WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2016
    AnnC: I'm a retired teacher. I gained about 10 pounds every year I taught and lost about 5 pounds over each summer. You can see the graph in your mind's eye. I was finally able to do something about my weight when I found MFP, and that happened AFTER I retired. It is all about calories in, calories out. Take advantage of your summer by getting in the habit of calorie counting, and continue counting every bite and swallow in the new school year. You really need to move more and find ways to include a higher physical activity level even after you return to school. I hope you will be successful and won't have to wait for retirement to do something about your weight, as I did. Best tips: Choose a healthy diet that leaves you feeling good, but don't get suckered into buying premeasured meals. They're too expensive, often not as good quality as you can make for yourself, plus you need to learn to manage this on your own unless you plan to buy the premeasured meals for the rest of your life. Measure your portions of everything, except raw celery. :wink: (It takes more calories to digest than it contains.) I use a food scale and restaurant style dishers. There was a small investment where that was concerned, but those tools were a key factor in my success. At first I weighed every day, which is not really the greatest idea. Women here shared their practices and I now weigh about once a week, more if I feel like it. Buy a good digital scale to weigh yourself if you don't already have one. One last thing. We all hit plateaus. They're part of the process so don't let them get you down. Sometimes you can bump up your exercise a bit or lower your calories a bit to get past a plateau. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Three cheers for the ostomy bag staying on! YAY!!! :bigsmile:

    Cheri: Your realtor was a gem. I'm so glad you got the house. :smiley:

    Peach: Sylvia is our ceramics lady. She got involved in an artist's cooperative and has been too busy to post here. The last time I heard from her all was going well. Our bowling mom was given a new job and is too busy to post She always posted from work in the past and that makes me guess she doesn't have access from home, but that is only a guess. :smile:

    We're having a quiet day at home and the dog is not taking tranquilizers. :bigsmile: The system we used worked well enough that I'd do it again rather than board him at the Vet's every July 4. The system was a combination of him wearing a Thundercoat, keeping him with us as much as possible, and tranquilizers. At night I took him into the bedroom where I slept during the ordeal with the sea lions because it is quieter there. We had people setting off firecrackers and other things that go bang for a few days before the fourth. :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    We will be leaving July 18 for a two week trip to the Colorado mountains and then back to Denver for my sister's 50th wedding anniversary celebration. The trip is something one of my nieces post on her FB page called A Mapped Guide to the Ultimate Colorado Road Trip". Jack has not seen a lot of these areas we will be going to but it pretty much takes you from the Denver to the western edge of the state near Utah, south to Durango which is near the four corners area then angle northeast back up over Wolf Creek Pass (steep and high) and eventually back up to Denver. We will take our time and stop and see all the beautiful and historic mountain towns as we go. At least it will be cooler for much of that trip. Our neighbors and motor home traveling companions will go with us.

    The above trip will all depend on how Jack's surgery goes Thursday. Hoping for good results and no skin grafting necessary, etc.

    Then right after Christmas we will go to AZ for the months of January and February 2017 with several forays into Mexico.

    Janetr OKC
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    AnnC. I am a teacher with a busy working summer ahead of me. I was just looking over a journal I started at the end of last school year 2014-15 where I laid out my goals incrementally like a 21 day challenge without buying the product! I set very modest goals/changes and why I wanted to make the changes and it was working! I also stumbled onto this forum and that sealed the deal. I have lost the weight and am learning what maintenance is all about. Keep your expectations high and your focus on the small improvements --just like a teacher would with her students!!!
    This works if you work it. NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Lovely Ladies!

    Not much going on, today… the scale was happy again. If it holds thru tomorrow, I will get to change my weight, again. Whoot! I dragged my lazy butt out of bed this morning and went to the gym – although it really wasn’t something I wanted to do, I did it, anyway. I WILL succeed at this, and exercise is the only way… so… every day. Get up, go to the gym, go to work, go home. Lather, Rinse, Repeat…

    Melanie – well, good for you if you can do that level of workout twice a week! I am just chugging along on the elliptical, until such time as I hit one of those evil plateaus… perhaps then I will consider changing it up. But, so long as the scale is happy, I am in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mode.

    Cheri – Look at you, you Skinny Minnie… and that’s a nice looking man you have there. Better keep a good hold on him around these parts… All those puffy/blond-haired chicks are on the prowl… and, er… NY Giants? They might burn a helmet in effigy… Learn to Love the Cowboys… trust me on this.

    Barbie – I want that! I am so done with yardwork, too… *sighs* someday I will convince my Spousal Unit that we don’t need the big house anymore. I might have to use a baseball bat, but, someday I WILL convince him. In the meantime – mowing that stinkin’ lawn is a great calorie burner.

    Allie – I am so glad you had fun on your trip.

    Kay – Hope you are having a great day!

    Pip – I believe you have done your duty to God and Country… Relax already.

    GLo – You are so right… Logging is the only real common thread, but it truly does make the difference.

    Mia – welcome back. I have about 8 billion questions about your body lift – but, I will probably message them to you. That is my dream… but, I have to lose this last 100 lbs, first. Gratz. Glad to hear your complication is healing up. Hope you will post some before and after once you are feeling more the thing.

    Michele – Glad to hear that you are taking care… It could just be that you are allergic to something in your yard. I know I have an allergy to the crepe myrtle that grows like weeds around these parts – and every time I go out and work in the yard, I am affected by that. Good Luck at the Docs.

    Linda – a nap at the pool… hmmm… sounds like a perfect afternoon. Great job for getting back into your routine. 7 hours of sleep? A luxury… lol. I am a six hour girl – except on the weekends.

    Janet – Oh Honey – Fat Man? That’s a double slam. I am sorry your Mom didn’t put a stop to that. But parents can be the worst. My family called my older sister “Mary Mud Hen” and my younger sister the “Grape Ape.” I guess I can thank my lucky stars that I was the “Little Golden Chick.” God only knows how huge I would have gotten if they had called me “Chunky Monkey” or something. Knee replacement is probably in my future. Even my “skinny” sister has less than stellar knees – it’s a family thing. I hope mine turn out as well as yours have…. But, I am putting it off for as long as I can. I figure every day I wait is the chance for better equipment – they keep improving everything so much. I am thinking good thoughts for Jack. ((HUGS!!)) I hope you can go on your trip. It sounds wonderful.

    Beth – Ice cream cake is allowed on your birthday. It’s written in the rules of life. Hope you enjoyed every bite.

    Mary – Our Kettlebell Queen… and you are walking a thousand miles? How long do you have to get it done? (it would take me about two years, I think… lol)

    Joyce/IN – Gratz on the 48 hour record.

    Katla – Glad your dog did all right. The flag right in the middle of your view… sort of patriotic, yes? But, I suppose being able to actually see the fireworks would be good, too. Hope they fix it, next year.

    Lisa – the joy in that third picture is quite obvious. But the 4th is lovely, as well. It’s quite a transformation – and how wonderful that your transformation also took you out of a bad marriage and into a good one.

    Karen/VA – Some people just draw other folks – your Sister sounds like one of those. I was envious of my younger Sister – she was “naturally” thinner than me – but she was so mean and crazy I never wanted to be her. I suppose I was lucky about that. I remember one year, I had recovered from the chicken pox that had run rampant through our little town – but Nancy still had hers. She was so upset that I was able to go to the prom – she was wailing: “My Fat Ugly Sister has a date for the Prom and I can’t go…” I laughed – cause what else can you do? But, today... I secretly enjoy the fact that she is no longer the skinny one… I suppose that makes me mean, too. Ah… the lottery. I suppose if you don’t play, you can’t win…

    Allie – That sense of accomplishment from having everything “ready” is awesome, isn’t it? I have my dinner all prepped to cook, and I have lunches made for the whole week. LOVE that feeling.

    Barbie – Sorry your Mom was so oblivious to how she made you feel. I am glad Jake is doing well. Hopefully, Brandy’s leg won’t be a big deal. Good luck.

    Carol – lol – I would be screaming, too. I hate bugs… They only survive on sufferance. So long as they don’t touch me, they get to live. I would probably buy out the store of bug spray if a bug ever flew into my ear.

    KJ – sorry DH was crabby. Glad you got to swim – it’s my favorite thing. I just love going to my Mom’s and slipping into the pool in the early morning. The birds sing, it’s quiet and peaceful and I get to escape the bonds of gravity for just a little while. It’s marvelous.

    Marcelyn – it has been scorchy this year. Stay hydrated… :]

    Mamacita – go, go, go on the exercise… truly, it’s the most important thing in my opinion.

    Miriam – I couldn’t hug your younger self – but I can give you one now… ((HUGS!!))

    Charleen – oh, that view… *sighs* I do miss mountains since moving to TX. We had lots of them when I lived in OR.

    Lenora – why does your son not want you to walk laps around the pool? Glad you were able to get in and paddle around. Hope Cracker’s ear and toe come out all right.

    Mjohemme – welcome. I have no experience with the hot flash, yet – but some of these ladies may be able to assist.

    Margaret – Eeeewe. Sorry you had to go through that. Keep those cotton balls handy.

    NYKaren – Demo is the best part of remodeling… Give me a sledge and get outta my way… it’s a fab way to take out any lingering aggressions. My Sis moved into a house that had a weird brick pedestal in the living room – not a fireplace – just the weird brick thing. After a day in the mortgage industry, I really needed a good smash on those bricks. I was only sorry it went by so fast. Have fun with your Sis!

    Heather – Wow – you make your own yogurt, and obviously, sourdough bread. You garden, you study… Girl, did you get all this energy when you lost weight? Or are you just one of those people who is never idle? I am impressed. I am tired just reading about it… lol.

    Meg – Glad Benny is improving.

    DJ – I don’t have many pictures, either – same reason. My Sister, Mary, insists on taking them, but they are always so awful… *sighs* Hope you have a fabulous time Dancing.

    Snerggly – thanks for the info on the supplement. I am sure it will come in handy, one of these days.

    AnnC – you have come to the right place… these ladies are the very best. For me, going slooooow is the answer. I calculated for 1 pound a week in MFP. If I want to lose any more than that, I have to exercise more. I also make certain to do a lot of abdominal crunches at the gym – to keep my back from freaking out. That is what has always stopped me in the past, I would get all into the exercise, and my back would seize up. The abdominals stop that little problem. It’s working for me… but, you will have to do what works for you. Glad to hear you are sleeping – that is important, too.

    Nancy – welcome back. Good luck with the exercise program! “Fun size” I like it. I am with you on the enjoyment of food. It’s an addiction… If only we could go “cold turkey” on eating… *sighs*

    Thank you, you Wonderful Women, for keeping me on the straight and narrow.


    Re in TX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello, Lovely Ladies!

    Cheri – Look at you, you Skinny Minnie… and that’s a nice looking man you have there. Better keep a good hold on him around these parts… All those puffy/blond-haired chicks are on the prowl… and, er… NY Giants? They might burn a helmet in effigy… Learn to Love the Cowboys… trust me on this.
    Re in TX

    Ha, ha! Thanks for the Skinny Minnie...I know in my heart I feel this way but my brain typically interferes. The hubs and I have been together 35 years, 33 of those married. Those blondies will just have to step aside. Thanks for the warning...lol As for the Cowboys...NEVER AND I REPEAT NEVER! My husband is a New Yorker inside and out. We have lived in 8 or so different states by now and he has never routed for the local team. Took and interest yes.

    currently feeling off with so much ahead to do in Fairlawn, oHIo
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Janetr prayers for Jack
    Asiatic lily in bloom.

    Heather these are some geraniums I have in our front:

    Took blood pressure and back to 130\80.

    Bought more chicken wire. Seems to be the only thing that keeps rabbit off certain plants. I will reuse it in the fall for bushes. They did a number on those last winter.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Margaret, it looks as if you have a lovely garden! I'm sorry you had the Japanese beetle episode, just the though makes my skin crawl!

    Barbie, thanks for sharing your pics, you're so slender and fit looking!

    Janet, enjoy your vacation! I love that part of the country and would love to live there! When you mentioned Wolf Creek Pass it reminded me of the first time I drove through it. My DD was 17 and a new driver, and she wanted to drive. I let her ( not knowing how steep the mountains were. We drove through at night. On the way back through (during daylight), I was stunned by the drop offs! Thank goodness she couldn't see them that night! She would have been terrified.

    About moms and their comments, When I was a skinny, tall kid of 13, my mom told me I should never let myself get over 135 lbs. Hah! I would be emaciated under 160. But i tried for years to stay as close to tgat as possible. Recently, she told me her mother told her the same thing! But she didn't remember that she had passed it on...

    Heather, your lentil curry sounded great!

    Thanks to you all for providing such a supportive atmosphere. I love this group!

    And I'm off my most recent plateau!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Re- the Walk 1,000 miles challenge is one year. I have to get most of it done during spring, summer and fall. Winter is difficult to walk here.

    Barbie- yeah on the NSV of increased strength! You look amazing!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Margaret – EEEWWWW!!!!! I’d be at the ER myself … my BP would have been a lot higher. Glad you got that taken care of.

    Beth near Buffalo – I’m not quite sure why he doesn’t want me walking around the pool if they are in it. I don’t see where I am ‘bothering’ them. It’s not like I am dumping them off the rafts or anything. I really think my DDnL#1 does NOT want me ‘exercising’ in front of her. She's lost about 40lbs; but, then lost her job because she basically ‘walked out’ when her boss told her ‘that if she did leave, not to come back’. I don’t think she has gained any back. Her mother bought her basically a new wardrobe (for a job interview) and ‘if’ she gets the one that she is going to interview for tomorrow … we are all keeping our fingers and toes crossed, including eyes, praying really hard that she does ‘crash and burn’ since it is about a 2 hour event. They’ll test her on Excel and QuickBooks. She was to look up how to do it and work a few sessions on it. She is familiar with Excel, but, not on QuickBooks. Oh Goodness Gracious … I hope she gets this job, it is really beginning to stress DOS out. When that happens, it stresses out my DH because DOS works for him. Then, of course, I hear about it. She hasn’t been going to the ‘diet’ MD; and, ‘if’ she gains any weight, then it will be the ‘last time’ she’ll get to go to them with my son paying for it. DOS says he doesn’t care if she weighs 350lbs … but, this time she really has put her mind to it. But, she can still eat a good bit at a sitting. I think she started off at her highest at 280lbs. Her oldest sister is on a ‘diet’ and has lost 50lbs … she had to be upwards of 350lbs to begin with. She still feels big, because I weight about 158lbs. Also, she has big boobs ... which doesn't help. I had suggested that 'if' they got 'health insurance' she might consider a breast reduction. GEEZZZ ... I might as well have 'slapped her in the face' with that one. She complains about her back all the time. He mother is so humped over she looks like the "Hunchback of Notre Dame. But, that is the only reason I can think that he doesn’t want me to walk around the pool.

    Cheri – That’s great. When we sold the last house we lived in … had been there 15+ years. We got it at a ‘steal’. Bank owned. We made a real lowball offer on it and surprisingly they ‘jumped all over it’. I could see why it had not sold. Really, really dark wood paneling and trim. Awful looking wallpaper and blue and olive green things in each bathroom. My husband, being a painter and me, being an artist … we could ‘see’ the potential of a little ‘sweat equity’. So we painted the entire house, filled in all the cracks … had a FP put in. Oh, did I say it also had awful brick and a brown roof. The brinks were brownish and looked like it had ‘pinkish’ paint on it. We could not do anything about the bricks … but, we could do something about the ‘hail damaged’ roof … Fireman that built the FP found the closest he could and then alternated them into the existing bricks he had taken out of the wall to make the ‘hole’ in the wall. Did a wonderful job. We tore down the wallpaper; and washed the kitchen walls and painted them a lighter color than the chair rail. We looked, and looked for wallpaper that had just enough of the colored fixtures that made it ‘look like we had planned it that way’. When we went to put it on the market, our realtor called another realtor that she thought she had found the house that maybe her aunt would like (moving here from out of town). She came over and looked at it and we signed a contract that night. I don’t remember anything after that … DH and sons packed us up. I had been in a near fatal auto collision a few months ahead of that. I think my lack of memory was because I knew we were going to build out in the country and I wasn’t sure I’d like it … I LOVE IT! I wish we had moved years ago; but, things work out the way they work out for a reason, I guess. We did, however, replace the stove (built-in) and dishwasher … they were an awful ‘yellow’.

    Re – See my comment to Beth in Buffalo – Cracker does not seem to be in any pain; still favoring foot (unless she is running hard). She’ll pick it up a few times while running a little slower. She'll walk on all 4's if I tell her to do so. I think part of it, is she is 'milking the situation'. I also think her next toenail over is too long and hitting that tender pad. Vet told DH that it will be sore for quite a while (until it grows out). I think maybe she got stung on the ear by a wasp or something. It was swollen. I soaked it in peroxide; haven’t checked it today … looks like it is coming down. We did not see her ‘act out’ about the fireworks … the sound like distant booms that lasted about 30 minutes. She did not ‘bark’ like she thought someone was outside.

    Have any of you had problems with MFP this week? Or do I have a 'gremlin' in my computer?

  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hi jumping in here, new... looks like this is a busy group, but I will try it and see if I can swim through and not drown. Will start doing replies in a little while after I hang out more.

    My name is Rosie, I live in the Phoenix Arizona area. I'm 58, I work as a project manager, and am not married. My one grown daughter is in Bay area (Oakland) and so I live in my cozy little condo with one small doggie and one cat. My hobbies are Toastmasters and Singing/Songwriting. I'm in the midst of a several year project of writing an album worth of songs - it takes that long cuz I'm learning still and because of work and illness tends to slow me down a lot.

    It's too hot here to do much else, lol, but I like to travel, read a lot, and have a lot of interests.

    My current situation is that I'm about 3 pounds over my last recorded weight here on MFP from the intermittent trying to lose weight thingie I've been doing. So recently I got on a local meal plan service called Lean Lifestyles (I am just a customer and this is not a plug, I'm just explaining what I'm trying), just sort of out of desperation because it was one of the things on my list of things to try.

    Anyway, I see to be able to stick to plan with these meals which fill me up, but are within calorie limits to lose, they taste good, my blood sugar is all leveled out, I have better energy than I did before. So after the first week my scale's battery was dead -- so I finally weighed in, I wasn't sure if I had been even heavier and lost a few or not. I'll know for sure if I'm losing on my next weigh in which is Friday/Saturday. I generally only allow myself to weigh in once a week.

    So my July goals are:
    * Determine if the meal plan is allowing me to lose weight or not
    * If not I will probably stay on it and call them and adjust it first, then if that doesn't work try something else
    * Continue going to the gym - riding the e bike
    * and add in some weight machines.... (for some reason I've been scared and/or blocked of this one)
    * Add in a few other forms of exercise like belly dance and/or yoga - at this point at home
    * I used to belly dance and I want to go back to classes but I want a review first...
    * Work on my songs - I have two with melodies that need finishing and then I must practice singing them all for recording and I need to retrain my voice because I let it get out of shape like my bod....
    * Decluttering my house (long term project)
    * Working on my next Toastmasters speech
    * Doing training course for my professional certification
    * Plan a trip to visit my sister out east
    * Work on the website that I'm finishing up for a service work thing and turn it over to someone else to take care of
    * Work on my daughter's professional website
    * Survive the extreme desert heat :-)

    That might be the gist of it. I do a lot of goal work. Now that my energy is good again, I am hoping to really kick butt on my goals.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Pip ... I also think it stinks that they changed the rules of the challenge at the end ...
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Oh I can't resist ya... I just read one page though

    Cheri - I like how you got your rental. I used that "personalize it with a letter" thing to get my pretty little condo that I love. It's a good technique. It helps the owner/property manager to know they are getting a good renter(s)!

    Nancy - hi I'm new too. I don't have any advice but keep trying and never give up! And you are fun and eventually you can leave off the "sized" part LOL.

    Katla - my little doggie was anxious about the fireworks too... she's gotten used to thunder and she doesn't like it but she doesn't freak out like she used to... this time it was 3 NIGHTS of it... but by the third night she was kind of like... "oh, I'm afraid, but I will just lie by your feet instead of trying to burrow into your side shaking with terror because so far the huge loud noises haven't killed me yet".....

    Janetr - have fun in CO... sounds like a marvelous trip

    Margaret - I <3<3 your flowers!!!
  • Jackiepankuck
    Jackiepankuck Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Ladies...I am new to the group and really struggling with the "ok, today I'm going to eat right"....help!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    18,000 steps
    199 minutes of dog walking
    63 minutes riding the exercise bike
    20 minutes puttering in the garden

    Strong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 3 X 10 @ 35 lbs
    bench press 3 X 10 @ 45 lbs
    dumbbell row 5X5 @ 60 lbs
    dumbell swing 3 X 10 @ 22.5 lbs

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Thanks for the well wishes on the CO trip. Im a Denver native and I miss the mountains horribly. I'm going to soak up as much cool air as possible while there. I'm excited to share all the splendour with Jack. He was raised in Florida, we've gone to Estes and Rocky Mtn National Park a couple of times, but that's pretty much all he has seen. We are in Denver more often because my oldest daughter still lives there and three of my sisters and their families.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
    total stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 8.36min, 17.9amph, 141mhr, 2.5mi = 81c
    SKI MACHINE- 35min, 139mhr, 3-6incl, 25-45resist, 1.63mi = 286c
    ride gym 2 done- 5.30min, 11.3amph, 131mhr, 1mi = 64c
    ride dome 2 hm- est 20min 2.5mi = 172c
    total cal 603