WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    morning peeps -

    you are doing AWESOME oceanmelody!!

    mikesmom - i think u can stop calling him peanut butter and just call him your main squeeze already...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn/afternoon.Had a big serving of canteloupe for lunch...so fresh & good. Think I will go buy 2 more later,from same store. Love melon...could eat it yr round.
    Hot & humid day here,so house is closed up & doing my heavy duty cleaning chores. Nice to have everything ship shape,but by end if day,feels like I have been loading cement :/
    DD says there were 4 humming birds at their country home in NC......within 3 days of moving in. Now there are nearly a dozen using one feeder.

    Going to watch taped shows this eve.No news,no politics. Had to block posts from a cuz.She loves to argue & thinks other ppl feel the same.
    Family Dr's office called with an appt for me next month. I have no reason to see him,but he won't refill meds till he sees you. Only once a yr,but I really don't like going to Dr.
    Tomorrow,going with DD to the "peach truck".She wants a 1/2 bushel.......I only get a basket.This is their last peaches of the season.
    Have read a few pages,but not enough to reply. Enjoy your summer,it's back to spot cleaning a rug for me. Pat

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :) My boundaries for today....Jake suggested going to get the car washed and I told him that I don't like having to drive onto the rails (or whatever they are) to go through the automatic car wash. Instead I'm taking him along on my errands---bank, library, post office, pharmacy--going early in the day when the traffic is lighter.

    :) We have been in this house for almost five years and have hated the overhead lights in the kitchen and hobby room and have exhaust fans in both bathrooms that make terrible noises when they are on so we don't use them. About two months ago we spotted a van in a nearby driveway of a man who does electrical contracting. We got his card and finally called him today to come over to take a look at what we want done. He was apologetic because he was pretty busy and might not get to the job for awhile...Jake laughed and told him how we'd wanted to get this stuff done for five years and finally got around to it, so there was no hurry. He'll come over on Saturday to take a look at the proposed project.

    <3 Barbie
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Well, we were on the verge of booking a cruise to Iceland next summer - really, really close, but reason prevailed and we bottled out. Maybe the year after. We can't really justify it with the Mexico trip in January. :ohwell:

    Had yoga this morning and food shopping this afternoon so I've only burnt half my usual calories. But with no alcohol I will squeak by.
    Having a duck leg tonight with a tiny sweet potato and some chard from the garden.

    I have a lunch out tomorrow to celebrate my DSIL's Masters degree. I will see a lot of members of my family. DH isn't coming as he doesn't really get on with my extended family. A bit common for him. :laugh:

    Love to all, Heather
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Karen - thank you for the map! It actually is very helpful.

    Carol in NC - He's helping construct a solar plant - temporary job for now, but one never knows...

    Katla - yep, that's one of the next steps, building a cover for the wee beastie. :dizzy:

    Off to the races!

    Love y'all,
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Pat I am feeling like you. I have been watching DVD's from the library. I do sometimes try to catch the weather because of rain and heat.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    Pat *Giggle* Yeah, those pesky doctors, they always think they need to see what your blood pressure is and order stuff like fasting labs and mammograms and colonoscopies, darn it! ;)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Pat *Giggle* Yeah, those pesky doctors, they always think they need to see what your blood pressure is and order stuff like fasting labs and mammograms and colonoscopies, darn it! ;)

    Karen,it took me too long to question any Dr about the whys & wherefores.Feel much better for it.They know they won't see me again,till they order me in.BP is good,ditto fasting labs...last yr,I mean. Hub had extensive lab work done at vets & just yest,Dr told him every test looked great.We are time wasters for the medicos.So thankful !
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Afternoon chica's-
    Feeling a bit better,got things situated for DFIL we are paying a taxi that takes wheelchairs to bring him to other nursing home , insurance won't pay,but it is 25.00 think we can handle that...Tom fielded that call and took it upon himself to give the go ahead...told him thank you very much..trying to boost his moral for going the extra mile....praise does good sometimes..well another couple of hours and then home.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Yea, Allie- I bet that is a mood lifter!?
    Karen VA- We are shooting for the same goal weight! I am 5'8, just wondering how tall you are...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good for you Allie. Your FIL may be a little needy for awhile in his new surroundings. I would have gladly made that decision but yet my husband was as involved in his Mom's care as I was. Him and his brother were power of attorney for health health care. I don't think his other brother and sister even cared.

    Our appointments went well today. Charlie saw the PA so we got in real quick. His EKG was good and no changes except see her again in 6 months. He sees the doctor every months and the PA every 6 months. Mine was just to check on my partial plate and it is fine. So all is well. When I got home I called the one ostomy supply company that we had not talked to since his surgery. I wish I had taken notes on all of the different products when they sent them all but I didn't. But this call will get me at least one sample bag and a belt that will fit the bag and hopefully make it more stable.

    Rain and more rain today. All it does is make my weeds grow more.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Ladies –

    I am a little behind on this – but so much of me is tied up in my childhood…. I was born in Carmel, California in 1965 to a stock broker and a lounge singer. My mother complains to this day that I ruined her career…. She gave up the singing when I was born. I was the youngest of four at the time – although my younger sister came along a couple of years later to torment me. I was horribly spoiled, but not a brat – quite used to being the darling of the family… Even after my rotten little sister was born, life went along smoothly for several years… but, my parents – who had always had a “tumultuous” relationship, finally broke down and got a divorce. Mom moved into a little house at the bottom of the hill with my two oldest siblings – her two children from a previous marriage – and the rest of us lived in the big house at the top of the hill with my Grandmother and my Father. Grandmother was really the main reason for the Divorce – Mom just couldn’t take her anymore – and Dad didn’t really take the whole thing well – spending a lot of time drinking. When I was about 5 – he drank a bit too much and wiped out on his motorcycle – very nearly died – and had to relearn everything – speech, walking, everything. (DON’T DRINK AND RIDE – ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!)

    Well, the worst of it for me was, my Daddy didn’t remember me when he finally came home. It was creepy – his head and body were all bandaged up, and he had this totally vacant look – like nobody was home. I suppose for a while, nobody was. Fortunately, true love prevailed. Mom spent a lot of time with him – basically dragging him back into the world of the living and in the end, they remarried. Whether he ever actually remembered us, or just relearned to love us, I will never know.

    But, in the mean time – my Grandfather – who had what would later be called Alzheimer's – but was just called Senile back then – wandered off. So, we had people combing the property looking for him. 40 acres is a lot to search – with ponds and woods and all. When he didn’t turn up, Police came around, questioning my Grandmother… They never did find him. Grandma – who had been a less than delightful person to begin with, became even more “wonderful” to live with. My Eldest Sister (I never quibbled about halves –she was and is my Sister) decided to blow that scene – and took off to do whatever 18 year old girls did in 1971. My Brother – who was “troubled” was shipped off to the military to try and shape him up – and suddenly, half the people in my life were disabled or gone. It was a lot for a 5-7 yr old to take. I have always said it was a miracle that I was just fat, and not some kind of a crazed psychopath.

    As Dad recovered, he got antsy – he couldn’t stand to be idle or to be a burden – and as soon as he was able to manage it, he began to rehab old properties to make money. He was on the front wave of the DIY movement. He bought, rehabbed and sold a whole bunch of homes between Carmel and San Francisco… and we ended up living in a lot of different half-rehabbed houses and moving from one school to another. I figured out once that before I turned 12, I had moved something like 15 times.

    With all this upheaval, there were two constants… Books and Food. Books were portable, my gateway to another world, and easily obtainable at the library in whatever town I happened to be living in. Whenever I didn’t like the real world, I could just visit another one.

    Good food never changed, never left, and never disappointed. Since Dad was making good money and Mom was working, too – we ate at a lot of restaurants. I grew up eating prime rib and baked potatoes, fried chicken, tacos – anything that didn’t require a functional kitchen or a lot of effort. Not surprisingly, the thin, waiflike girl got chubby.

    Finally, my parents decided that my elder Sister – their first child together – needed a stable home so she would have a place to bring her friends that wasn’t torn apart and so she could stay in the same school for a while. They bought a lovely house overlooking the ocean and we settled in for a while. Dad kept rehabbing - he just drove to work on the houses, rather than having us live in them. Of course, at this point, my parents also decided to try and keep a chubby girl from becoming fat – Mom was overweight – and they were trying to stop what would eventually happen to me. However it had the opposite effect.

    My folks sent me off to fat camp. Now, it was in Hawaii – so that was cool – but it cemented the idea in my mind. I was a fat person. I was TWELVE at the time. Had they just left it alone, I probably would have gone to high school and figured it out on my own. I wasn’t huge by any means – and when I came home, I was quite “normal” sized, thin even… but, I couldn’t see that. I was a fat person. And, of course, my life hadn’t changed while I was in Hawaii… food was still my friend, there was always too much of it available, and I was still an avid reader…. So, I gained back the weight.

    The last traumatic event was that my Sister – who was five years older than me and even more spoiled than I had ever been – decided that her life was a misery – my parents were evil dictators who insisted that she do her chores and keep them apprised of where she was and who she was with – and she ran away from home. My poor parents. For them, this was a huge kick in the teeth. Had they not gone to all the trouble to make sure there was a nice house for her to show off to her friends, and that she get to stay in the same school? She had her own room, with her own phone line and her own TV, she was encouraged to enjoy her drama classes, she had been sent to some fancy modeling school to learn how to overcome her plainness and basically, my folks had reworked their whole lives to make her life better. Her response was to run away… Since she was 17 - relatively intelligent and she had a job, my folks decided the best method for her to learn the realities of life was for them to let her go. The Loosey Goosey attitudes prevalent in CA at the time were obvious – as adults actually supported my Sister in the idea that it was unreasonable for parents to act like parents. In response, my folks packed my younger Sister and I up and moved us to the wilds of Eastern Oregon.

    Not only did this remove us from the California attitude – but it got us 900 miles away from my Grandmother. At last, she couldn’t just drop by whenever she felt like it to butt into our lives and sow dissent between my parents. Once we arrived in the Wallowa Mountains, we learned about things like snow, deer, and small town life. I had a mostly uneventful remaining childhood – going to both junior high and high school with the same group of kids and graduating from a class of 33. I thought, at the time, that I was HUGE – as big as a house. I was the 2nd fattest girl in school – and I wore a size 16 (monstrous!) *sigh* I often wish that I could go back in time and have a good sit down with the 18 year old me. My body was far from irredeemable at size 16 – and there were a few boys who appreciated me in all my chubby glory – but, not only could I not see it, I wouldn’t have believed it if you had told me. I look back at pictures and I can’t believe what a cute kid I was. And of course, society confirmed that I was huge… that I was a fat person.

    After that, college, marriage, career, I ballooned up in weight, yo-yo’ed up and down and back up, up, up. I am sure you all know the drill. Hit 40 – had a mid-life revelation – that darn it, this was only the MID of my life and I was too achy and unhappy to live another 40 plus years that way – and I started my weight-loss journey. I knew that I had to do more than what I had done in the past, and they had this new procedure called a lap band that would basically force me to eat slowly. Literally, that is all it does. But for me, that was enough. Once I learned how to eat like a human, instead of a ravenous wolf, it was much easier to lose the weight – and to keep it off. I lost over 100 lbs and felt so darned good I got lazy. I relaxed my low-carb eating plan, I stopped going to the gym… I just stopped doing all the things that had made me successful. Thankfully, I still had to eat slowly… and I still stopped eating when I was full. I did gain back 15 lbs – but after that, I remained stable – coasting for a lot of years between 270 and 275. (um, yeah. 275 was down 92 lbs from my all time high of 367.) The rest you know.

    DH broke his ankle and in the aftermath, I lost those 15 lbs again and then I decided to just check and see what I was eating – I located MFP just to track – was given a very generous calorie goal – which I was hitting some days without even trying and decided to make a few changes. When DH went to rehab, I went to the gym… and so far, I haven’t stopped. I know that I still have a lot of work to do… if only to change the mindset. I am a fat person…. Today. But, that is not the sum of my identity. I am a smart person, I am a dedicated person, I am caring person… I need to just need to let go of the one facet of my identity that I can change. I hope that if I can do so, I will be able to see the truth, and not continue to see just the fat person in the mirror.

    For Anyone who wants to get in on the 24 week challenge:

    It won’t be official – I am actually a member of a group – and we started yesterday – cutoff for getting in was yesterday
    But, I will post here as well and we can do it on an informal basis.

    We post these stats:

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    All stats above are for the challenge – not for your whole journey.

    **Those are my stats for Monday. Y’all can post yours starting today – and we will post on Mondays.

    I am doing 1 lb. per week, because I have enough stress without adding more on myself. Believe me – if I can do 2- I am all over it.



    Re in TX

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been catching up at night, reading all the posts, but I have not had time to actually write and say hi. Monday was my "start over" day because I did so bad during vacation last week. Dang, it was fast food, fast food, and more fast food! So today I'm at work, ate my healthy packed lunch and now I'm drooling just thinking about french fries. UGH. So, I begin again.

    Heather, I saw you posted about almost booking a trip to Iceland and it tickled my brain a little. Isn't there someone in this group who lives in Iceland? She shared such interesting pictures from there. I hope she is well.

    I found out a little over a week ago that my dad's cancer is back. He is currently inpatient receiving 6 straight around the clock infusions of chemotherapy. He gets out tomorrow for 3 weeks and then returns for another round of 6-days continuous chemo. This will happen between 3 and 6 times. After that, he will have surgery to remove the tumor. That, in itself, makes me sad. However, I found out today that he may lose his bladder during surgery because the tumor is attached to the bladder. He is pretty upset and not talking to anyone. He lives in Minnesota and I'm in Wisconsin, so I hope to get up there in the next month or two, but I'm holding off to see how he feels and when he will be up to having company around. He's in a pretty angry mindset right now. It is scary. He is the strongest, healthiest man I know so this is really a kick in the teeth. He will be 75 this month but has the body and mind of a 50 year old. I'm praying hard for him. It's all I can do.

    On a happier note, it's almost time to clean off my desk and head home and I don't know too many things that make me smile as much as that does! So, I just wanted to say HELLO to everyone and let you know that I may not be typing much but I'm lurking and reading. :smile:

    Until tomorrow....have a wonderful evening everyone!

    Tracie in WI
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Tracie and Dad)))

    Ate an Arby's Reuben sandwich today. 640 calories! Gotta stop letting working on the rental entice me to eat fast food.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Tracoe, I am so sorry about your Dad's diagnosis.Some wise person pointed me in the direction of a forum that has anything to do with ostomys. You just pick the one you need to be in. For you, or your Dad, the urostomy which happens when they remove your bladder. They are a great group of people there that want to help you. Each one of these people have some kind of ostomy themselves. One person has an ileostomy and urostomy. Oh, almost forgot to say name of forum. It's simply 'Inspire'.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Tracie glad you've been reading and now a post! That's how I started, I just got sick of bingeing out and feeling so tired all the time but my excuse was I was too busy to plan and too stressed to treat myself better! Guess what, it doesn't have to be time consuming to have a good food plan ready for just about any thing. The fast food cravings have actually gone away for me. I make sure protein is a big part of my meals and have Nibbly foods handy that keep me from the drive thru. Good luck and hugs as you help your father through this difficult diagnosis. NYKAREN