Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Forgot to weigh in at my regular moment this morning, oh well still in same pound. Close enough. Fighting dog to take her meds is stressful and she just glares at me. I would ignore her if I didnt know of her mouth hurting. I think I got her pill in her..... even checked the path where she ran off to / didnt find it, but that doesnt mean much its not a big pill.

    Good Morning EGMONTANA!! Stop by and post when you can.

    Curl up with dog and see about a little sleep.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday morning

    I can't believe we made it all weekend without going out to eat! Good for the pocketbook and the waistline! Other than the chai tea yesterday, I did well. Got a 2 mile walk on the treadmill. Felt like I didn't have any giddy-up and thus, it was a bit slower than I would like, but I got it done.

    Day 5 of 19. Good plan for the to work the plan. DD has volleyball games 3 nights again this week. They are right after school and work, which is good, but means we get supper and homework a bit later. Had to plan quick things that I'm choosing not to eat right now, so will eat leftover chili or an egg for supper along with some veggies. I believe we will make homemade beef stew in the crockpot for tomorrow's supper and that will serve as leftovers through rest of the week.

    Planning to get on the treadmill tonight again during the debate. Cannot get walking in on Tues and Wed nights due to other activities. (and I am NOT a morning exerciser). :)

    Welcome, egmontana!

    Hello to everyone else! Make it a great day. Will CBL!

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome, egmontana!

    Happy Monday, all. Did not log this weekend, much like usual, but tried to keep my activity high. That meant lots of shopping, but sometimes it has to be done! Got a super cute dress at Kohl's on the clearance rack, and bought some food to get us through the week at H.E.B. Nothing over-the-top, but more money than I intended to spend.

    S/o's mother and twin brother are going to be showing up today, so this week will be a challenge of buying all the healthiest things at whatever restaurants we end up in for the next week. Be still my taco-loving heart. Currently trying to resist the cookie bars in the upstairs office that I got an 8:15am phone call about!

    Going to clean up my desk and try to stay warm this A.M. I've managed to make it absurdly cute-- pastel rainbow color scheme, shelf liner covering the front of my (dark grey) desk drawers, and a bunch of pink and teal accents. Cute grey happy buddha hanging out next to my computer. Gotta bring some light to this dark room full of middle-aged men. Sometimes I feel like the IT version of Elle Woods, sitting here in my bright pink dress.

    Have a great Monday Lana, Sara, Annie, Dawn, Amy, Jen, anyone I missed, and anyone who lurks!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Sara, I hope your dog troubles improve; I know how hard it can be to give medicine. They are so smart about that!

    Annie, good job on your food and exercise! I had a tough weekend with both, and maybe you will inspire me to walk or run tonight as well. For some reason, after a few months of both exercising and eating better, I'm starting to revert back to old ways, and it's turning into more of a yo-yo diet. I can't figure out what to do in order to heighten my motivation again; ugh!

    Sam- I LOVE the sound of your desk! What kind of work do you do? My boyfriend just bought me a purple orchid over the weekend, so I added that to my work desk this morning. It sure cheered me up to bring it in today! I wish I had more leverage to do more decorating, but since I work in a bank, it has to look at least somewhat uniform/professional.

    Happy Monday to all, and welcome to egmontana!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Welcome to EGMontana---Retirement is going to be wonderful! I am jealous~~

    Sara -I pulled the mail out of the box: Thank you for the silly card! I laughed out loud. Thankfully, there was no one around to make inquiries....

    Must get out there and walk now.

    Waves to Sam and Ammey and Dawn and Chamie and Jen and Annie.
    Hey where the heck IS Chamie?
    We will have to send a search party of Cabana Boys....

    *tossing bag and towel onto lounge chair....*


  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    My boyfriend just suggested that we do a core workout tonight while watching the Falcons/Saints game. I'm pretty excited about this, and hopefully it'll make the workout more fun. Plus, if the Falcons win, I win the NFL picks for the week at my office, which would earn me about $60. Here's to hoping they do well!

    P.S. I just discovered Strawberry Shortcake Goldfish, which have 140 calories for 35 crackers (1.1 ounce). They are SO yummy. I think I'm going to pre-weigh them and package them out for more work snacks. Might have to buy more for my daughter though, so that she doesn't realize they've gone missing... Maybe we'll share some tonight before her dance class.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited September 2016
    Dog is doing a little better, bowls are a problem so I am hand feeding her - I hope she doesnt think this is the new normal......

    Found out I forgot her antibiotics and so far as I keep her regular starting now, all is okay.

    Another hot day here - looking for some nice iced drinks under Lana's Palm Tree. Will be in hammock soon snoring up a storm.

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • wagdepot
    wagdepot Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Just signed onto mfp for the first time in several years and I saw this thread. I can oh so relate to egmontana's "Yada, yada" :). Got sidetracked from getting healthy but need to start again, hope you don't mind me joining the party late. I live near Nashville TN, and am a recent empty-nester. Have a Happy evening all!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Welcome @egmontana and wagdepot..nice to meet you...

    Sara- glad pup is getting better. Just a little more spoiled

    Sam- good luck with family visit. You'll do good, stay strong.

    Ammey- I have definitely reverted back to old ways. I eat less, just not well. Today/this evening would have been great for a walk..but, I was a lil poutty and did nothing. I have no motivation...other than repeatedly telling myself I'm going to do better but, not actually doing a thing...

    Hi Lana! I was wondering about Chamie too...hope all is well for you...

    Watching movies as always...BBL

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good news, dog feeling well enough to take a decent walk and growl at cars!!

    Wagdepot - there is no "late" around here. Lana's bar is always open under her Palm Tree.

    Doing the laundry I forgot to do yesterday. At least I remembered today.....
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Grrr for co-workers who bring treats to work. My willpower was not there...ate a chocolate chip cookie and slice of chocolate chip banana bread. Kept to an otherwise healthy plan. And got onto the treadmill a little after 9 p.m. and got in 2 miles in 35 minutes. 50 oz of water, some diet coke and 2 cups of coffee today. (Finally got to exercise after the kids' homework was done. Took forever!!!)

    I feel like I need a drink! I'm game for Lana's bar tonight.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Battle with dog over all meds, so she gets her antibiotics and the pain meds will just have to wait......phenobarb and atopica in liverwurst is still working (2 separate applications). Dog would not sleep in bed so I spent most night in recliner and I can feel it.

    Annie - good for you!! 2 miles on the treadmill. Coworkers and food. Last week it was caramel corn - most things I can walk by pretty safely anymore. That was not one of them. Track and learn.

    Oatmeal is on stove, dog is eating her kibbles.

    Wave to all who follow, wishing all a great Tuesday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Sara - It's good that Tillie growled at the cars--is that normal for her? Or do cars make annoying noises that dogs can hear and it hurts her ears?
    I do hope she will take her meds so she (and you) can feel better and sleep in the bed.
    May I please have some oatmeal? Thanks~

    Annie - Bravo for the treadmill. I admire that you can do it late at night, but I bet it has some mental-health benefits too at the end of the day.

    Ammey - Did you win?

    Welcome to WagDepot!

    Waves to EGMontana and Sam and Dawn and Jen and Chamie~~

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Short Tuesday update. Caught the cold from my boyfriend that he caught from his co-worker. At work because I haven't been able to effectively accumulate sick time and only have 8ish hours left, which I'm saving for a day I can't pull myself together, or all the frick frackin doctors appointments that come with acquiring ADHD meds (at least 1 a month, but at the start 1 every 2 weeks).
    Took some DayQuil, but that's messing with my stomach so I think I'll spend today under my desk dying.

    Here's a picture of my desk, so just imagine me on the floor next to the trash can and you'll have a good idea of how today is going to go!


    Ammey- I work in IT, doing tech support. Not my ideal, since my degree is in computer security, but I'm working on getting the certs necessary for a woman to actually get hired into a compsec role. :wink:
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Counting down the days till Friday...

    Welcome to WagDepot! :)

    Dawn- I totally understand. At least if we keep thinking about it, someday it'll happen. Any little changes are better than nothing at all, though.

    Sara- That oatmeal DOES sound really yummy. Maybe you should just make a big pot! ;) I missed breakfast this morning because my S/O was out of the door before I woke up, and things just don't go as smoothly without him. He's the one that usually takes care of our daughter in the morning, since I'm really not a morning person.

    Lana- The Falcons won last night (it was a fun game to watch), so I think that means that I DID win! I am just waiting for the confirmation at work today. $60 will definitely help my pockets until payday.

    Sam- Your desk is cute! I love the polka dot drawers; definitely my favorite. My S/O works in server/security stuff, so that's pretty cool! I always think it's so impressive when he talks about what he does... Definitely not something that I could ever understand or do.
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Ooh, forgot to mention. I did that workout yesterday during the football game, and found out this morning that I lost 2.2 pounds overnight. I think my body was happy about me finally doing something healthy again.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Ammey - Congrats on the $$$ win!!

    Sam - You are one of those people who can use Tobasco sauce! The polka dots are wonderful - you did that yourself, right? I need contact paper; it could save my life from ugliness. LOVE the Buddha.
    Please feel better soon. The Cabana Boys will be coming in the afternoon with hot toddies and hot water bottle for you (Sara swears by them).

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Dang it! I just realized I have a dental appt tomorrow and for some reason, my dentist takes blood pressure readings. I just wish they wouldn't! My BP got elevated at the end of my last pregnancy 6 years ago. It went down, but not quite as low as it used to be. Now, sometimes the readings are okay and sometimes they are a little high. So far, my doctor has not been concerned. But I get stressed out and have white coat syndrome whenever I think about having my BP taken!!! Wishing I hadn't had the caffeine and sodium today...or for the last several days. Even with losing 25 lbs, it remains a bit borderline. My mom and grandma have high BP, so I know there is a family tendency. My doctor said sometimes BP creeps up as we get older no matter if we eat healthy, exercise, etc.

    Now I'm stressed!!!
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Lana- I am! It's the only thing that makes my cheap frozen lunches edible! And thanks! I did do it myself. Contact paper is pretty easy to apply neatly, and to take it off all you need is a hair dryer. ('m just hoping I don't switch desks for a while!) Considering a hot toddy when I get home.. that sounds lovely right about now! Tell the cabana boys to make it extra strong.

    Annie- Deep breaths at the dentists! As long as your doctor isn't concerned, I'm sure you'll be fine. Best of luck.

    Ammey- Thanks! :smile: I have pink and white zig-zags on the bottom drawers, so it gets even more ridiculous. Everyone is always so impressed when I talk about my education, but then they start talking about theirs and I'm equally as impressed! Everyone has different skillsets-- I can set up an enterprise computer network, but I don't think I could change the oil in my car if you paid me...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    good evening,

    Salad waiting for me, and it can wait a little while longer.....

    Annie - any/all dr apt get me anxious it does not matter. Will go meet the new dentist office I am hoping will be my next dentist. I called made an apt for a couple weeks from now but as I have tomorrow off I asked if I can come and pick up paper work to be filled out.

    25/Sam - nice redo on the cubicle, cant do that at my place, but I will see if I can finally get picture of pumpkins up here..... wonderful Buddha.

    Crocheting chain of flowers for co worker's daughters, seems as I face Thursday and "rotten" appointment I want to do something nice to balance out my week.

    Dog is doing better and has an appetite and an attitude. So almost normal.

    Will crochet with Tillie under Lana's Palm Tree, where the appetizers are high quality and no calories and the flirting from the cabana boys is manditory.