WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
    morning peeps -

    well, TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE CHALLENGE !!! YEAYYYY!!!, kirby and i are going out for his 1st training ride (his first actual long ride) so i suggested we go to my work and back so he could see what i've been riding and i get to take my stuff to work for the week (bananas, milk, etc..) i am going to take him on the harder ride to work (hilly), after today, i will be taking the train more going home, i may still ride to work if the weather is nice in the morning and not overcast. and no more spin on tues, thurs, sat and sun. i will get to see how much better kirby still is. ! he stretched in front of me a bit ago and i could see his head going back and forth slightly. sad to see. he thinks he's going to get worse as he gets older. :0(

    oh and i got a $50 donation for my MS ride! yeayyy ! up to $320 now! i usually get $100 from mom so that's $420!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    edited July 2016
    Kim love your covers. We live near a park so I have to fence parts of the garden off too or keep it high to ward off rabbits.

    Spikeyhair so sorry about DGD. Prayers!
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Kim, thanks for the pictures of the garden and the row covers. It looks lovely. Amazing how different the soil looks from what I'm used to. Funny Dublin story! We get a frame of reference in our minds and it dominates how we approach something.

    Joyce, (((HUGS)))

    Cheri, nice to hear from you. I wish you well with all the packing and moving and with selling the house. You sound as if you're handling it well!

    Michele, I hear you on the cravings. Yesterday was terrible for me. Went way over my calories (2nd time in a week). Woke up hungry and felt that way most of the day. Ugh. But today's a new day. I figure if I'm on a plateau this week I'll know why. :| I also figure that I'm eating too much fruit, so today I'll focus on savory, since I tend to manage cravings better if I do that. Plus protein and enough fat to keep me satiated. I've got a corn pudding in the oven for breakfast--eggs (lots of egg white), nonfat milk, full-fat cheddar dheese, masa (I didn't have corn meal--not sure how this will work), sauteed onions, orange pepper, small tomatoes, smoked paprika...it looks okay so far, but since I started out thinking I was going to make a fritatta and switched to corn pudding midstream, I forgot to check the recipe and forgot a crucial step.

    Kettle bell swings yesterday:
    4 x 15 x 15 lbs
    Squats (no weight):
    3 x 15
    2 x 15, hold for 5 sec at top
    Sideways walking w/ band:
    2 x 5 steps each direction

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • jpsgirl96
    jpsgirl96 Posts: 9 Member
    Happy to find this thread. Looking forward to joining you for August.
    I started July after three weeks of tracking at 170.2; ending at 165.8 even after spending two weeks in France - a food lover's paradise for a total drop of 12.7 since 7 June. Aiming for 147 by the end of 2016.
    August has more travels, three major parties...challenges ahead (as always). dh3dz5mcjr9d.jpeg

    Sending good thoughts (and hydrangeas) to all.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    KJ, Margaret, DJ, and others who commented on the Pokemon pics. Yes, it's a weird, but amazing craze. I think my son is even keener on it than DGS. Those are his pics as I don't have it on my phone. I must say I was amazed when one turned up in the house! I think DS had earned some special points or something.
    DJ - Bea doesn't get any slimmer, but she is incredibly happy and is beginning to be more active. All my son's children were enormous babies as my DDIL's mothering technique is lots of food and lots of sleep. The other two are now a perfect weight.
    KJ - My DOGD is a real personality and no shrinking violet. She is afraid of nothing! This morning she nearly drowned herself and DH in the sea by just hurling herself at the water. When she took a gulp of seawater she said, "I like salt! ".
    DDIL thinks she might make a good gymnast, as she was when she was a child.
    I wore my new beach shoes on the pebbles and went in for a paddle. Lovely!
    I managed to do a short kettlebell routine both days, went for walks and today I also did half an hour on the rowing machine when we got back to our house.
    Tonight we are having Welsh lamb steaks for dinner, with chard from the garden and broad beans. No alcohol. :D:D We've had two days of evening drinks and I don't like the feeling. Trouble is bbqing and eating outside makes you feel that you are on holiday. :ohwell: So on the wagon tonight. o:)

    So sorry Spikeyhair to hear of your DGD's diagnosis. I had to Google it. You wish only the best for your grandchildren, don't you.

    Now to pick the chard.

    Love Heather, back in Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    Barbie- Oh I wish...I try and get real estate books and drool and dream of a little cottage by the sea.. unlikely to happen..but it's nice to dream :*

    :)<3 I wasn't thinking of just the location, but also the emotional setting--where you could live and work in respect and serenity, where the people in your world treated you with kindness and support
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    KJ I like your idea about others contributing quotes and encouragement to DD. I think I may ask some folks to contribute some thoughts, sweet <3

    I guess DH read my expression last nite and is looking once again for a rental car to fit a freshmen's teddy bear, her cello and her emotional parents! :'(

    Can't believe that July has flown by, I will gather thoughts for August recommitment to myself feeling AND being lighter.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather UK In 2000 my mom found out her breast cancer diagnosed in 1977 had recurred and metastasized. So I asked her what was on her bucket list that we might do, and she said she wanted to go to England and Wales. So off we went for 3 weeks. We rented a car (brave me) and headed south to headquarter ourselves in a cottage owned and donated for the duration by the CEO of my company in South Stoke near Arundel. One evening we drove to Brighton...we drove and railed all over England and Wales, saw the cliffs of Dover, went to the Cotswalds, saw Shakespeare until we were sated, lingered at Dylan Thomas' boathouse and explored Swansea, stood in the doorway of a store in Wales listening to the lovely language of the locals until sadly we were discovered and they switched to English. Went to the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff where we were amazed...we really did it to kill some time and were stunned by what was there...Monet, Van Gogh, Renoir...Visited Oxford. Stratford on Avon. All the usual sights in London. My mom wrote a funny poem for her Christmas letter that year about going to England to find the queen, complete with pictures of her in a red phone booth, interviewing a Beefeater, etc, and finally posing with the queen (at the wax museum)...it was a big hit, she got lots of great feedback from people...she was one of those people whose Christmas letters people actually looked forward to, because they were fun and entertaining and short. Unlike this post. I do miss my mom. She's been gone 15 years now.

    Karen in Virginia
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Karen NY – I would think the gas of 2 cars instead of 1 would help off set the rental cost….

    Lisa – Love the Texas Toast cartoon!!!

    Heather – Love the GKids pictures!

    New folks – welcome!!

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!, watched the sunrise every morning, planning a camping trip with a friend.
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month.


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride- hm 2 wk 2 starbucks- 2hr.3min.13sec, 11.6amph, 153mhr, 23.9mi = 1039c
    ride starbucks 2 costco 2 hm- 14.12min, 144mhr,9.9amph, 2.3mi = 163c
    total cal 1202
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
    final tally for the Great Cycle Challenge! so far (it can change as people ride today but if no one does then this will stick)
    nationally i am 21st female nationally (miles ridden) 201st overall.
    in this State (WA) 4th overall, 1st place female!
    total miles ridden, 1255.7miles there's this one girl, all she has to do is one long ride and she'll beat me.
    total rides, including spin classes = 199
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Charleen, that quilt is gorgeous!!! <3

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member
    Charleen, that is an amazing quilt - Mariner's Compass is one of my favorite patterns and I have been collecting fabric to to a smaller simpler one of my own... WOW
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    Karen V - How lovely to hear of your visit to our island. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. <3 The route we take to Hove/Brighton takes us through some of the most beautiful countryside of the south. Did you get to Petworth House? So sorry to hear that you miss your mum so much. She sounds an amazing woman. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • lisaannegrif
    lisaannegrif Posts: 1 Member
    Hello to all. I am hoping for support from this group as I live in the middle of no where in Mississippi and have no one to talk to about my body image issues! I am in menopause and at the same time I developed hypothyroidism. Yay. I have always been very fit and active and never had any weight issues. Boy did that change with menopause. Nothing I did helped either. Finally in the last 6 months I have lost 16 lbs. I am almost back to my pre-menopause weight and wanted to share what has helped me more than anything I have tried. Obviously I needed my thyroid under control, so I finally think that is straight. Then I realized I needed to control my appetite (calorie intake) and I did not want to take any kind of a pill for that. I guess no matter how active you are, age slows the metabolism. I am very much into a healthy, mostly organic and mostly plant based diet. So, I started reading about psyllium husks and how they did lots of positive things including helping with a feeling of satiety. I also began taking Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate (I know not plant based, but supposed to support thyroid). Both of these items really help control my appetite, and I mean a LOT! There also do not seem to be any negative side effects of either of these foods according to all I have read on this. I only have 5 more pounds to go. I hope this will work for other people here and wanted to share my story.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,000 Member
    Barbie~ your right..
    I am home after my dad talking politic's and gun control all the way home !! geesh not my favorite....
    I was fine until I started unpacking and guess what I forgot, and my brother wont be home for a month,,,,the fit bit surge charger.. I am to cheap to go buy another, and will have him send it down...I am tired and will take a shower and go to bed early..