businesses candy, stickers, toys and put them into treat bags and each kid gets a bag at a "parade pick-up" location...there just has to be a better way. Oh well, maybe I am just an old fuddy duddy party pooper.

    Well, it's starting to rain again. Pffft! I guess I should get busy with some house work that needs to get done. Love and hugs to all that I missed!

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 447 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Hi everybody just recently found this group and you all seem so friendly and supportive. I would like to join you, I am 71yo a retired librarian in NW England back on MFP to lose weight (hopefully for good this time)
    Welcome, Kate! Do you want to be a role model? I aspire to be a retired librarian--thinking I have to go another 2 years...
    Also welcome to all the other newbies!!!
    All this vacationing and hosting guests is really affecting my exercise routine. Hope to get back on the bike soon.
    Amazing transformations in the face pictures...you all are looking good.
    There is so much yard work to do but I am waiting till it gets cooler later in the day. There are days when I think I am wasting what is left of my life on crabgrass, swallowwort, and other weeds. I had some lovely day lilies but deer found them a few days back. So there went my beautiful orange smiling flowers.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Re and Katie WOW!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Hi everybody just recently found this group and you all seem so friendly and supportive. I would like to join you, I am 71yo a retired librarian in NW England back on MFP to lose weight (hopefully for good this time)

    m1277.gif You have come to the right place....I am a retired grade school teacher and have found great encouragement and support from these women

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif