Serial Starters



  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member

    Thought I wasn't going to log today, and then had a brutally honest moment with myself and logged everything I've eaten. Still not too bad. Yesterday I was totally under my goal, so it looks like I'm back on track, for now. Not much else is going on. Going to re-arrange the bedroom tonight, try to get some new perspective. Has anyone else had trouble getting a bedroom to feel room-y? This is the first time I've dealt with that. It's very odd.

    Have a great day, all!
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Good intentions but DH dragged me off track at lunch. Plan to eat very lightly the remainder of the day.

    Did not have the energy to get on the treadmill at 9 o'clock last night after I finally got the kids in bed. My leg was aching and I was really in a sad kind of funk. Hoping tonight might be better. Either way, I've got to kick myself in the butt and get down there and walk. I know I feel better when I walk, even though I know diet is 80-90% of weight loss and exercise is only 10-20%.

    It's the last week of DD's volleyball. I'm ready for a break from running around to games after work. :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Crawling into Hammock under Lana's Palm Tree. Long day at work.

    Snapping fingers to get new cb's in gear. Must train them better.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Eating = not so great. But I did get in a 2 mile walk on the treadmill with zero pain in my leg. (took it slightly slower than I would like). 11,720 steps today according to my FitBit.

    DD had a good volleyball game where one of her serves actually made it over the net and she scored a point!

    DH arrived home earlier than expected and was able to help with homework which helped me get my walk in. Much happier night at my house in comparison to last night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning,

    Took morning off starting with a new Dentist. When filling out paperwork and I needed the former dentist phone number, found out my dentist is no longer there, 2 reasons not to go back.....

    Windows updating on my computer again.....needs to get done.

    Dog is taken care of, back for a little more sleep. Shower, dog walk and then 2 hours of I dont know. Knitting with any luck.

    Lana - how are you doing? Annie - glad last night was not so rough. Ammey - do you dance with her to practice at home? Jen has gone adrift - drop in when you get back. Wave to all who stop by today.

    Will pop by before dentist.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Hello All~~

    I think I turned a corner with the bad side effects of this cycle of chemo.
    I did not know about such a downward slope. My nurse said Sunday would be the worst day, but for me it was a continuous downward decline until Monday bottoming out and Tuesday, which was the worst day.

    I’m hoping to get outside a bit today.

    So sorry I've been remiss in commenting on your posts.

    Just so you know I have been tracking everything on MFP, and I am getting all of my protein and nutrition, running over my daily calories.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Just so you know I have been tracking everything on MFP

    At least you are tracking. I was thinking of you this morning Lana as I was making my oatmeal. I have made barley porridge in my crockpot before - set it up and ran overnight. A bag of barley is not as heavy to tote as a cylinder of rolled oats. Just a thought.

    Leaving in an hour for dentist so morning snack before hand.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Sara - I live in the tiny studio, so my kitchen counter is 36" wide, 24" deep, and on is the stationary cutting board my father made me. It is Booz quality but most importantly: it is 4 inches high, and brings most of the counter up to my too-tall height. There is also a toaster, a festive bowl full of colorful measuring cups and spoons. The blender is there, and there is zero room for a slow cooker, so I have never had one. The cabinets or lack thereof match the counter in size.

    So for me oatmeal, when it happens, happens on the stove in my happy eggplant colored LeCreuset little pot my sister gave me.

    Lastly, Sara, I suppose I should purchase some oatmeal and actually have it in the house, right? LOL

    I hope things go well for you at the dentist. Send up a flare when you return~~

  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited October 2016
    No it's never our first rodeo! lol Pay off the mortgage debt (body fat), then manage the check book for the rest of your life. I don't care if it's called calories, macros, points, portions, meal plans, carbons.. manage the food energy and keep your awareness and it's just like finances. We don't get to spend with wild abandon without repercussions. We got this!!!! RAWWRRRR!
  • yaldaash
    yaldaash Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm new-ish. I have been on fitness pal for a few months but I haven't really gotten around to the discussion boards until now. I think a bit of support would help! I guess I would say I'm a serial diet-er my whole life really. I'm pretty disciplined when I want to be. I just lost 6 lbs in two months. Looking to get my motivation going because I'm engaged!! I need more MFP friends add me! If you also have Hashimoto's or hypothyroid that's a plus because I have Hashimoto's!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Aiming for brain dead, butt kicker day at work, so short note.

    Californiagirl and Yaldaash - welcome!

    Lana - can you make more than one serving of oatmeal in your wonderful pot?? If so that makes the work half as bad.

    Crawling to the hammock under Lana's Palm Tree with Miss Tillie. Snapping fingers for foot massages and poetry reading......

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Sara - I make 4 serving in the pot. I love it, but during the summer I ran out of the Trader Joe's steel cut oats. Hoping to have more energy in a few days to go on an expedition to that store.

    Welcome to new folks......
    See you all tomorrow.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning!

    Got up a little early, maybe more sleep before dog walk.

    Flu shot at work today. Teeth cleaning tomorrow at dentist. Best chance of rain is tomorrow, so I shall find out very quickly how the windshield wipers work in the car. Just tired of all the appointments, but needs to get done.

    Trying to think of meal ideas for next week and brain is a blank. Imagine me as a cartoon with the "bubble" for words being empty. Lets hope that is not long suffering.

    Wishing all a great Thursday
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    *tossing towel and beach bag onto favorite lounge chair*


  • Ammey68
    Ammey68 Posts: 65 Member
    Good morning, and hello to all the newbies!

    I had an AWESOME day yesterday with my calories. I was good at work (which is unusual), I had a HUGE dinner of chicken breast/veggies/potatoes, and still ended up a little bit under my goal. Hopefully it'll give me motivation to be good today too! I've really been enjoying tea lately, which makes me less likely to snack on dumb items, and I can have yummy flavors for 0 calories. I even bought pumpkin spice :)

    Another recent win: A few days ago, I started my own bullet journal. I'm basically making my own homemade journal with a lot of doodles, artwork, and fun things for organization. I have worked on it the last couple nights while I've watched TV, which also cuts down on snacks.

    Trying to lose the last bit of weight that I can before my trip. Half so that I can impress my friend (last time she saw me I was at my highest weight), and half so that I can treat myself a little bit more during the trip.

    Numbers for today:
    165.4: Starting weight & also highest weight ever
    145.0: Today's weight
    143: Lowest weight since starting
    125: Pre-baby weight/Goal weight
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    I can't believe I never posted yesterday. I know I logged in and read posts a couple of times. It was a busy day.

    I've been wimping out on facing the scale again this week. Haven't been all that bad but last weekend wasn't stellar. Planning to do better this weekend. Meals today will be an egg for breakfast, leftover white chicken chili for lunch and probably for supper, too. The kids want hot dogs and mac & cheese for supper, which I won't eat.

    Will have a busy night tonight. DD leaves tomorrow after school for a weekend church retreat at our Bible camp. I need to go to Target and get her some decent winter pajamas. She'll also need a little cash. And then I need to help her get packed up. Of course, we'll have the normal homework/showers/etc. It's the last day of volleyball and I'm looking forward to a break!!! No running to games after work!

    This weekend is Family Weekend at college. DS only wanted us to come out on Saturday, saying he had plans on Friday night and wasn't sure about Sunday (although Sunday would have only been brunch, anyway.) So, yesterday I bought tickets for the lunch on Saturday and then a show at the theatre on Saturday night...only to have him text me that he was wrong about his plans with his friends and they are getting together on Saturday night, NOT Friday night. At least his ticket to the show was only $10. I guess we'll have a space between us and the next people in the row. Now he's saying Friday night is open. There wasn't a lot going on that night either...but maybe we'll take him out for supper?


  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Didn't check in yesterday, didn't log anything. A weird fog came over me that made it too much. Taking things slower today. Ended up going to urgent care because of a third day of dizziness. Doctor was convinced I was pregnant, and when that came back negative (like I knew it would, and told her it would, but I digress), she told me it was leftover effects from that awful cold I had and tried to get me to do an EKG. When I refused she prescribed me dramamine. My body doesn't react well to dramamine, but I said nothing just to get out of there faster. I'd rather just be dizzy for another day or two. She was completely full of it, bless her heart.

    I'm grateful everyone else in the office has eaten all the chocolate. To say my self restraint has been wavering around it is an understatement. Hersheys cookies n cream, reeses pumpkins, milk chocolate.. all too good.

    Lana- I hope this passes, at least temporarily, and you find your energy levels rising soon. Best to you.

    Welcome to Californiagirl and Yaldaash!

    Annie- Don't worry, we all have weeks like that. Have a great time at Family Weekend! Hope your son figures out what's actually going on soon :wink:

    I'll check in tomorrow. Time to go fight with Wordpress for a bit longer.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Did not realize how much extra stuff was in my soon to be not mine car. I decided best to clean it out and take one of the screens for the front window on new car..... Will find out tomorrow how well the windshield wipers work tomorrow.... teeth cleaning. Reward for all this medical stuff - is a book vendor who comes by once/twice a year to work and the jewelry vendor who comes next month......

    Dinner in toaster. Had flu shot, usually dont have any after effects so I hope that stays true.

    Ammey - good job yesterday! What is a bullet journal? Annie do the best you can and aim forwards. We dont have much chocolate out - I have enough in my drawer to share, but Sam you listed some really yummy ones.....

    Will hang out with Lana under her Palm Tree and try and get some of the guys to give Miss Tillie extra attention. Her allergies are just rotten. She flirts with them anyway, so I dont think it will be too much to ask the cboys.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited October 2016

    Good morning,

    Hoping for rain, scheduled for a good rain today, little tomorrow and more Sunday and good chance Monday. Allergy sufferers (myself included) are looking forward to cleaner air.

    QOTD: What plans do you have to set up your next food week??

    AOTD: I realized I had run out of my freezer food, so fried rice will be made this weekend. Not sure about the rest though....

    Wishing all a great Friday. Wave to all who follow.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    edited October 2016

    Braved the scale to show a .6 lb loss from last week. Looking back at my history, I have been playing around with the same couple of lbs for a few months. I guess maintaining is better than gaining but I'd like to buckle down and get into the 140s again and maintain there!

    Food this weekend may be questionable as we are eating out at least a couple of times. Will try to make good choices. Hoping to walk a 3 mile loop in the woods to enjoy the fall colors. That will give me some steps!

    Sunday will bring meal planning and grocery shopping. There will be no volleyball next week, so that should allow time for more cooking!

    Make it a great day!


    177.8 Highest Weight Ever
    152.6 Today (down .6 from last week)
    148.8 - lowest weight so far this calendar year, 4/8/16
    145.0 - lowest weight achieved with WW - July 2014
    140.0 - goal weight