WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Karen in VA. quote
    "Barbie Nice shoe! Like Miriam, I have a wide foot, but can wear women's wide sizes. I wear Crocs most of the time (ugly as they are), and I love Clarks, Ryka, and Brooks. Have a pair of Skechers that I like, too. I noticed last time I lost a lot of weight that my shoes were a little looser which surprised me!"

    I too was very surprised when I lost the 125 pounds that the majority of my shoes would no longer stay on my feet. However, what really blew me away was the first time I put my straw sun hat on to go outside. It was so big it just swirled around on my head. Gives a whole new meaning to "fat head" :)

    Janetr okc
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member

    Pensive in West Texas,

    Congratulations to both of you on your double achievements.
    Lots of good decisions to make. Just know that nothing is ever certain and we can always change our situation. You are resilient, flexible and responsible. In other words. A super woman.

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good morning!

    Lisa, Wow, lots of change in your life now. Good luck with all your decisions!

    I'd like to make changes but I'm not sure what, yet. I had such a chaotic childhood and early adulthood--lots of moves, parents' divorce and then their second marriages, neglect, mental illness in the family that I didn't recognize or understand, my own severe depression, a first marriage to an addict--that I spent 25+ years craving and creating stability. Now I want change but am afraid, and there's so much that's good in my life. I live in a beautiful part of the country (a little too humid since I grew up in the high desert southwest ;) ). I've got a good marriage and an engaging job. Our children are settling into their adult lives. I now work part-time (my choice) and am lonely. So much of my energy has gone into work and family. Now I want more of a life outside work, two of our three children live far away, and none of our other relatives live nearby. I'm reserved and self-sufficient and have trouble reaching out. I like to travel a lot, but it doesn't develop the ties with people that I want.

    Joyce, May you have times of peace. Hugs!!!!

    Karen in Virginia, I don't know that "pretty great guys" put the blame on others...

    Karen in NY, it sounds like you're doing a great job with your OS and her apartment.

    Today I need to do some work--some volunteer, some for my paid job. And I also need to get my exercise in. Yesterday, I tried kettle bell swings for the first time in 7 or 8 months--I just did two sets of 10 with a 15-pounder. It felt okay, but I probably need to take it easy. I can't do kettle bell squats yet.

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    I had a wonderful week with DGD while mom recovered from C-section and getting home ready. Baby did not wait until scheduled delivery at all so they were caught a bit off guard. She is tiny but another cutie and looks just like big sister. I needed a full day of doing nothing after the week of visiting, swimming, boating, art projects and, by the way, working and finishing laying floor. There is a reason babies and small children are for the younger folks.

    Now to clean the house top to bottom and do laundry. I have to get back in garden today. With all I need to do, I should have skipped reading and posting. But I missed all of you. You are keeping me grounded. I think I also need to face the scale. I was only too happy to bake cheesecake and pogacha this week at request. Time for watermelon and veggies from the garden.

    Katla Middleburg is wonderful. I am so glad you are enjoying your visit. Are you able to get to any of the world class horse farms. Did you get to National Archives or National Gallery? Or Georgetown? Lots to see and do. Never enough time. Washington will be empty this week so it is a good time to visit.

    shoes I live in Clarks. The company retail shop has great sales and the Web site and outlets have even better discounts on a regular basis. The dressy flat shoes are comfortable for long periods of time and I can walk in them if I have to be on my feet for a long time in business attire. My motto- if my feet are comfortable, so are the rest of me. Yikes. I sound like a commercial.

    The scale has soken.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning, ladies! Happy Sunday! I woke up at 3:00am to the most spectacular thunderstorm. I went to bed at about 9 last night and the rumbling was just beginning. I kind of dozed off and on until 5:30, and happily listened to the rain and thunder. I love those kind of mornings.
    Had a great day yesterday. Left my house at 10am and rode my bike into downtown GH, hit the library and farmer's market, walked the boardwalk and pier, took a hike through the dune areas of Highland Park/Mulligan's Hollow, sat on the grassy hill that over looks the channel and read a little (distracted by people watching) and ate a lunch that I had packed (so that I wouldn't be tempted to buy something that smells yummy but has enough calories for three days), then I biked towards home. I stopped at my brother-in-law's house (he and his wife live about 2 1/2 miles from us) and took a swim in their pool (floated around) and stayed for a bbq. Brother-in-law did the cooking. It was just lovely! A mini vacation! Didn't get home until 8:30.
    Anne - Awesome job replacing the toilet! I have just recently ventured into the "diy/fix-it myself" mode. My first fix it happened to be our sump pump. One of the kids flushed something and it stopped the pump. I called the plumber (for the third time in a month) and he knew we were on a tight budget and couldn't afford another visit; he very kindly gave me step by step directions to fix it. DH was going to do it, but as soon as he smelled the smell, he had to leave the room. So...in I went, after all I change about 15 diapers a day, and got it done. It was quite possibly the most gratifying moment in my life! If a person could grow a cape out of their back, I am sure I would have had one that day!
    Miriam- I value all of your thoughts, advice and comments and I miss you much when you are not posting! That said, I wish the people who owned this house before you could read your advice about white caulk instead of clear. They clear caulked in the bathroom. So true about being able to see the mold and grime. It drives me crazy and as soon as the bathroom moves to the top of my diy list, the clear caulk will be GONE!
    Allie- You need a "vacation" day. Just a day for you. Even if it is just to meander around town like I did yesterday. You need to refill your "bucket" before the "bucket dippers" begin to empty it again!
    Michele- The insightful button. lol. I have used it a couple of times when someone has posted something that I find particularly wise and speaks to me at the moment. I found it funny that the mfp designers chose that word or expression out of the many options and expressions. I like it. I think an inspiring button would be good for this site. I find "awesome" an over used expression (but I use it a lot)
    Carol- were you the one wondering about reps? When the ladies post 8x10x15 they are stating: 8 sets, of 10 reps (repetitions or swings in this case) with a 15 pound weight. So...a set of ten swings and rest, a set of ten swings and rest, repeat eight times (making 80 swings total). In my brain to make it click a little quicker, I have to turn that second x into an @ sign so that my brain reads 8x10@15. For some reason it just helps the equation make sense. :)
    Love and hugs to everyone! I can not say how often I rely on your advice and opinions and look forward to the peaceful and safe environment this group provides. <3
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Whoops. Scale has *spoken. Up 2 lbs.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Good morning again ladies-
    Hanging out on the front porch after going down to feed DFIL tom and I took separate cars as I had to come back up here to keep and eye out on Faith..let me tell you my DFIL can put it away...he had 2 bowls of oatmeal and a plate of eggs and a donut soaked in milk ,a cup of coffee and a glass of milk.. Pretty good for a guy who will be 89 in December ...
    I do enjoy sitting out on the porch there is a butterfly bush right out here and the butterflies are enjoying it.. I haven't been stellar at doing a lot of watering of the flowers up here but I try
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited July 2016

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- awesome workout! Yes you recorded it correctly!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lisa- you are amazing! Good luck!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – what a change in just a few months, from you changing things up to him changing things up… you know how hard it is to be apart (just from the ranch to town was hard) so be sure to figure in enough time/money to get together a lot!!! I'm sure you have thought of this but maybe make sure you both have electronics that will let you skype or facetime too...

    Karen E – I have had a ton of trouble making the lasting connections/friendships I craved and I joined a garden club and while it has taken years and me finally having time to help plan stuff, those friendships are developing.

    KJ and our other fix it ladies – awesome jobs!!!! I find on some things I want to do I don’t have the right tools… there is a library about 45 min from here that checks tools out, but only to city residents – grrr wish our library did it too.

    Yesterday I did my first successful dumbbell swing, for me success is not needing ice/rest/alive after… so using the system I did 3x10x1 3 reps of 10 swings each with 1 pound… I’m the wimp of the group, but found that this is something I think I can fit in easy, as I throw the ball for the dog 3-5 times a day, and I just do a rep – throw the ball, do a rep – throw the ball, repeat…

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!, watched the sunrise every morning, planning a camping trip with a friend.
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month.


    Kim from N. California
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps -

    thunder was a happening when we got up. had to give Floyd (dog with my orange bike jersey) a doggie downer, it's too warm for him to put the thunder shirt on. it was sprinkling by the time we were on the road, didn't take my rain pants or shoe covers, did wear my heavier rain coat tho. by the time I got done w/the gym it was raining. water felt good on my legs as I was riding to the train station. I was planning on riding to work today but ended up not doing it. since my summer bike has no fenders my butt got wet and feet wet. I have an extra pair of shorts and socks so i'll be wearing dry clothes by the time I get ready to go home.

    this weekend we are taking the airstream to go get polished and put the rear view camera on. can't wait for retirement, I'm ready

    I have had a week of retirement.... I think I will have to organize other people better...lol. Or perhaps educate them may be a better way of putting it... "If you don't mind I am retired and I have "My thing" I want to do

    Enjoy your retirement Pip!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    i dunno, still thinking about the bike rack thing on the airstream... we will be having 5 bikes that we are keeping right now.

    lilymay- retirement is still 5 years away, kirby is counting down the days already ;0/ kirby likes to plan ahead, way ahead.

    miriamwithcats - yeah, politics sucks, this is one place that i'm glad that i am away from it. on fb, i love the feature to hide those posts. love u girlfriend. i got cho back!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    I am very much a bargain hunter! I use the ibotta app and cut coupons. I belong to a couple of other phone shopping apps and have many of the store apps to to get the coupons. Some things I go bargain on but shoes are not one of them. I always buy either New Balance or Sketchers, the only two brands I found so far that do not make my back hurt when I walk or shop!

    Just got back from ShopRite, never went there before (In Southington Allie). My DH and I loved it. I used coupons and the ibotta app and ended up saving over $50!

    Well have to help make dinner, chicken and lobster (4.99 each at Stew's yesterday) so talk later!

    Rita from CT
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member

    Rita from CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Hee hee - I've been looking at the Russian alphabet, so I can at least read the signs next year in St Petersburg. I will get a few basic phrases under my belt, but I'm not going full out to learn Russian. We will probably take the escorted trips there, so PLEASE and THANK YOU , HELLO and GOODBYE, will probably be enough. I now know the sign for TOILET! First things first! :D

    I've got a routine BP and kidney function blood test tomorrow. Might add in a bit of food shopping afterwards. Running out of veggies again. DH is debating whether to go to the one day cricket match on Tuesday and if he does he will need to take a picnic. I could combine it with a light lunch out and a meander round the clothes store. Don't really need anything, but I like to keep my eye in.

    Could go down to Portsmouth on Wednesday to see my friend.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lillian- congratulations on your retirement! Enjoy yourself!

    Rita - that happened to me last year on here. It happened on my computer and my DD's BF had to do a remote computer clean. It took four hours for him to clean up the mess. It came on with a warning that the computer was compromised in to call this number. However that was the scam. That number was for The scammer to be able to get into my computer and get to bank records and important information.


    Mary from Minnesota