Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Well, Friday morning started out fine until I logged into online banking and saw two fraudulent charges!!! Someone has DH's check card number and so far has spent $125 of our money. Lucky we didn't get an overdraft since the account was getting low and today is pay day! (Direct deposit is there, so not too worried about that now. We get paid the same days, so the account has big ups and big downs...usually getting pretty low just before payday. I'm actually planning on working on a budget this weekend to try to even that out.) DH is already on the phone with the bank...I'm sure cancelling his card, etc. Not sure what happens to the money, i.e. if we get that back?

    Sigh. Looking forward to a long 4-day weekend of sleeping in. No big plans except now that we know DS and the Men's Chorus will be singing at the football game tomorrow, I think we'll go to it. The weather should be nice. I don't want to miss his first college performance! But we are not going to let him know we are there because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like that. So, we'll "fly under the radar" but still shoot some video! :)

    Mom & Dad live in Brunswick, GA and are dealing with the affects of Hurricane Hermine. Sounds like they had a lot of rain but no big branches down. No power outages. So, that's a blessing. I know they stocked up on plenty of WINE for their "Hurricane Party". Ha!

    I told my husband we ARE going to eat healthy and get lots of walking and biking in this weekend. I'm very irritated with myself and my lack of progress. I've got to figure this out and stop making excuses.

    It's a ghost town at work today but I have plenty to keep me busy, so hoping the day goes quickly.

    I'll check in later. Happy Friday!

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Good morning, all!
    I'm finally on the ADD meds I should be on (quit for 2 years.. regretted it!) , so my impulse control should be rising and my appetite should be falling. It's also anxiety management, so stress eating should minimize as well. Maybe I have some hope at working off these last 25, now that that issue is resolved?

    On top of that, my boyfriend and I have resolved not to have any beer in the apartment for this month (besides the few we already have), because it's too big of a temptation. Who wants to consume 800 empty calories while sitting in front of the TV? No one, that's who! (Well, actually me. I love it. But I gotta stop.)

    Annie- whether you get the money back or not depends on your bank, and how quickly you report it, generally! If you wait months they don't care, but if you get it pretty quick they'll take care of you.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks, 25! DH already had his card cancelled and the bank said the money will be back in our account in a day or two. So that was good news. He is going to reformat his computer and watch where he uses his card. We were planning to really re-work our budget this weekend and make a plan for paying down some this makes it an even more opportune time. Part of our strategy is going to be using allotted amounts of cash for groceries/gas/Target to help keep us within our budget. Less card usage = less chance for fraud.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hi Sara and Annie and 25!
    Chamie have a great weekend. Jen and Dawn--I'm waving your way!

    DH is throwing me out of the apartment so he can get some important paperwork done. That makes me sad. Maybe I'll go to the community garden.

    Sara - good luck with Tillie.
    Annie - def fly under the radar.
    25 - What ADD meds are/were you on? My DH takes or is supposed to take meds for this, and I didn't know how much impulse control is a part of the picture. At home, this subject is not open for discussion.
    If you'd rather not share, I understand.


  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member

    25 - What ADD meds are/were you on? My DH takes or is supposed to take meds for this, and I didn't know how much impulse control is a part of the picture. At home, this subject is not open for discussion.
    If you'd rather not share, I understand.


    Hi Lana! I'm totally open to talking about it. :smile:
    In High School, I was on Concerta, and then a higher dose of concerta, and then at the beginning of college I was on Ritalin. My doctor this time put me on Evekeo 5mg.
    I noticed huge differences in my budgeting when I was on meds vs when I wasn't, and my boredom and inability to focus at work led to a gigantic amount of online shopping. There was very little 'I shouldn't do that right now', so that also factored in to eating, as I'm sure you can imagine. I wasn't doing expensive things or eating to entertain myself while on medication.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experience. I need to learn more about the relationship between ADD and bipolar and symptoms on and off of the meds. DH has done some amazingly damaging things over the years. But if you don't know what to look for people, even therapists, miss this key thing about him because he won't speak of it, I don't think. We've yet to get to couples therapy, which we need if we are going to stay together.

    Thanks again
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    I am not even sure I can crawl into the hammock under Lana's Palm Tree I am that tired.

    I got home to 2 messages only to find out when I got home, other apts for dog tomorrow are taken and I misunderstood - furniture WILL be delivered tomorrow at scheduled time. Try and leave understandable messages people.

    Just glad it is not 100 plus this weekend, it is unusual to have such mild temps.

    Lana - did you get another card? one word pink.

    Going over to youtube to learn something new to crochet. Wishing all a good evening.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    brain cannot handle new crochet learning so dvd time for me.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Went over on food but drank my water and got a good walk with the dog. My speed has really increased the last couple of walks! Under a 15 minute mile average tonight and the last time I walked outside. Wish I knew why I couldn't walk that fast on my treadmill!

    Really determined that I have a problem with sugar. I'd probably be okay with calories and carbs if I could stay away from the little bites of candy and sweets. Have to re-think how I can keep myself from indulging.

    Wanting to go away on Sunday on a day-trip but wondering where....
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited September 2016

    Good morning,

    Up at normal time. Dog is taken care of and I will try and get a little more sleep.

    Learning to crochet last night at least produced a convincing maple leaf, but yarn took a dunking in my foot soak - so I wrapped the yarn around the back of a dinning room chair to dry.

    Annie - do you eat more sweets at home or at work? Maybe we can work out an accountability plan for you??......

    Will stop by later.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Sara - So far nothing but junk mail in the box. We'll see later today. I think our mail person comes around 4PM.
    Trusting Tillie is feeling better, but maybe not.
    I hope that your furniture delivery comes when they say they will and that you are pleased with how it all works in your home.

    I forgot to get on the scale this morning. I couldn't walk as I wanted to yesterday. I am just not strong yet after the surgery. I guess when I walked back from the doctor's office the other day I was pushing myself and I HAD to do it in order to get home, but when I simply step out there to walk, I don't seem to have the battery power.

    Annie - you seem to be balancing the good stuff with the stuff that "goes over" Keep at it. Being AWARE is SO important.

    Waves to all who follow~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana - got your email you got the pink wig one, found some more good cards this morning, will let you know when I mail....

    Went to get dressed and wowie a rash in my midsection (mainly where bra and breast meet body) - spoke with advise nurse, rash is side effect of medication. Just wanted to make sure it was not contagious. Medication is ended so with any luck in a couple of days it will lessen - good news it does not itch!! Boy did I get lucky.

    Bought a piece of Tres Leches cake and I didnt know the white on the bottom of the container is a runny frosting and it got all over the place. May have to buy a new grocery bag, new change.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Forgot to track my tapioca pudding.

    Within hour will have new recliner (so "dog" can have one...she will want on mine with me), in case I actually have someone visit - and dog can look out window again.

    Will call to see if there are any cancellations at vet.

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member

    Lana- rest up and take care of yourself. it takes some time for you to heal and be back to kind to yourself and dont worry about that scale right now.

    Sara- Oh, I so love tapioca!

    I went to my meeting today and I have to say...i'm just not feeling it. First of all I've been out every Friday night and while I have been good all week, I have a few drinks on Friday night so my WI's are not the best... so I was up 2lbs and the woman weighing me gave me such a disaproval/annoyance. She just said...ohhh/agghhhh. I was like..hey Im the one on the scale not you. I paid for 3 months and have just been up and down since July. Im doing the 1 big meal at work but maybe i need to look at what i'm eating better. I know that nutella doesnt help and i've been eating a lot of cheese. It's also TOM and I have not worked out so.... I'm giving myself this week to see something since I am hoping it was water weight. I also might change my WI to Wednesdays since Saturday am's are not working for me either.

    Ok well---off to do some errands and hope to get into the gym this weekend since i am staying put.

    Have a good Saturday-
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hey Jen -
    Sara often says, and I think she is wise--pick one thing and focus on it. I know that's such WW speak, but it is true. Well, maybe do 2 things to get yourself feeing good about yourself again.

    If I might suggest - try to not bring the trouble food into the house. Have it when you are out.

    I know what it is like (from over the years) to "not be feeling it". Do stick with us though. No slipping off of the cliff into the abyss. You will get your inspiration back soon.

    Now speaking of inspiration, is there another meeting to go to? I definitely do not approve of what you got from the weigh-in person. You need a better place or a better vibe of a different meeting day? You said you aren't happy with the Saturday day, so try something different next week.

    Sara - Now I get it with the "pink". I am so dim lately. I was thinking a pink envelope. I love that little guy with the pink wig.

    Speaking of guys with pink wigs......*snapping fingers*.....let's get the Cabana Boys to bring over some fresh fruit, a cocktail, and do some pillow fluffing!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Dog has to take her allergy meds every day for awhile. Tis the season with dog/cats. Dinner on stove, snap fingers for me Lana??
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Interesting Thread Title!
    I never saw this on WW BBs. I'm Jim376 on WW.
    My first time with WW was 1975 before you were born! Then in 1985 I lost 80# and got to 202#. I went to Germany for five years (88-93) and enjoyed bier, brochen and brats. In 2000 I hit 300# at age 52. Many other diets, temporary losses but always gained it back PLUS MORE. Got up to 376# in 2012 and was considering WL surgery when DW said try WW ONE MORE TIME because you know it works.
    Joined Jan 2013 at age 65. Lost 100# then coasted but did NOT gain any back!
    Jan 2016 got serious and have lost -35# (pound a week). Next mini goal is nine pounds away (224). I began 24 Lbs shy of 400, when I get to 224 I will be 24 Lbs away from 200! At age 68 my losses are small but I will NEVER QUIT! THIS IS
    MY LAST RODEO because it will never end.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Welcome Jim,

    Some of us are older than you give us credit for, but thank you. We were on the Newbies board and one lady when I first started wrote was the worst thing you could do was stop, stuck with me.

    You are having a good year - great job!! Stop by and post when you can.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I have been having so much trouble posting...dang internet...will try now...

    I opted for sweet potatoes over pasta, tonight. Huge step for me as I am a big pasta person. Proud of myself for once. Went for another jog this morning....really trying...

    Waves to back soon as I can...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    My rash is spreading, still not itching but I am now wondering if maybe I should cancel the idea of eating out tomorrow do what errands I need to and just stay at home. I have not had a reaction like this is so long, I guess I am lucky even though it is freaking me out. I have an ob/gyn apt Friday and this might be an interesting way to meet someone for the first time.....

    Hot water bottle and sleep aroma therapy are my comforts tonight.

    Wishing all a good evening.