Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Love flirting with Cabana Boys!


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Glad I have today off. Dog up most of night with gas. May have to stop antibiotics as she is not eating this morning, will make a phone call to vet. Off to see if dog will let me get a little more sleep.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    Hi just saw this group on my home screen today. I don't know why but every time I seem to get close to my weight goals I start sabotaging myself. I am using the first of October as my new starting point. I really need to start keeping a physical food diary again. Without it I just do not watch what I eat. The changes and stress at work are probably not helping but that is just another excuse.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    rfechter - consider a reward of some substance for reaching your goal. It does not mean spending too much money, but sometimes we have to bribe ourselves to get things done.

    Waved liverwurst under dogs nose and food was gone. That's my girl!!

    Hair cut after 9 so getting some housework done. Reading is next.
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy hump day to all! Another day closer to Friday and all kinds of fun weekend plans. I'm really not thrilled to be at work today... Would much rather be curled up in bed with the cats and some warm blankets... I woke up to 49 degrees this morning. My daughter had to be convinced into wearing close-toed shoes and a sweatshirt; it was a struggle, and now I'm struggling just as much to get through this work day.

    Annie- Good luck with the doctor's appointment! I'm sure you'll do just fine :)

    Sam- I hope you're feeling better today! I know how tough it is to be at work while feeling sick.

    Sara- What kind of books do you read? I have a couple waiting for me that I have to make time for; I just seem to have so many fun fall TV shows starting again, that I run out of time for books. I need to prioritize some things better, I guess, since I really enjoy reading.

    rfechter- It's so easy to think that once you've reached your goals, you're done and you don't have to work anymore. And that creates problems, because then the weight just comes right back! I've done it many times myself. Just re-commit to being healthy and make it more of a lifestyle change instead of just a temporary diet. Best of luck to you!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Dental appt went okay. BP was 121/79, so not bad for feeling stressed out. :) Having trouble with enamel disappearing from my teeth. Going to try taking an antacid at bedtime (although I don't feel I have acid reflux) and also using special paste each night to try to slow down/reacalcify the bad areas. Hoping to at least postpone the need for more crowns well into the future.

    Ate good meals yesterday, but indulged in sweets that were a no-no. Hoping to be better today. Need to stick to my tracking. It's Day 7 of 19 and I haven't stayed on track as much as I would have liked. Tonight will be a walk, for sure!

    Went to a Paint Nite Event with friends from work. Had one which was like a white russian made with RumChata and also had some Stout in it. Very tasty but very spendy! It was good to get out. Painting turned out okay, too!

    Sara - glad to hear your dog decided to eat. Sorry for a rough night. I got my hair cut last night and she really sheared me. Much too short! Will not be in any pictures this weekend at the Ren Fest. But at least it will grow...and I don't have another appt until early-November.

    Sam - hope you're feeling better! I also work in IT support.

    Ammey - it's always hard to go from sandals back to socks and shoes.

    I'll CBL!

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks, Ammey and Annie. I'm feeling slightly better today, but worse in different ways. We'll see how this goes.

    Sara- Glad your dog is eating, and maybe feeling a bit better? Best wishes there!

    Made the best choice I could at a bad hotel restaurant last night, when there weren't many choices to make at all. Tried to log anything of substance that I could tell was in the chicken burger, but we will see if that works in my favor. Heading out of work early today to help the s/o clean before his mother shows up. That means skipping lunch. Glad to leave at 4, sad to skip lunch. Oh well. Life goes on!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Sam, can you snack on nuts/hard boiled egg/peanut butter with veg today - anything at workplace - soup?? If I skipped a meal I become faint and cranky. Hope there are some good choices out there.

    Annie - just noticed my front bottom teeth have "grayed" in the last couple of months -age is part of it. Good job on the BP at dentist - at least you havent tossed the 19 day challenge out the door.

    Read online today to put off first cup of coffee so that it is not the first thing you drink - so I am now having my first will try and get more water in am before coffee/tea.

    Paint Nite out is a place where you go and learn to paint?? I have heard of a couple here in town as well. If the picture is of a stick figure and a triangle tree I am rocking that painting!! - otherwise I will leave it to more talented people.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sara...Paint Nite is out at a local establishment (usually bar/restaurant) where they walk you through the steps to create a painting. Here is the one I did last night.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    annie- that is fabulous, consider using it for meditation or something to relax with- as you look at it.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    ASalner wrote: »
    Sara...Paint Nite is out at a local establishment (usually bar/restaurant) where they walk you through the steps to create a painting. Here is the one I did last night.

    That is amazing! Love it!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Hi Ladies

    Annie! That is a beautiful painting!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog has me up early and good part of night. Meds for her stops over the weekend, so maybe sleep eventually. Saw chance of rain Sun/Mon is 80% which is well needed.

    Another fun apt with ob/gyn this afternoon, so I hope they can remove and let this be the last apt for awhile. I am trying to keep positive about this. Chicken Teriyaki today at work.....see?? there is something.

    Annie - I was going to suggest going to Michael's and have that framed, but maybe not after looking at it again. You did a great job.

    Oatmeal on the stove and if I get lucky maybe a little more sleep. Will try and pop by this afternoon.

    Wave to all who follow
  • ejtj1234
    ejtj1234 Posts: 80 Member
    I was so excited and thought this time I am really gonna do it! Well after a week of staying within my calories and walking at least 10,000 steps a day (which before I only walked 2k) I weighed in a gained 4 pounds:( I just feel so defeated and discouraged:(
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Well, too many treats yesterday but good meals. Lots of water. No walk, however. It was 9:30 by the time DD finished homework and went to bed. I told my husband I HAVE to get a walk tonight...even if I have to do it during "our show", which is The Blacklist!

    Good meals planned today. Going to try to make spaghetti using pre-packaged fresh butternut squash noodles I bought in the produce section at the grocery store. They were spendy but I wanted to try anyway.

    Today brought two of three cats coughing up hairballs. One decided to do it while sitting on son's he awoke to that sound. Yuck. His sheets and blankets went in the washer before I left the house this morning.

    Sara - good luck with your appt!

    More later!
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    I decided this morning that I wanted to save enough calories today so that I can have a couple drinks tonight, but it doesn't seem like it's going very well. I'm bored at work and boredom = snacks. Argh! The S/O is going to be gone tonight for hunting, so maybe I can take my daughter to the trampoline park or something to burn some calories.

    My original goal was to be down to goal weight by my vacation that is coming up next month... I'm still laughably far away, and there's no way I'll even be close. Discouraging, but at least I'm a lot happier with my weight already compared to the beginning (this spring). I've lost about 18 pounds!

    Sara- Another wish for good luck at your appointment today :)

    Annie- Let us know how those noodles are! They actually sound amazing. My current favorite type of noodle is this:


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    18 lbs is great, Ammey!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Good evening,

    This Dr apt was successful on the first attempt. Very grateful. Over on calories as the only thing that seemed interesting was a protein bar.

    Will see about an early nap tonight.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sara- so glad appt was successful! Good news!

    Annie- those noodles sound yummy...interesting

    Ammey- Congrats on 18lbs..I'm still strugglin with my first 5...Just can't seem to really get motivated and commit...

    ejtj1234- Welcome! I can completely understand. I have been having that exact same struggle for many years. My motivitation is just not there anymore. I have no one to blame but me. Don't give up. You will figure it out.

    Waves to Lana, Jen, Chamie, Sam...anyone I missed...have a good evening all!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sad to say when I took the noodles out of the fridge, they were just mush. Unusable. :( So, I had leftover homemade beef stew while the kids had spaghetti with regular noodles.

    Good 2 mile walk on the treadmill. Still indulged in treats today but good food otherwise.