Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Ammey - What timing!? Holy cow. So glad you were not there when it happened!

    Hey Jen - Hang in there. You've got to either get to a different time of WW meeting or diff location or go in there, give them THE LOOK (that you will KILL them and eat them on the spot) and tell the weigher that you don't want to know anything. Here in NYC, the weighers, for the most part, are very discreet and non-invasive. It always stuns me to go to other WW meetings and have my gain or loss whooped across the room out onto the next parking lot.
    Idiots. (Of course that was my experience before I finally gave up because of The Boards issue and hating the newest points system.)
    I just tracked another whole day on the free MFP app on my phone. It rocks.

    Sara - CONGRATULATIONS on a fabulious weigh in. This is great! *Tillie doing the happy doggie dance*

    Annie - you've got to wiggle it, just a little bit...... :wink:

    Waving to Sam and Chamie and Dawn. Waves to anyone lurking~~~~~

    Everyone have a good Tuesday tomorrow!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good evening,

    Beef enchilada in toaster oven. Kept away from extra food today knowing what a nice dinner I had waiting.

    Our company is doing an e-waste collection (old tv/dvd/computer items) and paper they will shred. 100 degrees out and I am throwing dusty things in my car to move less than a block. Good news is now I have a couple of empty corners.......

    I am trimming the parts of Miss Tillie that is most annoying, I have a number for another groomer to consider.

    I went to look to see what Annie should be wiggling... I think I missed something.

    Jen- I am hoping there is another option with weigh in at WW. Front desk person can make or break many companies.

    Sending good thoughts eastwards.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member
    Sara - I think Annie was saying she needed to get some exercise or walking, and that song just jumped into my silly head!
    ....come on and wiggle it, just a little bit....

    Sleeping time

  • calny
    calny Posts: 62 Member
    Hi All-

    Thanks for the encouragement. Did skinny vanilla latte today- but trying to stop them completely. Lunch is served at work - Chicken, mashed pot., broccoli and salad. Had ranch dressing though. Finally finally finally exercised. Did a Zumba class. First time ever. Have not exercised in about 3 years and now with an extra 35lbs. Besides being out of breath, not knowing the steps, but my feet were killing me too! But I'm sticking with it. Hopefully this week will be better-
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Cool enough to open window and turn on fan for a little while.

    Woman at work who drives me to dr apt left a painting she did of the Golden Gate Bridge on my desk. Took someone else to turn painting over to see who did it. I made sure to show her boss how talented she is. She has her 2nd interview for a promotion today. Nice bump in pay, but not worth the hassle at my age.

    Company is talking cost of living increase numbers. That money is already spent. Just the way it is.

    Today all tracked already. Nice to not have too many food surprises.

    Jen - give yourself credit for trying something new and sticking with it Zumba is a very popular class. Good for you.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Tuesday afternoon

    More drama at work. A long meeting where we spun our wheels made lunch very late. And being starving did not encourage good choices when I finally got to lunch.

    Planning to empty the cupboards of anything "bad" tonight and keep that garbage out of the house. Not looking hopeful for a walk tonight as email from DD's teacher indicates the class has quite a bit of homework. With DD's challenges, that means my night is shot helping/fighting her with her homework. Tonight we will be writing a speech.

    Challenged my mom to start out fresh tomorrow, too. Let's see how well we can do until we see each other at Christmas! :)

    Jen - keep up the exercise. It's good for the mind and the body!

    Hello to everyone else.

    I'll CBL!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good evening,

    Will drag self into hammock under Lana's Palm Tree and snoring will start shortly thereafter.

    Did get in an afternoon walk at work which was something I stopped doing.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Not a great eating day. But I did drag myself to the treadmill tonight after the kids went to bed at 9 p.m. School and homework have started, so that is my life since I am not a morning exerciser.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good Morning,

    Annie - good for you to get on treadmill. I wander around a little with dog, but after dinner I am done.

    Clouds in the sky here against the moon - with any luck that means the huge high pressure that sits over Northern CA will break down and go away for the year. Clouds are not a summer phenomenon here, so keeping fingers crossed as I am tired of the heat.

    Cafe lunch is their Chinese Chicken salad, so I am looking forward to it.

    Will see if I can get another afternoon walk in at work. I used to all the time and then work got in the way and I often did not even get an afternoon break. Time to reclaim those minutes in something healthier.

    Sister visiting from Germany posted on FB that she and her boyfriend encountered a bear at Sequoia National Park (Sequoia and Redwoods are similar trees). She said it seems bears do not like Japanese cars. Glad to know they did not get out like some tourists and try and take a picture with the bear!!

    Wishing all a good day. Wave to all who follow.
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Wednesday!

    Trying to figure out the sweet spot for eating back exercise calories. At this point I've got 17-20 pounds to go, so I should be losing 1lb/wk, but by not eating them back, or only eating some, I've been losing 2. Not sure what my figures are going to look like this week and next, but I really don't wanna get down to GW and bounce back. nopenopenope. When I hit 135/130 I'm staying there, dammit!

    Last night the s/o and I took the dog on a 3 mile walk and ran into two mean dogs, one of which snapped at Pebby when they sniffed noses. Luckily she wasn't bitten, and we could tell because when she gets bit she carries on like she's been shot and is slowly dying. It's pathetic and endearing at the same time.

    That's about it. Got a long, long day at work ahead. Not enough caffeine. Not enough people replying to my e-mails.

    Hi to everyone that might stop in!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Rained on me slightly while walking dog, means rain in mountains which is needed so I brought my umbrella to work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Hey Girls, I am at the house in North Carolina (with Mr. Grumpy Pants) for a few days. The eating should get back in line. I "medicated" with SO much chocolate yesterday because He was in a fowl mood.
    I deserve better than this. :(

    But today I woke up in someplace that is NOT NYC, so I have that to be happy for. My mood has picked up; I can be in a whole 'nuther area of the house from him. Yay.

    BB in a minute.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Jen - Loud huge applause for your going at the Zumba. That's brave doing something you've never done before. Be careful though.
    You probably know this about Starbucks: you can ask for how many "pumps" of the flavor syrup you want, so you could modify your skinny latte. Wait maybe a skinny latte already has reduced amount? Anyway, big credit for working it all.

    Sara - that was very cool of you to show boss about the painting by the talented co-worker.
    and big bravos for the afternoon walk at work. That's a really good habit to get back into! Plus it gets you away from your desk and clears your head.
    Oh - Sara - I know there is a card in my mailbox, and now I realize that I did not take the mail back out, and I won't see it until Monday. Thank you for sending it; if it is not X-rated, maybe we will have an inspirational photo here next week!
    Oh, and the sister from Germany? Smart about staying in car.

    Annie - I am amazed and admire you for being able to get on a treadmill at 9PM at night. You've got some sense of purpose going there! Hurray for you!

    Hey Sam - were those dogs on leashes being walked by owners or just walking around on the loose? Either way, that is scary! Poor Pebby. Glad she is OK.

    Searching around for Ammey and Dawn and Chamie......Looking for Liz. I miss our Liz - she started this whole thread originally with WW. I hope she is well.

    Waves and hellos to any lurkers or drive-by visitors. Say hello; all are welcome.

    QOTD: Is dinner going to be healthy/on plan?

    AOTD: Yes! Sauteed scallops, please. Plus veggies!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Lana - my taste in cards is a bit off I know, but Mario was the edge of what I considered "appropriate".

    ATOD - ignoring caramel corn at coworkers desk (has sign "help yourself" on it) as I have maxed out with my beef enchilada and chinese chicken salad for lunch. So on plan but will need extra walk today to stay in the "green".

    Shall we have the cboys bring by a "grumpy pants shield"? Protects against negative vibes and dumb comments..... did you know that one of the cboys has family in your area and may just stop by after visiting family?? What a treat.....

    At work bbl.
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Lana: They were both on leash, as was mine. It just happens far too often... and my little girl, who assumes every other dog and every human is her best friend until proven otherwise, is ALWAYS caught off guard. I do my best to protect her, but it gets to a point.

    AOTD: Almost definitely. I usually just look at the calories I have left and that determines what I eat.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana - I have been thinking about Liz as well. Luckily she did post once and she has an account here.....Chamie is another one who is drifting away a little. They will come by when they can.

    Got called into the office, I thought "oh god, what now??", but instead found out I got one of the biggest bonuses I have ever gotten at this company and me being me starting crying like a 2 year old. Nice to know my work is being noticed in a good way. Audits are coming up soon for this month - not something I look forward to.

    Beef Enchilada with black beans in toaster oven. Caramel corn at work got me, so I recorded my walk this afternoon and I am over by 89 calories. It is what it is.

    Is 25 and "Sam" the same person?? Glad that Pebbles is doing okay. My dog is too unpredictable and I just keep her at a distance to new dogs.

    Wishing all a great night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Sara - yes, Sam is 25. She posted that somewhere recently, and I made a note on my post it stuck to the laptop.

    And Sara Congratulations!!! on that bonus and the recognition of the good job that you do. That is fabulous - what a boost. I'm glad you cried - you are a sweet human and everyone should know that! What a great thing for you today.

    It's getting to be time to watch some TV and relax.....

    I didn't see any Cabana Boys today because it was raining. Maybe tomorrow? :P

    See you all tomorrow~~

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I feel accomplished. Made boss so mad, he left and called a meeting in the morning. All because I took in a dog that was running down middle of HWY about to get hit and she needs groomed. I'm such a terrible person. Shame on me.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sorry, that was not nice. I just get so frustrated with this man. He has absolutely no heart for this business. My friend quit because he would not take in a dog that needed medical care. This dog merely needs groomed. And, is the kind of dog that he likes...lil foo foo...highly adoptable. He is so uncaring, so childish. He does not belong here. So sad
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    In Los Angeles there are groomers who will do pro bono work for stray dogs so they can get adopted. Is there anything like that in your area? See Hope for Paws on youtube..... Sadly sounds like your boss needs a job and while this pays his income, it is not a good match. You get good karma points for helping that dog.

    Taking dog to hammock under Lana's Palm tree where dog will get brushed and I will get read poetry to.