Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Annie - just reread post, the 3 recipes make a total of 12 servings so 3 meals for your family. I am still studying the recipes to see what else is possible.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    OMG A Corgi!!!!! How cute.
    We had a show about Queen Elizabeth at my theater a few years ago: "The Audience", and we had 3 Corgis in the cast. Two went on each time, one was an understudy. All 3 of them were very, very different and also seemed to have three different "trainabilities". I never asked why, but the "understudy" dog was the smartest, calmest, and most reliable, but her coat coloring wasn't Corgi-"perfect", so I think that's why they did not use her ever.
    Good luck with the training of your little one 25!

    Sara - so bummed to hear that doctors appointment was such a _______ can't find the right word. Hang in there. It's always something medically.

    Hellos to Dawn and Annie.

    It is stupid hot here in NYC. I have not been outside yet--don't want to go, but DH is throwing me out of the apartment between 3p and 6p so he can get some paperwork done. Nice, huh? There is nothing interesting at the nearby movie theaters.....darn it. Maybe I'll go to the community garden; it seems to be a few degrees cooler there.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Stopping by before nap.

    Lana - 3-6pm, Find a coffee place near you and take a good book? Dr. said I was a real trooper for tolerating as much as I did. I have this feeling this will need general anesthesia before we are done.....

    Will stop by later. Stay cool out there. Drinks under Lana's Palm Tree in the Community Garden are frosty and zero calories, but taste like a million bucks!!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Not going to lie. It has not been a banner day. I mean, regarding food. In other ways, a very relaxing, fun day with my family. But I'm guilty of letting a lunch date with a friend and my family drag me off course. Those are my excuses. Back on the wagon tomorrow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Evening is winding down.

    Lana I will mail my favorite card Monday. Made me laugh at store, why that would make people stare I do not understand.

    Annie - not my most stellar week for food either. I bought a chuck roast and will make pot roast with carrots, onions and mashed potatoes for a couple dinners and freeze the rest of the shredded beef to make enchiladas or add to fried rice later. So long as you get back on the road, that is the most important thing.

    Trying to keep a good sleep schedule, so I wish all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good Morning,

    Making roast, mashed potatoes (out of a box...sorry) with carrots/onions for a couple of dinners. Rest of beef in freezer to use for other meals. House will smell of garlic/ onion all day. Also need to do a little cleaning. Got rid of empty shoe boxes and they are in my recycle bin to go out.

    Quiet day here hopefully. Dog is fed so a little more sleep for me? That would be nice.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sunday morning

    We decided to sleep in and skip church. After this week, no skipping as the kids will have Sunday school. I just enjoy my quiet, sleep-in days when we don't have to rush off to something. We didn't get that yesterday as we had to run off to the volleyball tournament.

    Today I will do some cleaning, go grocery shopping, and help the kids get their homework done. Hopefully get a nice walk. And will probably have the Vikings game on TV.

    More later!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning... Well, almost an unexpected text from work friend, last night.... She must have stepped on scale and not liked the answer.... She said we are jogging every day and upping the rounds every week....wish me luck on that one...

    Got the house opened up, today. So nice out and no rain, finally..should be outside enjoying the day, just don't feel like chatting with neighbor...ughh

    Hi Lana! Waves to all...try to check in later! Have a good Sunday all!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All-

    Remembering my family and friends today in NY. Always a sad day but one I have noticed the younger generation does not know about. I guess I kind of understand- when I was a kid my parents would always say- you know what today is (on Dec 7th) and then be upset that we had no idea it was Pearl Harbor.

    Went to a birthday party last night- they had a pig roast. I love pork but I have never seen a whole pig before with it's head on. I actually could not eat it. I have a problem seeing my food with it's head attached. When I get fish at a resaturant I hate when they bring it with the head on. I noticed that now when I have a whole chicken in my hands and start to think about it too much, it bothers me. I should theoretically be a vegitarian but I love meat too much. I can't tell what part of the body a pork chop, burger, steak come from so it doesnt bother me but last night, I could not even go in the room.

    Didnt got to WW this weekend- I knew WI was going to be bad and I just did not want to deal. I got myself together for this week though and not going to keep slipping.

    I noticed a few things of how I am being treated at work by my size. I had knocked into something and I just thought it was me being clumsy but I noticed the coworker being overly nice to me about it.. like dont worry its ok. Maybe it's me - I dont know.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Jen- I have the same issue with food. Very hard for me to try to eat something with a face. I remember going to Red Lobster as a kid and watching the lobsters in the tank...only to be told they were going to be someone's dinner... No thanks...I have a hard time fishing, anymore... Bring me a steak or burger, hold the face
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good evening,

    Jen- I had a cooked chicken and was eating it and could not touch chicken for awhile for the same reason.

    I did make pot roast and I am waiting for the sauce, vegetables and meat to cool so I can package them for my next dinners. I can see the sauce working for enchiladas in a way I could not on paper. Kitchen is a slight disaster area....

    Jen - at my current job I found that losing weight as well as keeping off what I had lost while waiting to lose more was the best revenge -most of them had stomach surgeries and there was a big change for most of them, but they were not "happy enough".

    QOTW - what will you focus on this week?

    AOTW= luckily I have most of my meals situated, do not have any dr apt (none yet scheduled), so I will be working on getting more done after work (reading/knitting) so that I can distract myself after dinner.

    Wishing all a great evening.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning,

    Up .6 this morning, better than I expected, so tracking and working forwards.

    Cooler this morning, checked forecast and at least for a couple of days it will be cooler.

    Nice to have potential meals cooked, key now is to remember they are in the freezer and to use them in the next 2 months..... I have baked beans that have been in there awhile because I was afraid of gaining weight. Not too smart.

    Lana - hope you got through 9/11 okay, my cousin has a real hard time with that day.

    Wave to all who follow. Wishing all a great Monday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member
    Monday Monday ......

    Well last night DH and I had our first in-depth conversation about ideas about how to equitably split everything and pay our huge loans/high credit cards + debt for our divorce. I keep referring to it as putting ideas on the table - nothing is in stone. Just ideas. We haven't gotten lawyers yet. We need a plan before seeing strangers.

    Well I woke up with the feeling that I will have more future burden than he will because the current plan is for me to keep the money pit house in North Carolina. Reasons for me to keep it: I have no other "home". The NYC bunker studio with no light is no home to stay in in the future; Parents are dead; childhood house is gone; it would take a LOT of work/money to fix up money pit house to sell. It has not appreciated a single dollar! since we bought it 8 years ago, and it will be a difficult sell because it is old (1955) in an area (Raleigh Durham) that is awash in new-builds. It has the most gorgeous in ground swimming pool, but people down there don't want pools. Seems to be a North Carolina thing--not wanting a pool. It was hard to find in the first place--a house with a pool. Odd that.

    I'm rambling.

    Weight watching report: I weighed 226 on Saturday. The weight keeps creeping up because I can't do much exercise and fall victim to comfort food often.

    AOTW: My focus of the week will be
    1) not buy large bad items such as Amy's cake and pints of Ben and Jerry's.
    2) try to write down my food.

    Hey all - interesting that many of you are mentioning the "food with a face" issue. Yesterday I was eating a small piece of leftover steak and there was a vein in it that would not be cut with a sharp knife; it just stuck out of the meat. I almost passed out---seriously thinking that I must give up eating meat; maybe keep the fish, sans head. Gag.

    If you made it through this whole thing, thank you for reading.

    **Cabana Boys ready with fans for anyone who passed out from boredom or being grossed out**

    Hugs to you all - Sara, Jen, Annie, Dawn, Chamie, and 25. Waves to Liz in upstate New York~~~

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    PS - I find the best thing for me to do on 9/11 in this city is to ignore it and pretend it's just like any other day. I still ran into some news and TV at the laundromat and later while walking by the ABC TV buildings, but the whole vibe plays in the background 365 days a year here, so I don't hold up well under a heavy dose of looking back on the anniversary day.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday morning

    6 year old turned on the water works again this morning when I walked him in to school. I think he's getting dropped off at the door from now on.

    Also, walked through a puddle in my dining room this morning that had to be either dog or cat pee. Likely dog. I can't imagine when she did had to be last evening. She spent the night in her crate, so it's not like she was up during the night. Not like her at all...and not my favorite way to start the week.

    Had a cute text from 18 year old yesterday morning asking how to make his ramen noodle soup in the microwave. Then late last night a not so cute text saying a lense had popped out of his glasses. :( He had fixed it temporarily but didn't know how long that would last. He's due for an eye appt before we order new glasses or contacts, so DH will call to see if we can get him in this Friday. I had wanted to put off ordering him new glasses until the new flex plan year in January. Sigh.

    It feels like $$$ is just running through our fingers. School pix, sports pix, sports tshirts, special field trips with fees attached....and we have put off getting new tires on my car for 2 years. We have to do it soon before the snow flies. I didn't need to pay for glasses right now, too. Feeling like maybe I should not have booked the trip to see my parents at Christmas. We could have used that money. And credit card is much higher than it should be. It got charged up with all of the house repairs we made this summer, only to not sell our house. :( I had planned to use our tax return to help pay for DS's tuition next year, but it may need to go on our credit card instead. We'll see.

    Food was not great this weekend. Started with that Arby's run on Thursday night, Panera for lunch on Friday with a friend, KFC on Saturday for lunch, and pizza for supper last night. Meals and snacks in between were pretty good but all in all, not a good weekend. Back on track this morning. I MAY weigh myself at the end of the week. TOM is finally over. Also, need to stop the eating out in order to save $$$.

    The only saving grace was I did get a good 2 mile walk with the pup yesterday.

    I am also in the group that could almost be vegetarian. Lana, if I see a vein in any meat I am eating, I am DONE. I cannot take one more bite. DH has learned that he has to trim our meats very well if I am going to be able to eat any of it.

    Sara - it sounds like you have a good meal plan for the week. I know you can stick with it.

    Lana - I'm sorry about your marriage and housing/debt woes. You're in my thoughts.

    Jen - I'm with you on skipping the WI but I know I've got to face that scale sooner or later. I'm going to shoot for later this week after I have a few good days under my belt.

    QOTW - what will you focus on this week?

    AOTW - Same old, same old. Stay away from sweets and the "bad" carbs such as breads/pastas/rice. And I really need to get back to walking at least 5 days/week.

    I'll check back later.
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited September 2016
    Arniedog- I'm seeing what you mean about difficult to train. I'm trying to teach her 'heel' (where she circles around my back and sits on my right side), and she'll attempt it about six or seven times and then let me know she's bored by barking every time I try to command her again. :expressionless: What a sass master! Also Good luck on the running! You have more resolve than I do to stick to any sort of jogging plan!

    ASalner- Don’t let it drag you! There will always be lunch dates, and there will always be a journey, and I think you can enjoy both! For the glasses (if this happens a lot.. I lose mine a few times a year) I use They range from $30-$50 a pair, prescription lenses included. If you can wait 2 weeks to get them, you might want to check it out, it can be a MASSIVE money saver. Every little bit counts, you know?

    Lana- Thanks! Training is definitely going to be a chore! Sorry to hear about your future house-repair prospects. Hoping something wonderful comes your way there.

    Anyway, I didn't really count yesterday (stopped after dinner) and I know I had a few snacks. I don't think it was anything life-altering, but a lot of chips and salsa were had along with a glass of whiskey once our friends bailed on game night. Still grateful that my boyfriend and roommate were willing to sit there and watch stand-up instead, though.

    I need way too much caffeine today. On Monster Energy #1, and that paired with my ADD meds is making me feel vaguely humanoid for now. Will check in later!

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited September 2016
    Well, today has been absolutely insane. I've been run ragged and it seems like every time I get back to my desk and sit down, I get another call telling me to go somewhere else. My co-worker just told me I gave someone entirely wrong information, as well, despite the fact that that means he gave me incomplete information to begin with. I started the day out exhausted and now I'm ten times more exhausted and a million times grumpier. It's taking everything I have in me not to go deal with it via food, because I'm stuck at my desk for another two hours. Not sure I've won that battle yet.

    Sure, I'm at 8200 steps before 3:30, but at what cost?? haha.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Oh---Mother of Pearl........Sara!!!!!!

    How in the world did this one wander onto our beach!???
    I tried to make it *ahem* smaller, but I don't seem to be able to do that-- Love his necklace, and I am thanking the gods that our Cabana Boys do not let Mario here do ANY of the pillow fluffing. Yikes!!


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited September 2016
    Lana - showed 2 coworkers and they had the same reaction as when I saw that card. That is a Cabana Boy "dont" all over the place!!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Sara - I laughed out loud when I opened the card and saw him---I SO needed a laugh. Thank you a million times over. Yes, Mario here makes us happy with what we have.

    Everyone have a good night and be warned: I now know that it is possible to post photos on our thread! Ha ha!

    Annie and 25 have a calm and restful evening if you can.....waves to all who peek in......Any lurkers are welcome to just say "Hi"
