Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I ruined it with food...without even thinking about it...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited September 2016

    Good morning,

    Dawn, you did not ruin it with food last night. Just put idea in head for next time. Food was always my first "go to" when life happens and I am trying to make it my last "go to".

    War paint on for work, mainly from boredom. Idiot woman at work no longer in our department just can separate herself from her former work. She was in our department for reasons I cant figure out after most people had left - I just shake my head and wait for her to make her last mistake.

    Shanghai Beef with rice and vegetables at work, cant make that at home, so that is my meal at work this week.

    Still playing phone tag with dr apt people and I will try and call again today. Someone may be out sick or have time off and I only have one phone #. Will work out soon enough.

    Wave to Annie,Ammey, 25, Chamie and Jen.

    Make it your best Thursday. ;)
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Thursday morning

    Hello Sara, Lana, Dawn, Jen, Ammey, 25, and anyone I might have missed.

    Succumbed to a brownie at choir practice last night. And sweets are on the horizon for this weekend with my b-day and DS coming home for the weekend (or at least overnight.)

    I did get good news on that front. DH asked DS if he has plans tomorrow night or if he will be home for supper. So far, so good. He will at least be home for supper. :) Makes my heart happy. Planning to bake some banana bars tonight and trying to think of a good home-cooked meal he might enjoy. We asked if he had a request but he said no.

    Egg and a slice of bacon for breakfast, leftover beef stew for lunch, good snacks and water packed. I see a Diet Coke in my afternoon plans. I feel like supper is up in the air. I think DH was supposed to put something in the crockpot but I'm pretty sure that didn't happen. And he works later tonight and the kids and I will be gone later at DD's volleyball game. It could be an Arby's night again. Something about Thursday and Arbys....I sense a theme.

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Happy Thursday, All! And welcome Arnie and Ammey!

    Boyfriend zeroed out the scale, much to my chagrin. We have one of those manual ones you have to turn the little tiny dial under to get it back to zero.. I instantly put on two pounds. I know that means that I started two pounds heavier than I thought, but that didn't stop me from picking up the scale and yelling at it. C'est La Vie. But I've ordered a different, digital scale. Maybe this one I'll be able to read. ;)

    Have anyone taken a jab at SkinnyTaste's recipes? Not sure if I've recommended her or not, already. Her cornflake 'fried' chicken is absolutely to die for, and I tried the turkey taco chili last night and had to stop myself from licking the bowl. Love love love her cookbook! And all of the servings are 350 cal or less, usually.

    My bf's twin brother moves from VT to TX to join us living in Austin in 9 days! It's going to be both exciting and stressful. Meal planning will be necessary, especially with his mother visiting to help with the move trying to drag us out to dinner every night. I think the phrase 'Sorry, I'm working!' is going to be my diet savior!

    We can make it, guys! One more sleep until Friday!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    I recently started packing my afternoon snacks for work in little individual zip lock bags so that I can just grab one in the morning... It's been helping me resist the gas station snacks across the street! As far as restaurant food goes, I'm a sucker. (Especially Arby's... Because curly fries!!) But I've been trying to look at the menus online beforehand so that I can find something that sounds good, but is relatively healthy. Otherwise, when I get there, I just order my favorite meal that is 1500 calories without me even being aware. Ugh. Any little changes help, though. I'll have to try those SkinnyTaste recipes!

    It's pretty rainy and gloomy over here today. Makes me appreciate being at work a little bit more, because at least I don't have the opportunity to be doing things outside. Trying to be positive!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thank you Sara. Just been a rough week. I literally witnessed a guy let a dog out of his vehicle on a busy HWY and drive away, yesterday. Thankfully, I caught the dog and she is safe in our shelter. Such a sweet girl. Such a horrible man. He did it right in front of his children, too. Piece of poop!!!

    Fair and bday this weekend. Ohhh boy! Sure love fair food! Gotta stay strong.

    Better choices, today. Been having salad for lunch. But, bout out of that. Baked chicken breast lastnite. Buffalo Ranch chicken in crock pot, tonite. Really craving sweets, tho.

    Was given a Magic Bullet, Nutri Bullet. Want to make a smoothie, now. He he...

    Waves to Lana, Jen, Annie, 25, Ammey...and all others... Have a good evening!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Happy Birthday Dawn! Did I miss Annies?? I am so sorry :/ I lose track of time. I hope you both have had a good celebration.

    Fair food?? Find one thing healthy to balance things out and make sure to walk some of it off that day at the Fair. It is only one day.

    Nutri bullet?? I hope you use enjoy using it. My version never left the box and needs a good home.

    Idiot with dog, I am thrilled to know dog is okay. Bad karma all over that man. Extra good points for you Dawn for getting the dog to safety.

    Lana and Jen - I know you are out there. Stop by when you can this weekend and say "peep".

    Tomorrow will see family :s so 2 meals out and will be in red again this week (2 times). Have some good housework to do this weekend as well.

    Oatmeal is ready and time to scoot.

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Good morning Ladies~~

    Sara - I'm here!
    Yesterday I went to a Knitting Level 1 class sponsored by Memorial Sloan Kettering. It was SO wonderful I almost cried. There was no talk of cancer, just 3 volunteer teachers and about ten of us learning how to knit in a big comfy room sitting in a circle around a 7 foot coffee table. They provided nice yarn and a circular knitting needle thing. We are making a cowl hoodie thing, which will come in handy in fall and winter whether or not I lose my hair. It was 2 hours long, and I was sad when it ended. The class will meet for 4 or 5 weeks, and it's followed by a Level 2 when we would make a scarf. What fun!

    I also went for a tissue expander appointment - very uncomfortable/painful; but today's it's better. Hey! What about "water" weight gain? Ha, ha. I've been looking at the scale and at long last it is heading downward again.

    Annie - have a wonderful visit with your son.

    Sara - you almost never talk of family. You don't need weapons for this visit, or a bodyguard? Just kidding. Take a few of The Boys with you.

    Dawn - get in a bunch of exercise and eat skinny before and after the fair. Enjoy some of the food, or you might feel deprived and mournful. (That would be me.)

    Amy - the ready to go snacks is brilliant! Where in the country do you live that's been so rainy?

    Waves to Jen and Chamie and 25 ~~~~

    Time for a shower and the paying of the bills.....gah.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Lana you are so funny! I just did not want another ob/gyn and family gathering back to back. That would be just too much. I do the obligatory meetings, not sure about Thanksgiving this year. Father is not a safe driver at night and I am such a bad driver anyway.

    Should you decided to continue knitting there is a website called ravelry for knitters crocheters and yes there is a picture of Miss Tillie and I have the same user name as here. Drool over the yarn and finished projects.

    At work, shhhh.... have to go hide.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    G'morning! Happy Friday!

    Ugh. Drama at work and poor planning created a horrible eating day yesterday. Cookies, candy, and McDonald's. (But I do love their fries!) I capped off the night with a couple of drinks at home, too. Definitely "in the red" as Sara put it.

    Today should be pretty good - minus the small pumpkin bar I ate with my breakfast. And the one I'll probably eat tonight.

    Received a text from DS that his plans have changed. He's still coming home this weekend, but not tonight. He said the Men's Chorus is having a get-together (probably in relation to homecoming) and one of the guys was giving him crap for saying he wasn't attending. So, I proposed he come home with us after the football game tomorrow and stay until sometime on Sunday. That way, he will be home on my birthday on Sunday, too! I know the guy who was giving him grief. He's a good egg and my son needs that encouragement. He tends to be an outsider (like me) but then worries/complains about being an outsider or feeling like he doesn't belong. This guy actually helped recruit my son to the college and I'm glad he's trying to be sure my son is involved!

    Plan for tonight is to do a little shopping (new sneakers for just kickin' around and stadium seats for the bleachers tomorrow) and for groceries...and do a little baking (DS's favorite banana bars). Tomorrow is the homecoming football game at DS's college and supper at home with my whole family! And Sunday is my bday which will include church and lunch out somewhere.

    I felt too puffy from too much junk and not enough water yesterday that I didn't even bother with the scale. Concentrating on getting that water in today!

    Lana - your knitting class sounds really neat and soothing/relaxing. Enjoy that!

    Sara - Enjoy time with family and don't stress about the food

    Dawn - enjoy the fair!

    Waves to everyone else!


  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy Fri-YAY everyone! It's almost the weekend.

    We just went to the state fair a couple weeks ago; it sure was yummy, but boy, did I eat a lot. I also ended up splitting a pizza and beer with my boyfriend last night. Oops. Oh, well. Gotta enjoy life sometimes ;)

    Lana- That knitting class sounds fun! My best friend is REALLY into knitting, and it's always something that I've wanted to learn. Besides, hand-knit things are always so gorgeous and cozy! I'm not sure when I'd actually find time to do it though. Between work, my family (including my three-year old), and a brand new house, life is busy! Oh, and I live in Central MN. It's rainy here today, again. Fridays are supposed to be nice! :s

    Good luck with the family, Sara! Hopefully it will go well.

    Hi to everyone else! It will take me awhile to learn the names of everyone here. My first name is Annmarie (Ammey is a nickname from high school).
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Sara - I will go look at the site and try to find Tillie.

    I have never been attracted to knitting itself; I just needed so badly to have some company and socialize because I have so very few friends here in the city. I used to get all of my human contact from work, and now there's almost nothing in a city of millions. My sister is a constant knitter - has been all her life. I will probably keep on knitting because MSK has a weekly Wednesday group that is not formal. Anyone can come and just visit and knit together for two hours. So who knows? I am on a pauper's budget now, so I don't want to fall in love with yarn just yet.

    Ammey SO sorry your name got misspelled. I did not catch that the darned auto-correct changed it!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Oh - I forgot why I came to post:

    Today for the first time I put effort into tracking all of my food on the free version of My Fitness Pal on my phone. It was a bit of a struggle remembering to hit the check mark, but I entered all of my food. I seem to be over my calories. I guess that's because I could not muster energy for much of a walk today so I earned few activity calories.

    I want to say that I LOVE counting calories for a change from those cursed, hateful points. I'm not fond of "paying" for fruits and veggies, but jeez I could not stand the point system of very recently. Old points were OK back when they were worth roughly 50 calories per point and some foods weren't so out of balance point-wise.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- thanks for the birthday wishes! No big plans. Hafta work, so it's just another day. After 40, does it really matter, anyway? He he

    Looks as if the fair is going to be rained work

    out. Never fails. It's always really hot or raining. Guess that's Sept in Mo.

    Good news about the dog. A wonderful couple saw her being dumped and want to adopt her! So, if all goes well, she will be in a new home very soon! I hope karma kicks the guy in the butt. Especially for doing it in front of children. How horrible!

    Hope your visit with your family goes well. I love my family, but really don't enjoy going home much. Feel terrible for that. Just like being home.

    Lana- good for you tracking. I keep going back and forth on tracking and not. I know it helps me. Just gets to be too much at times.

    The knitting class sounds wonderful! I would totally do that!

    Hope you're feeling better.

    Annie- have a good visit with your son. Enjoy the game. Glad he has someone to encourage him. It is so good to see kids helping each other.

    Ammey- It's good to enjoy treats once in awhile. Keeps you from binging if you deprive yourself. Today's a new day... Don't beat yerself up!

    So happy its Friday, even tho I hafta work. This week has been tough.

    Will try to BBL...everyone have a good evening..


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good evening,

    Sorry the pumpkin picture wouldnt attach itself to email or this website, I tried yesterday with no success.

    Reward for the last ob/gyn is a MP3 player for work with outside the ear headphones and a pouch to wear the MP3 player.

    Lana I think I know what you are knitting with, does it look like a crown in a way??

    Will be HOT this weekend, so I hope everyone stays cool where they are. I read rain up there in MO and MN, stay dry.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- sounds like a great reward for yourself! Enjoy!

    Trying to stay dry here. I don't mind rain. Just no fun when yer soaked. But, dogs need walked no matter what!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited September 2016

    Good morning,

    Up with the dog at "regular" time she is taken care of and I will go back to sleep.

    Breakfast will be modified as I will be going out to eat twice. Will be careful about the extras.

    Wanted to try and another make ahead meal recipe and the thought better. I need to use what I have so beef and cheese enchiladas tomorrow. Makes 4 so we shall see.

    Will stop by later. Wishing all a great day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sara - here's hoping you have a good day with the family. Someday the pumpkins will come.
    I am at the end of my skein of yarn for the first 3rd of the "cowl" as they call it. I must have knitted a bit too loose, because my chunk of cowl doesn't look as long as the samples at the class. Because I have a big head, they said to add one stitch to the recipe. So I'm knitting 85 instead of 84 stitches on a 6.5 round bamboo/plastic needle set. Oh well, I guess the worst thing that can happen is they take pity on me an give me a total of 4 skeins to work with instead of the standard 3? We chose our colors the first day, but they keep your unused colors with them until you are ready. It's a cowl of 3 different colors, in thirds.

    Ammey - I keep a Post It on my laptop to keep track of people's names, once I learned them. It's not easy!

    OK, I am going to go shower and get to the health club. I can't go in the water for another few weeks, so I'm going to just stroll at a slow pace on a treadmill if I can get one.

    I lost 5 pounds from last Saturday until today. Naturally a lot was water weight, maybe still from the surgery. Still, it was really encouraging.

    Waves to 25 and Dawn and Annie and Jen and Liz if you stop by.

    ***Also welcome to anyone at all who stops by or lurks. Feel free to post and tell us what you are doing this weekend. All are welcome at any time.***


    245.6 / 221.4 / 175
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Good old part skim ricotta cheese!

    1/2 cup on a slice of 80 calorie toast slice, with a generous sprinkle of cinnamon sugar= Super lunch or breakfast.

    260 calories with 18 grams of protein.

    Easy + quick to make.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,894 Member

    Good old part skim ricotta cheese!

    1/2 cup on a slice of 80 calorie toast slice, with a generous sprinkle of cinnamon sugar= Super lunch or breakfast.

    260 calories with 18 grams of protein.

    Easy + quick to make.
