Serial Starters



  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Of course, leg feels a bit better this morning. But I will still go to the doctor and have the discussion.

    Weight dropped 2 lbs overnight, which means I'm still up 3.8 from last Friday...
  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    It's Wednesday today! Happy hump day!

    I missed a lot of posts yesterday... Spent all of my free time shopping online instead, oops! I ordered a shower curtain, a pair of boots, and a planner. Strange combination of items, but now I will anxiously await all of my packages in the mail.

    Annie- Glad your leg is feeling a little better, but make sure you take care of yourself! Also, don't stress so much about the water weight. It'll come off quickly, and then you'll be even lighter than before :)

    Dawn- You may have to share that muffin recipe! It sounds delicious. Are they low calorie?

    Lana- Wishing you lots of happy thoughts during your last day before chemo, and then lots of good luck tomorrow! You'll kick some butt and you'll do amazingly, I just know it.

    Waves to everyone else- I hope you have a wonderful day. The fall weather is beautiful over here; 55-60 degrees and bright sun, with lots of colorful leaves. So much to be thankful for!

    Numbers for today:
    165- Starting weight
    143- Lowest weight since May
    147- Today
    125- Goal weight
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Happy Wednesday, if that's even possible~

    Didn't follow through and calorie count everything yesterday. S/o's DB came over last night for the debate, and brought tons of snacks with him. Had a beer on top of that, and a piece of cookie dough.. it piles on. Up to 151.4, which could be water weight, but I'm not really sure. Trying again today. I'm in that 'serial starter' section of life again. I want to hit 149.9, but once I get close to any sort of milestone I start sabotaging myself. I've got a problem there.

    I'm lacking total motivation to do anything to better my life besides sleeping and going to work. Only motivation for going to work is not getting fired. I need to get out of this funk, somehow. Maybe I just need to go to bed earlier. Read more books. Scrapbook more. I just get home and watch re-runs of South Park until it's bedtime. I should fix that.

    Hi to everyone, see you on Thursday.

    168- Highest weight ever
    150.2- Lowest weight so far
    151.4- Today's weigh-in
    135- Goal Weight

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    LADIES! There is an important rule here at Serial Starters Beach Club:

    You MUST be kind and supportive and encouraging to yourself and do only positive self-talk, do the best that you can to change the old habits of negative thinking.
    Hug yourself and speak and think only kindness for your mind and your body!

    245.6 - Highest Weight ever
    225.6 - Today, oooops :P
    208.6 - lowest weight achieved with WW & Serial Starters Jan. 1, 2016
    175.0 - goal weight
  • MrsStephHayes
    MrsStephHayes Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi everyone!
    I definitely qualify as a Serial Starter, and I'd love to add some motivational friends on MFP. I was on WW online several years ago, and lost over 30... now I'm up and over that starting weight and on to my highest weight yet. In fact, the numbers I saw on the scale Monday were eye opening! I never thought I'd see it.
    I am setting goals to track everyday & workout 3x per week minimum. It does help to know you aren't the only person on the journey, and friends make logging in much more fun.
    Wishing you all a great Wednesday!

    200 - HWEver
    199 - Today
    140 - Lowest on WW 2010
    140 - Goal
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Well, I saw the doctor. He ordered blood work along with an ultrasound and an x-ray of that bad knee because whether or not I have a blood clot in that leg, I want to deal with this knee. I think I will need physical therapy. I told him I am 44 and have a 6 year old. I need to be able to travel, walk, hike, etc., for a good long while yet. I don't want to be like my mom and grandma who didn't deal with issues and consequently, have become more and more limited in what they can do. I mean, I know age will do some of that to you, but we can do a lot to help ourselves stay fit and active.

    Making better choices today. Told DH we will stay on track this weekend. If I end up limited in walking for awhile, diet will be key. I know it's 80-90% diet, anyway. So, gotta get back to tracking everything!

    I'll let you know when I hear from the doctor.

    Lana - Enjoy your last day before chemo. Sending you extra prayers and blessings.

    Sara - We are in that weird time of year...warm during the day/cool at night. Starting to transition to warmer clothes. Have not turned on the heat yet...maybe this weekend.

    25 - Think positive! I find I get into a funk this time of year...but especially after the holidays. I have to make a concerted effort to exercise and stay on track. I know reading helps me immensely.

    Ammey - I'm in the mood for shopping but trying to tell myself that we are going to do the Dave Ramsey total money makeover to get out of debt which means NO shopping.

    MrsSteph - Welcome!

    Waves to all who follow!

    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    153.9 Today (Grrr - I was 150.0 last Friday.)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member
    edited October 2016
    Welcome to Mrs. Steph!

    Annie - I'm so glad that you saw the doctor and he is checking it all out. A good thing.

    *resuming the position on lounge chair next to Sara and Tillie - will be snoring soon*

  • whereismymthgrd
    whereismymthgrd Posts: 3 Member
    Having a hard time today, y'all.

    I went through a divorce this year, and between that and a stressful work environment, I've ballooned up to the most I've weighed in ten years over the summer. I decided to get back at it (and hard) about two weeks ago, and I've been at the gym every morning at 5am for 8 out of the last 10 days. I've also been tracking my calories like it's my job, and I've been doing a great job.

    Today, I was feeling good enough about everything before my workout, that I decided to get on the scale for the first time in months. I imagined I was around 180, but for some reason, seeing that I was almost 7 lbs higher than I thought I would be was crushing. I'm 28 now, and I'm terrified that I won't be able to lose the weight I've put on.

    Just needing to hear some words of encouragement. Aging is hard. Realizing you're fat is hard. Fixing it is hard. Today has just been hard.

    – A

    197.8: Highest Weight (2007)
    148: Lowest Weight (2013)
    186.6: Current Weight
    150: Goal Weight
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    whereismymthgrd and mrsstepha - welcome and stop by /post when you can.

    WW quote that stuck with me - being fat is hard, being on WW is hard - chose your hard.

    Sending good thoughts for tomorrow Lana.

    At work, will post more when at home.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member

    Hello -A- Welcome!

    Sara is right: Being fat is hard; being on a WW is hard. Choose your hard.

    My lifetimer best friend often says:
    "I will always be in a battle with my weight. Let's do battle as a thin person." .....and so she knuckled down, lost her weight, and 20 years later is still struggling and going through everything I do, except she now happens to be at a healthy goal weight. For some of us, the work will never end.

    We never give up.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Home and ready to drop. Dinner in toaster oven- calzone.

    I felt badly about the choose your hard quote, but it is true -how do you best spend your energy? The saying didnt make sense at first and I thought it was cruel and then as I got on the journey I realized it is a choice how you spend your energy and eat your food.

    Find me soon under Palm Tree with Lana. Snoring optional.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Good news! Ultrasound was negative. No blood clot in my leg! Do not have the results of the knee x-ray yet. Blood test level for clot was elevated, but they said that could be due to inflammation.

    Very glad I got it checked out. Will continue to work with doctor since I'm still in pain.

    Tracked all of my food today! That's an NSV. Need to re-lose these pesky pounds again. Pants are snug. Doctor applauded my losing 25 lbs and keeping them off. He agreed it is an ongoing battle. Time to battle!!!

    Thanks for all of your good thoughts.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I have been in this battle for over 20 years...I get to where I want to be, I'm happy, I start eating...more...and, I'm back up... I've done that more than twice... And, here I am up again, with absolutely zero motivation...other than to check in here.. I don't even log, anymore..and, my willpower is dwindling quickly.. It is all hard..

    Annie- glad no blood clot...hope the pain gets better, soon

    Lana- thinking of you..hope tomorrow goes well as it can

    Sara- hope pup is better.. We are having very similar weather..although, seems cool down might be upon us...high of 65 on Friday..

    Welcome new friends! Waves to Ammey, Sam and everyone else

    Have a great night-
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Annie - great news and nice to be able to show Dr your weight loss!! Most people cant ( I read medical records from time to time to appeal claims).

    Dawn - Start small logging in here is a good anchor, find a new good habit this week to start. Just starting is energy in the right direction.

    Lana - Sending good thoughts. You can do this and you have a good team at your hospital (Starts with M...) - have trust and faith in their expertise. Post when you can and "peep" at us.

    Celebratory breakfast at work, CEO will be there so have to stay - cant eat at desk. Will try and make the best choices I can "think like a thin person".

    Tillie attacking a hot spot on her back leg. Spray for feet will work on hot spots too, will try today. Makes me crazy just watching.

    Oatmeal ready need to scoot.

    Wave to all who follow. Its almost Friday.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale is slowly going down from my weekend of debauchery. I believe I will still have a gain for tomorrow's "official" WI. Good plan for today. Continuing to tell DH (and myself) that we will stay on track this weekend! Would like to see the weight keep going down until the holidays! I will not buy Halloween candy until the last minute.

    Weather took a dramatic turn to being cooler. Was hoping to go longer without turning on the heat. Did not have to this morning but will see what the next few days brings. Cool house makes me want to bake. Must resist! Will perhaps plan a couple of oven meals (hotdishes, etc.) that will warm up the house but not be so tempting like cookies!

    Parents live in Brunswick, GA (southeastern coast of GA) and are in the path of Hurricane Matthew. Mom has their stuff ready should they feel they need to evacuate. It likely will turn and they will just get rain - but hoping not to get the 20 inches she talked about last night!

    Lana - thinking of you today. You are going to do amazing and kick cancer's butt!

    Dawn - I agree with Sara. Checking in here each day helps. Baby steps.

    Sara - I hate when our pets have something bothering them like hot spots. Hard to watch them be uncomfortable. Don't you wish she could just tell you what might help?

    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    152.8 Today (Heading back down after weekend of "fun" - I was 150.0 last Friday.)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight

    Have a good day.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,891 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning to All!~

    I quickly read through......
    Annie - glad no clot!
    Sara - gah! The CEO!? Oy. My sister speaks of CEOs. Like unknowing creatures from a different swamp than the swamp they are the CEO of......

    *****DAWN****** If you lack all motivation, try ONE thing: Shop only healthy food for your Safe House. All treats are bought and eaten out of the house. I understand what complete lack of motivation can be. Hang in there - hang onto US! The pendulum will swing the other way eventually! "Be HERE, Aloha!"

    Waves to all who follow - Welcome to anyone new here

  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Gooooood Thursday, all!

    Feeling a bit better than yesterday. Forced myself to log everything at the end of the day, and was brutally honest about it. Not as bad as I thought it would be! Weight is still up .4lbs from my last 'official' weigh-in, but I'll try to bring that down before my next. Went to the craft store and got 12 yards of fabric to start on my project of building the puppy a teepee to 'bury' her bones in! I just have to make sure it's big enough for her. Hoping to use that project as a distraction during this weekend.

    Annie- Congrats on the 25lb loss, and glad you don't have a clot! Hope you find out the true cause soon.
    Best of luck to everyone in the path of Matthew. Stay safe.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Update - my parents decided to book a hotel room and get on the road when a voluntary evacuation was announced for their area. They were on the road about an hour when the evacuation was changed to mandatory!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Annie - so glad to read your post about your parents leaving while they could and safely. Imagine how much harder it would be to find lodging etc if you wait too long.... Hope they are doing well.

    Dinner in toaster oven. Will post a little more later.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thank you ladies for the words of encouragement... I have been trying to make better food choices, or at the very least, eat less.
    I don't eat a lot of treats at home... What I do eat, I share with BF..although, it is getting more difficult as holidays are coming...I am proud of myself the last cpl days at work, tho... Instead of going to the candy bucket, I've been eating grapes...and, its not really bothering me, even watching everyone eating chocolate...

    Annie- so glad yer parents are safe. I would be terrified...

    Sam- that sounds like a super fun project! Good luck with it

    Waves to all! CBL
