Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Decent day. Dang DH keeps bringing free donuts home from all of the local Kwik Trip convenience stores that are opening in the area. So, I had a donut along with my egg this morning. Lunch was a turkey sub at Subway (no chips, no cookies). Supper was taco soup I made at home (a WW recipe). Got in a short walk with the dog tonight.

    Had fun going to the football game today and seeing/hearing DS sing. He did not see us! Yay! He looked well and the Men's Chorus sounded fantastic. I texted with him briefly tonight...just checking in, asking if he's eating enough, and letting him know we're taking a day trip out of town tomorrow. I'm feeling a little blue. Missing him. And wondering how he's really doing. And wondering when we will get to spend some time with him again. I know, lame. He's only been gone a week.

    We are taking a day trip to the North Shore tomorrow. I'm hoping it gets my mind off of things and I can have a fun day with my hubby and kids. Will try not to go completely off the rails with my eating, as well.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    What was an annoying rash is now all over me. I may just have to go to urgent care to see what I can do about it. They do not open until 9 so I am hoping to get my grocery shopping in.

    Dog is up and fed and have the kettle on to make a hot water bottle to comfort me.

    Wishing all a good Sunday.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- hope you get better. Rashes are no fun at all...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Okay, I am admitting to being stubborn. I do not want to drive the distance to get to an urgent care. There I said it. I will if it stays the same see if I can get an apt on Tuesday at the clinic I go to. I am drinking more water and trying not to be in the sun. If this rash itched, I would suck it up and go, but I hate it when I get an apt and find out what I already know. So stubborn and pigheaded. That's me. Stressing does no good, so I will camp out in my recliner with my dog and read a book and nap.

    Grocery store didnt take long as nobody was there that early and Yarn shop I was one of the first people there. Found colors "neon orange" and "iris" (dark purple) to make a baby blanket for a lady at work. I started it and will get a couple more rows in today. I did buy a calamine lotion in case this starts to itch, but so far it hasnt. I just feel very self conscious.

    I wonder if all this extra water will help on the scale tomorrow??

    Dawn love sweet potatoes, has more nutrients than pasta. Keep up the good work.

    Time to camp in chair. BBL.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    Hi All

    Welcome Jim

    Sara - what is going on with the rash?
    If you're not going to go to urgent care, try to figure out online what kind of rash it might be and query yourself for anything new lately that could be causing it.
    With my own excitement going on, I don't remember what precisely has been going on when with you.

    Has Tillie been given any new meds or powders that you might be reacting to?
    Have they sprayed your neighborhood?
    What have you eaten lately?
    Any new meds for you?
    Anything from the ultrasound--I know that was a while ago
    New bra?
    New detergent?
    New soap? Lotion?
    New article of clothing?
    New pillows? New chair?
    Flowers or plants?
    Dyes in crocheting yarns?
    Good luck Sweets. I hope you figure it out.

    Hugs to all
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    Sara-too much pillow fluffing from Cabana Boys?!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thanks Sara...I could eat sweet potatoes over white potatoes all the time. I do have a hard time passing up pasta, tho...I can relate to the pigheaded part...I am same way.. I agree with Lana, should make sure exactly what's causing it...good its not itching... That would drive me crazy.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Lana- glad to see you posting. Hope you are feeling better. I didn't mean leave WW the program, I meant going to meetings and switching back to just online tools. I am actually going to try Wednesday's instead. I think one thing that has been a challenge in general is that I moved back to my town after 3 years and wanted to pick up where I left off in some cases. For example, I always went to WW on Saturday and then after that I'd go to a cafe (this small mom and pop place) and depending on my WI, I'd get either a cappuccino or if I had a loss, I'd add a treat to it. Then I would call my siblings and mom in NYC and catch up over a cappuccino. My meetings on Saturday are led by different people and the vibe is not the same. The cafe is nice but the young man who works there while friendly, talks incessantly and loudly that I don't enjoy going there. I am finding several of these instances where I realized, I need to make a new life back in my old life. But yeah, I know not to slip off that slope.

    Sara- Hope your rash is easing up and less itching. Does not sound fun.

    Oh Lana, I forgot to mention. I saw an article in the NYTimes about cabana boys!!! They were referring to Silver Gull beach club out in Rockaway/Breezy area and how they cabana boys make X amount in tips and all the services they perform (hahahaha). I thought of you. Actually, it made me think of a favorite movie from like 30 years ago. Flamingo Kid. Took place in the 60s at the same beach club and the ladies would flirt with the cabana boys.

    Annie- I remember when I left for college (last one in family so it was an empty house when I left). My father told me my mom would sit in my room and cried for a week. Lol! By the time I came home for Christmas break my junior year, I found a crib in my room and all sorts of stuff. My sister was having a baby and going back to work so they were going to watch him during the week. How quickly I was replaced by a grandchild and my room was now "his" room for when he was there. Lol. You will get over it and Thanksgiving/Christmas break will be here soon!

    Dawn- Pasta! That is my culprit!

    Did a bunch of errands today and got a lot done. I also stayed home yesterday evening and got the place pretty much settled in. I have a ton of paperwork (final bills from LA and new bills from NorCal) that I need to go through and get organized. It felt good to stay home and just try to get organized. Today I was out getting drapes and some more decorative stuff for the place. It's nice to now move on from the "needs" to the "wants" for the place. I want to buy a few plants to liven it up a bit too.

    I had downsized when I moved to LA and got rid of so much "stuff" and so I dont want to accumulate more "stuff" just because I have room.

    Tomorrow I go to the gym, a movie hopefully and shopping for some clothes for work. Ugh I hate that.

    Ok, a bit of TMI. I had a bra on the other day and I have not really looked at myself in the mirror because I just dont like to anymore. Anyway, I noticed that I am spilling out over the top of the bra. Ugh, I can't believe I walked around like this. The thing is, it's a matter of about 10 lbs to get that under control. I hate shopping at this size!

    Have a great rest of the Sunday!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Jen- I have trouble with Carbs in general. Pasta is just one of my biggest weaknesses.
    We moved into this place 3 yrs ago with literally nothing. Now, we have more stuff than space. I would love to downsize.
    I have the same trouble with bras as I do jeans. I have 3 bras of the same size, only one fits comfortably. 10 lbs would do me well, too. Just need to push myself and stick to it.

    Waves to Lana! Hope you are on your way to better.

    Try to BBL
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited September 2016
    Took my courage and went to urgent care, this was getting too weird for me. It is a reaction to medicine I was taking for my infected toe- brand new med for me will go on my allergy list. Good news, bp was 130/90 and I am up only 1 pound from last weigh in (my official weigh in is tomorrow). Only thing I can do is wait it out and instructions on if it starts itching or gets more severe (different level of symptoms). He wrote me a sick note for the next couple of days if I needed it as the worst part is under my bra where it hits my skin. When I asked him if I was making a big deal over nothing, he said that it was completely appropriate for me to go into an urgent care (3 day holiday weekend). Lets see if insurance pays......

    I get to take myself to breakfast tomorrow for finding the courage to go and drive myself.

    Lana - I am so lucky that none of that list applies as I am so careful. Never considered the pillow fluffing as an allergic reaction. I know which card to mail to you first. Will be in Tuesday's mail...... you can thank me later ;) or not....

    Will knit a couple of rows and watch something on youtube.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- Good for you for going. I am one of those people, if there's a side effect to be had, I will have it. Good on the BP. Hope this doesn't last too long.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    SO glad that you went and had some professional look at you.
    I hope it goes away for you soon!

    Ok Dawn, Jen, you all have a good nights sleep---you too Sara and Tillie.

    See you tomorrow ~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Weight down again, all that water I have been drinking. New system says I have lost 2 pounds since I have started their program. Lost .5 this week, will take it and celebrate.

    Dog is taken care of and I will head back for a little more sleep.

    Thought to take myself to breakfast but I can make most of the stuff I normally order, but a lunch salad is another story.... so early lunch it is. I can take my neon orange blanket to knit.

    Might be a good day to do a little more dejunking, but we shall see.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Okay today's honesty has put me in the red on this food list. Will see if I can get a little more walking in. At least I am honest.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    Hello Honest Sara~~

    Congratulations on the very good weigh in! Which system are you using? The MFP? or something else?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana - MFP -why make my life any more complicated?? One stop shopping.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Congratulations, Sara!

    Had a really fun day on the North Shore of Lake Superior yesterday. Fun times with my kids, but missing my oldest. Picked up a little memento for him and will put a care package in the mail tomorrow. Ate too much. Got in lots of steps. It was good to just get away and explore. I love that area.

    Did a little back to school shopping this morning since Target had an extra discount on clothing. Planning for the cooler weather that is to come, even though it was hot and muggy today.

    Finally feeling like I'm in the right frame of mind to buckle down. Tomorrow I'm starting a strict Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. DH and I have had success with this in the past and I decided I really need to break my sugar habit. Groceries purchased and meals/snacks planned. Wish me success!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    Annie - Good Luck with your upcoming week with South Beach. I think it's a healthy diet, from what I remember.
    We will be cheering you on!

    Sara - the MFP is great: my DH loves it. I tried entering some food in the tracker today, and I sure do like it better than figuring points.

    Somebody is having a cookout in our back yard of our building. This almost never happens - not used to hearing 20 people and children right outside my bedroom window. Yikes! Hopefully they will go away once it gets dark.

    Back to my coloring book.

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Went to Kohls as some stuff was on sale. Needed a few longer sleeve shirts now that I moved north from LA. Ugh, I am an extra large in Sonoma (which is cut generous). So in my disguest I came home and at a big bowl of pasta. What did I do that was good though... i bought vitamins and will be making my food for the week.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Jen - glad you found something at Kohl's I have often had trouble finding things where size/material/dress code ruled out most of Kohl's. Okay, bowl of pasta?? Would it have been worse in the past? What would you have run to after a bad trip shopping? Is pasta an improvement? If so, take note of it, congratulate yourself on finding something better to eat and decide now if this happens again what will you do? Take a walk around the block? Have a cup of tea/coffee? Give yourself credit for coming to the board and discussing it, and getting vitamins. Take credit when you can.

    Applying hyrdocortisone to my legs as that is the "new frontier" for my rash. My pedicure would be tomorrow, but she called and rescheduled to Saturday and hopefully this rash will be on its way out the door.

    I wish all (including myself) a good nights sleep.