Serial Starters



  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    One day closer to a 3 day weekend!!!

    Sara- Im not sure if I mentioned this already but I had been sleeping 3hours a night with my old job/life. 3 years like that. I am now sleeping a solid 7 hours and what a difference. I never realized how important sleep is. I think you can go for a few days/weeks like that but the effects of long term are terrible. Actually, just read that Arriana Huffington is leaving her post and focusing on "sleep" - she wrote either a book or something about it after an accident due to lack of sleep.

    Susan- Welcome. Your story sounds very similar to mine. We are all trying to figure it out : )

    Annie- It was your daughters birthday- your allowed : )

    Chamie- way to go on the beer- I dont think I could resist French Bread.

    So yesterday was my Moms birthday. She passed away 1 1/2 years ago. She loved the beach and so in her memory I went to the beach after work. Last year I wrote her a letter on her birthday (then burned it- it was cathartic). I thought while on the beach I would do the same. The interesting thing was when I was done and reread it... there was a major theme of my weight. I am a 47 year old grown up woman but so many of my weight issues and food issues stemmed from her and her own body issues. I could go on forever.

    On that note- I then came home and keeping up with my main meal at work, I had tomato and mozzarella salad for dinner. Great right. Then I had these onion chips (bought them for the first time- super expensive 5$ for a bag) but thought I'd try them. 2.5 servings and they went down like air. Very good but I can't justify spending 5$ on it. I of course followed it with several spoonfuls of nutella. Damn you Nutella!! Why did you ever enter my life!!!

    So Sept 1 is my official start day with that program stickK. Im doing it with a friend (committing to something and then we check on one another). We decided to do it without the monetary part (you can opt out) and just a verbal monetary agreement that we would give to a charity of our choosing if we didnt stickK to it.... 6 months 3 days a week of some form of exercise.

    Lana- Big hug and hope you are feeling better!!!!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Hi Sara Hi Ladies~~

    Today started out well, and all it took was for a spatula to fall on the floor (clean, no harm done, I wasn't even cooking), and I was in tears for a long time. It's not the cancer, it's the $$$ and the DH and all the energy he is putting into Sonia What's Her Name down the street. Thank heaven she is moving back to Brazil on Thursday.
    He got up at o dark thirty this morning to take her to the Apple store to get her phone fixed/replaced, then to the Verizon store for whatever, and now she is buying him lunch at one of my favorite restaurants. Gah.

    I have had it. I am definitely going to run away with one of the Cabana Boys.
    Sara, call the limo. I'll be ready in 30 minutes......

    *grabbing stuff off of favorite lounge chair and heading for the powder room*

    Everyone please have a normal day for me, OK? Choose well.

  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member
    Lana, I am sorry- I had no idea you were dealing with cancer. I must have skipped that post. Your husband needs to opt out of helping anyone else for the time being. That would be upsetting to me too. Sending you good vibes from MN.

    Calny, Yes so many of our body issues are intertwined with our mothers. I'm sorry you lost your mom. Heading to the beach sounds like a perfect way to reconnect.

    I like how once you track on this site, it estimates your weight in 5 weeks. That is motivating... I wonder how accurate it is to my slow metabolism. I would be ECSTATIC if I really am 5 lbs lower in 5 weeks. That would be fantastic.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana - I am at work, but I am scheduling the private jet to pick you up. They will take you to an island where there is no sunburn, no insects, we look awesome in whatever we wear and duct tape is used to keep negative comments away. I knew I should have gotten that Kin-zoo knife sharpener. hmmmm.

    Can you access the meditation apps online?

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Chamie- I must have missed something on the tracking.. what site are you talking about that will estimate your weight in 5 weeks? i dont know if that will be helpful or depressing lol

    Sara- what meditation apps?

    Geez, I feel like I missed a chapter before the big test! LOL!!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Oh my goodness......I just typed a million words, and stupidly went to the previous page to see something Annie wrote.

    I lost it all.
    I won't cry.
    I had questions and comments for all of you, and I lost them all. Will be more careful tomorrow.

    Sara - yes, send the jet. I'm done for the day.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Jen, Lana listens to meditation apps online.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Home at last. Stuffed bell pepper in toaster oven and will see about taking a little nap.

    Will check in with longer post later.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana - can you eat chocolate covered bananas? Might be therapeutic.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Great day was undone by DH wanting to go out for supper...and me having no willpower. Will get on treadmill to try to redeem myself a little bit. It's no wonder I can't lose weight!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Morale of the story - dont read the medical results unless you understand what that means. Got an email saying I had 2 results posted, so I went to look. All the instruction part said was to make sure to keep my ob/gyn apt. I know enough medical terminology but I should have not opened it as I could be worried for nothing. Too much information is not always a good thing.

    Dog had walk winding down quickly, told office about neighbor's hours. They didnt say anything except they hoped it was only a one time thing. Me too......

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • one_day23
    one_day23 Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2016
    Had a great day. I made beyond my step goal of 10,000 steps, I got up to 13,000. I'm day 5 without soda (big step).

    The gym was great too. My instructor offered to work out with me after her class. I'm super stoked.

    Hope all is well with everyone!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Brushing dog last night I found she has scratched a good part of the hair on her neck hair away and is chewing on her toes, I will call to see if I can get her into Dr. Saturday and she has allergies and to put her back on regular dose?? She takes another medication and the two can counteract, but maybe if only for a short time.......

    Almost Friday and for me a 3 day weekend. Have no plans, so maybe a couple extra errands and eat out breakfast Monday. Saves me $$ and having to work off extra calories if I eat out more this weekend, but we shall see.

    Neighbor gets home after 10 at night and that is better than midnight.

    Annie - if you did your plan 2/3 of the day that is still better than before,right?? One_day - good job with steps and no soda. How did the work out with the instructor go?

    Lana - I knew someone who would write in microsoft word and then copy/paste into these kinds of boards and I now understand why. Just a thought, except dont you use your phone??

    Wishing all a great Thursday.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    Ate a bit more than I should have for my nightime meal. Started ok (eggplant grilled with tomato and slice of fresh mozzarella) then I decided to take a slice of whole wheat tortilla (still ok) and add some fresh tomato and cheese to make a pizza- i probably could have skipped it. The only yay for me was that i only had one. I thought Im goign to have another and then thought-- no wait-- you can have that tomorrow. I'm trying to change my thinking of what is "bad" and what is "bad food". For example. If I want to go "off" and have pasta. Why am I having the regular pasta. I have WW in the house and learned to like it so why is eating a big bowl of pasta equal to having a big bowl of pasta that is not WW. Same like my pizza last was more than I was supposed to eat but I made it at least healthy. I would have walked to the store and bought a frozen pizza and that has tons of garbage in it. So Im trying to at least pick fresher foods to binge on.

    Today is the gym. Went only 1x so far. Need to really make this a priority in my life. Now that I am getting settled in my new place and not running around so much, I've been wanting to just relax and see everyone. The novelty of my return is over so I dont have things to do every night and now I feel like I've come home and been a couch potato a few days this week that I'm ready. I don't want to fall in the habit of when I was in LA of coming home and not leaving the couch for 8 hours to just go to sleep.

    The only plans so far for the long weekend were to 1. go away 2. relax and dinner on Sunday. I don't have the money to go away and I really just would like to have that 3rd day to sleep and chill out.

    I finished my jar of nutella last night. I went to throw it out and saw 2 jars in the pail. I am going through at first a jar a week and now every 4-5 days. It's 10 servings in a jar so Im having about 500 calories in Nutella a night.

    Lana- I keep two browser windows open. One so I can read the posts and then the other where I write my comments so I can look back and forth-

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thursday morning

    Beautiful morning here. Dog looked so pretty out in the yard I had to take a couple of pix! Sara, our dog has been itching a lot, too, and we are wondering about allergies. Your comments make me wonder if we should talk to our vet.

    Looking forward to making it through this week and then enjoying a 4 day weekend. No big plans except to try not to eat out or eat badly. Kids start school next Wednesday, so maybe a little back to school shopping will take place. (We already have all the supplies and tennis shoes, but may look at a couple of new shirts, etc.)

    Found out DS was selected as a member of the Men's Chorus at his university. :) That was his preference so glad he got into the ensemble of his choice. They will already sing this Saturday at the first home football game. The weather is supposed to be nice (warm enough), so we may have to check it out!

    Hoping for quiet days at work today and tomorrow.

    Lana - sorry you lost your post. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Wave to all. Will BBL!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    Yes, 2 browsers or using Pages would help, BUT I rarely remember that! I'm getting dimmer than ever.

    I hope Tiilie's vet has some answers for her.
    Annie - Glad about son's chorus.
    Waves to Jen and One Day and everyone else who stops by later ....


  • No_Playa
    No_Playa Posts: 27 Member

    Just a quick check in. I'll be out of town starting tomorrow so I'll catch you all next week

    I will be active this week-end, camping in a cabin. Food choices won't be great so I'll try to eat reasonable portions and make sure to walk lots.

    Have a wonderful couple of days!

    Calny, MFP tells me what I am on schedule to lose when I submit my daily food. It's a button on the bottom of the diary.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited September 2016
    Got a dog apt for 6:30pm Saturday, keeping fingers crossed - I will give her the allergy meds tonight and hoping she doesnt do more damage between today and Saturday.

    Work software computer is being stupid and many people are having this problem. Breathe deeply and think good thoughts.

    Chamie -sounds like a good plan and good to get away.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Yippee!! I get to be the "500" reply.... and WW decided they were the only game in town.

    Just glad tomorrow is Friday.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Breathe in that wonderful Friday air. I get a 3 day weekend (not all my jobs had them) and I will be getting things set up for meals, clean up messes and sleep more. Movers come to install new recliner and take love seat and chair to neighbor. Makes my entertainment set look like its the next to be replaced......

    Tried PB2 in yogurt and that will not happen again alone (maybe with a little granola), but PB2 in oatmeal is really good, so that is what's on tap for breakfast.

    Fruit/Veg box delivered and wondered why it was so light - a box of figs. I will take them to work to share. I like them but not that many.....

    Will stop by when I can, so many people gone at work, it will be quiet and will have to stop myself from falling asleep.

    Have a great Friday.