Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited September 2017
    Vanessa, we have a wind today and are overcast so very humid and smoky - you could come here and think you are at home!! We should be clear by weekend - hope you are as well.

    99 at the moment, took newspaper to garbage and will have to drink some water, not a bad idea anyway.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Well I forgot to weigh in today with all the lack of sleep I had - and with a long weekend I forgot it was Monday. Oh well, doesnt happen often.

    Just came back in from dog outing, light sprinkles. Strange weather we are having.

    Dog is doing a bit better and I hope for a more "normal" nights sleep.


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited September 2017
    Samuels ~ Congratulations on good weigh in and on spring coming to you!

    Sara - I hope that Miss Tillie is continuing to improve. Poor doggie.
    Also, thank you for posting that "You don't always need a plan....." I am cutting and saving that to print up for myself when I get up north. It will help me along.
    Now, the black and white one above it we all could use, I think. I will keep that one to re-run here every now and again.

    Ali - Good to see you. Glad to hear that your mother is coming along. It's hard getting used to losing a dad. I bet you miss him; I hope that you are not too sad. *rubbing your back*

    Vanessa - Sorry to hear about bad air with you too. Hoping it clears soon.

    Well Ladies,
    I had thought that I had posted earlier today, but I guess that it was just a hallucination LOL!
    Now it's time for bed.

    Sweet dreams for all~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Back to work. Air quality is red in the newspaper, should improve by weekend.

    Met new newspaper man this morning at 4am - other lady delivered at 3, so maybe more sleep for me.

    Dog stayed inside all night and slept through most of it, which is welcome.

    Ali - glad you stopped by scroll back for some flap jacks with a Canadian flag on them.....FlapJack Friday.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    I must remember what the real day of the week is!

    There is much to do today to get ready for leaving tomorrow morning. Back to NYC for a couple of weeks.

    *throwing sarong and hat and sunglasses onto favorite lounge chair for later*

    242.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Spent weekend at DH aunt & uncles house. had plans of water park and/or getting out on the boat but it was freezing (for those activities anyway)! never got above 70. it was great for DH and cousins to golf though. Luckily, aunt is great cook, makes all from scratch, had pretty healthy meals (but i do know i ate too much). scales showed up by 1 pound. Not discouraged though as i have been able to fit into clothing that had been too tight to be comfortable. really have to watch my eating/exercising now that holiday is over - its Sept and the wedding is the 23rd! gotta make sure i fit in that dress!!
    Supplementing protein intake and trying to avoid sugars and "white" carbs. Got some more Advocare shakes (only ones i really like the taste) so i can whip those up in my ninja with some water and ice for a nice thick milkshake consistency. They have 24 g protein @ 220cal. Also restocked my stash of Quest bars 20g protein @ 190/200 cal & lower sugar Detour bars 15g protein @ 170 cal(again, those have best taste for me)

    Ali - great to see you back. good to hear your mom doing well. sorry for all the "firsts" that will be coming up. those are tough. <<hugs>>

    Tess - how was the parade? i used to be in band as well. nowadays, i am in several local parades with my various Jeep clubs.

    rsamuels - congrats on the weigh-in! feel free to come cook for me, those meatless burgers sound yummy!

    Sara - is your a/c holding up?

    velocity - that food tray looks so good! great that you gave people healthier choices.

    Dawn - work still going well?

    Annie - looks like we are at the same place in weight loss and have same goal weight. keep it up!

    Prayers for those touched by the flooding and the fires. Work sent a lot of people to the flood areas to help.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Kathryn - welcome back! Sounds like you had a great weekend, despite the colder weather. Given the good food at your disposal (SO much better when you don't have to cook it yourself!), I'd say a one-pound increase is actually good! Given your plan, you'll have that off in no time.

    The parade was a blast! A good bonding experience for our little group and we had people cheering us throughout the route. Hope we do it again next year.

    Lana, good luck with packing up and returning to NYC. Safe travels.

    Sara, thanks for the inspiring words from this morning! Very helpful, especially after returning to work today after vacation. I was grateful to be able to take the time off but after a long day of trying to catch up, I'm reminded of Samuels' comment about not liking adulting! :smile: (Samuels, I think it was you - my apologies if I'm remembering incorrectly. I do this on an iPhone and it's not easy to flip back through old posts while typing!).

    Hope all are having a good evening/night.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi Kathryn, Hi Tess~

    Just checking in.....not yet time to go to bed, but I've run out of steam, and don't like packing up when it's dark.....Alarm is set for 6AM.

    Waves to whoever stops by later. See you all tomorrow evening, if I remember.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    Safe trip Lana.

    Temps are lower and tomorrow with any luck I will be able to open windows if the air is better. Miss T has an early am apt with Dr. and then I have nail/hair in afternoon. Luckily it will not be as hot as it was last week, so she will be safer in car ride home.

    Not sure when I am going to bed, as I am tired from today.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Nailed another move in dance last night.And it was easy. Class was tough but that move went well. I'm getting there....
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Nailed another move in dance last night.And it was easy. Class was tough but that move went well. I'm getting there....

    Way to go, Samuels! (Thunderous applause from D.C.)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning Samuels and Tess. Dog up early and outside. Hope we can get a little more sleep. Window open while I am online as it is 20 degrees cooler than the weekend and the air quality is okay.

    Dog to vet at 8am and will vacuum as she hates it and I cant go a good job. Hopefully we can get her teeth cleaned and maybe some meds for her..... day off with hair/nails in afternoon.

    Food has been good, walking in afternoon with bad air has been "0" but that can change with the improved air.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    This is certainly the week for Mother Nature. Several co-workers in Houston with relief efforts. My brother and father are prepping for Irma's visit in FL and friends in OR are dealing with wildfires, the ash, and the horrid air quality. On a brighter note, nothing happening weather wise in Midwest other than cooler temps than normal. The security guards were wearing mittens this morning when I came in.

    rsamuels - Yay! Nailing those dance moves must be so rewarding.

    Sara - i need to ship you some of our lower temps! or you ship some of your heat over to us!

    Hi to all who stop by!!

    *plopping down in lounge chair and calling a Cboy for a drink*

  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    tlsb2016 wrote: »
    Nailed another move in dance last night.And it was easy. Class was tough but that move went well. I'm getting there....

    Way to go, Samuels! (Thunderous applause from D.C.)

    Thank you. :blush:
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    This is certainly the week for Mother Nature. Several co-workers in Houston with relief efforts. My brother and father are prepping for Irma's visit in FL and friends in OR are dealing with wildfires, the ash, and the horrid air quality. On a brighter note, nothing happening weather wise in Midwest other than cooler temps than normal. The security guards were wearing mittens this morning when I came in.

    rsamuels - Yay! Nailing those dance moves must be so rewarding.

    Sara - i need to ship you some of our lower temps! or you ship some of your heat over to us!

    Hi to all who stop by!!

    *plopping down in lounge chair and calling a Cboy for a drink*

    If only heat transfers were possible. With all the scientists and engineers in the world one would think they'd have come up with something by now. :lol:
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited September 2017
    Need those scientists to transfer water too - use those Texas flood waters to put out the west coast fires!

    Had the biggest dang sweet potato I have ever seen for lunch with my spring mix salad today. dont know if it was GMO or what but it was HUGE!

    Getting excited about office move. They had me direct where to place furniture. Am used to being dropped in an office and having to make due. This choosing where everything goes is kinda tough!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Dog update, cannot clean teeth as she is too dehydrated. Hearing heart murmur again - so if she is on heart meds she cannot get teeth cleaned - rather she have stinky teeth if you ask me. Murmur is 3/4 level out of 10 so meds might just do the trick for awhile.

    Luckily I have a healthy balance on my credit card. Not sure when I am picking her up today. Will see if I can after the rush hour......

    Lunch of fried rice on the horizon. A/C still working morning temps not cold enough to cool off place yet.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    I am wiped with all the new dog meds/food etc. Heart murmur on scale of 6 but we are waiting for a phone call from the specialist before anything happens. She thumbed her nose at her liverwurst but is inhaling the new food (7days) with rice. Will give her more meds before lights out.

    Was denied chance to go to bakery and probably a good thing as my walking calories are so small that I would be in the red.

    Oatmeal for dinner, just easier that way.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

