WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    kevrit wrote: »

    Rita from CT

    Rita, thanks so much for letting us know to look out for that virus link. I'm glad you were able to get your computer back together.

    Amy from Jacksonville, FL
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2016
    Miriamwithcat and DJ – I might be guilty of making a comment that others don’t agree with or like; I have ‘tried’ to think first; but, I think that all of us have posted things that other people don’t care to read about; but, understand that it is part of their coping mechanism or how they must live their lives. If you are truly so upset that you want to stop posting or reading … then maybe you need to PM that person and tell them ‘why’ you feel this way. I think we have all sort of agreed that conversations or comments about ‘politics’, ‘religion’, and ‘other controversial comments’ … are not what this forum is about. I have not seen any comments lately that I’ve thought were that controversial. I know I write long posts; but, I do ‘bold’ the names so that everybody knows that my comments are directed to them or someone else. IF I had something that I really thought should be an one-to-one personal remark; that is what the PM button is for. Then use it; I’ll ‘apologize’ if I have said anything that has made you (or anyone else) want to just ‘get off this forum’. There’s been a lot that I did not ‘think’ were things I wanted to read about; but, everybody has something to say; and, quite often it can be very insightful and something that one can tuck away and either ‘think’ about it later or specifically ask questions, here on this site or in a PM. Many are 'experts' in certain areas' but 'few' are 'experts' in EVERYTHING.

    One thing I have noticed is that I need to really proofread all of my posts for misspelled words or the use of the wrong ‘tense’ to a remark, or dropping a letter because I do tend to type very fast; but, my laptop apparently can’t keep up. Don’t have that problem with my desktop because of the ‘cupped keys’ … not flat like on my laptop.

    I rarely post to someone who hasn’t put the name they wish to be called and they apparently prefer to be as anonymous as a ‘user name’ (or post a picture of a pet, or when they were younger, with someone else in the picture, or just the little icon that shows up as a person in disguise) … but; I do so on occasion. But it more because I want to tell them how to get on and stay on the current month and how I make it easy for me to comment on posts that are made on pages prior, so they won't lose their post they've already spent time typing. I know that they don’t want that information ‘out there’ - that I also understand. We all have our ‘quirks’; I have mine and I know that others ‘don’t really give a 'kitten’.". If I slip up, then I slip up; if it upsets you that much, then PM me about it. I’ll apologize, or I won’t – but I do sort of expect that I will make comments that others don’t want to read about. Skip it or cruise it – don’t run off in a huff, because we enjoy reading about what you are going through and the things you do and the information you offer, which also others might take offense. Some things are posts to just ‘get stuff off our chests’ … it takes a lot of courage to lay out yourself to a group of total strangers. I’ve learned something from every posting here … I might not agree with it, I might post something, or maybe not in response. I certainly do not think that a posting asking for prayers is a ‘religious’ comment either. We’re supposed to be ‘friends’ here and the sight is supposed to ‘encourage and support’ our journey to lose, maintain, or for some, even gain weight. It’s a large forum with many of us living overseas where certain issues are just as foreign to us as ours are to them. But, unless you PM someone who you deem has step on your toes; it will become a forum where everybody will stop posting and walk on eggshells (or nails) and that isn’t what this is about either.

    I’ve ask what certain words mean … because I don’t know and they aren’t in my dictionary and possibly not on the Internet where I ‘google’ them. Some things are ‘local’ things like dialects or even local issues. Such as "y'all", "all y'all", "Yousen" "pop", "cola", "Coca-Cola", and "soda" and that some words that get misspelled or change automatically by spell-check to another word, totally changes the meaning of the sentence. Number one: I know a "Yawl" is a small boat; but, I use the word "y'all" spelled that way because, unless I am talking about a 'yawl' ... I'd use THAT spelling.

    Sometimes people use ACRONYMS that make the posting totally off the charts as for trying to figure out what they are trying to convey. Such as I C U; is that an “I see you” OR is it “ICU like Intensive Care Unit”. Watch out, I can figure that one out; because of the spaces. Sometimes we haven’t’ been able to read all posts because since the last time we were able to post, there have been over 100 other posts made. Unless you read very fast, you’ll probably always stay behind. Sometimes I think that we ought to post the ‘page # that we made our remarks on’ … so somebody could easily go back to that page and see what the other posts that have been made so it would make a current one more sense. I will read 3 – 5 pages of postings; but, I ignore it all if the number of posts is over 50 because I know I cannot read them all and stay current. That makes some remarks that have been made to others makes me feel ‘totally’ out of the loop. But, quite often it comes to you like a ‘soap opera’. I don’t watch it for a while; you can still sort of figure out what the ‘story line’ is about if you get back to it. I do not watch soap operas. If people had that much ‘drama’ going on in their lives … all would be 'pill poppers' for sure.

    Kim from N. Carolina – Thank you for posting and admitting that my comment about “The Affordable Care Act” infuriated you; and, you did not know whether to ‘chew me out’ or quit the forum; and, all I can say is that I ‘will’ try NOT to remark on what is a ‘political issue’ in-and-of-itself and would consider to be 'political'; thereby making it 'offensive' to some people on this forum. Yet at the same time, I made a comment (based on how it affected me) and I wanted or needed to ‘get it off my chest’. This WASN’T the place to do it. I’m glad that you have chosen not to leave the forum. But, I do appreciate you making the refer and 'naming' me as being the one who posted a 'political remark about something that did not affect you, as it had me'.

    Whoo-Hoo – Just got my ‘first call’ about what my DDnL#1 posted on FB about them ‘moving’. Oldest sister called and said, ‘Well, ... saw something on FB (only because she ‘tags’ DOS on everything) and was just calling to see if it was true’. Only reason it showed up was because of ‘tagging’ him – she ‘unfriended’ her because she ‘jump all over her’ about her posting about the wreck I several years ago when I rolled my car and put pictures on there, too, and ‘asking for prayers for her MnL’. She had already been told months ahead of that to ‘never post ANYTHING about us’. No – make that the 2nd call; first came from DYS to DH yesterday; and he had asked for me to hang up my extension. That was the first we ever heard about it. Nothing else got posted by her; other than several reply posts with “WOW, it is really true?” Laughable; but, IF that is what they want to do … “go for it”, adios and goodbye. We'll miss you; but, then we'll have a place to stay to go to the beach. We’ll buy back the 3 acres; but, they’ll need to figure out how to get the trailer off the property because we won’t buy it. Trailers are not consider real estate in GA; it’s real property like a vehicle because you can put wheels on it and move it. Then maybe the ‘leaving your ‘drama’ with your ‘mama’ will stop.

    All this is IMHO (in my humble opinion)
    Lenora [page #57]
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KJ - that sounds like an absolutely fairy tale day in my book. Just reading about it took me to a calm, relaxing place in my mind. Thank you for the detailed description. Loved it.

    Janetr okc (where we have had triple digit temps for 3 days)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    KJ - Knowing what pleases you and is good for you is a talent in itself. :flowerforyou: Looking after small children is one of the most demanding jobs. You are a very grounded person. <3

    Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    mousemom18 wrote: »
    Well you won't have to worry about me weighing in on politics -- I'm Canadian!

    So sorry to hear about the difficulties with aging parents. Mine just moved into a smaller house and never got around to packing so my DH and my brother and SL had to drive up and save the day. *sigh.

    See you all tomorrow!

    If the papers are to be believed, you may have lots of new Canadians starting in November. It remains to be seen how many will survive the first winter. Lol.


    Thanks for the reality check, CJ. I was one of those threatening to move to Canada, but I don't even like to visit DH's relatives in Minnesota in the winter. Guess I'll suck it up, however the election turns out, to stay warm down here in hot, hot Georgia.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Ready to leave in the morning. I'm hoping it's cooler in the Rocky Mountains. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    lol. These are popping up in our neck of the woods. My sister in Wisconsin says they are around her too. I think they kind of describe a general attitude for much of the USA.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited July 2016
    We, in Britain, could put up the same signs! :o

    DH has been on the phone to his sister about the hortible family problems. Still not resolved. :'(
    She also is submitting an appeal about her failed accreditation for counselling. If she doesn't get it I think she will throw the whole thing in next year as she will then receive her state pension. She has a problem with essay writing and generally does not process information well or quickly.

    I am definitely meeting my friend for lunch in Portsmouth on Wednesday. :D The weather is going to be unreliable so I have vetoed the beach café.

    Love Heather
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin- 41min, 110ar, 46aw, 5-7g, 158mhr, 8mi = 361cal
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I thought this wasn't political!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Michele in NC~ My posts are upbeat because I was comedically conditioned in the 1980's by my room-mates (that were working comedians in Portland), so I tend to see the lighter side of life.

    Working comedians? Isn't that an oxymoron?

    YEP...I think you got it!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    So.... I went to my TOPS meeting (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and I gained 1 lb. Ok this past week hasn't been the best I can do. Worrying about my sister, and her drinking problem had me stressed. I didn't make the best choices. I told my TOPS group today that I do feel blessed, that I can think clearly, walk up and down streets, not let anything (like alcohol) control me, and that I do not take any medicine. Looking at my sisters' life, letting alcohol control her, and that she can't walk 2 blocks without resting, and that her mind is a constant fuzzy, makes me value mine. .

    Life gives you moments to give of yourself, and you need to take them. Appreciate the opportunities to put yourself out there. Do not allow the bad define you, or limit you. ((((hugs)))))

    I am so sorry about your sister. While addiction in any form is an illness requiring help and treatment, it is up to us to make the choice to ask for help. Your attitude spurs me to do better.

    She did call me the other day. On her own and everything. I was in shock... My older sister and I are hoping to talk to her about her life choices soon.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Pip - I had not heard of Walbernize before so thanks for the clip.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    Janet and Becca and Pip and Lisa It sounds like you will be turtles in the fast lane. That's the life.

    Someone asked here why I want to be able to live out of a suitcase. It is because there is too much I want to do and see. I may retain a small apartment or bedroom in a house I would rent out. I believed I mentioned a friend who sold all and rents her house out and travels full time, with a laptop as an office.
    Annr wrote: »
    Janetr okc~ That is what we want to do in about 2 yrs.

    This morning I made oat farls. Like a scone but you take steel-cut oats and mix with buttermilk the night before, and leave out on the counter. Then the next morning you add, baking soda, salt, and flour. You fashion into a big round, then with a sharp knife you cut to make farls. It's a hearty thing, great with a mug of tea! When we did historical re-enactment camping, my husband loved to yell, "Bring me an oat farl woman!" He would say it in his thickest accent he could muster!
    This sounds great. I can't wait to find the recipe. What kind of re-enactment? Eons ago, I used to do US Revolution. Check out Sweet Liberty film. You will see some of my handiwork on reenactors in the movie. And Becca, you will love the ending. I won't spoil the surprise.

    Recipe from a cookbook entitled, "From Celtic Hearths" Baked Goods from Scotland, Ireland and Wales by Deborah Krasner:

    2 cups rolled oats (not instant)
    1 &1/4 to 2 & 1/4 cups buttermilk
    2 & 1/2 cups unbleached flour sifted
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp baking soda

    The day before mix oats with 1 & 1/4 cup buttermilk, and let sit overnight. Cover bowl with plate, or plastic wrap.
    Next day preheat to 350'. Lightly grease baking sheet.
    Stir together the flour, salt, and baking soda. Gradually beat the flour mixture into the oat mixture, adding buttermilk if necessary. Shape dough into flattened circle about 1 inch thick. With a sharp knife cut dough into quarters, (or more). Bake for 40 minutes or until browned.

    The re-enactment we did was with the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism). We dressed in 16th Century Renaissance garb. I will post some pictures of the life :-)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Miriam -
    Ann, I found the trick to get a good caulk like is to tape with painter tape along each side of the area to be caulked. Run your caulk down the center, then use a wet finger to smooth it. Remove the tape and you have a perfect caulk line. Be sure to use WHITE caulk. The clear sounds like a good idea, but if mold grows behind it (and it often will) it shows. I also found that the slightly more expensive caulk guns that have a release trigger are worth the additional cost. And for the bathroom, be sure to get caulk with silicone to keep the moisture out of the walls! You can also caulk around the base of your toilet for a more sanitary seal. I always do. If your toilet ever overflows, you will be glad it is caulked so nothing nasty gets underneath in to the flooring.

    Wow! Some wonderful tips about caulking. The caulk on my shower is 20 years old and really needs to be redone. After reading this I just might give it a try myself rather than hiring someone to do it.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    KJ, I could read and re-read your post all day long and just invision myself in it. Sounds heavenly.

    Kim, a library that lets you check out tools??? I have never heard of it. Now we have several of the big box stores that rent them.

    I am the one in our household that builds anything. Charlie just thinks you can open the box and eye ball it and put it together. I look at the directions, separate things and do them step by step. I can't tell you how many book cases, desks, swing sets I have put together. I always have Charlie come in and tighten things before I move onto the next step. Michelle and I do a lot of those things together since she can tighten things. It's one of those things we enjoy doing together. I think my SIL does it in their home. But it is a good thing for a dauhgter to see her Mom do it. It empowers her. Ellie would never have any trouble putting something together. Shoot, she will be one to delelope those things you put together.

    Charlie was able to get out of bed by himself this morning. He said it was God's birthday present to him.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member