Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Cham- Good for you not having 2nd dinner. Curious about cilantro rice. I love cilantro!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member
    Hi Ladies~~
    Sara - one of your cards arrived - isn't it true about no sleep in hospitals?

    I hope you ladies are all having a good Saturday night. More dozing on and off for me, in between episodes of The Good Wife.....

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Waves Lana! Glad you stopped by. Hope you get some rest
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog woke me up luckily as I was sound asleep. She is my alarm clock on weekends.

    Bought 2nd and final recliner (no room for any more big pieces) asked about a side table and the third one he showed me was a 2 level cart on wheels and my brain screamed (knitting project cart!!) so that will also be delivered on Saturday. I can watch things on youtube and have all my knitting items near me including tea/coffee. If I want to change projects (extra videos) it will be easier. I know people who would see a drink cart, but not me.

    Stuffed bell peppers today. Moving from white rice to brown and fried rice using brown rice is not bad. ACJP was asking for advice for starting out. Lady who taught yoga said to substitute/change one thing until it became a habit and then adopt another food/habit. I havent had brown rice in forever, but now I am at the place I need to add another new good habit. The next step/change/ opportunity will find you.

    Okay long enough, groceries then home, so bbl.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    ArnieDog- Your name is Dawn right? For cilantro rice just google Rachel Ray Cilantro Rice. She has a few variations out there. I love that it also has spinach. I omitted the hot pepper for my kids (and then just added it fresh to mine) and used skim milk rather than whole. If you don't have chicken stock I'm sure you could use a cube. I also used brown rice instead of white so it had to cook longer. I think I needed to let it go longer than I did. She says you can freeze it too.

    Sara, I no longer eat white rice at home so when I have it, OMG, it is so yummy! I used to hate skim milk, brown rice, plain yogurt, tuna fish.. the list goes on an on. These things are now my staples. I still won't do fat free cheese. I just can't. And light beer..why bother? I'm from Wisconsin. I just can't.

    So good habits: I'm reconnecting with exercise. I made it through Couch to 5K Day 1 yesterday. I was surprised that by the end my legs were tired. I thought it would be nothing.. but that is good. I'm in worse shape then I thought so I can improve more quickly. How is that for a silver lining?

    It's a nice cool rainy day here, just enjoying my coffee.. hope you all have a nice day.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Chamie - fat free cheese is just wrong and I worry about when that is all I can eat - good you tried the Couch to 5K I knew a number of people on WW where that app changed their lives. My bad lungs and drop foot makes walking my best choice, but I often wish I could.

    Laundry (blankets to dry outside), small crochet projects and making dinner. Grocery store is stocking up better fruit/ veg options like a cup of chopped onion/cabbage/radish/broccoli for salad add ins or for me just a side salad with a little balsamic vinegar or PB2 with water.

    Ding dong of the day - bought neat new veg items without looking at exp date - both term out tomorrow. Need to pay attention next time.

    Off to leave survey answer for man who is transforming fruit/veg area at Safeway here :D and start crocheting a couple flowers.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Chamie- yes, my name is Dawn. I will check that out. Sounds so yummy. I keep thinking about the Couch 2 5 K...I was doing Zombies, Run! Which I really enjoyed. But, weather got hot and I quit. No motivation. Hoping to get back into it, soon.

    Sara- I have done that more times than I care to admit. Just grab and go...oopss

    Just enjoying a lazy day at home. Slept wrong last couple nights and have bad pain in neck.. Hard to even move..ugh

    BBL Have a good day all
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening!

    Setting stuff up for Monday - proud to say I have 7 entrees in the freezer 2 frozen lasagna (amy's lean) and 3 black bean burgers I made last week. I also have extra salad fixings. Very powerful to know that if I just eat what I have in fridge/freezer it is so much easier and healthier.

    Waiting for water to boil, soak feet in Epsom salts, water for hot water bottle for eyes and a serving of hot chocolate (just ran out and probably a good thing....).

    Lana - sleep is so good for you - enjoy!

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    Yah Sarah, Way to plan. I do so much better when I have a plan. I have a stocked fridge too and I am noticing how much easier it is when I know what my options are. Powerful indeed.

    Completed D2 of C25K. But Dawn, Zombies, run! sounds so much more fun and kind of more represents how I was feeling.

    I'm going to track my day and soak in the tub.

    Sarah/ Lana- who are we still missing from WW. I have everyone on FB or e-mail I can send a shout out if you have not done that...

    Have a good night!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Well, another weekend of not-so-great eating. Poor planning on our parts all around. Did manage to get a 2 mile walk in tonight with my dog and averaged under a 15 minute mile, so that was good. Got to the grocery store today and planned good meals and snacks for the week.

    Had DD's 13th b-day party today with extended family at our home and then went out to eat at her restaurant of choice (which did not help bad eating). Actual b-day is on Tuesday but will be busy with her tae kwon do test that night so didn't want to try to go out then, too.

    Goals this week are to drink my water, keep hands out of co-worker's candy dish, remain pop free, and get in my exercise. I just keep maintaining on the scale when I really want to be losing.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Chamie, the only person we are missing who responded to the "we are moving to a new site because of WW changes" is Liz, and she has posted here, so she knows where we are and she will find us when she can. I was thinking of her yesterday and I know she was moving and may have a new job, so she may just be too busy. I leave it up to you if you would like to send out a shout out to her.

    I dont think sleep will be much of a problems tonight. Dog is already sleeping at my feet.

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Missed a few days- I had logged out and could not find my username/passwords. Ugh-

    Anyway... went to meeting on Saturday up 1lb. I have to say, I have not had much success going to meetings than online. I will do the 3 months and then stop. I joined a gym and its 44$ a month so I rather pay out just that, than meetings and gym. I also had so much trouble with merging my online membership and meetings. The woman at WW kept saying she'd take care of it and every weekend I'd go in - it shows I am not a member- I also could not login to the connect site. What I realized was that it didnt even matter since I hardly use it. I come to these boards and i get the support i need more than a meeting/connect.

    On that note- I got some dinners ready and snacks (got to cut up some peppers and have hummus). i have the menu for work for the week - Friday is pasta so I need to have something for that day but otherwise Im good. Going to the gym on Monday.

    The other revelation I had was my Starbucks routine. I had been going there in the mornings for years- mainly for the social aspect. I did it in LA and SF - I liked stopping in the morning and having a little chat with my friendly barista on my way to work. Now that I returned back to the bay area- i stopped in to my old place and it's changed so much. They are not friendly, nobody talks to you, they get the order wrong or you have to wait forever. After a month back here, I realized, it was the conversation I liked more than the coffee. Today I went in and realized, I'm done. It's a waste of money and I get nothing out of it. Im not saying I would never go again but I am done with the morning routine.

    Ok got to finish cutting my peppers-
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Chamie- I am a big Zombie nerd! It is interactive and fun. I just need to make the decision to get out and do it again...
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Sunday evening.....

    Hello Sara and Jen and Chamie and Dawn and Annie

    My fridge is stocked up pretty well thanks to DH doing the actual heavy lifting.
    Tomorrow is going to be SO MONDAY! Icky paperwork things to do.

    Sleep tight!

  • one_day23
    one_day23 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join this group, if I can. I have a friend of mine who started on a weight loss journey together, but I moved away and ran into stresses of life and my weight stayed with me. I have said over and over again that I would love to lose weight, and I know this is the time that is going to be for real and for good because I'm finally able to see doctors about other aspects of my health. I'm turning 29 in December, I'm beyond determined to have year 29 be the year that I wrap my problem twenties up in a bow and have them as learning experiences for my 30's.

    My friend has been logging in everyday for the past 300 days and has lost 68 pounds. Completely inspiring. I have started a bullet journal that is helping in all parts of my life. One thing I think will help is having a group of people that would help to talk to like this. Thank for creating it.

    Starting weight is: 218
    The ultimate goal weight is: 158
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good Morning, yup its here.

    One_day - welcome!! We immigrated from WW and have added people here so stop by and post often.

    Oatmeal cooking, brain not quite awake, what else is new??

    Lana - just make sure you are completely awake before looking at paperwork.

    Bought Clarks online found a "paper cut" on back of shoe, painted it with clear nail polish to seal it. For $50.00 for a pair of Clarks I am not insulted by a paper cut - just want to do damage control. Taking my new elf shoes to work to break in a little. For those with shoe fetishes (I sometimes do) the shoe is Clarks Kessa Betty in dark brown. I was drooling over the burgundy option but realized I would be stuck finding matching shoe polish. Ultimate selling point is that the strap on top is velcro and after a long day can be loosened. 2 more pairs of shoes in the mail. Have never bought shoes online, so far so good.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.

    Make it your best Monday.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Gee whiz, forgot to weigh myself and I ate breakfast, so I weighed myself as I was and then with items used in my "normal weigh in" and divided by 2. Still lost 1 pound, so take it and be happy. dancing away to go sleep before work.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Also nice was my weigh in at dr office Wednesday was a pound less than my scale at home. Keep on keeping on.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday morning

    Welp, I have not bothered weighing myself since Wednesday and I anticipate the news would not be good if I did. But I've got a good plan for the week and am really going to make a good plan for the weekend so I don't go off track again. I've been lucky to basically maintain for awhile by being really good during the week but then pretty bad on the weekends. I know I need the consistency through the weekends if I am going to see that number on the scale go in the right direction.

    I realize I sound like a broken record.

    Sara - that's great news for your WI. Keep up the good work!

    Welcome, One_Day!

    Have to head out shopping tonight to find one more small gift for DD's b-day tomorrow. Wish me luck!

    Wave to all who follow!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Good morning Ladies~
    Welcome to One_Day! That is something to cheer about: your friend lost that weight with the help of My F Pal? Excellent.

    I'm tired already thinking of the mountain of things I have to do today. Ugh.
