Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Wednesday night

    Crazy day! Work was going well until I got a call at 2 p.m. (while I was in a planning meeting) that my 6 year old DS needed to be picked up from school. The reason? His loose tooth was hanging by a thread and he was bleeding a lot. He was so upset the teacher didn't think she could send him to the after-school care. So, off I went. Not gonna lie, it was kind of nice to leave work a couple of hours early. We had some rain and thunder. I called my mom and chatted for awhile. Read some news. And relaxed! (The tooth came out tonight while DS was eating his pizza for supper! Thank the Lord!)

    Diet was horrible. Throwing out bad food tonight. My mom is stressing out that she has to go to the doctor on October 11th in order to get a refill for her blood pressure medication. She has regained some weight and because her diet has been less than stellar and her exercising has been almost non-existent (and all the stress with my dad's cancer and pulmonary embolism and blood clot), her BP readings have not been very good at home.

    I challenged her tonight! She has 19 full days to eat clean and get some exercise in. And I told her I'll do it with her. So, I am cleaning out the cupboards and I bought some cucumbers, granny smith apples, and natural peanut butter for snacks for the next couple of days. No sweets for me. I will count all of my calories and stay under my goals for carbs and sugar and calories. I CAN stick to it for 19 days. She was already being wishy-washy...but I'm going to stay on her and hold myself accountable, too.

    Sara - so happy to hear about your bonus and the recognition for the great job you are doing! That had to feel amazing!

    Lana - enjoy your time in NC!

    Hello and good evening to everyone else!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    THURSDAY - First day of Autumn.

    Good Morning,

    Cool this morning storm passed by the end of the day. Sister in Yosemite got rained on and was angry because she was told it doesnt rain in September - granted I can only remember one other time, but I messaged her back that Yosemite is beautiful in all weather and it was sunny by the end of the day. She gets to spend 2 weeks on vacation so she can stop complaining.

    Annie - what an evening you had - how can we help you in the next 19 days?? Post how you are doing to help stay accountable. I can remember my 2nd grade picture without front teeth. Did the tooth fairy visit?

    Oatmeal is waiting, will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    We've had rain overnight and the leaves are falling. It definitely feels like Fall! My little guy is supposed to have his big Walk 'N Rock fundraiser event today and I don't know what their backup plan is for rain. I dressed him appropriately to be outside (cool weather) in the event the rain holds off. He earned extra time outside and time in a bounce house and other inflatables as a reward for bringing in more than $40 as part of the fundraiser. We only ask grandparents and aunts/uncles to contribute. They always give enough to be sure our kids earn those special rewards!

    And yes, the tooth fairy did visit last night! A nice crisp $2 bill was left in place of that tiny little tooth. :) He placed the money right in his piggy bank this morning.

    Today is Day 1 of my 19 Day Challenge with my mom. I emailed her a picture of the cocktail cucumbers I bought last night as one of my snacks. (Target didn't have any regular cucumbers, so I bought these.) I threw out the bad food last night and told my hubby no cheating for these 19 days. We have no special events or anything that should throw me off track. The only thing I worry about is if I want to eat emotionally...but I'm just going to have to tell myself "No!" And I've eaten and drank enough pumpkin spice stuff in the last week that I can go without it for 3 weeks.

    Sara - Thanks for asking about what will help me. I really believe posting here and staying accountable will help. It's nice talking with people who understand the struggle and will allow some venting when it's needed.

    I'm off to track my food in MyFitnessPal (I have been lax over the last couple of weeks.) Telling myself I simply will not go over my calories!

    Oh...and very excited for The Blacklist to return to TV for the season. Happy it's on at 9 p.m. this year so it's easier to get the kids to bed before the show comes on.

    More later! Have a good day!


  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    It's almost Friday! Thank god. Long week, and I'm ready for the next 7 days of rain to start! It'll hopefully cool TX down at least 10-15 degrees, which is much needed! :expressionless: If it's not 106F for a few weeks, that's alright by me!

    I'm getting mixed results on whether I should be upping my calories a bit, so I'm adding about 150ish but I think I'll weigh in at the end of this week and see how I'm doing. Looks like I'm set to lose about a pound. Finally about to see the 140's, something I haven't seen in over two years. It'll make me feel better about standing next to my stick of an older sister this Thanksgiving!

    I took inventory of our cabinets last night and, needless to say, I'm not going grocery shopping this week. We'll be eating way too many canned vegetables, potatoes, and boxes of pasta, but we need to whittle down what we have.
    Is 25 and "Sam" the same person?? Glad that Pebbles is doing okay. My dog is too unpredictable and I just keep her at a distance to new dogs.

    I am! But I'll accept either as a name, I'm not easily offended :smile:
    I appreciate you as a dog owner.. If only behaved according to their dog's temperament!

    Annie- Good luck on that 19 day challenge! Hoping it's easy for both of you :smile:

    Arnie- I don't blame you at all. Who works at a shelter (it seems like that's where you work?) and doesn't actually want to rescue dogs? He needs to get out of there. All dogs deserved to be loved and looked after!
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    TGIT! I couldnt wait till Friday. Having a rough day. Was up last night with work worries on my mind. Just feeling very incompetent. I returned to my old job where i had known everything and in the 3 years I have moved away, all new systems and procedures have changed so I am really out of the loop and now I did something wrong but I was told to do it that way and the woman who needs it thinks Im an idiot. I actually just found the instructions and i did it right so feel good about that. There is a second part and I am not sure if I did the wrong or not- so the crazy thing is, I started taking Xanax occassionaly and I feel like that i messing with my memory - like i have no recollection of how I started this project- where I got the info etc. I am trying to retrace my steps and I just dont seem to remember big chunks. Anyone experience that if they were taking some anti anxiety meds.

    Ok - let me get back to work-
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sam - you'll find a few dog lovers here!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello again, and happy Thursday!

    I am finally back to regular work after the four days of training; kind of disappointed about having to return. At least it's almost Friday! I weighed myself this morning for the first time since before I left, and I gained ELEVEN pounds. How is that possible?! Some of it is probably water weight, but needless to say, I'm pretty bummed. It almost makes me want to just give up because even though it's so hard to LOSE weight, it comes back so quickly when I don't pay attention for a few days. Ugh.

    Since I've been out of the loop for a few days, I had trouble catching up with all of the posts. If I am missing anything, my apologies. But as for some of the important stuff...

    Happy belated birthday to Dawn and Annie! Annie, didn't you mention that your husband was getting you a present? What was it?! I couldn't find a mention anywhere of what the surprise was.

    Lana and Sam- Congratulations on the weight loss! I'm so happy for you both. Keep on going!

    Jen- How are Zumba classes going? That sounds like SO much fun. Congratulations on starting the exercise- it's rough to start after not working out for so long, but I've learned that it's so important. Plus, it helps you be able to eat more, which is always nice! :)

    Sara- Congratulations on the bonus at work! That's amazing news, and I'm sure it was well deserved.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Oh yes, the gift! Well, he actually got me two gifts. The first was a book I had been looking for around town. A historical romance and part of a series. :) The other gift was something I remember mentioning but promptly forgot about it. It's a "Wake-Up Light". You set it like an alarm clock and it will gradually brighten your room in the morning to help you wake up more naturally. I said it might be nice to try something like this, especially in the winter when it is still pitch black outside when I'm trying to get up at 5:30 a.m. So far, I like it!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tracking question. I wonder if any of you worry about the fat content in your diets? I am consistently seeing that when I try to follow a 40% protein/30% carbs/30% fat structured diet, I am always over on the fat goal MyFitnessPal gives me. I'm not particularly concerned by it. Today it's coming from my 2 Tbsp coffee creamer, 1 string cheese, 2 eggs, 6 meatballs, and 2 Tbsp natural peanut butter. (Admittedly, the meatballs are not the best choice but they were on sale and family enjoys them.)

    I could have had the granny smith apple without the PB but I know there is a school of thought that you should pair your fruit (sugar/carb) like that with some protein.

    And actually, according to MFP, I'm way low on protein today!

    Maybe I'm not cut out to eat 40% protein?
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    That present is awesome! Your DH sounds very thoughtful. Not a traditional gift, but something unique and hopefully handy. I hope you had an awesome birthday!

    Historically, I haven't been following any of the MFP goals other than calories, but lately, I've had a TON of hair falling out. I have looked back at some of my diary days, and I've been way too low on protein, so I think that's at least part of the problem :(I think you can manually edit the percentage goals for fat/protein/carbs in the settings. Have you tried that? I'm not sure what the default settings are. I wish I could manage to eat 40% protein, but I love carbs too much (POTATO CHIPS).
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Home from a dull day at work. I made an apt to redo what couldnt be done and if it were up to me would not be done, however........ I met the most upset woman on the phone and when I had to immediately reschedule I got an earful of anger. If my driver cant take me, then I dont go. Pretty simple words here. Driver may be getting promotion so I may have to get a 2nd option.

    Lasagna is toaster oven. Would rather curl up with dog in blanket and call today good.

    Lana - are you near Charlotte? Difficult situation all around. Wish there was an answer.

    Cboys cant even charm me tonight, but I wish all fun under Lana's Palm tree. Drink special going on. Get 3 and get a paper umbrella - those boys needs some marketing help.

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thank you all for birthday wishes. After work, spent an enjoyable evening at home with BF. I'm good with that.

    Yes, I work at animal shelter. My boss has no shelter experience. And having been with us just over a year, he still has no clue what it means to be in this field. The doggie I took in was groomed today and looks and feels amazing. She's a whole new dog! He ended up not talking to us about why he's so upset. He does that all the time. Very childish.

    The dog that I witnessed being dumped was adopted, today! She is in her new home in Indiana. So happy for her. Such a great dog. I will miss her.

    Sara- congrats on yer bonus! That's awesome.

    You can change yer Macros. I have done it. Still can't get enough protein and too much fat and carbs. Just can't seem to figure it out.

    Sorry not commenting on all posts. Not been sleeping well, so really tired.

    Hope everyone has a good night. Gonna curl up with pups under Lana's palm tree :smile: really want a paper umbrella
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Just a quick note,

    Annie I went to Amazon to see what the "light" alarm clock was and they look interesting. I sleep with light on in living room half the night, so not a choice for me, but it must be better than some of these alarms blasting away.

    40%/30% /30% - too many numbers so I dont even know how to advise. I have switched some vegetables to more dark green and less starch. Salt intake is also a priority. Hope you can find the balance that works.

    Dawn- Happy Dog news! That must make the other crap almost worth it. Hope a good sleep finds you.

    Will try and crochet one more flower and call it a night.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Happy Friday!!! Wishing I could have just slept in but here I am at work. Looking forward to a quieter weekend. Thinking we have some homework/projects to do with the kids and I would like to get my fall decorations out. We also need to get new tires on my car before the snow flies.

    Need to replace all 4 tires so $$$. We have actually put it off for 2 years. It's just painful for me as our credit card is already too high! We had it almost paid off and then did all of the work on the house this summer in the hopes of selling...only to stay put. Trying to get my resolve up to put all of our extra money on that credit card and pay it off over the next 8-9 months. Our savings isn't nearly high enough and it's tempting to just put the money there, but the interest is so high on the credit card that we're better off trying to pay it off. I'd love to get to a point where we never use that %#@%# card again! Hubby shopped around on prices and will take it in tomorrow morning. We will pay with $$ out of savings account.

    And here I had hoped to go buy a few new fall decorations for the house this weekend. Maybe not.

    Only transgression yesterday was a corn muffin with supper. Otherwise good day and within calorie limit.

    Today is Day 2 of 19. Now to face this day and the weekend. The weather is getting cooler and I'm going to have to switch to wearing my jeans and dress pants for work pretty soon. That will be what I think of when I want to eat something carby or sweet.

    Need to check in with my Mom...

    Will CBL! Waves to all!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member

    Good morning!

    My attempt to get on a couple hours ago was thwarted by Windows updates - still updating but at least I can post.

    Annie - isnt it always a juggle between credit cards and savings? Waiting to buy seasonal decorations means having less to pick from - but new tires means safety. Good job a sticking to plan 2 of 19 may not seem like much but we have all stopped better habits before after day 1.....keep up the good work.

    Eating lunch at work, salad container date is yesterday and they go bad quickly. So another bagged salad for dinner.

    Okay, change in weather means more soups/stews/ potatoes - I mean to walk afternoon breaks again to balance exercise and calorie intake. Make a plan that will work. I was wondering if I had pants that fit in smaller size and I do, so at least that means I dont have to rush out and shop.

    I will lurk from work ..... TGIF.... Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,957 Member

    Hey Girls~~

    I'm throwing my towel and beach bag onto my lounge chair. Will be back tonight to finish reading and to post. How did I miss yesterday!!!??? North Carolina Time is a Time Zone all its own.

    In the meanwhile.....
    Day One of Annie's 19 Day healthy eating! We will all help!

    (Alerting the Cabana Boys of the 19-day Thing.)

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Welp, Friday is off to a bad start, as it always is. Weekly SEC muffins from McDonalds with the S/O, it's our little treat once a week, keeps us from going out the other 6 days. Also decided to buy lunch, mostly because my microwave meals have been exceptionally bad recently. Not sure if they're a bad batch or if I'm just getting sick of them. Suddenly $6 seemed like a low price to pay to not cover another alfredo meal in hot sauce and shove it down. On top of that I feel like I look like a trash can today, but I'll take it *hair flip*. I've looked worse.

    Going to spend this weekend baking and cleaning. Looking to make good with our upstairs neighbors/dog walkers/friends, so I'll be taking half of what I make up to them. If my apartment ate everything I made, I have a feeling the three of us would wind up on My 600lb Life within a year!

    Looking forward to not being at work. Waves to everyone! It's almost Saturday, get excited...

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,379 Member
    Our company is celebrating its founder's day, so breakfast was served. All tracked, will see if I can get dog to help me walk off some of those 'red' calories after work.
  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    So Baskin Robins brought back German Chocolate Cake Ice Cream for the fall time. Need I say more-
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    It's almost time for the weekend! It is STILL rainy and oh so gloomy over here... But I'm happy anyways! Happy Friday to all of you.

    I took my three year old to the store last night to buy a Halloween costume (she chose Ariel), and it took a full hour to make it through the store. She's old enough to walk on her own next to me without being in a cart, but she isn't old enough to make it more than two feet down an aisle without stopping to look at random items. Alas, we are headed back to the store for a few more forgotten things. Here's to hoping it won't take quite so long tonight...

    I lost a pound of the weight I had gained over my few days of training, but I'm still 10 pounds up, which kind of sucks! Weekends are always tough for me, but I'm going to try to do better this weekend in hopes of shedding more of the weight again. Wish me luck! :)