WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pip – “Daniel-son … wipe on, wipe off.” Just take ‘em apart and shove ‘em inside! I know when I had a ‘bike rack’ on the back of my car, it drove me nuts! Hated it! Such a hassle to get into the trunk without hitting your head on something.

    Joyce – I can remember my Daddy getting ‘looks’ occasionally as well; but, we stayed at the same little motel that a friend of his owned. We would go down there during ‘the season’; and, most of the places, such as restaurants in the area knew him. So, ‘if Daddy ever had a problem’ he’d call Mr. Greene and he would vouch for him. He got travelers checks so he would not be carrying a lot of cash for our 2-week vacation. I don’t think they have them anymore, not with debit and credit cards. Such a neat, clean little motel; don’t find that ‘nice, small, clean, family-type of motel anymore’. Tear 'em down and put a high-rise in its place. I can remember parents having to clean up the apartment, strip the linens, washing and folding them. Seemed like Mother did the same 'work' she did at home; but, we all enjoyed our time there. Several families from hometown would have 'overlapping' vacations, so as children, we had friends to play with. I remember riding the "Wild Mouse"; begged Daddy to take me on it. Old rickety wooden roller coaster. Cried the entire time; because the car would make sharp 90° turns; you felt like it was going to go off the tracks. When it stopped, I turned to him and said, 'let's ride it again'. He was too "green" to do it again. LOL! Corn dogs! Nothing better, than ones from the arcade. Cotton candy and candied apples! MMmmmmm Can't eat 'candied apples' because of the hard, sticky coating; but, I do want a caramel covered apple every now-and-then. DOS will usually bring me a couple when they go to the big state fair in Perry. Between then, I will buy a couple of Grannie Smith apples and a couple of individual cups of caramel for that 'fix'. We took our own groceries; meals in the dining room of the apartment. We could go up to the boardwalk and play at the arcades (or as we got older) ‘flirt’ with the lifeguards.

    I was going through a bunch of paperwork the other day straightening out my file cabinets and found 2 savings bonds. One for my son (who is now 38, well, almost); and the other for my DOGD (and she is 20). Gave them both ‘explicit’ instructions on cashing them in (need to be signed IN FRONT of a Notary Public; then taken to the BANK, to cash; they should have been earning interest all this time and should be worth more than just face value. Talked to DYS today (well, actually DDnL#2) and he had not cashed it yet; then he started scrambling around trying to put his hands on it. She said, ‘it’s here somewhere … we’ll find it and get it cashed’.

    DDnL#1 had posted something on FB, and DYS called to ask DH if it was true; first we had heard of it, she just does NOT know when things ‘keep private’ or when some people need to hear it directly from the ‘horse’s mouth’. A few years back after I had an auto collision; she posted pictures of the car (I had rolled it a couple of times) and put it on FB. Both my sisters called, hysterical that they had not been 'called' first. After that she stopped posting things about us. We don't even tell them anything that we don't care if it is on FB or not. Gee, if you ever what to know her take on what’s going on … just go in and read it from ‘her’ perspective. Geez! Ma-gees!

    Without a 2nd income … they are struggling; but, for the past 4 weekends, she has had somewhere “they” needed to go … a ‘party’ and ‘need to buy a present’, or ‘have people over for the weekend’ … doesn’t think about the cost of that. Giving advice on things she knows nothing about. I think the ‘girls’ are all looking forward to having their own bed to sleep in and not being chased out to the sofa or floor in the LR.

    “Think’ my DYS and DDnL#2 are going to OB (specialist) to start I.V.F. plans on Monday. Now, I know why she suddenly changed subjects when she was telling me she had been on hormones … I just ‘let it go’ when she changed subjects. I know she doesn’t want us to get our ‘hopes up’ or ‘asking questions’; she’s trying not to get hers up too high either. Please keep them in your prayers, praying that it will be successful the first time if that is in God’s Will. Seeing the pictures of those twins (made me ‘think’ about the dreams I had the entire week we spent with them last year). DYS had the same type of dreams. But, when he dreamed they had ‘triplets’, she told us ‘get outta here’! She told me that we’d have to move to LA to help them out. “Hey, I’m game!”

    Her grandmother seems to be 'dying' and they cannot find the cause. Thyroid gland very swollen; but, all tests do not show that anything is wrong with it. I know that it is the 'thermostat' of your body. I know when my gets 'whacked' out and needs the Synthroid to be 'tweaked' ... it can be pretty miserable. Said that she has lost about 18lbs over the past couple of weeks and hasn't been able to eat; no appetite. She's had quite a few things going on in her life that are stressing her a bit. Understandable ... I'd be stressed, too. I just hope that it won't affect the IVF procedure. Both DDnLs have 'grannies' that are dying; both in their 90's. Still doesn't make it any easier to take. I know when my Mimi died; we went up to the funeral home and I told my Mother that she did not look right. Funeral director asked me why; it was because I never saw her without her glasses on. First thing she put on in the AM; last thing she took off at night (in bed). He told Mother to go home and get them. My uncle told me that I was 'being childish'. He got an earful. I was grown with children of my own. When FD put them on, even my Mother said she looked more like herself.

    We got in the pool this afternoon and just took it very easy. I fluttered around the pool in an inner tube; constantly moving; but, not nearly as much of a workout as walking in it. But, got in a little exercise for the day. Then went to the Mexican Restaurant, had a Margarita. Only ate 1/2 of it; brought the rest home for tomorrow. After entering all that ... I was 'spot on' my CI for the day. So my coffee and protein bar put me over by less than 200 calories. I can't not have my evening coffee.


  • trulydivyn
    trulydivyn Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Ladies!! Just stopping by to log my food (tried to keep track, but haven't been 100% successful) and exercise - headed to dinner at Yard House with my birthday present...LOL!! Yes, it's late, but we've been having too much fun...he visits Vegas often, and I get to be his tour guide every time...tah tah for now!!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Mary, that’s too bad about DH’s daughter. Yes, I had forgotten, with my “Immediate Memory Loss” and frequent “Senior Moments”, spurred on by a still occasional “Power Surge” (aka: Hot Flash)). Glad she is at least texting. What is it with today’s young people?????

    Janetr, I’m with you. I love flowers but not so much of a gardner.

    Joyce, I do hope your pain is just acid reflux or heart burn. I also hope you get a good night’s rest and Charlie heals quickly. (((Hugs)))

    Heather, if your DDIL loves you half as much as I loved my MIL, then she is always happy to have you visit. Plus I’m sure you do more than you realize. I’m glad they are closer.

    KJ, I hadn’t noticed the new “insightful” option at the bottom. I keep forgetting we have the other options.

    Larisa, I love your conversation with your trainer. You go, hot mama!!!

    Debbie, even in the house on a hot day you’d be surprised at the cardio exercise you can get just moving and moving. Like doing dance steps just while watching the news in the mornings. Give it a try.

    Pip, I watched one of the Tiny House shows for the first time today and I thought of you living full time in your Airstream. I would vacation in it but living in that small a space just isn’t for me. Way to go on those miles!!!!! (later) Ohhhh, it’s like getting a wax job. mischievous-grin-smiley-emoticon.gif

    SonicPal, welcome. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. This is a great place for support and information so come often and join in.

    Miriam, don’t feel alienated because I don’t read those posts either. 

    VickiNE, good luck doing that schedule. Maybe if everyone has to do a turn with the night shift it won’t be too bad.

    Rita, wow it does sound like you had a good day. Don’t you love it when you can find bargains?

    CarolGA, it is very hard to deal with a loved one that has dementia or Alzheimer’s so don’t feel bad about it. I know you do what you can for your mom. I hope she has better days in the future.

    Allie, with all that you do I think you deserve a Pity Party every once in a while!!! Anyone does. I do hope you find something fun that you can do and work around your doggie care. You deserve it!!! ((((Hugs))))

    Anne, great job on replacing the toilet. You go girl!!!

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a really good workout at the gym this afternoon. It is just too crowded in the mornings plus I stayed busy getting my HOA files put away and clearing some emails off my computer. Yesterday I felt such a since of loss over leaving the board but I’m better today. It has been too stinkin’ hot to do anything outside so we are pretty much staying in. When I go somewhere it takes a good while for my dark SUV to cool off. I hope all of you are staying cool in this dangerous weather.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Trying to stay in the loop, eating dinner and reading along…

    Karen NY – don’t ya just love paint names…

    Becca – to your DH with the Klondike - Bad boy! Be careful or we will have Becca send you to bed alone!

    Peach – love that you can google instructions!!!

    Tracie - how awesome that you could help him ! And depending on what it is that you “don’t like” maybe find another thing?? So I don’t like exercise, but I do like the sunrise, and gardening, and yoga – so my exercise is a dog walk to a local hill to watch the sunrise, lots and lots of gardening (some I get paid for) and a once a week yoga class. I am trying to do the kettle ball thing as I figured I could commit to such a small window of time, but I have a upper arm muscle problem and so far can only do a few swings with a 1 pound weight.

    Mousemom – no kids at my house (but I have never had any….) LOL I do have a 4 legged furry kid though

    Janetr – ok I was sitting here furious by Lenora’s comments about Affordable Care and debating if I would tell my story (different from hers), chew her out, or quit the forum; based on your pleading that we quit the politics, I’ll stay for now and keep my mouth shut.

    Miriam – thanks for letting me know how you deal with this, as my system is not working!

    So the schedule I have is hard! Monday will be the addition of one more thing, and we’ll see how I do… so Monday is my hiking group! I am getting up and out each day at 5 (Mon, wed, fri.) or 5:30 (tues, thurs, and weekends) then a dog walk, then Monday off to hike, then 2+ hours of work then home and this week my bookclub meeting is at my house.. oh my! Last week on my first day of actual work, not just new employee paperwork, (that was Wed.) the front gate of the camp was stuck closed so I climbed the fence twice once with my tools and once with my lunch, then had to deal with 2 dead mice, and one very confused vole that I ended up putting out of it’s misery, and realized the garden project for the day was cutting back tree limbs that were rubbing on the potting shed, so 2 hours of tree trimming, mostly with a long handled trimmer, but some with a small saw, some planting of basil, and weeding made a full 4 hours.. by Thursday night I was so tired, I decided I needed some water, went to the kitchen to pour it and dozed off while the water went into the glass… LOL – I went right to bed. I have to work on ending my day earlier so I have time for good sleep. I am a good sleeper, but just gotta get into bed!

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, Cajun food with a friend, got the job!, watched the sunrise every morning, planning a camping trip with a friend.
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month.


    Kim from N. California
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Well you won't have to worry about me weighing in on politics -- I'm Canadian!

    So sorry to hear about the difficulties with aging parents. Mine just moved into a smaller house and never got around to packing so my DH and my brother and SL had to drive up and save the day. *sigh.

    See you all tomorrow!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2016
    Michele - Me too on the brown thumb business. I do have a few big pots I fill each Spring but that's pretty much it. The rest just grow. I have an oak leaf Lady Slipper (I think) hydrangea in the back yard that has leaves on it large as a dinner plate. The blossoms are a cone shape rather than round and they are like 12-14" long. Its a huge thing and we cut it back to a couple feet every year.

    Wow 11 days, not long now to freedom, hang in there.

    Janetr OKC
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Just catching up on the posts, lots of hard working women here! Installing toilets, professional gardening, caretakers, weed rakers! Bikers and dancers and healers, oh my!!

    What a group of losers we are and will continue to gain from one another!!! Lol

    It's back to the fun house for me, Philadelphia for 2 more days. I promise to send pics if you promise to keep
    Sending strength and support!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited July 2016
    Wow Anne! Replacing a toilet! Kudos to you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - I'm pretty sure I have had the very same shoes. :D Life used to be a misery for me in the summer with shoes, but now I wear the elasticated arch supports I can wear any shoe, even if my feet look as if they have a bandage round them. I mostly wear Skechers for summer , but I can wear sandals also for a short time. Any serious walking still requires trainers though.

    I also noticed today that the skin on my arms looks less wrinkly. My right arm had severe lymphodema after removal of most of my lymph glands after breast cancer. Losing weight has helped it immensely and I had drainage massage for a while. However, although I have developed some muscles from my strength training, the skin was a bit baggy. It still isn't perfect, but I feel at last I can brave sleeveless tops for a party or dressy occasions. Normally I wear an elasticated arm sleeve pretty much all the time, but I can take it off for special ocassions. I've been hiding my arms for the last ten years, so that's great. :D If only my horrible knees would improve. But I have to remind myself that I am 66 and I'm not expected to be a supermodel.

    Cooking lamb and spinach curry for tonight. Haven't had a proper curry in ages.

    My Amazon packages arrived today on the less than one day delivery. I know they treat their employees badly, but their customer service is exemplary. :*;)

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx

    Mary - Forgot to mention that I did 8x10x11 swings with my dumbell. Is that right? Eight sets of ten reps with an 11 lb weight.
    I'm going to alternate the swing days with dumbell days for my arms. :D I'm still doing all my cardio and a bit of yoga stretching.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Good Morning Ladies
    Sitting out on the front porch and enjoying the peace and quiet...
    Slept almost 9 hours last night and Faith was asleep by 4:30 yesterday afternoon..so she just woke up a bit ago.. Did her drill,insulin pills breakfast and she is going back to sleep..I'm waiting on her paper for her..
    Tomorrow she and Jean go to court for the restraining order..We can only hope that her brother does something stupid and lands in jail because he has been nothing but a pain in everryone's side all his life..he has a brilliant mind but is also a narcissist and has been nothing but trouble to his whole family..
    Sean and Jean are due home today later this afternoon before dinner... Then I will go home
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Lisa - Gosh! Your decisions make my head explode, let alone yours. I have no idea how you cope with all these plans getting rearranged all the time. I guess you must like it deep down.
    I have a secret plan to get DH to move to Hove. Well, it's secret from DH - pretty much everyone else knows about it. :laugh: Winchester was my original choice and that would still work with the journey to Hove about the same as it is now.
    I am treading very softly on this one. My preference for somewhere to live is somewhere quiet, but within walking distance of most facilities. In a charming place, of course. Here we have to get in the car to go anywhere except the pub.
    I am very lucky in my house and the countryside is lovely, but I am a city girl at heart.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member

    Oh, Jess gave me this really nice gift today. It brought tears to my eyes.

    Michele in NC

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member

    :) The main reason that I use a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell is that Jake said that swinging a kettlebell looks dangerous but somehow he doesn't seem troubled by my doing the same thing with a dumbbell---so I swing away and don't tell him

    :)<3 Barbie[/quote]

    That is so funny.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    DJ Our HOA board is a mixed bag. Our president John is pretty great but did tell a little white lie to the board about some roses he planted along the fence we have bordering a path on property we eased for use by the community. People kept allowing their dogs and children onto our non-eased property, so he helped us build an attractive split rail fence and planted roses along it. His idea. The board paid for half of it, and he donated the roses that nobody wanted that needed removing from his church. Then he told the board we had requested the prickly roses, which we love, but were totally his idea. So now board members have told path users we requested that specific solution to keep people off our property. Ugh. It's made people so mad they are shoving the roses clear back from the fence on our side, even though the groundskeeper keeps them sheared on the path side. It's unfortunate and was avoidable. There is another HOA member who is a horse's patootie, overzealous. One who wouldn't enforce anything. And two who are quite reasonable. I wouldn't want to be on the HOA board. I admire you for having done it.

    Kim What a start to your job! Gosh I hope you won't have to climb the fence to go to work every day LOL! I can't believe you do yoga in addition to having a very physical job...amazing...and all I can say about falling asleep while the water was running into the glass from the tap, is thank goodness you weren't behind the wheel! I bet you sleep like a baby.t2211.gif

    NYKAREN Sending strength and support! <3t1104.gif

    Heather You ARE a supermodel!!! Just ask any of us! And of course you will move to Hove! You can be close to grandbabies and live in a nice locale. DH may secretly want to live there anyway.

    The kettlebell routine isn't hurting my arms at all, but my butt and legs feel it this morning. It takes me a few "snaps" of my hips to get the momentum for the full swing, but then it literally feels as if the kettlebell is floating, and my arms and shoulders are not stressed. I know weight lifting can worsen lymphedema in some people, not sure about kettlebell swings, but I'm sure you have thought of all of that.

    Handywomen of the Group Last time I tried to fix my toilet it took 3 hours and I still had to call a plumber. I have installed a light fixture or two in my time, but only where another one had been before. I installed my dryer.and replaced the venting system for it. This, too, went into a spot where there was already electricity, but the cord wasn't attached to the dryer so I did that part. I installed Bali blinds in my family room and my bedroom. And that's the sum total of my handyman experience for a lifetime. I would rather work an extra shift or two and call somebody to do the work, I know, I know, I'm not much of a pioneer, and coming from pioneer stock, that's a wee bit embarrassing...I do like gardening, though, and I installed a zoysia lawn with plugs three years ago - a lot of work.

    Barbie Nice shoe! Like Miriam, I have a wide foot, but can wear women's wide sizes. I wear Crocs most of the time (ugly as they are), and I love Clarks, Ryka, and Brooks. Have a pair of Skechers that I like, too. I noticed last time I lost a lot of weight that my shoes were a little looser which surprised me!

    Lisa As Heather said, my head is exploding too...in my head, I just got your DH moved in from the ranch and the two of you out of the warehouse and into the trailer!

    Everyone not mentioned <3

    Pre-logging the last 2 days has worked very well and is helping me stay on plan.

    I love my new kettlebell routine! I'm going to craft a plan to do a kettlebell or dumbbell routine every day - but not working the same muscle group two days in a row. I'm so glad I like it! I am feeling it in my inner thighs and butt mostly, but I am not as sore as I anticipated. Glad my back, knees, shoulders, and wrists are fine, I think that means my form is good.

    Working today, pre-logging and preparing all food so I won't be tempted to order take-out. I will get about 14,000 steps in today, that will have to suffice.

    Karen in muggy Virginia where it's already 80 degrees and climbing
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »

    I got a very nice email this morning, totally out of the blue, from a former student, thanking me after all these years for all my hard work and for “touching me deeply”. He also said to continue on my journey of taking care of myself, so that is a voice from the universe telling me to get back on track! So I am going to do better!
    Take care all, Meg from VERY hot Omaha

    What a wonderful tribute. At a time when teachers are so maligned, blamed for everything, and expected to perform miracles without adequate resources, it is gratifying to read that someone recognizes their importance. You, obviously, changed his life. Isn't that the reason we are put on earth? But, so few of us reach the pinnacle of achievement the way you have. I am grateful to be on this earth with you.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    So.... I went to my TOPS meeting (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and I gained 1 lb. Ok this past week hasn't been the best I can do. Worrying about my sister, and her drinking problem had me stressed. I didn't make the best choices. I told my TOPS group today that I do feel blessed, that I can think clearly, walk up and down streets, not let anything (like alcohol) control me, and that I do not take any medicine. Looking at my sisters' life, letting alcohol control her, and that she can't walk 2 blocks without resting, and that her mind is a constant fuzzy, makes me value mine. .

    Life gives you moments to give of yourself, and you need to take them. Appreciate the opportunities to put yourself out there. Do not allow the bad define you, or limit you. ((((hugs)))))

    I am so sorry about your sister. While addiction in any form is an illness requiring help and treatment, it is up to us to make the choice to ask for help. Your attitude spurs me to do better.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kudos to all you ladies ~ Like someone else said, I deeply admire the variety of personalities/areas of expertise here...teachers, dancers, potters, glass blowers, gardeners, editors, and all who do their own home improvements.

    Heather ~ Thanks for the explanation about your kettle bell swings.
    Mary - Forgot to mention that I did 8x10x11 swings with my dumbell. Is that right? Eight sets of ten reps with an 11 lb weight.
    I'm going to alternate the swing days with dumbell days for my arms. :D
    I am still confused about the reps. What is a rep? How many swings make one up?

    Went to bed at 7 PM last night and slept off and on until 7 AM. Feel so much better. The interstate driving really took it out of me yesterday. I am getting too old for this and would love to stay within a bit of my home front.

    Kim ~ I am so happy for you loving your job. But, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Please take care of yourself.

    Lisa ~ I know you and DH will make the right decision about work when the time comes.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: We've been here in VA for two nights and a day. Yesterday the kids took us to 2 wineries for wine tastings. They have plans for our every minute. The countryside was lovely and it was certainly humid but we didn't experience any rain. Today we hope to visit a Smithsonian Museum, likely Natural History. So far, VA seems lovely. DS & DDIL love it. :heart:

    Lolo: Bone on metal sounds painful. I hope it feels better as time goes on. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Your airstream looks great. Thanks for the video explanation for "Walbermized." Looks like lots of work! 1025 miles is amazing and impressive! :smiley:

    Janet OKC: I agree wholeheartedly that this is not the place for politics. Thank you for speaking up! :flowerforyou:

    Rita: It sounds like your day of shopping with DH was a real pleasure. Yay! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: There are a number of companies that rent out motor homes. The one that comes to mind is Cruise America. Sometimes private people rent out their own RV's as well. I imagine your kids will have plenty of options. We looked into it once, but didn't follow through. Renting wasn't cheap but could be worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: It was nice of the man to let you go ahead of him at the store. Random acts of kindness are wonderful, and passing them on is part of the wonder. :smiley:

    Miriam: I love the idea of double taping where you plan to caulk. If I'm in a situation where I need to caulk something I'll use it and think good thoughts about you! :bigsmile:

    Heather & Barbie: I wore New Balance shoes like those pictured for years, but no longer. Somewhere along the line they started bothering my left knee. There was a bit too much cushion and my knee didn't want to absorb the flex. I guess it prefers a harder landing. Now I wear Sperry Topsiders, hiking boots when I'm expecting to be on rocky ground, or sandals. :heart:

    Yesterday we went to VA wineries and had lunch in a historic inn. I cooked chicken for dinner after we got home. Today we're planning to see a Smithsonian museum and ride the subway to get there. The mobility scooter we rented is doing a great job for DH. Thanks go to Joyce for the recommendation!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.